
Le portail des copains

    • Ronan Farrow: My Father, Woody Allen, and the Danger of Questions Unasked
      Hollywood Reporter | May 11, 2016

      “They’re accusations. They’re not in the headlines. There’s no obligation to mention them.” These were the objections from a producer at my network. It was September 2014 and I was preparing to interview a respected journalist about his new biography of Bill Cosby. The book omitted allegations of rape and sexual abuse against the entertainer, and I intended to focus on that omission. That producer was one of several industry veterans to warn me against it. At the time, there was little more than a stalled lawsuit and several women with stories, all publicly discredited by Cosby’s PR team. There was no criminal conviction. It was old news. It wasn’t news.

      So we compromised: I would raise the allegations, but only in a single question late in the interview. And I called the author, reporter to reporter, to let him know what was coming. He seemed startled when I brought it up. I was the first to ask about it, he said. He paused for a long time, then asked if it was really necessary. On air, he said he’d looked into the allegations and they didn’t check out.

      Today, the number of accusers has risen to 60. The author has apologized. And reporters covering Cosby have been forced to examine decades of omissions, of questions unasked, stories untold. I am one of those reporters - I’m ashamed of that interview.

    • #Cannes Susan Sarandon : « Je n’ai rien de bien à dire sur Woody Allen »
      Publié le 15/05/16

      « Je n’ai rien de bien à dire sur Woody Allen, donc je ne pense pas que nous devions aller sur ce terrain », a déclaré l’actrice américaine Susan Sarandon ce dimanche à Cannes, lors d’une table ronde consacrée à la place des femmes dans l’industrie du cinéma.

      Elle était interrogée à propos d’une remarque de Woody Allen qui avait déclaré, au début du festival, qu’il n’avait pas suffisamment de matière pour un film où une femme tomberait amoureuse d’un homme plus jeune qu’elle.