Turkey to offer citizenship to foreigners who buy $1 mln in property, invest $2 mln


  • Turkey to offer citizenship to foreigners who buy $1 mln in property, invest $2 mln

    Turkey will grant citizenship to foreigners who buy properties worth at least $1 million and invest a minimum of $2 million or deposit at least $3 million in a bank account for more than three years, according to a revised decree that was published in the Official Gazette on Jan. 12, Doğan News Agency reported.

    “Foreigners who buy a minimum of $1 million worth of immovable properties on the condition that they do not sell them for at least three years, who make an equity investment worth over $2 million or who prove that they have made a deposit of more than $3 million at a Turkish lenders or kept that amount of money in the country’s debt instruments for a minimum of three years will be granted Turkish citizenship,” said the decree.

    The decree also stipulated that foreigners who document their creation of a minimum of 100 jobs in the country will also be offered citizenship.

    Meanwhile, Turkish real estate companies earlier claimed they could sell a minimum of $10 billion worth of property to foreigners if citizenship or residence permits were offered to foreigners who buy houses in the country.

    • http://www.lorientlejour.com/article/1028778/la-turquie-va-naturaliser-certains-investisseurs-etrangers.html

      Cette mesure, décidée par le gouvernement, semble destinée à stimuler une économie qui s’essouffle après plusieurs années de croissance, sur fond d’instabilité politique et sécuritaire. Elle s’appliquera selon le Journal officiel aux étrangers qui investiraient au moins 2 millions de dollars en Turquie, ou qui achèteraient pour un million de dollars de biens immobiliers, sous réserve de ne pas les revendre pendant trois ans.
      Les étrangers peuvent également demander la nationalité turque s’ils déposent au moins 3 millions de dollars dans un compte courant turc, ou emploient au moins 100 personnes en Turquie.