
  • The 1970s Political Activist Who Invented Penis Pants

    Introducing Eldridge Clever, Presidential candidate, writer, political activist, a prominent early leader of the Black Panthers, oh and inventor of the penis pants.

    One of those rare internet back alley gems, I came across this innovative design from the 1970s and just had to share it with you. The penis pants you never asked for, solve all sorts of problems according to their late inventor, Eldridge Cleaver, such as ‘fig-leaf mentality’.

    “Clothing is an extension of the fig leaf — it put our sex inside our bodies,” Cleaver told Newsweek in 1975. “My pants put sex back where it should be.” The Black Panthers frontman and radical intellectual came up with the idea while living in Paris in exile after fleeing charges from a confrontation with the police in 1968.

    He took out an ad in the classifieds of the International Herald Tribune seeking investors and manufacturers for his collection that outlined the wearer’s genitals in a ‘sock-like codpiece’. ”Millions in profits envisioned,” the advertisement read¹.

    A campaign badge for Cleaver’s 1968 Presidential campaign.

    A controversial media figure and former Presidential candidate in 1968 for the Peace and Freedom Party, Eldridge took every opportunity to model the pants himself for the press, but few publications would print photographs of the provocative design.

    Despite creating quite the stir on the 1970s male fashion scene, shockingly the penis pant was never a great commercial success. Cleaver’s questionable design did little to help his reputation with the press, who were quick to paint the former revolutionary turned fashion designer as an ageing civil rights activist gone a little … well, cuckoo.

    So there you have it, penis pants.

    It should also be noted that Eldridge Cleaver later became a Mormon.

    Je suis pas d’accord avec l’article qui traite Eldridge Cleaver de zinzin, ca me semble une bonne idée pour le #disempowerment masculin.
    #virilité #pénis #mode #black_panthers

  • The Game-Ending, Keyboard-Breaking, World of Lag (and how to fix it)

    If you’ve ever played an online multiplayer game, you’ve probably suffered from some sort of lag. When Ronaldo is kicking the referee in Fifa 18 (instead of the ball) or your character in Counter-Strike starts teleporting around into different walls, its the nasty result of high latency, the slow connection speed from the games servers to your #gaming system. And this isnt a trivial problem. Newsweek wrote about Fortnite’s game-breaking update that introduced lag effects while building and graphic rednering issues that made the game “almost unplayable”. There are 1000’s of videos on YouTube that show hilarious (and soul-crushing) moments of defeat, as gamers lose control over their characters and die mysteriously in the heat of an intense skirmish.Jitter, lag, and slow ping are all results (...)

    #tech #internet #videogames #networking

  • Donald Trump Spell-Check : Why Does Our Leader Insist on Capitalizing ’Country’ ? | Alternet

    Trump’s bizarre spelling choices may seem amusing. But stop laughing: His use of “Country” has a hidden meaning

    By Chauncey DeVega / Salon
    October 26, 2018, 3:06 AM GMT

    There is nothing funny about Donald Trump. Like other autocrats and political thugs he thrives on being underestimated. Last week there was another example of this error by Donald Trump’s detractors and others who oppose him.

    On Twitter, his preferred means of communication, Donald Trump proclaimed last week:

    When referring to the USA, I will always capitalize the word Country!

    Trump was mocked by comedians on late night television for this supposed gaffe. Other prominent voices pointed to Trump’s “misspelling” as further proof that he is a dolt and a fool. By implication, his voters are fools and dolts as well. This version of liberal Schadenfreude is a defining feature in the Age of Trump.

    It is small comfort which ignores the fact that Donald Trump’s grammatical errors and odd spelling are — as admitted by White House insiders some months ago — strategic choices designed to make him appear more “folksy” and “authentic.” Trump’s faux-populist appeal depends upon his ability to relate to his supporters by sharing their grievances and hostility toward those liberals and progressives they perceive as looking down on “real Americans.”

    To understand Donald Trump, one must begin with the fact that he is an American fascist — an autocrat and authoritarian by instinct, behavior, and values. This is the nucleus of his being. This is the prism through which to best understand Donald Trump.

    I asked several leading experts on fascism and authoritarianism to help me understand Trump’s conversion of “Country” into a proper noun.

    Ruth Ben-Ghiat, professor of history and Italian studies at New York University, author of the forthcoming book “Strongmen: How They Rise, Why They Succeed, How They Fall,” and featured commentator in Michael Moore’s “Fahrenheit 11/9”:

    Trump’s statement that he’ll capitalize the word Country represents yet another attempt to polarize the American population and set up one half as “moral,” "just" and politically and, above all, racially acceptable. It is a technique used by every authoritarian leader, often with success. Some may look at this tweet as just another quirky Trump language proposition, but nothing he does is accidental, including his capitalization strategies.

    Richard Frankel, professor of modern German History at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, an expert on the rise of Nazism in Germany whose work has also been featured in Newsweek and on the History News Network:

    I see it as another way of saying “America First.” He’s putting the emphasis on country, on nation, on America before anything else. He’s contrasting himself and his followers with those who see America as part of a much larger community of nations, in which cooperation, not confrontation, is what is what’s best for everyone. Those who see it his way are the “real Americans.” Those who don’t are the enemy. It’s the pitting of “America Firsters” against the dreaded “Globalists.” It’s another way to divide the country — inclusion through exclusion.

