person:al youm

  • L’annulation de l’accord nucléaire par Trump est une déclaration de guerre, par Abdelbari Atwan dans Rai Al Youm - Actuarabe

    Avec cette décision, Trump a fait un cadeau inestimable au Guide suprême iranien et aux faucons de la révolution iranienne car il a brisé les réformateurs et l’opposition. Il a donné une occasion en or aux faucons et aux extrémistes de dominer la vie politique iranienne, car ces derniers vont dire à l’opinion publique iranienne : « Nous avons donné les clés du pouvoir à Rohani et aux réformateurs et nous avons accepté de négocier à contre cœur afin de parvenir à un accord sur le nucléaire, en mettant de côté notre hostilité et notre manque de confiance envers les Etats-Unis et l’Occident, sans oublier le gel du programme nucléaire, et voilà le résultat ! ».

  • Renvoi de Tillerson : un cadeau de Trump aux adversaires du Qatar, par Abdel Bari Atwan dans Rai Al Youm - Actuarabe

    Trump a maintenant à ses côtés un Ministre des Affaires étrangères croyant à la diplomatie de la guerre et qui a acquis une expérience sans précédent pour fomenter les complots en tant que directeur de la CIA. Il est considéré comme un va-t-en guerre face à l’Iran et la Corée du Nord, et aura donc beaucoup de partisans en Arabie saoudite, aux Emirats Arabes Unis, au Bahreïn et en Egypte. Il n’est pas exclu qu’il prenne la tête de l’aile demandant le transfert de la base aérienne américaine d’Al Oudeid (au Qatar) dans un de ces pays, notamment les Emirats Arabes Unis et l’Arabie saoudite. Le Président Trump soutient d’ailleurs cette mesure.

  • Mohamed Abdelfattah | AbolHolNews: The satire that made fool of Arab media outlets

    Plagiarism usually hurts. But it didn’t in this case.

    A few weeks ago, the production company that I founded with with three amazing others of of my colleagues started Egypt’s first satirical news website in Arabic: AbolHolNews.Com 

    The up and coming project is being led by partner and digital marketer Loai Nagati, a veteran social media guru who previously worked for Al Masry Al Youm and Shorouk News.

    One of the fake news stories we published on the site talked of Swedish police using “laughter gas” to disperse a women rights protest.

    It’s entirely made up; the story, the sources in it, their names, and quotations. But who would you guess in your wildest dreams have fallen into believing and propagating this story ?: leading Arab and Egyptian media outlets.

    There are countless other websites of no serious professional weight that have plagiarized the story.

    First, I was notified by a friend of mine on Twitter that Shorouk has published our fake story. I go to the link. I find Shorouk citing Al as a source.

    I go to Al to find the story plagiarized and copied verbatim from our satirical news site. Their creativity went as far as adding to the plagiarized article that it’s “based on Swedish newspapers published Tuesday.”

    Then we find Al Hurra website plagiarizing our content as is from AbolHolNews.

    Then we find Egypt’s Akhbar Al Youm plagiarizing in the same way.

    Shortly before I write this post, I was yet again shocked to find the online portal of Egypt’s possibly oldest newspaper, Al Ahram, publishing the story in an act of … brrrr … grrrr … plagiarism 

    What’s even more ironic is that Al-Kompis, the Swedish website tasked with presenting Swedish news to Arab-speaking audience has also plagiarized and published our story alleging in the byline that it’s based on “agencies” or “wires.”

    As soon as we realized what happened, the laughter we sounded exceeded the pain of feeling plagiarized. We couldn’t truly believe that Al Arabiya, Shorouk, Al Hurra, Akhbar Al Youm, Ahram, and so many others swallowed this bait.

    It was never intended to go that way.

    What this story revealed is how common plagiarism is tolerated in Arab and Egyptian newsrooms with the exception of a few. Who was responsible for vetting whatever is getting published ? Are these reputable news websites or undeserving fools and plagiarists ?

    Where are the editors who should have checked, let alone fact-checked, what is being published ? 

    We’ve mentioned the Twitter handles of these outlets with our subsequent “reaction story” making fun of what they did. Only Shorouk has just silently removed the story but the rest .. are not aware yet. And as you can see from the hyperlinks above, you can still check the plagiarized stories online.

    To the date of publishing this article, plagiarized links from these reputable websites are still being shared and liked.

    Farewell to journalism.

    Original story here:

    #Egypt #Egypte #médias #plagiat