person:nahum barnea

  • Israel: Apartheid under the law

    If a genuine opposition existed in Israel with a worthy leader, it would shout from every platform that the policy of theft and dispossession is destroying whatever chance remains of a two-state solution

    Zeev Sternhell Nov 23, 2017
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    In the past, a story was famously told in Israel about a clash between Golda Meir and Justice Minister Haim Tzadok, who disagreed with her in a cabinet meeting. At the end of the meeting, she went over to him and told him she thought they were friends. Yes, he replied, but I’m also the justice minister of Israel.
    His words reflected the governmental culture of yore, a culture that current Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked and her post-fascist party deem infantile. But the crude violence she propagates is much more dangerous than the primitive vulgarity of Likud’s Miri Regev, David Amsalem or Oren Hazan.
    This is all nothing new. What’s new is the way the attorney general is kowtowing to the will of the justice minister and her party. Shaked wanted Avichai Mendelblit from the beginning, apparently because she knew from what cloth the former cabinet secretary was cut regarding issues critical to the government – the occupation, the settlements and Palestinian rights.
    And now he’s supplying the goods. How is the heir to Haim Cohen, Aharon Barak and Yitzhak Zamir not embarrassed to revoke his professional opinion concerning the “illegal outposts” – as if the rest were legal – while brazenly sanctioning the minister’s request to steal Palestinian land, both private and public, for the “public need” of the settlers; i.e., to pave roads for Jews only? This is what the rule of law has come to in Israel.
    Based on the figures reported by Nahum Barnea in Yedioth Ahronoth last Friday, an extensive amount of territory is to be expropriated and, for the convenience of the occupiers, construction will be prohibited “only” on some of it. This isn’t the first intolerable act of an apartheid system that receives a legal seal of approval. High Court petitions against the move will surely be filed, but they may not be enough to bring this policy to an enduring halt. Settlement advocates dominate in the government and the army, so there’s no real way to stop it.
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    So there is no recourse but to call on public opinion, the media and the universities to apply pressure. There is an urgent need for a broad campaign on American and European campuses, and in EU institutions, against this apartheid. The Israeli public is an equally important target, and in the absence of an active opposition party, the social justice organizations must reach this audience.

    If a genuine opposition existed in Israel with a worthy leader, it would be shouting from every possible platform that the policy of theft and dispossession is destroying whatever remains of the possibility of separating from the Palestinians via the establishment of a Palestinian state. Who will fight this government? Certainly not someone who thinks that groveling and ideological kowtowing to the right are the recipe for getting elected.
    It’s important to stress that there’s a big difference between appealing to groups that, for historical reasons, can’t identify with Labor, and signing on to the right’s crude nationalism. This nationalism is a violent and destructive European phenomenon that has nothing to do with the culture of North African Jewry, any kind of Jewish identity or the Jewish religion. To win the hearts of the people who live in the country’s outskirts, it’s not necessary to support the occupation and settlements, which does nothing to redress social injustice – just the opposite.
    Thus a party that wants to replace Likud in power must first convince people that it has an alternative national policy. This goal will not be achieved by making foolish statements about how peace can be reached with the Palestinians without evacuating a single settlement, or by being complicit in turning Judaism into a means of control and oppression of people who had the misfortune not to be born Jews.

    Zeev Sternhell
    Haaretz Contributor

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  • EXCLUSIVE : Saudi crown prince wants out of Yemen war, leaked emails reveal | Middle East Eye

    More than 10,000 people have been killed and 40,000 injured in the war in Yemen, since bin Salman launched his Decisive Storm campaign to regain the country from Houthi control. Yemen is being ravaged by an outbreak of cholera that has infected 500,000 people.

    Two-thirds of its population - more than 18 million people - need humanitarian assistance and more than seven million are suffering from malnutrition.

    Et avec un peu de chance, il peut même envisager un prix Nobel de la paix.

    #yémen #mbs

      L’e-mail piraté de l’ambassadeur émirati à Washington, Youssef Oteiba, continue de faire couler beaucoup de l’encre dans la presse. De nouvelles révélations sur ces fuites ont été publiées par le site britannique Middle East Eye.

      Selon cette source, « le prince héritier Mohammad ben Salmane cherche à sortir du Yémen, après deux ans de guerre ayant couté très cher à tous les niveaux ».

    • Toujours la lecture problématique de ce genre d’emails (c’était déjà le cas avec les câbles diplomatiques) : on présente pour la position de MBS ce qui, en pratique, n’est qu’un échange entre Martin Indyk et Yousef Otaiba.

      Dans les séries américaines, c’est typiquement le moment où l’avocat de la défense crie « Hearsay ! », le juge approuve et rappelle le procureur à l’ordre…

      La seule chose qu’on sait ici, c’est que Martin Indyk dit à Otaiba que MBS lui a dit ceci. On ne sait pas si MBS l’a vraiment dit, ou si Indyk invente cette déclaration pour influencer Otaiba. Le principe du « hearsay » (c’est-à-dire se méfier de sources indirectes) est particulièrement important dans ce genre de « leaks », parce qu’on est dans la situation où tous ces intervenants sont précisément en train de défendre des intérêts spécifiques.

