
  • Être transformé en compost après sa mort devient légal dans l’État de Washington
    Publié le 22/05/2019

    Les habitants de l’État de Washington (États-Unis) ont désormais un autre choix que l’enterrement classique ou la crémation : une loi va permettre aux défunts d’être transformés en « compost humain », et ainsi retourner littéralement à la terre. Adoptée fin avril par le parlement local, une première aux États-Unis, elle a été promulguée ce 21 mai par Jay Inslee, gouverneur démocrate très progressiste et candidat à l’élection présidentielle de 2020. La mesure doit entrer en vigueur en mai 2020. La société Recompose qui a mis au point le processus de compostage humain prévoit de facturer cet enterrement alternatif 5.500 dollars.

    « La recomposition est naturelle, sûre, durable et permet des économies importantes en matière d’émissions de CO2 et d’utilisation des terres », plaide Katrina Spade, fondatrice de la société Recompose. Il s’agit d’accélérer le processus naturel de décomposition du corps en le plaçant avec de la paille, des copeaux de bois et de la luzerne dans un conteneur, où sont créées les conditions idéales d’humidité et d’oxygénation pour que les bactéries fassent leur travail. Au bout de trente jours, la méthode produit environ un mètre cube d’humus, que les familles pourraient répandre dans leur jardin, voire utiliser pour faire pousser un arbre à la mémoire du défunt. Le procédé est semblable à celui déjà en usage depuis des décennies dans l’agriculture pour transformer les carcasses d’animaux. Il a été testé scientifiquement en 2018 avec l’université de l’État de Washington à l’aide de six corps légués par des volontaires.

  • Upgraded Russian SPY PLANE makes maiden flight over US nuclear & military sites – report — RT World News

    A Russian Air Force Tupolev Tu-214ON at Ramenskoye Airport in Moscow region.
    © Wikipedia / Oleg Belyakov

    A Russian Tu-214ON spy plane has reportedly made a reconnaissance tour over the southwestern US, taking a glimpse at an array of military bases as well as nuclear and chemical weapons depots as part of the #Open_Skies treaty.

    The Drive reported, citing FlightRadar 24 tracking service data, that the newest version of the Tu-214 observation aircraft graced US skies after taking off from Rosecrans Air National Guard Base in St. Joseph, Missouri on Thursday.

    The flight reportedly lasted six hours and saw the surveillance aircraft fly over a series of US defense and storage facilities scattered over the territory of West Texas, New Mexico and Colorado. The plane is reported to have flown over the Kirtland Air Force Base, which hosts the Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center and functions as a nuclear storage site. In Colorado, the plane passed over the Pueblo Chemical Depot, one of the last two sites in the US with chemical munitions and materials.

    The flight itself had been authorized by the US under the Treaty on Open Skies, which allows its signatories to conduct short inspections of each other’s territory. The treaty was signed in 1992, but did not come into force until 2002. The US and Russia are among its 34 members.

    The Russian Defense Ministry has not commented on the details of the mission. Earlier, Sergey Ryzhkov, head of the Russian Center for Reduction of Nuclear Threat, announced that the Tu-214ON would be conducting surveillance from Missouri Airport between 22 April and April 27. Under the treaty, the flight has to be monitored by US specialists on board the plane.

    Washington eventually greenlighted the Tu-214ON flyover after initially refusing to certify the Russian “spy eye,” claiming that its digital surveillance equipment was more advanced than Moscow had declared and might manipulate digital data. After some back-and-forth, the US approved the plane for the flights over its territory in September last year.

    Tu-214ON is an updated version of the regular Tu-214. Its cockpit can fit two more people, which allowed the manufacturer to install more modern electronics. Its range has increased to a reported 6,500km (4,040 miles). The aircraft boasts three sensor arrays that include a digital photo camera, an infrared camera, and a TV camera complete with a sideways-looking synthetic aperture radar.

    • Il y a 2 mois, c’était en sens inverse.

      ‘Sign of good will’: US spy plane carries out 1st observation flights over Russia in 2 years — RT Russia News

      An American OC-135B taxiing to the runway

      On Thursday and Friday, a US spy plane performs observation flights over Russia as part of the Open Skies pact, the first action of the kind in months. It can be also considered a sign of “good will” from Moscow, RT was told.
      The Pentagon has confirmed that an OC-135B plane, fitted with high-resolution cameras and infrared sensors, is indeed performing the flyovers, and that Moscow is fully aware of the action. The flights are the first since November 2017, according to spokesman Lt. Col. Jamie Davis.

      He said Russia is aware of the flight and the American spy plane has six of the country’s military observers on board to ensure the mission goes according to the treaty. The Pentagon did not expand on this, nor did the Russian military comment on it.

      Moscow “is demonstrating goodwill” quite apart from treaty obligations by allowing an American plane in its airspace despite major strains in relations, Konstantin Sivkov, a military expert and retired navy officer, told RT. The US is unlikely to stick to the treaty for very long, as accords like this are seen as unnecessary restraints in Washington, he believes.

