
  • View from Nowhere. Is it the press’s job to create a community that transcends borders?

    A few years ago, on a plane somewhere between Singapore and Dubai, I read Benedict Anderson’s Imagined Communities (1983). I was traveling to report on the global market for passports—how the ultrawealthy can legally buy citizenship or residence virtually anywhere they like, even as 10 million stateless people languish, unrecognized by any country. In the process, I was trying to wrap my head around why national identity meant so much to so many, yet so little to my passport-peddling sources. Their world was the very image of Steve Bannon’s globalist nightmare: where you can never be too rich, too thin, or have too many passports.

    Anderson didn’t address the sale of citizenship, which only took off in earnest in the past decade; he did argue that nations, nationalism, and nationality are about as organic as Cheez Whiz. The idea of a nation, he writes, is a capitalist chimera. It is a collective sense of identity processed, shelf-stabilized, and packaged before being disseminated, for a considerable profit, to a mass audience in the form of printed books, news, and stories. He calls this “print-capitalism.”

    Per Anderson, after the printing press was invented, nearly 600 years ago, enterprising booksellers began publishing the Bible in local vernacular languages (as opposed to the elitist Latin), “set[ting] the stage for the modern nation” by allowing ordinary citizens to participate in the same conversations as the upper classes. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the proliferation (and popularity) of daily newspapers further collapsed time and space, creating an “extraordinary mass ceremony” of reading the same things at the same moment.

    “An American will never meet, or even know the names of more than a handful of his 240,000,000–odd fellow Americans,” Anderson wrote. “He has no idea of what they are up to at any one time.” But with the knowledge that others are reading the same news, “he has complete confidence in their steady, anonymous, simultaneous activity.”

    Should the press be playing a role in shaping not national identities, but transnational ones—a sense that we’re all in it together?

    Of course, national presses enabled more explicit efforts by the state itself to shape identity. After the US entered World War I, for instance, President Woodrow Wilson set out to make Americans more patriotic through his US Committee on Public Information. Its efforts included roping influential mainstream journalists into advocating American-style democracy by presenting US involvement in the war in a positive light, or simply by referring to Germans as “Huns.” The committee also monitored papers produced by minorities to make sure they supported the war effort not as Indians, Italians, or Greeks, but as Americans. Five Irish-American papers were banned, and the German-American press, reacting to negative stereotypes, encouraged readers to buy US bonds to support the war effort.

    The US media played an analogous role in selling the public on the 2003 invasion of Iraq. But ever since then, in the digital economy, its influence on the national consciousness has waned. Imagined Communities was published seven years before the fall of the Berlin Wall, twenty-two years before Thomas Friedman’s The World Is Flat, and a couple of decades before the internet upended print-capitalism as the world knew it (one of Anderson’s footnotes is telling, if quaint: “We still have no giant multinationals in the world of publishing”).

    Since Trump—a self-described nationalist—became a real contender for the US presidency, many news organizations have taken to looking inward: consider the running obsession with the president’s tweets, for instance, or the nonstop White House palace intrigue (which the president invites readily).

    Meanwhile, the unprofitability of local and regional papers has contributed to the erosion of civics, which, down the line, makes it easier for billionaires to opt out of old “imagined communities” and join new ones based on class and wealth, not citizenship. And given the challenges humanity faces—climate change, mass migration, corporate hegemony, and our relationships to new technologies—even if national papers did make everyone feel like they shared the same narrative, a renewed sense of national pride would prove impotent in fighting world-historic threats that know no borders.

    Should the press, then, be playing an analogous role in shaping not national identities, but transnational ones—a sense that we’re all in it together? If it was so important in shaping national identity, can it do so on a global scale?

    Like my passport-buying subjects, I am what Theresa May, the former British prime minister, might call a “citizen of nowhere.” I was born in one place to parents from another, grew up in a third, and have lived and traveled all over. That informs my perspective: I want deeply for there to be a truly cosmopolitan press corps, untethered from national allegiances, regional biases, class divisions, and the remnants of colonial exploitation. I know that’s utopian; the international working class is hardly a lucrative demographic against which publishers can sell ads. But we seem to be living in a time of considerable upheaval and opportunity. Just as the decline of religiously and imperially organized societies paved the way for national alternatives, then perhaps today there is a chance to transcend countries’ boundaries, too.

    Does the US media help create a sense of national identity? If nationalism means putting the interests of one nation—and what its citizens are interested in—before more universal concerns, then yes. Most journalists working for American papers, websites, and TV write in English with a national audience (or regional time zone) in mind, which affects how we pitch, source, frame, and illustrate a story—which, in turn, influences our readers, their country’s politics, and, down the line, the world. But a news peg isn’t an ideological form of nationalism so much as a practical or methodological one. The US press feeds off of more pernicious nationalisms, too: Donald Trump’s false theory about Barack Obama being “secretly” Kenyan, disseminated by the likes of Fox and The Daily Caller, comes to mind.

    That isn’t to say that global news outlets don’t exist in the US. When coaxing subscribers, the Financial Times, whose front page often includes references to a dozen different countries, openly appeals to their cosmopolitanism. “Be a global citizen. Become an FT Subscriber,” read a recent banner ad, alongside a collage featuring the American, Chinese, Japanese, Australian, and European Union flags (though stories like the recent “beginner’s guide to buying a private island” might tell us something about what kind of global citizen they’re appealing to).

