• Economic Diary of Latvia. | Baltic News Network - News from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia

    This week, members of the Saeima unexpectedly declined amendments that provided for the merging of finance and customs police of the State Revenue Service. After hearing out deputies, Finance Minister Dana Reizniece-Ozola decided not to give up.
    This week was rich with all kinds of paradoxes and surprises. For example, it became known that investments of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in Latvia have reached approximately EUR 600 million.
    Opposite to claims that Latvia is irrationally using its forests, it turns out that the total forested area in Latvia has doubled since the pre-war period. It continues to increase year after year, according to information from Green House association.

    #Economics #Latvia #Ministry_of_finances #Forests #Nature #Investments

  • State Revenue Service still without the director

    During the few last week there have been many discussions around the possible director for State Revenue Service (SRS). First, an open competition was set, but the four candidates did not receive support. In the next raund, the minister of Finances, Dana Reizniece-Ozola, proposted Inga Koļegova as the next director.
    Party Union has raised concerns that she is not a good candidate as her income declarations raises suspicions.
    It is possible that minister of Finances will still propose Inga Koļegova as the candidate, and there will be a vote about whether she gets the post.

    Valdība otrdien gatavojas rotācijas kārtībā Valsts vides dienesta vadītāju Ingu Koļegovu pārcelt darbā par Valsts ieņēmumu dienesta ģenerāldirektori (VID). Ja šie plāni nemainīsies, tad VID vadītāja postenī nonāks cilvēks bez sabiedrības uzticības un arī bez valdībā pārstāvētās Vienotības atbalsta. Uz vaicāto, vai tas neapgrūtinās pildīt jaunos darba pienākumus, Koļegova žurnālistiem pirmdien atbildēja: “Esmu profesionāls cilvēks un rīkošos profesionāli, es neesmu ietekmējama, es neietekmēšos ne no vienas partijas.” Teiktais attiecoties arī uz Zaļo un Zemnieku savienību (ZZS).

    #Latvia #Latvija #SRS #ministry_of_Finances #ZZS #Vienotība #Inga_Kolegova