      The Open Skies Treaty, a crucial multinational accord that allows signatories to perform mutual surveillance flights, has recently been placed in jeopardy by US lawmakers. In August of last year, Congress suspended US-Russia ties under the pact, citing alleged violations by Moscow. The latter denied all of the claims.

      Separately, Washington also curbed funding for any modifications to America’s own surveillance planes. Technical glitches on the ageing US Open Skies aircraft have left the country unable to carry out its missions over Russia. In 2017, only 13 of the 16 missions were actually flown.

      The OC-135B, specifically built for Open Skies missions in 1993, is based up the OC-135 Stratolifter cargo plane. It seats 35, including cockpit crew, aircraft maintenance staff, and foreign observers.

      Russia uses the Tu-214 ON and the Tu-154 ON derived from civilian versions of Tupolev airliners. The former was finally cleared for Open Skies flights over the US last year after months of political flip-flops and media frenzy, with numerous publications claiming Russia benefits too much from the Open Skies initiative.

    • L’article original de The Drive cité par RT

      Russia’s New Surveillance Plane Just Flew Over Two Of America’s Top Nuclear Labs - The Drive

      The route across Los Alamos National Laboratory.

      One Russia’s two Tu-214ON aircraft has conducted what appears to be its first-ever flight over the United States under the Open Skies Treaty. This agreement allows member states to conduct aerial surveillance missions, with certain limitations in hardware and in the presence of monitors from the surveilled country, over each other’s territory. Today’s sortie took the Russian plane over parts of West Texas, through New Mexico, and into Colorado, including overflights of Fort Bliss, White Sands Missile Range, Sandia and Los Alamos National Laboratories, and finally hitting up the Pueblo Chemical Depot.

      et photos aériennes des différentes bases et sites avec trajectoire de l’avion de reconnaissance.

    • RF-64525 is set to depart Rosecrans at around 12:30 PM on Apr. 26, 2019 for another mission over areas of Colorado and Nebraska. This could take it over a number of other strategic sites, such as Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha and the Cheyenne Mountain Complex bunker outside Colorado Springs.

      The plane is then scheduled to head back to Russia on Apr. 27, 2019, but with Open Skies back in full swing, we could easily be seeing one of the Kremlin’s surveillance planes come back later in the year for another visit.

  • Washington : les prisonniers américains désormais privés de lecture

    Alors que les études confirme le fait que la lecture de roman permet de développer l’empathie, voici une excellente politique à long terme. Comme toujours, les questions « budgétaires » servent à détruire du lien social et la construction réelle d’un futur vivable. Mais le budget, c’est tous les ans, n’est-ce pas ?

    C’est en toute discrétion que le Département de l’administration pénitentiaire de l’État de Washington (États-Unis) a adopté une nouvelle politique en mars 2019, visant à interdire le don de livres à des prisonniers via des organisations à but non lucratif. N’ayant pas été mise au courant, l’association Books to Prisoners, qui distribue des livres aux prisonniers depuis le début des années 1970, se dit « prêt à combattre » cette décision. Le Département assure pourtant avoir mis en ligne un communiqué sur leur site à ce propos.

    (Photo d’illustration : sammisreachers - Pixabay License)

    Un sous-effectif dans les salles de courrier

    L’une des raisons principales évoquées pour ce changement est le manque de personnel dans les salles de courrier. Avec un effectif restreint, il serait impossible de vérifier correctement le matériel envoyé aux prisonniers, qui pourrait cacher des produits de contrebande.

    Par conséquent, cette nouvelle politique limite les livres acceptés par la Washington State Library (WSL), l’organisme gouvernemental chargé de distribuer des collections de livres dans les prisons et les hôpitaux psychiatriques américains. Elle utilisait notamment des livres de la bibliothèque de la ville de Monroe (Washington), destinés pour la plupart aux établissements correctionnels du comté de Snohomoish et à ceux achetés par les prisonniers inscrits au préalable à des librairies de leur quartier.

    De plus, la Washington State Library (WSL) ne disposerait plus de fonds ou de ressources supplémentaires afin de continuer cette mission. Interrogés par le Book Riot à ce propos, les membres de l’association Books for Prisoners assurent avoir parlé aux membres de la WSL et confirment les rumeurs : « Ils ne disposent ni d’employés spéciaux ni de procédures de contrôle, et ils ne peuvent pas recruter du personnel supplémentaire car ils ne reçoivent pas d’argent pour faire face à l’afflux de livres. La politique les utilise comme un pion. »

    L’association souligne également qu’une telle décision pourrait limiter de manière considérable l’accès à la littérature pour les personnes incarcérées.