    “I don’t think we try to shape anyone’s identity at all,” Gillian Tett, the paper’s managing editor for the US, says. “We recognize two things: that the world is more interconnected today than it’s ever been, and that these connections are complex and quite opaque. We think it’s critical to try to illuminate them.”

    For Tett, who has a PhD in social anthropology, money serves as a “neutral, technocratic” starting point through which to understand—and tie together—the world. “Most newspapers today tend to start with an interest in politics or events, and that inevitably leads you to succumb to tribalism, however hard you try [not to],” Tett explains. “If you look at the world through money—how is money going around the world, who’s making and losing it and why?—out of that you lead to political, cultural, foreign-policy stories.”

    Tett’s comments again brought to mind Imagined Communities: Anderson notes that, in 18th-century Caracas, newspapers “began essentially as appendages of the market,” providing commercial news about ships coming in, commodity prices, and colonial appointments, as well as a proto–Vows section for the upper crust to hate-read in their carriages. “The newspaper of Caracas quite naturally, and even apolitically, created an imagined community among a specific assemblage of fellow-readers, to whom these ships, brides, bishops, and prices belonged,” he wrote. “In time, of course, it was only to be expected that political elements would enter in.”

    Yesterday’s aristocracy is today’s passport-buying, globe-trotting one percent. The passport brokers I got to know also pitched clients with the very same promise of “global citizenship” (it sounds less louche than “buy a new passport”)—by taking out ads in the Financial Times. Theirs is exactly the kind of neoliberal “globalism” that nationalist politicians like Trump have won elections denouncing (often hypocritically) as wanting “the globe to do well, frankly, not caring about our country so much.” Isn’t upper-crust glibness about borders, boundaries, and the value of national citizenship part of what helped give us this reactionary nativism in the first place?

    “I suspect what’s been going on with Brexit and maybe Trump and other populist movements [is that] people. . . see ‘global’ as a threat to local communities and businesses rather than something to be welcomed,” Tett says. “But if you’re an FT reader, you see it as benign or descriptive.”

    Among the largest news organizations in the world is Reuters, with more than 3,000 journalists and photographers in 120 countries. It is part of Thomson Reuters, a truly global firm. Reuters does not take its mandate lightly: a friend who works there recently sent me a job posting for an editor in Gdynia, which, Google clarified for me, is a city in the Pomeranian Voivodeship of Poland.

    Reuters journalists cover everything from club sports to international tax evasion. They’re outsourcing quick hits about corporate earnings to Bangalore, assembling teams on multiple continents to tackle a big investigation, shedding or shuffling staff under corporate reorganizations. Perhaps unsurprisingly, “more than half our business is serving financial customers,” Stephen Adler, the editor in chief, tells me. “That has little to do with what country you’re from. It’s about information: a central-bank action in Europe or Japan may be just as important as everything else.”

    Institutionally, “it’s really important and useful that we don’t have one national HQ,” Adler adds. “That’s the difference between a global news organization and one with a foreign desk. For us, nothing is foreign.” That approach won Reuters this year’s international Pulitzer Prize for uncovering the mass murder of the Rohingya in Myanmar (two of the reporters were imprisoned as a result, and since freed); it also comes through especially sharply in daily financial stories: comprehensive, if dry, compendiums of who-what-where-when-why that recognize the global impact of national stories, and vice versa. A recent roundup of stock movements included references to the US Fed, China trade talks, Brexit, monetary policy around the world, and the price of gold.

    Adler has led the newsroom since 2011, and a lot has changed in the world. (I worked at Reuters between 2011 and 2013, first as Adler’s researcher and later as a reporter; Adler is the chair of CJR’s board.) Shortly after Trump’s election, Adler wrote a memo affirming the organization’s commitment to being fair, honest, and resourceful. He now feels more strongly than ever about judiciously avoiding biases—including national ones. “Our ideology and discipline around putting personal feelings and nationality aside has been really helpful, because when you think about how powerful local feelings are—revolutions, the Arab Spring—we want you writing objectively and dispassionately.”

    The delivery of stories in a casual, illustrated, highly readable form is in some ways more crucial to developing an audience than subject matter.

    Whether global stories can push communities to develop transnationally in a meaningful way is a harder question to answer; it seems to impugn our collective aptitude for reacting to problems of a global nature in a rational way. Reuters’s decision not to fetishize Trump hasn’t led to a drop-off in US coverage—its reporters have been especially strong on immigration and trade policy, not to mention the effects of the new administration on the global economy—but its stories aren’t exactly clickbait, which means ordinary Americans might not encounter them at the top of their feed. In other words, having a global perspective doesn’t necessarily translate to more eyeballs.

    What’s more, Reuters doesn’t solve the audience-class problem: whether readers are getting dispatches in partner newspapers like The New York Times or through the organization’s Eikon terminal, they tend to be the sort of person “who does transnational business, travels a good deal, is connected through work and media, has friends in different places, cares about what’s going on in different places,” Adler says. “That’s a pretty large cohort of people who have reason to care what’s going on in other places.”

    There are ways to unite readers without centering coverage on money or the markets. For a generation of readers around the world, the common ground is technology: the internet. “We didn’t pick our audience,” Ben Smith, the editor in chief of BuzzFeed, tells me over the phone. “Our audience picked us.” He defines his readers as a cohort aged 18–35 “who are on the internet and who broadly care about human rights, global politics, and feminism and gay rights in particular.”