      Indyk, par exemple, est déjà suspecté de pratiquer lui-même l’art de la « fuite organisée » :

      It also said Indyk is being identified in Jerusalem as the anonymous source in a report by Yedioth Aharonoth columnist Nahum Barnea on Friday in which unnamed American officials primarily blamed Israel for the failure of the peace talks.

      Après, peut-être que MBS a réellement dit ça (et bon, que MBS reconnaisse en privé que la guerre au Yémen s’enlise, c’est pas non plus révolutionnaire), mais ces différents articles ne permettent pas de le savoir.

      Pour préciser : l’information est intéressante, mais le titre des articles est excessif. Ce n’est pas « MBS veut ceci… » mais « Selon Martin Indyk, MBS aurait dit que… ».

    • Bravo pour les savants et utiles recoupements. Pour ma part, ce qui m’intéresse c’est plutôt l’après que l’avant : quels que soient les parcours réels du message, et ceux qui y président, l’info « MBS dit qu’il veut sortir du Yémen » existe désormais. Je prends donc acte de la chose dans ce petit segment du grand SeenThis.

  • Le cycle infernal de la violence israélienne

    "Les récentes agressions n’ont aucune excuse, mais pourquoi s’étonner que les Palestiniens se sentent provoqués par les abus et l’occupation cruelle d’Israël ?"

    "Totalement à contre-courant des tactiques alarmistes de Netanyahou, de la démagogie de Rubio et du racisme de Stephens, les représentants de Tsahal ont reconnu que les violences israéliennes provoquaient une réaction palestinienne. « La violence juive envers les arabes atteint des niveaux que nous ne nous rappelons pas avoir vus par le passé, a confié un représentant de Tsahal au journaliste israélien Nahum Barnea. Les Israéliens ont arraché des centaines d’oliviers appartenant à des arabes, dévasté des maisons, fracassé des voitures. La violence appelle la violence. »"

    Un article de Matthew Duss, Président de la Foundation for (...)

    #palestine #israël

  • Israeli courts give free hand to Shin Bet

    Journalist Nahum Barnea, of the Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth, reported in his April 10 column that during the searches in Hebron, the IDF detained a Palestinian who subsequently confessed to the kidnapping in his interrogation by the Shin Bet. The faked disappearance and forced confession again give rise to doubts about the use of so-called necessity interrogations by the Shin Bet, where the security agency is authorized to employ “special measures” in the interrogation of detainees.

    It is unclear whether the Palestinian who claimed responsibility for the “kidnapping” of Asraf had indeed been subjected to “necessity interrogation.” However, lawyers specializing in civil rights cases, who represent Palestinians accused of security offenses in military courts, have told Al-Monitor that following the abduction and murder of the three Israeli youths last June, the Shin Bet was granted a sweeping license to conduct interrogations using various pressure methods, which often lead to false confessions obtained under duress.

    “It is quite clear that there have been many such confessions,” attorney Gaby Lasky told Al-Monitor. Lasky, who represents the Meretz Party on the Tel Aviv City Council, is a human rights lawyer who has represented Palestinians in military courts for many years now. According to Lasky, “Ever since the ‘torture ruling’ given by the Supreme Court [June 1999], where the Supreme Court limited the use of physical means [in security-related interrogations], the court has allowed some torture in cases when the interrogation was defined as ‘a necessity interrogation.’ The number of ‘necessity interrogations’ has significantly increased since the abduction of the three boys, and there are lots of people who have been interrogated under such conditions and [consequently] admitted to all sorts of things.”

  • Israël reporte sa menace de frappes sur l’Iran

    En même temps, il a calmé l’inquiétude croissante qui s’est répandue au sein de la communauté internationale, qui craint les conséquences pétrolières, et donc économiques, d’un tel scénario.

    M. Nétanyahou n’avait pas caché ces dernières semaines qu’il souhaitait que Washington brandisse rapidement la menace d’une attaque contre les sites iraniens. Nahum Barnéa, commentateur réputé de la presse israélienne, souligne, dans le quotidien Yediot Aharonot, que « ce report contredit ses déclarations précédentes, dans lesquelles il demandait une opération militaire immédiate ».

    Il ajoute qu’un « problème de crédibilité a ainsi été créé ». « De plus, [M. Nétanyahou] a ostensiblement accordé aux Iraniens un utile délai pour accélérer et perfectionner leur programme nucléaire », poursuit l’éditorialiste.

    Et ce sera beaucoup plus difficile pour colorier la ligne rouge. Ils le font exprès ces Iraniens !

  • Les élections américaines vues... d’Israël | Géopolis

    Selon Nahum Barnea, l’éditorialiste vedette du quotidien Yediot Aharonot, Netanyahu voudrait voir le candidat républicain installé à la Maison Blanche non pas en raison du dossier iranien, mais bien pour ne pas avoir à affronter un Obama désireux de relancer les négociations avec les Palestiniens, exigeant l’arrêt de la colonisation, libéré des pressions d’AIPAC, le lobby pro-israélien.