    12.000 prisonniers potentiellement privés de lecture

    Books to Prisoners envoie des livres gratuits à des prisonniers de tout le pays depuis 1973. Ils notent dans un tweet que « des tentatives d’interdiction arrivent parfois, comme tout récemment par le Département de l’administration pénitentiaire de Pennsylvanie en 2018, toujours en utilisant la même excuse approximative concernant la "sécurité". En 45 ans, nos livres n’ont jamais eu de contrebande ».

    « Étant donné que nous envoyons des livres sans numéro depuis 1973 et que nous sommes actuellement en contact avec 12.000 prisonniers dans presque tous les États du pays, il serait déconcertant, après 46 ans de travail en tant qu’organisation à but non lucratif primée, que nous ayons décidé de commencer à envoyer des produits de contrebande », a ajouté l’association.

    Des manuscrits écrits en
    prison exposés à la BnF

    Une pétition contre la nouvelle politique a été lancée le 31 mars 2019 par l’association américaine et aurait récolté à ce jour au moins 5000 signatures.

    D’autres États américains, dont New York, avaient déjà mis en place des interdictions similaires par le passé et ont réussi à être levés, notamment grâce à l’intervention de l’Union américaine pour les libertés civiles (ACLU). Le but de cette dernière est de veiller à ce que les prisonniers aient accès à la littérature et l’éducation malgré leur incarcération.

    #Lecture #Prisons

  • Boeing réduit la production de ses 737 MAX

    Des Boeing 737 MAX stockés sur une piste de Boeing, à Renton, dans l’Etat de Washington, le 21 mars 2019.

    Après deux accidents dans des circonstances similaires qui ont fait 346 morts à quelques mois d’intervalle, Dennis Muilenburg, le PDG de Boeing a annoncé, vendredi 5 avril, que le constructeur allait réduire de près de 20 % la production de son 737 MAX. Elle va passer de 52 appareils par mois à 42. Un comité va également passer en revue les procédés de conception et de développement des appareils, précise le communiqué.

    • merci @odilon

      Une proportion importante des nouveaux avions est ‘autocertifiée’ par les constructeurs”, explique Xavier Tytelman. “Un certain nombre de choses n’ont en effet pas besoin d’être vérifiées ou validées : par exemple, tous les systèmes déjà certifiés et réutilisés dans un nouvel avion (manettes de gaz, sortie des volets, etc. Du moment qu’ils ont été validés sur un appareil précédent)”.

      Par contre, les évolutions et les innovations doivent faire l’objet d’une certification supplémentaire de la part des autorités de régulation : les nouveaux capteurs, les nouvelles commandes de vol, les nouvelles lois de vol" (qui protègent l’avion, y compris des actions des pilotes, afin de le maintenir en vol stable).

      C’est quelque part entre ces deux paragraphes que se situe l’origine des défaillances. Boeing a fait passer une modification des «  lois de vol  » pour une modification mineure et, en conséquence, c’est comme dit l’expert autocertifié.

      C’est ce système [le MCAS], que n’ont pas su désactiver les pilotes, qui serait à l’origine des crashs de Lion Air et de Ethiopian Airlines.

      Pour Ethiopian, il semblerait que les pilotes aient désactivé le système puis l’aient réenclenché.

  • KEI letter to US DOJ, opposing IBM acquisition of Red Hat | Knowledge Ecology International

    Très intéressant sur les relations Logiciels libres et grandes entreprises. Utiliser le LL comme cheval de Troie pour renforcer des services spécifiques... brisant la confiance et la neutralité du libre. L’inverse de ce que décrit « Des routes et des ponts » sur les partenariats communs-privés.

    The following was sent to US DOJ today, to express KEI’s opposition to the IBM acquisition of Red Hat.

    13 March 2019

    Bindi R. Bhagat
    U.S. Department of Justice
    Antitrust Division
    Technology and Financial Services Section

    Dear Ms. Bhagat,

    Thank you for taking our call today, regarding the International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) effort to buy Red Hat, Inc. As discussed, Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) is opposed to IBM acquiring Red Hat.

    At present, Red Hat controls the most important Linux distribution for Internet and cloud servers.

    The important metrics in this area include, but are not limited to, the share of Internet traffic supported by Red Hat server installations, as well as the revenue that Red Hat realizes for maintaining and customizing Linux server software, compared to other Linux server distribution companies or organizations.

    Red Hat is an important contributor to the Linux kernel and to the code that is used in many elements in the broader GNU/Linux platform of free software programs that are used by server platforms, including the many non-Red Hat Linux distributions.

    IBM is proposing to pay a large premium for Red Hat. Prior to the acquisition offer, Red Hat was valued at approximately $20.5 billion. IBM is proposing to buy Red Hat for $34 billion, a premium of about 67 percent of the previous value.

    IBM could have invested in Red Hat stock at a much lower price, if the objective was simply to share in the expected profits of Red Hat, continuing its current business offerings. What IBM gains from its acquisition of Red Hat is control, and the ability to shape the direction of its software development efforts, to favor IBM’s own cloud services.