    To serve them, BuzzFeed recently published a damning investigative report into the World Wildlife Fund’s arming of militias in natural reserves; a (not uncontroversial) series on Trump’s business dealings abroad; early exposés of China’s detention of Uighur citizens; and reports on child abuse in Australia. Climate—“the central challenge for every newsroom in the world”—has been harder to pin down. “We don’t feel anyone has cracked it. But the shift from abstract scientific [stories] to coverage of fires in California, it’s a huge change—it makes it more concrete,” Smith says. (My husband is a reporter for BuzzFeed.)

    The delivery of these stories in a casual, illustrated, highly readable form is in some ways more crucial to developing an audience than subject matter. “The global political financial elites have had a common language ever since it was French,” Smith says. “There is now a universal language of internet culture, [and] that. . . is how our stuff translates so well between cultures and audiences.” This isn’t a form of digital Esperanto, Smith insists; the point isn’t to flatten the differences between countries or regions so much as to serve as a “container” in which people from different regions, interest groups, and cultures can consume media through references they all understand.

    BuzzFeed might not be setting out to shape its readers’ identities (I certainly can’t claim to feel a special bond with other people who found out they were Phoebes from the quiz “Your Sushi Order Will Reveal Which ‘Friends’ Character You’re Most Like”). An audience defined by its youth and its media consumption habits can be difficult to keep up with: platforms come and go, and young people don’t stay young forever. But if Anderson’s thesis still carries water, there must be something to speaking this language across cultures, space, and time. Call it “Web vernacular.”

    In 2013, during one of the many recent and lengthy US government shutdowns, Joshua Keating, a journalist at Slate, began a series, “If It Happened There,” that imagined how the American media would view the shutdown if it were occurring in another country. “The typical signs of state failure aren’t evident on the streets of this sleepy capital city,” Keating opens. “Beret-wearing colonels have not yet taken to the airwaves to declare martial law. . . .But the pleasant autumn weather disguises a government teetering on the brink.”

    It goes on; you get the idea. Keating’s series, which was inspired by his having to read “many, many headlines from around the world” while working at Foreign Policy, is a clever journalistic illustration of what sociologists call “methodological nationalism”: the bias that gets inadvertently baked into work and words. In the Middle East, it’s sectarian or ethnic strife; in the Midwest, it’s a trigger-happy cop and a kid in a hoodie.

    His send-ups hit a nerve. “It was huge—it was by far the most popular thing I’ve done at Slate,” Keating says. “I don’t think that it was a shocking realization to anyone that this kind of language can be a problem, but sometimes pointing it out can be helpful. If the series did anything, it made people stop and be conscious of how. . . our inherent biases and perspectives will inform how we cover the world.”

    Curiously, living under an openly nationalist administration has changed the way America—or at the very least, a significant part of the American press corps—sees itself. The press is a de facto opposition party, not because it tries to be, but because the administration paints it that way. And that gives reporters the experience of working in a place much more hostile than the US without setting foot outside the country.

    Keating has “semi-retired” the series as a result of the broad awareness among American reporters that it is, in fact, happening here. “It didn’t feel too novel to say [Trump was] acting like a foreign dictator,” he says. “That was what the real news coverage was doing.”

    Keating, who traveled to Somaliland, Kurdistan, and Abkhazia to report his book Invisible Countries (2018), still thinks the fastest and most effective way to form an international perspective is to live abroad. At the same time, not being bound to a strong national identity “can make it hard to understand particular concerns of the people you’re writing about,” he says. It might be obvious, but there is no one perfect way to be internationally minded.

    Alan Rusbridger—the former editor of The Guardian who oversaw the paper’s Edward Snowden coverage and is now the principal at Lady Margaret Hall, a college at Oxford University—recognizes the journalistic and even moral merits of approaching news in a non-national way: “I think of journalism as a public service, and I do think there’s a link between journalism at its best and the betterment of individual lives and societies,” he says. But he doesn’t have an easy formula for how to do that, because truly cosmopolitan journalism requires both top-down editorial philosophies—not using certain phrasings or framings that position foreigners as “others”—and bottom-up efforts by individual writers to read widely and be continuously aware of how their work might be read by people thousands of miles away.

    Yes, the starting point is a nationally defined press, not a decentralized network, but working jointly helps pool scarce resources and challenge national or local biases.

    Rusbridger sees potential in collaborations across newsrooms, countries, and continents. Yes, the starting point is a nationally defined press, not a decentralized network; but working jointly helps pool scarce resources and challenge national or local biases. It also wields power. “One of the reasons we reported Snowden with the Times in New York was to use global protections of human rights and free speech and be able to appeal to a global audience of readers and lawyers,” Rusbridger recalls. “We thought, ‘We’re pretty sure nation-states will come at us over this, and the only way to do it is harness ourselves to the US First Amendment not available to us anywhere else.’”

    In employing these tactics, the press positions itself in opposition to the nation-state. The same strategy could be seen behind the rollout of the Panama and Paradise Papers (not to mention the aggressive tax dodging detailed therein). “I think journalists and activists and citizens on the progressive wing of politics are thinking creatively about how global forces can work to their advantage,” Rusbridger says.

