Gilles Horvilleur

« Le fondement unique de la société civile, c’est la morale. »

  • Zephyr Teachout Is Battling Big Money and Cynicism in One of This Year’s Tightest Congressional Races
    Sarah Jaffe

    The question on everyone’s mind since Sanders lost the Democratic nomination has been: Does that political revolution have legs? Teachout’s campaign, which is fighting to flip a red district blue in upstate New York, will be seen as a referendum on this question. Like Sanders, Teachout is running a broadly populist campaign focused on the economic struggles that Americans have faced in recent decades; like him, she is drawing on a small-donor base, touting an average donation of $19. She is an expert on political corruption who has focused much of her activism on the issue of money in politics, challenging a career politician and political operative who is backed by some of the richest campaign donors. And she is determined to frame her campaign as that of an outsider taking on a broken system. Her race is a near-perfect prism for the issues of the 2016 election.