    Today Red Hat is considered a neutral partner for many companies offering or developing cloud services. If IBM acquires Red Hat, the trust in Red Hat will be eroded, and IBM will have powerful incentives to influence Red Hat’s software development efforts towards providing special functionality and benefits to IBM and the IBM cloud services, and even to degrade the functionality of services to companies that compete directly with IBM, or fail to buy services from IBM.

    The Department of Justice (DOJ) should consider the impact of the merger on the incentives that Red Hat will have, post merger, to undermine competition and degrade the benefits of a more level playing field, for this critical Internet resource and platform.

    Our concerns are shaped to some degree by the detrimental decision made by the DOJ in approving the Oracle acquisition of Sun Computer’s open source assets, including the MySQL database program. At the time, DOJ viewed the MySQL software as unimportant, because the revenues were small, relative to other database programs. Most users of MySQL did not pay any fees to use the software. Our organization, KEI, used MySQL to support our Joomla, Drupal and WordPress content management systems, and did not pay fees to Sun Computer, along with countless other businesses, non-profit organizations and individuals who also used the free version. We were concerned, at the time, that Oracle would degrade and slow the development of the capacities of MySQL, in order to protect Oracle’s very expensive proprietary database services. We believe that our concerns about Oracle have unfortunately been borne out, by the blunting of the rate of innovation and ambition for MySQL, the fact that Open Office (another program gained in the acquisition of Sun Computers) is no longer an important free software client for office productivity, and Oracle’s aggressive litigation over copyright and patent claims related to Java.

    The DOJ might consider conditions on the merger that would provide greater assurances that Red Hat will not be used to create an unlevel playing field that favors IBM’s own cloud services. We are willing to suggest such conditions, relating to governance, licensing and other issues. For example, the DOJ could require IBM to show how it will ensure the continued policy of ensuring that Red Hat’s patents are only used for defensive purposes. Conditions on this issue should be durable, and avoid predictable loopholes.

    IBM’s competitors and existing customers of Red Hat will have more informed suggestions as to specific conditions that would protect IBM’s competitors. But overall, the best decision would be to reject the merger, on the grounds that is is fundamentally designed to create an unlevel playing field.

    Red Hat is not just another technology company. It is one of the main reasons the Internet functions as well as it does.


    James Love
    Knowledge Ecology International (KEI)
    1621 Connecticut Avenue, Suite 500
    Washington, DC 20009

    #Communs #Logiciels_libres #Red_Hat #IBM

  • Wash Out Must Sell 116,000 Washings per Month For Its €5M Valuation

    Wash Out Must Wash 116,000 Cars per Month For Its €5M ValuationItalian #startup Wash Out washes cars for car owners for an average of €21.90 per washing (including VAT, complete washing medium car).EconomyUp reports that Wash Out just raised €1 million from Telepass.ValuationAssume, based on comparable deals, that Wash Out sold a 20% equity stake in their company to Telepass.Valuation = investment / equity stake sold.Then Wash Out is valued at €1 million / 20% = €5 million post-money.ExitAssume, based on comparable deals, that Telepass wants to make 15x on their investment.Exit value = valuation money multiple.Then Wash Out’s €5 million valuation requires a €5 million 15 = €75 million exit value.To simplify, this ignores dilution. To make 15x with 50% dilution, the €5 million valuation (...)

    #fundraising #founders #startup-valuation #venture-capital

  • The early work of groundbreaking photojournalist Gordon Parks – in pictures

    Washington DC Government Charwoman, July 1942

    Photograph: Gordon Parks/Courtesy The Gordon Parks Foundation, National Gallery of Art, Washington and Library of Congress, Washington

  • In latest attack on intelligence agencies, Trump ignores where they actually agree - The Washington Post

    Triggering the president’s rage was an annual congressional hearing on global security threats, a routine event at which intelligence agency heads testified that #Iran, while still a global menace, is complying with an international agreement designed to prevent the country from acquiring nuclear weapons. Trump ridiculed that assessment and the intelligence leaders themselves.

    “The Intelligence people seem to be extremely passive and naive when it comes to the dangers of Iran. They are wrong!” Trump wrote on Twitter. “. . . They are testing Rockets (last week) and more, and are coming very close to the edge. There [sic] economy is now crashing, which is the only thing holding them back. Be careful of Iran.”

    Trump added: “Perhaps Intelligence should go back to school!”


    • Donald Trump accuse le renseignement américain d’être « naïf » à propos de l’Iran

      « Les membres des services de renseignement semblent être extrêmement passifs et naïfs concernant les dangers que représente l’Iran. Ils ont tort ! », a tweeté Donald Trump au lendemain des témoignages devant le Sénat de Gina Haspel, la directrice de la CIA, et de Dan Coats, le directeur du renseignement, qui dressaient le tableau annuel des grandes menaces mondiales.