    But he thinks it all starts locally, with correspondents who have fluency in the language, culture, and politics of the places they cover, people who are members of the communities they write about. That isn’t a traditional foreign-correspondent experience (nor indeed that of UN employees, NGO workers, or other expats). The silver lining of publishing companies’ shrinking budgets might be that cost cutting pushes newsrooms to draw from local talent, rather than send established writers around. What you gain—a cosmopolitanism that works from the bottom up—can help dispel accusations of media elitism. That’s the first step to creating new imagined communities.

    Anderson’s work has inspired many an academic, but media executives? Not so much. Rob Wijnberg is an exception: he founded the (now beleaguered) Correspondent in the Netherlands in 2013 with Anderson’s ideas in mind. In fact, when we speak, he brings the name up unprompted.

    “You have to transcend this notion that you can understand the world through the national point of view,” he says. “The question is, What replacement do we have for it? Simply saying we have to transcend borders or have an international view isn’t enough, because you have to replace the imagined community you’re leaving behind with another one.”

    For Wijnberg, who was a philosophy student before he became a journalist, this meant radically reinventing the very structures of the news business: avoiding covering “current events” just because they happened, and thinking instead of what we might call eventful currents—the political, social, and economic developments that affect us all. It meant decoupling reporting from national news cycles, and getting readers to become paying “members” instead of relying on advertisements.

    This, he hoped, would help create a readership not based on wealth, class, nationality, or location, but on borderless, universal concerns. “We try to see our members. . . as part of a group or knowledge community, where the thing they share is the knowledge they have about a specific structural subject matter,” be it climate, inequality, or migration, Wijnberg says. “I think democracy and politics answers more to media than the other way around, so if you change the way media covers the world you change a lot.”

    That approach worked well in the Netherlands: his team raised 1.7 million euros in 2013, and grew to include 60,000 members. A few years later, Wijnberg and his colleagues decided to expand into the US, and with the help of NYU’s Jay Rosen, an early supporter, they made it onto Trevor Noah’s Daily Show to pitch their idea.

    The Correspondent raised more than $2.5 million from nearly 50,000 members—a great success, by any measure. But in March, things started to get hairy, with the publication abruptly pulling the plug on opening a US newsroom and announcing that staff would edit stories reported from the US from the original Amsterdam office instead. Many of the reasons behind this are mundane: visas, high rent, relocation costs. And reporters would still be reporting from, and on, the States. But supporters felt blindsided, calling the operation a scam.

    Today, Wijnberg reflects that he should have controlled the messaging better, and not promised to hire and operate from New York until he was certain that he could. He also wonders why it matters.

    “It’s not saying people who think it matters are wrong,” he explains. “But if the whole idea of this kind of geography and why it’s there is a construct, and you’re trying to think about transcending it, the very notion of Where are you based? is secondary. The whole point is not to be based anywhere.”

    Still: “The view from everywhere—the natural opposite—is just as real,” Wijnberg concedes. “You can’t be everywhere. You have to be somewhere.”

    And that’s the rub: for all of nationalism’s ills, it does instill in its subjects what Anderson calls a “deep, horizontal comradeship” that, while imagined, blossoms thanks to a confluence of forces. It can’t be replicated supranationally overnight. The challenge for a cosmopolitan journalism, then, is to dream up new forms of belonging that look forward, not backward—without discarding the imagined communities we have.

    That’s hard; so hard that it more frequently provokes a retrenchment, not an expansion, of solidarity. But it’s not impossible. And our collective futures almost certainly depend on it.
    #journalisme #nationalisme #Etat-nation #communauté_nationale #communauté_internationale #frontières #presse #médias

  • U.S. judge scraps Trump order opening Arctic, Atlantic areas to oil leasing | Reuters

    A federal judge in Alaska has overturned U.S. President Donald Trump’s attempt to open vast areas of the Arctic and Atlantic oceans to oil and gas leasing.

    The decision issued late Friday by U.S. District Court Judge Sharon Gleason leaves intact President Barack Obama’s policies putting the Arctic’s Chukchi Sea, part of the Arctic’s Beaufort Sea and a large swath of Atlantic Ocean off the U.S. East Coast off-limits to oil leasing.

    Trump’s attempt to undo Obama’s protections was “unlawful” and a violation of the federal Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, Gleason ruled. Presidents have the power under that law to withdraw areas from the national oil and gas leasing program, as Obama did, but only Congress has the power to add areas to the leasing program, she said.

  • Reuters France en grève pour défendre l’emploi et le français

    Reuters, la vieille agence de presse anglo-saxonne fondée à Londres en 1851 est devenue en réalité nord américaine depuis son rachat par le groupe canadien Thomson en 2008, pour 17 milliards de dollars. Le groupe qui emploie près de 50.000 personnes est coté à New York et Toronto, son quartier général se trouvant dans cette dernière ville. Suppressions d’emplois en Europe Déjà fin 2018, la quasi totalité des implantations non directement anglophones avaient été impactées par des licenciements. (...)

    #Reuters #algorithme #travail

  • #Egypte : l’Occident se tait face aux exactions du régime #Sissi

    Emmanuel Macron recevant le président égyptien à Paris, le 24 octobre 2017. © Reuters Sa réélection sera officiellement annoncée d’un jour à l’autre. Mais le bilan de la répression de masse conduite par le régime d’al-Sissi ne provoque aucune réaction des diplomaties occidentales. Les contrats et l’argument de la sécurité font taire toute critique. Même quand ce sont des Occidentaux qui passent dans la machine de terreur du régime. Nouveaux témoignages et second volet de notre enquête.

    #International #Amnesty #disparitions_forcées #HRW #torture #violations_des_droits_de_l'homme

  • #Egypte : l’Occident se tait face aux exactions du régime #Sissi (2)

    Emmanuel Macron recevant le président égyptien à Paris, le 24 octobre 2017. © Reuters Sa réélection sera officiellement annoncée d’un jour à l’autre. Mais le bilan de la répression de masse conduite par le régime d’al-Sissi ne provoque aucune réaction des diplomaties occidentales. Les contrats et l’argument de la sécurité font taire toute critique. Même quand ce sont des Occidentaux qui passent dans la machine de terreur du régime. Nouveaux témoignages et second volet de notre enquête.

    #International #Amnesty #disparitions_forcées #HRW #torture #violations_des_droits_de_l'homme

  • Exclusive: Assad linked to Syrian chemical attacks for first time | Reuters

    International investigators have said for the first time that they suspect President Bashar al-Assad and his brother are responsible for the use of chemical weapons in the Syrian conflict, according to a document seen by Reuters.

    A joint inquiry for the United Nations and global watchdog the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) had previously identified only military units and did not name any commanders or officials.

    Now a list has been produced of individuals whom the investigators have linked to a series of chlorine bomb attacks in 2014-15 - including Assad, his younger brother Maher and other high-ranking figures - indicating the decision to use toxic weapons came from the very top, according to a source familiar with the inquiry.

    The Assads could not be reached for comment but a Syrian government official said accusations that government forces had used chemical weapons had “no basis in truth”. The government has repeatedly denied using such weapons during the civil war, which is almost six years old, saying all the attacks highlighted by the inquiry were the work of rebels or the Islamic State militant group.

    The list, which has been seen by Reuters but has not been made public, was based on a combination of evidence compiled by the U.N.-OPCW team in Syria and information from Western and regional intelligence agencies, according to the source, who declined to be identified due to the sensitivity of the issue.

    #Assad #Syrie #Armes_chimques #UN #OPCW

  • Three killed in shipping collision in Turkey’s Bosphorus | Reuters

    Three Turkish Coast Guard personnel were killed on Wednesday [17/08/16] after their vessel collided with a bulk carrier in the Bosphorus strait, forcing officials to temporarily suspend traffic in the busy shipping lane.

    Their vessel capsized after colliding with the Tolunay, a Cook Island-flagged bulk carrier, which was sailing toward the Black Sea, shipping agent GAC said.

    Four members of the Coast Guard were in hospital, a spokesman at the Istanbul governor’s office said.

    The collision occurred at 8:40 a.m. (0540 GMT) at the southern end of the strait, it said, adding that traffic was halted until 2:30 p.m. and has resumed.

    More than three percent of the world’s crude supply, mainly from Russia and the Caspian Sea, passes through the 17-mile Bosphorus which connects the Black Sea to the Mediterranean.

  • Essai de #Rennes : les dissimulations de Biotrial

    Siège de Biotrial à Rennes © REUTERS/Stephane Mahe Biotrial, la société de Rennes qui a réalisé l’essai clinique au cours duquel un volontaire est mort le 17 janvier, a dissimulé des informations cruciales aux inspecteurs de l’Igas. C’est ce qui ressort du témoignage de la compagne du volontaire et de son dossier médical, consulté par Mediapart.

    #France #ANSM #Essai_clinique #médicament #sante

  • Norway/Russia: Don’t Jeopardize Asylum Seekers | Human Rights Watch

    Moscow) – Norway should stop using fast-track procedures to return asylum seekers to Russia based on the presumption that it is a safe country of asylum for them, Human Rights Watch said today. Russian and Norwegian authorities plan to meet on February 3, 2016, to come to an agreement about which migrants and asylum seekers, if any, may be immediately returned to Russia.
    Refugees and migrants gather near a checkpoint on the Russian-Norwegian border in Murmansk region, Russia on October 30, 2015.

    Refugees and migrants gather near a checkpoint on the Russian-Norwegian border in Murmansk region, Russia on October 30, 2015.
    © 2015 Reuters
    Norway has returned 13 asylum seekers to Russia since 2016 began, in addition to several hundred either returned to Russia or denied entry to Norway during the fall of 2015. It has slated dozens more to follow, despite the lack of assurance from the Russian authorities that they will provide those sent back with any hearing of their asylum claims, much less a fair consideration of their applications.

    #norvège #réfugiés #russie

  • Azeri ruling party wins majority in parliamentary election | Reuters

    CEC head Mazahir Panakhov read the list of winners after counting the results from all 125 districts, which indicated that the ruling party got at least 70 seats in the new parliament.

    A host of small parties and “independents” loyal to the government took almost all the rest.
    The Azeri president, who left his polling station without making any statement, said later on Sunday that the OSCE’s decision not to monitor the poll “was not acceptable.

    Some foreign journalists, including reporters from Reuters, were not given accreditation to cover the election. The foreign ministry cited technical difficulties.

  • Nucléaire iranien : Obama a envoyé un message secret à Téhéran (rapport) | i24news -
    30 Juin 2015

    Le président américain Barack Obama a envoyé un « message secret » au leadership iranien concernant les négociations qui se tiennent actuellement à Vienne sur le programme nucléaire de Téhéran, a indiqué l’agence de presse Fars lundi soir.