      Selon Gina Haspel, l’Iran respecte toujours « techniquement » l’accord conclu en 2015 avec les grandes puissances pour l’empêcher de se doter de la bombe atomique, dont les Etats-Unis se sont retirés l’an dernier comme l’avait promis Donald Trump pendant sa campagne.

      Et si les Iraniens envisagent de « prendre leurs distances » avec ce texte, c’est, a-t-elle noté, en raison de l’absence de retombées économiques, Washington ayant rétabli des #sanctions draconiennes contre Téhéran après son retrait, qui avait suscité la colère des alliés européens des Etats-Unis.

  • January 10 strike date set for 33,000 Los Angeles teachers - World Socialist Web Site

    Le gouvernement des États Unis est en train de remplacer l’école publique par des charter schools privées. Les enseignants et parents d’élèves mènent un mouvement de résistance contre le démantèlement de l’institution publique.

    Last week, the United Teachers of Los Angeles (UTLA) announced that it had set a strike date of January 10 for 33,000 teachers after failing to reach an agreement with the district after more than 18 months of negotiations.

    The announcement came a few days after as many as 50,000 educators and their supporters marched in the nation’s second largest school district to demand increased wages, a reduction in class sizes and the hiring of nurses and other critical staff. Teachers in Oakland, Fremont and other California cities are also pressing for strike action as part of the resumption of teachers’ strikes, which saw statewide walkouts earlier this year in West Virginia, Oklahoma, Arizona and other states.

    Virginia teachers plan statewide protest to demand school funding - World Socialist Web Site

    The teachers’ movement that began last February in West Virginia—spreading to Kentucky, Oklahoma, Arizona, Colorado, North and South Carolina and Washington state—is clearly expanding in the face of the continued assault on public education. Charter school teachers have joined the growing number of walkouts as well, with a recent strike against Acero in Chicago.

    Meeting on Oakland school closure expresses hostility to attacks on public education - World Socialist Web Site

    Last Tuesday, over 150 parents, students, educators and community members attended a public meeting to protest the planned closure of Roots International Academy, a middle school that serves low-income youth in East Oakland, California. After listening to district representatives attempt to justify the closure, numerous attendees spoke out forcefully against it and in favor of expanding public education funding and resources.

    Roots is one of 24 public schools in Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) that are slated to be closed or merged with other public schools over the next five years as part of the district’s and state’s savage assault on public education, which includes district budget cuts of $60 million over the next two years. All 24 schools slated for closure or merger are located in the “flatlands” regions of East and West Oakland, where poverty and crime are far more prevalent than in the rest of the city.

    In response to this unprecedented attack on education in Oakland, the city’s working class residents are beginning to mobilize. Among Oakland teachers, who have been working without a contract since July 2017, there is growing sentiment for a statewide teachers strike to unite with Los Angeles teachers, who last week announced that they will begin striking on January 10.

    Two weeks ago, roughly 100 Oakland teachers engaged in a wildcat “sickout” strike, largely out of frustration over the stalled negotiations and lack of initiative from the Oakland Education Association (OEA) teachers union.

    #USA #éducation #privatisation

  • Is Saudi Arabia repaying Trump for Khashoggi by attacking Linda Sarsour?

    A Saudi-owned website considered close to the royal family claimed that Sarsour, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib are agents of Qatar and the Muslim Brotherhood who declared a ’jihad’ on Trump

    Allison Kaplan Sommer
    Dec 10, 2018

    There is nothing earth-shattering about seeing Women’s March leader and Arab-American activist Linda Sarsour criticized as a dangerous Islamist by the conservative right and pro-Israel advocates in the United States. But the latest attack on the activist comes from a new and somewhat surprising source: Saudi Arabia.
    Al Arabiya, a Saudi-owned, pan-Arab news channel closely linked to the country’s royal family and widely viewed as reflecting Saudi foreign policy, published an article Sunday strongly suggesting that Sarsour and two incoming Muslim congresswomen are puppets planted by the Muslim Brotherhood and Qatar to undermine the Trump administration.
    The feature, which profiles Sarsour, seems to cast her as the latest proxy figure in the kingdom’s bitter dispute with Qatar, and its bid to strengthen ties and curry favor with the White House.
    It also focused on two Democratic politicians whom Sarsour actively campaigned for in the 2018 midterms: Minnesota’s Ilhan Omar and Michigan’s Rashida Tlaib, who are set to be the first-ever Muslim congresswomen when the House reconvenes in January.

    The Al Arabiya story on Linda Sarsour’s links to the Muslim Brotherhood, December 9, 2018.Screengrab
    Headlined “Details of calls to attack Trump by US ‘Muslim Sisters’ allied to Brotherhood,” the article is light on actual details but heavy on insinuation.
    Activists like Sarsour, and politicians like Tlaib and Omar, the Saudi publication wrote, are “mujahideen” (a term used to describe those involved in jihad) – fighting against “tyrants and opponents of Trump’s foreign policies.”

    The story says the policies they are fighting include “the siege of Iran, the fight against political Islam groups, and [Trump’s] choice of Saudi Arabia under the leadership of King Salman bin Abdulaziz and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman as a strategic ally.”
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    Tlaib and Omar, Al Arabiya asserts, are agents designed to “restore” control of political Islamist movements on the U.S. government by attacking Trump. The article says this effort is being directed by Sarsour – who, it writes, is purportedly funded and controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood - a claim it fails to provide any clear basis for.
    Tamara Cofman Wittes, a senior fellow in the Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, Washington, says it should come as little surprise to those familiar with the region that “a state-owned Arabic news outlet would publish conspiracy theories about people whose views don’t accord with those of the government that funds it.”
    Al Arabiya, based in Dubai, but Saudi-owned, was founded in 2002 as a counter to Qatar’s popular Al Jazeera TV station – which frequently runs material sharply critical of the Saudis – as well as other Arabic media outlets critical of Saudi influence and supportive of political Islam.
    The article comes as rivalry between Saudi Arabia and Qatar has heated up in recent times, with Qatar’s emir skipping this weekend’s Gulf Cooperation Council summit hosted by Saudi Arabia, which has led a diplomatic war on its neighbor for the past 18 months.
    Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and non-GCC member Egypt cut diplomatic and economic ties with Qatar in June 2017, charging that the country supports terrorism. Qatar denies the charges and says the Saudi boycott aims to curtail its sovereignty. Last week, the Gulf nation announced it was withdrawing from the OPEC oil cartel.
    Islamists vs Islamists
    “Democrats’ battle against the Republican control of the U.S. Congress led to an alliance with political Islamist movements in order to restore their control on government, pushing Muslim candidates and women activists of immigrant minorities onto the electoral scene,” the report states.
    The “common ground” between Omar and Tlaib, the article adds, is to battle Trump’s foreign policy “starting from the sanctions on Iran to the isolation of the Muslim Brotherhood and all movements of political Islam. Those sponsoring and supporting the two Muslim women to reach the U.S. Congress adopted a tactic to infiltrate through their immigrant and black minority communities in general, and women’s groups in particular.
    The article ties Sarsour to Qatar and the Muslim Brotherhood through multiple associations with the Arab American Association of New York, which “was created by Palestinian Ahmed Jaber, a member of the Qatar International Foundation responsible for funding the association,” and also her attendance at an annual meeting of the International Network of Muslim Brotherhood in North America and Canada in 2016.
    The article compares Sarsour’s rhetoric to that “used by Muslim Brotherhood teachings and in the views of Sayyid Qutb, a scholar and co-founder of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, as well as from Abul A’la Maududi’s books ‘Islam and Ignorance’ and ‘Fundamentals of Islam.’
    “From all that is mentioned, we can touch the influence of Muslim Brotherhood in shaping the thoughts of American activist Linda Sarsour and consequently her declaring her ‘jihad’ against U.S. President Donald Trump, in addition to her call for the application of ‘Sharia,’ the rule of Islam in the United States of America,” the piece asserts.
    No one knows for sure whether Al Arabiya received direct orders from the Saudi government to attack Sarsour, Tlaib, Omar and other politically active Muslim women on the American left.
    Those familiar with Middle East media say conspiracy-minded attacks against figures in American politics aren’t particularly unusual in Arabic,
    but what is unique about this article is the fact it appeared in English on the network’s website.
    It seems to be a highly creative attempt to somehow repay the Trump White House as it deals with the fallout from the Jamal Khashoggi assassination. As Trump continues to take heat for staying close to the Saudis, they, in turn, are demonstrating their loyalty with their willingness to vilify people who were President Barack Obama’s supporters and are now Trump’s political enemies – even if they wear a hijab.

    Allison Kaplan Sommer
    Haaretz Correspondent

  • Chicago Tribune - We are currently unavailable in your region

    In 1924, French writer Andre Malraux was arrested and imprisoned when he removed nearly a ton of stone carvings and ornaments from a temple in the remote Cambodian jungle and trundled them away in

    Unfortunately, our website is currently unavailable in most European countries. We are engaged on the issue and committed to looking at options that support our full range of digital offerings to the EU market. We continue to identify technical compliance solutions that will provide all readers with our award-winning journalism.

    #Malraux #pillage #internet_restreint #TOR_is_love

      New York Times News ServiceCHICAGO TRIBUNE

      January 5, 1997 Phnom Penh

      In 1924, French writer Andre Malraux was arrested and imprisoned when he removed nearly a ton of stone carvings and ornaments from a temple in the remote Cambodian jungle and trundled them away in oxcarts.

      In 1980, starving refugees fleeing the terrors of the Khmer Rouge arrived at the border with Thailand lugging stone heads lopped from temple statues and ornate silverwork looted from museums.