    « Un responsable de l’un des pays voisins a récemment apporté un message du président aux fonctionnaires de notre pays », a déclaré Merhad Bazrpash, membre du Parlement iranien à Fars, en référence au Premier ministre irakien Haider al-Abadi.

    Bazrpash a dénoncé l’hypocrisie des Américains, soulignant le décalage entre les messages privés et les déclarations publiques souvent menaçantes de Washington.

    Les tractations internationales sur le nucléaire iranien se sont poursuivies discrètement lundi au niveau des experts, avant le retour des politiques cette semaine dans la capitale autrichienne pour trancher sur les points les plus durs de la négociation.

    « Nous travaillons et il est trop tôt pour porter un jugement » sur le résultat, a déclaré le secrétaire d’Etat américain John Kerry, à la veille de la date-butoir du 30 juin qui avait initialement fixée pour un accord.

    M. Kerry, seul ministre des Affaires étrangères resté à Vienne après un week-end de ballet diplomatique, a rencontré lundi matin Yukiya Amano, le chef de l’Agence internationale de l’Energie atomique (AIEA), l’organe de l’ONU qui jouera un rôle clé dans la vérification de la mise en oeuvre de l’accord, s’il est conclu.

    De son côté, la France se préparerait pour la reprise de ses relations économiques avec l’Iran dans un avenir proche suivant la signature d’un accord, selon Reuters.

    Un diplomate français a déclaré à Reuters que le chef de la diplomatie Laurent Fabius avait prévu de se rendre dans la capitale iranienne peu de temps après la conclusion d’un accord, dans le but de normaliser les relations entre les deux pays.

    Les échanges commerciaux entre la France et la République islamique ont totalisé plus de 3,4 milliards de dollars en 2011, d’après Reuters et ont chuté à 556 millions après l’imposition de sanctions économiques sévères contre Téhéran en 2013.

    Message d’Obama à l’Iran avant les négociations nucléaires de Vienne
    AFP / 29 juin 2015

  • Syrian insurgents carve out fiefdoms in de-facto partition | Reuters

    “Even if the regime collapses tomorrow there won’t be a solution in Syria before 10 years. There are tens of thousands of Alawite fighters who will find it impossible to hand over their weapons because they will be massacred. Who will get rid of the more than 50,000 jihadis who entered Syria?”

  • I’m safer in Baghdad, Courtney Love says as caught in Paris Uber demo | Reuters

    (Please note there are swearwords in Love’s tweets)

    American rock singer Courtney Love got caught up in violent protests against online ridesharing service UberPOP in Paris on Thursday, saying the car she was travelling in was besieged by angry demonstrators.

    The widow of late Nirvana singer Kurt Cobain wrote about the incident on her Twitter and Instagram accounts, saying the vehicle had been “ambushed” at the airport by protesting taxi drivers and “destroyed”.

    The Hole frontwoman, who posted a picture of what appeared to be a smashed egg on her car window, also vented her anger at French President Francois Hollande.

    Francois Hollande where are the fucking police??? Is it legal for your people to attack visitors? Get your ass to the airport,” she wrote on her Twitter feed.

    They’ve ambushed our car and are holding our driver hostage. They’re beating the cars with metal bats. This is France?? I’m safer in Baghdad.

    The 50-year old singer and actress later said she was under siege for about an hour but managed to escape the chaos

    Paid some guys on motorcycles to sneak us out, got chased by a mob of taxi drivers who threw rocks, passed two police and they did nothing,” she wrote.

  • Russian former leader of Ukraine rebels warns of ’big war’ | Reuters

    To be honest, I expect that the Minsk 2 agreements will not be observed, in the same manner as the Minsk 1 agreements were not,” Borodai said in an interview this week in a Moscow restaurant surrounded by former rebel commanders.

    And at the end of the day the Ukrainian army will launch an offensive. This is a very probable development ... I am not sure that it will end without a big war, as Russia cannot tolerate this sore on its borders forever.

    Étant donné que la partie politique des accords est à l’arrêt complet (on ne négocie pas avec des terroristes et pas de régionalisation tant qu’on ne contrôle pas les régions séparatistes) la seule évolution envisageable si la situation ne reste pas gelée est une reprise des combats.

  • France voices concerns on Iran talks after Khamenei comments | Reuters | Wed Jun 24, 2015 10:38am

    French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said on Wednesday that declarations from Iranian leaders appeared not to favor an international deal on the country’s nuclear program.

    Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Tuesday ruled out freezing sensitive nuclear work in the country for a long time and said sanctions imposed on it should be lifted as soon it reaches a final deal with major powers, state TV reported.

    Major powers - Britain, France, Germany, China, Russia and the United States - want Iran to commit to a verifiable halt of at least 10 years on sensitive nuclear development work as part of a landmark atomic deal they aim to reach by June 30.

    “France wants a deal but wants the deal to be robust, a good deal, but not a bad deal,” he said at a news conference alongside Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir.

    France, Saudi Arabia to sign contracts worth $12 billion : Fabius
    Wed Jun 24, 2015 9:43am

    France and Saudi Arabia plan to sign $12 billion of deals on Wednesday, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius told reporters during a visit by Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in deals highlighting Paris’ growing commercial ties in the Middle East.

    The contracts include 23 Airbus H145 helicopters worth $500 million, Fabius told reporters. The H145, previously known as the EC145, is a light twin-engined helicopter typically used for emergency services or border patrols. A military version is used by the U.S. Army.

    Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Al-Jubeir said he was still discussing the price for a contract for French naval patrol boats, built by DCNS. Saudi Arabia also plans to sign a feasibility study for two EPR reactors built by Areva, Fabius added.

    The contracts, the latest to be agreed between Paris and a Gulf Arab state, come after French President Francois Hollande was invited by Gulf Arab leaders in May to address their summit in Saudi Arabia, a rare privilege for a foreign head of state.

    (This story corrects to say Foreign Minister Adel Al-Jubeir, not defence minister, in third paragraph)

  • Les grandes tendances 2015 de l’info | Meta-media | La révolution de l’information

    Le Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism a publié le 16 juin dernier son rapport annuel sur la consommation d’information en ligne. L’étude, réalisée à partir d’un sondage YouGov auprès de 20 000 personnes dans douze pays, montre comment la consommation d’information continue d’évoluer. Si le rapport ne révèle pas l’arrivée de nouveaux usages, les grandes tendances se confirment et s’accélèrent : vidéo, mobile first, et médias sociaux sont les mots clés de l’info.

  • Laurent Fabius entame une semaine de marathon diplomatique | samedi 20 juin 2015 | Reuters | par John Irish

    LE CAIRE (Reuters) - Négociations de paix au Proche-Orient, nucléaire iranien et crise ukrainienne : Laurent Fabius a entamé samedi au Caire un marathon diplomatique qui le conduira également à Jérusalem et Ramallah avant Luxembourg et un retour à Paris où des annonces devraient être faites concernant la conclusion de gros contrats avec l’Arabie saoudite.

    Première étape pour le chef de la diplomatie française, l’Egypte où il rencontrait ce samedi ses homologues égyptien, marocain, jordanien et palestinien qui font partie du comité qui suit le processus de paix israélo-palestinien pour la Ligue arabe.

  • Russia not acting as responsible nuclear power - NATO commander - Yahoo News

    This is not a way that responsible nuclear nations behave,” U.S. Air Force General and NATO supreme allied commander Philip Breedlove told Reuters during a visit to Poland.

    A rhetoric which ratchets up tensions in a nuclear sense is not a responsible behaviour and we seek and ask that these (nuclear) nations handle this particular type of weapon in a more responsible way.

    Ah, non, je confonds, celui-ci c’est Strangelove (irresponsable), le Breedlove (responsable), c’est lui

  • Bruits de bottes en Europe orientale


    Pentagon poised to store heavy weapons in Baltic and Eastern Europe - NYT | Reuters

    The Pentagon is poised to store battle tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and other heavy weapons for as many as 5,000 troops in several Baltic and Eastern European countries, to deter any possible further Russian aggression in Europe, the New York Times reported on Saturday.

    Citing U.S. and allied officials, the newspaper said that if approved the proposal would mark the first time since the Cold War that Washington has stationed heavy military equipment in the newer NATO member states in Eastern Europe that were once part of the Soviet sphere of influence.


    Nato rebukes Putin’s ’nuclear rhetoric’

    Nato has accused Russia of “nuclear sabre-rattling” after Vladimir Putin said he’ll deploy 40 new missiles.
    The Russian leader made the announcement on Tuesday (16 June) at an arms fair in Kubinka, near Moscow.

    This year, our nuclear forces are going to get more than 40 intercontinental ballistic missiles [ICBMs] capable of penetrating all existing, even the most advanced missile defences”, he said.
    For his part, Pavel Podvig, a Russian military expert who works for the UN’s Institute for Disarmament Research in Geneva, played down the importance of the ICBMs.

    He told EUobserver Russia has about 300 of them in service, as well as nuclear submarines and strategic bombers.

    He also said its rearmament programme began before the Ukraine crisis. “It [the 40 new ICBMs] is not a particularly big increase in numbers. It’s business as usual”.

    Igor Sutyagin, a Russia expert at Rusi, a UK defence think tank, said Russia is likely to retire about 60 ICBMs this year, resulting in a net decrease.

    He said some of its Soviet-era missiles are inferior to what the UK and the US had in the 1970s.


    Kerry said concerned by Putin’s missile announcement - Yahoo News

    U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Tuesday he was concerned by Russian President Vladimir Putin’s announcement he would add more than 40 new intercontinental ballistic missiles to Russia’s nuclear arsenal this year.

    It does concern me,” Kerry told reporters at a news briefing.

    Kerry said Putin’s stance could be posturing but added, “Nobody should hear that kind of announcement from the leader of a powerful country and not be concerned about what the implications are.


    Putin: Russia would be forced to direct armed forces at any aggressors - Yahoo Maktoob News

    Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday that Russia would be forced to direct its armed forces at any countries which might threaten it, potentially adding to tensions with Western powers over its military ambitions.
    Putin noted that Russia was most concerned about a long-running NATO project to build a missile defense system in Europe. Moscow has repeatedly expressed opposition to that, and earlier on Tuesday Putin said Russia would add more than 40 new intercontinental ballistic missiles to its nuclear arsenal this year.
    It is NATO that is moving towards our border and we aren’t moving anywhere,” he said.