      Today the looting continues, from hundreds of temples and archaeological sites scattered through the jungles of this often-lawless country, sometimes organized by smuggling syndicates and abetted by antique dealers in Thailand and elsewhere.

      Entire temple walls covered with bas-relief are hacked into chunks and trucked away by thieves. Villagers sell ancient pottery for pennies. Armed bands have attacked monks at remote temples to loot their treasures and have twice raided the conservation office at the temple complex of Angkor.

      But the tide is slowly beginning to turn. With the Cambodian government beginning a campaign to seek the return of the country’s treasures, and with cooperation from curators and customs agents abroad, 1996 was a significant year for the recovery of artifacts.

      Fifteen objects have come home, in three separate shipments from three continents, raising hopes that some of the more significant artifacts may be returned.

      In July, the U.S. returned a small head of the god Shiva that had been seized by Customs in San Francisco. Cambodia is a largely Buddhist nation, but over the centuries its history and its art have seen successive overlays of Buddhist and Hindu influences. At some temples, statues of Buddha mingle with those of the Hindu deities, Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu.

      In September, the Thai government returned 13 large stone carvings, some up to 800 years old, that had been confiscated by Thai police from an antique shop in Bangkok in 1990. Thai officials said the return was a gesture of good will meant to combat that country’s image as a center of antique trafficking.

      And in December, a British couple returned a stone Brahma head that they had bought at auction. Its Cambodian origin was confirmed by a list, published by UNESCO, of 100 artifacts that had disappeared from an inventory compiled in the 1960s.

      In addition, Sebastien Cavalier, a UNESCO representative here, said he was expecting the return as early as next month of a 10th Century Angkorean head of Shiva that is now in the Metropolitan Museum in New York.

      Six bronze pieces sent to the Guimet Museum in Paris for cleaning and safekeeping in the 1970s could also be returned in the coming months, he said.

      Now with the launching in January of a major traveling exhibition of Khmer artifacts—to Paris, Washington, Tokyo and Osaka— accompanied by an updated catalog of some of Cambodia’s missing treasures, Cavalier said he hopes the returns will accelerate.

      The exhibit will be on display in Paris from Jan. 31 to May 26, at the National Gallery in Washington from June 30 to Sept. 28, and in Japan from Oct. 28 to March 22, 1998.

      But the pillage of artifacts continues at a far greater pace than the returns.

      Government control remains tenuous in much of Cambodia and the Ministry of Culture has little money for the protection of antiquities. There is little check on armed groups and corrupt officials throughout the countryside, where hundreds of temples remain unused and unguarded or overgrown with jungle.

      Truckloads of treasures regularly pass through military checkpoints into Thailand, art experts say. Heavy stone artifacts are towed in fishing nets to cargo ships off the southern coast. In Thailand, skilled artisans repair or copy damaged objects and certificates of authenticity are forged.

      Most of Cambodia’s artistic patrimony remains uncatalogued, and Cavalier said there was no way to know the full extent of what had already been stolen over the last decades, or what remained scattered around the country.

  • CppCon 2018: Modern C++ Design

    Titus Winters and Modern C++

    By Tom Manshreck, Abseil Tech Writer

    CppCon 2018 was held in Bellevue, WA at the end of September.

    C++ has changed a lot since the transformative introduction of C++11. It is now all too apparent that C++ API Design itself also needs to change as the lessons learned about, for example, type design become more understood.

    Titus Winters reflects on the changes to C++ and how the introduction of new principles such as move-only types have affected API design in this two-part talk.

    In the first part, Titus focuses on parameter passing and an API’s overload set in providing a powerful conceptual framework for API design. In the second part, we focus on the properties of well-designed types, and how to think about things like Regularity. We discuss how Regularity (...)

  • Talks and Highlights From CppCon 2018!

    CppCon happened again this year in Bellevue, Washington! In this video, Steve Carroll chatted with Jon Kalb, the CppCon conference organizer, about the conference and where it’s going next, along with a number of speakers who participated. Links to the recordings of the talks are available below. [11:03]: Guy Davidson - Lightweight 2D graphics with io2d[13:10] Billy O’Neal - Inside Visual C++ Parallel Algorithms[14:45] Fabian Renn-Giles - A Semi Compile/Run-time Map with (Nearly) Zero Overhead Lookup[16:59] Matthias Gehre, Gabor Horvath - Implementing the C++ Core Guidelines’ Lifetime Safety Profile in Clang[19:05] Gabor Horvath - Dealing with aliasing using contracts[20:51] Patrice Roy - Pessimistic Programming[24:36] Anastasiia Kazakova - Debug C++ Without (...)


  • Bjarne Stroustrup Interview at CppCon 2018

    We are back with footage from CppCon 2018, which occurred in Bellevue, Washington! In this special GoingNative episode, our host Steve Carroll chats with Gabriel Dos Reis and Bjarne Stroustrup, the creator of C++, who spoke this year about Concepts, an exciting new feature coming soon to C++! Overview of CppConCppCon is the annual, week-long face-to-face gathering for the entire C++ community. The conference is organized by the C++ community for the community. You will enjoy inspirational talks and a friendly atmosphere designed to help attendees learn from each other, meet interesting people, and generally have a stimulating experience. Taking place this year in the beautiful Seattle neighborhood of Bellevue and including multiple diverse tracks, the (...)


  • U.S. eyes West Coast military bases to export coal, gas -report | Reuters

    President Donald Trump’s administration is considering using West Coast military facilities to export coal and natural gas to Asia, according to an Associated Press report on Monday, citing U.S. Department of Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke.

    The move would help fossil fuel producers ship their products to Asia and circumvent environmental concerns in Democratic-leaning states like Washington, Oregon and California that have rejected efforts to build new coal ports.

    In an interview in Montana, Zinke told AP “it’s in our interest for national security and our allies to make sure that they have access to affordable energy commodities” and proposed using naval facilities or other federal properties for exports.

    Zinke, a former Navy SEAL, said the former Naval Air Facility Adak in Alaska’s Aleutian Islands could be used to export natural gas. He did not specify any others.
    The idea drew praise from the U.S. coal industry, which is eager to overcome a dearth of export terminals on the U.S. West Coast. Currently, U.S. coal exported into the Pacific basin must go through Canada’s British Columbia.

  • Bjarne Stroustrup Interview at CppCon 2018—Steve Carroll, Augustin Popa

    Cppcon videos are coming.

    Bjarne Stroustrup Interview at CppCon 2018 by Steve Carroll, Augustin Popa

    From the video:

    We are back with footage from CppCon 2018, which occurred in Bellevue, Washington! In this special GoingNative episode, our host Steve Carroll chats with Gabriel Dos Reis and Bjarne Stroustrup, the creator of C++, who spoke this year about Concepts, an exciting new feature coming soon to C++!


  • Rand Paul à Moscou

    Rand Paul à Moscou

    Le sénateur du Kentucky Rand Paul fait donc honneur à son père. Ron Paul fut pendant plusieurs décennies un député du Texas à la Chambre des Représentants de Washington où il se singularisa constamment par des positions non-conformistes, contre la position officielle de son parti (républicain), – lui-même étant un libertarien hautement proclamé. Ron Paul fut notamment deux fois candidat à la présidence (2008 et 2012) et ses tentatives furent loin d’être ridicules malgré le sabotage systématique de son parti. L’ensemble lui permet de parler et d’écrire aujourd’hui, quasiment à quatre-vingts ans, comme un vieux sage qui en sait plus sur la politique de sécurité nationale que l’ensemble du Congrès, – la corruption en moins, certes.

    Rand est en train de suivre les traces de son ère, après un (...)

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    Dans les quartiers Nord de Marseille, les salariés d’un McDo kidnappés et assassinés

    Les médias américains inquiets du climat de haine entretenu par un dissident chinois
    « Quoi j’ai dit quelque chose de faux ? » : la police interrompt Donald Trump en pleine interview

    Au procès d’Harvey Weinstein, le candidat de l’opposition appelle à un front anti-IBK
    Au Mali, la correspondante au ton « chaleureux » d’une des victimes présumées

    Episode de canicule déjoué en Allemagne : deux arrestations en Tunisie
    Combien d’attentats à la ricine votre département a-t-il connus ?

    Ce qu’il faut retenir de la 28ème édition des Nuits des étoiles
    Quatre planètes éclatantes à observer au Zimbabwe

    Au procès de Booba et Kaaris sous une chaleur écrasante
    Un samedi noir sur les routes de France, rappeurs contrit et avocats fougueux

    La rivière oubliée de Gaza
    Washington : un Palestinien tué lors de nouvelles violences à la frontière avec Israël


  • Iran’s Support to Houthi Air Defenses in Yemen - The Washington Institute for Near East Policy

    In addition to preventing the entry of smuggled Iranian air-defense systems, Washington should work with the Saudi-led coalition to blunt the impact of evolving Houthi SAM tactics.

    According to the Gulf coalition and the internationally recognized Yemeni government, Iran has been violating the UN arms embargo by trying to provide Houthi rebels with advanced surface-to-air missile systems. The smuggling of Iranian-built Sayyad-2C SAMs and passive flight-tracking equipment could worsen the air-defense threat to U.S. allies such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, jeopardizing efforts to hammer out a peace settlement in the process.

    #iran #yémen

    • According to the Gulf coalition and the internationally recognized Yemeni government, Iran has been violating the UN arms embargo by trying to provide Houthi rebels with advanced surface-to-air missile systems.

      La coalition, elle, y arrive sans vraiment de problème. Mais c’est parce qu’elle, elle soutient le gouvernement légitime, lui.