    • Russia Will React to U.S. Military Buildup, Defense Chief Warns - Bloomberg Business

      Russia will move forces closer to its western border in response to any movement of U.S. heavy weaponry into eastern Europe, while posing no threat to the Baltic states, the head of a military alliance of former Soviet republics said.
      Politicians in the U.S. and Europe are using the crisis in Ukraine as a “battering ram” to provoke a confrontation with Russia, Nikolai Bordyuzha, general secretary of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, said in an interview amid tanks and anti-aircraft missiles displayed at the Army-2015 defense exhibition outside Moscow on Tuesday. “This is playing with fire, it’s like smoking at a gas station,” he said.
      The Baltic countries of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are making incomprehensible and “absolutely provocative” statements that Russia plans to attack them, Bordyuzha said. “Nobody has ever planned to attack the Baltic countries and they won’t attack,” he said. “We have enough problems of our own. We want to live in peace like other countries.
      Amid the worst tensions since the Cold War between Russia and the U.S. and Europe over the conflict in Ukraine, the Pentagon may announce agreements this month to station tanks and troops in eastern European and Baltic countries to reassure North Atlantic Treaty Organization allies. Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview published last week that “only an insane person and only in a dream can imagine that Russia would suddenly attack NATO” and that some countries are using a fear of Russia to gain defense benefits.

    • Air Force may send top-line fighters to Europe -

      he U.S. Air Force could be sending some of its most advanced warplanes to Europe in a show of force against Russian actions in Ukraine and elsewhere around the continent, the service’s top civilian said Monday.

      The biggest threat on my mind is what’s happening with Russia and the activities of Russia,” Secretary of the Air Force Deborah James said during a visit to the Paris Air Show. “It’s extremely worrisome on what’s going on in the Ukraine.

      James’ remarks were reported by, Breaking Defense and other websites.

      For months, the Pentagon has been rotating aircraft through Europe for exercises with allies under Operation Atlantic Resolve, which it calls “America’s commitment to European security.”

      Participating in those exercises and rotations have been B-2 and B-52 bombers, F-15Cs and A-10 attack planes as well as Army and Navy assets.

      James said the F-22 Raptor, the Pentagon’s premier fighter, could join that list.

      I could easily see the day — though I couldn’t tell you the day exactly — when the F-22, for example, rotates in is a possibility. I don’t see why that couldn’t happen in the future,” James said, according to

      The stealthy F-22s, which became operational in 2005 but only saw their first combat in attacks on ISIS positions in Syria late last year, can be configured to attack other aircraft or bomb ground targets.

      The F-22 cannot be matched by any known or projected fighter aircraft,” says the Air Force’s fact sheet for the Raptor, which costs about $143 million each. That would include what Russia currently puts in the air.Russian reaction to James’ remarks came through state-sponsored media Sputnik International.

  • Crunch time coming for Saudi campaign as options narrow in Yemen | Reuters

    After 11 weeks of air strikes that have failed to change the balance of power in Yemen, Saudi Arabia is running out of options to restore President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi’s exiled government to Sanaa.

    Yémen : trois jours de pourparlers sur fond de crise humanitaire - Moyen-Orient - RFI

    De victoire en victoire, depuis septembre dernier et la prise de Sanaa, la capitale, rien ne semble plus pouvoir les arrêter. Même les bombardements intenses de la coalition arabe emmenée par les Saoudiens ne parviennent pas à freiner l’avancée des Houthis. Jusque-là, seul le triple blocus aérien, maritime et terrestre imposé contre le Yémen les aurait quelque peu affaiblis. Le problème est que cet embargo a eu des conséquences désastreuses sur les populations.

  • Training to prevent sexual assault halves risk of rape on campus: study | Reuters

    Training female college students to recognize and fend off unwanted sexual advances can halve the risk of rape, experts said following a trial program in Canada.

    The risk of rape for first-year students who took the 12-hour training course was about 5 percent versus nearly 10 percent for a control group who were given brochures and brief information sessions instead.

    The risk of attempted rape was even lower, 3.4 percent, compared to 9.3 percent for students who didn’t receive training, according to the study published this week in the New England Journal of Medicine.

    What this means in practical terms is that enrolling 22 women in the ... resistance program would prevent one additional rape from occurring,” said Charlene Senn, author of the study and a professor at Windsor University in Canada.

    She added that nine out of 10 sexual attacks on campuses were by someone known to the victim.

    Almost 900 students took part in the two-year trial at three Canadian universities.

    Students in the non-control group were given four sessions on assessing the risk of assault and learning self-defense techniques — both verbal and physical.

    A study last month found sexual violence on U.S. campuses had hit “epidemic levels” with more than 18 percent of female students at one university reporting rapes or attempted rapes in their first year.

  • Back from Syria and Iraq, Bosnian fighters pose threat at home | Reuters

    Bosnian fighters returning from Syria and Iraq are forming regional militant networks that pose a direct threat to security in the Balkans and beyond, a study warned on Thursday.

    The returnees have formed links extending to Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo, said the non-profit Sarajevo-based Atlantic Initiative, and may be radicalizing youngsters on the margins of society.

  • Carnage évité à karnak, au Louxor d’Egypte

    La veille, de ce projet d’attentat avorté grâce, à la vigilance des Egyptiens dont la police, nous avons avons mis en ligne, un sujet dont l’authentification s’est vérifié. Il a été aussi rapporté par l’agence Reuters, il a pour titre « USA et islamistes pour semer la cruauté chez les musulmans ». Une réunion que l’aile politique des « Frères Musulmans » organise à Washington et que dénoncent les autorités égyptiennes, en convoquant l’ambassadeur américain au Caire. L’aile militaire des « Frères Musulmans » (...)

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