    Jason Stanley, professor of philosophy at Yale University and author of “How Propaganda Works” as well as the new book “How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them”:

    Via linguistic style and repetition, Trump is inculcating his followers with an ethic of authoritarian nationalism. Organized religion is a local authoritarian structure; the authority of God is signaled linguistically, by capitalizing “God” or not completely spelling out the word. According to Trump, like “God,” "Country" should be capitalized. This is a linguistic means of signalizing the quasi-religious authority of the nation. And since the nation is not a person, or even a person-like figure, that religious authority should be transferred to its leader, Donald Trump.

    It (again) reminded me of this quote from Victor Klemperer’s “Language of the Third Reich”: “Nazism permeated the flesh and blood of the people through single words, idioms and sentence structures which were imposed on them in a million repetitions and taken on board mechanically and unconsciously … language does not simply write and think for me, it also increasingly dictates my feelings and governs my entire spiritual being the more unquestioningly and unconsciously I abandon myself to it.”

    Several days after Trump made his declaration about the correct spelling of our “Country,” he announced that he was a proud “nationalist.” Because Trump is a racial authoritarian — and a student of “alt-right” guru Steve Bannon as well as White House adviser Stephen Miller, principal architect of his nativist immigration policy — his brand of nationalism is in no sense “neutral.” It is in reality white nationalism, whether called by that name or not. Donald Trump may evade or deflect from that fact. But it is true nonetheless. This is evident through his repeated and overt hostility toward nonwhites and Muslims.

    An embrace of nationalism by Donald Trump fits neatly within his logic for capitalizing the word “Country” when referring to the United States of America.

    Benjamin Hett, professor of history at Hunter College and the Graduate Center, City University of New York, author of “Burning the Reichstag: An Investigation into the Third Reich’s Enduring Mystery” as well as the new book “The Death of Democracy: Hitler’s Rise to Power and the Downfall of the Weimar Republic”:

    This is language I do not remember hearing from any other president. And this is where the significance of “Country” comes in. Trump the “nationalist” with his capital C in “Country” uses “globalist” as a pejorative. He is step by step dismantling the international infrastructure which the United States created after the Second World War to maintain a democratic and prosperous global order. Just recently he has begun dismantling the key INF treaty with Russia, another horrifically dangerous step. This is all reminiscent of the nationalism of the German administrations of the early 1930s, up to and including Hitler — turn away from the world, turn away from crucial international connections, turn away from peace and democracy. We know, or should know, that this cannot and will not lead anywhere good.


    Some people laugh when they are terrified. It is not that the situation is funny; rather, their brains process existential dread through the physical act of laughter. This is why so many of us laugh at Donald Trump’s supposed gaffes and misspellings, and his other crude and boorish behavior. Donald Trump’s America is a real thing. We are stuck in it and many of us still cannot believe this has all come to pass. In the final analysis, laughter provides some short-term relief during the walk to the political gallows. The laughter feels good. The noose is still waiting.

    #Trump #Fascisme #Typographie #Histoire #Linguistique

  • The Angry Arab News Service/وكالة أنباء العربي الغاضب: You rarely see such a #WINEP disclaimer in a Western publication: they used to do that in the past

    “The trend line that both countries are taking seems headed in the direction of a serious clash,” Michael Eisenstadt, director of military and security studies at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, a think tank with close ties to the Israeli military , tells Newsweek. (thanks Basim)

  • North Korean EMP Attack Would Cause Mass U.S. Starvation, Says Congressional Report (octobre 2017)

    The consequences of such a detonation would be dire.

    “The U.S. can sustain a population of 320 million people only because of modern technology,” said Pry. “An EMP that blacks-out the electric grid for a year would [decimate] the critical infrastructure necessary to support such a large population.”

    In three days, the food supply in local grocery stores would be consumed and the 30-day national food supply in regional warehouses would begin to spoil, says Pry. In one year, he contends that up to 90% of the population could perish from starvation, disease and societal collapse.

    After generating gamma-rays that interact with air molecules in Earth’s stratosphere, a so-called fast pulse EMP field of tens of kilovolts would only last a few hundred nanoseconds.

    But in the event of such an attack, aircraft electronics would be fried, as well as electronics in air traffic control towers, and navigation systems , says Pry. “Airliners would crash killing many of the 500,000 people flying over North America at any given moment,” he said.

    Pry says electro-mechanical systems which regulate the flow of gas through pipelines would spark; causing the gas to ignite and result in massive firestorms in cities and large forest fires.

    There would be no water; no communications; and mass transportation would be paralyzed, says Pry. In seven days, he contends that reactors in U.S.’ nuclear power plants would essentially melt down, spreading radioactivity across most of the nation.

    Reprise dans NewsWeek :

    Explication dans Popular Mechanics :

    Quelqu’un a des infos là-dessus ?

    • Un aspect que je n’arrive pas à éclaircir : est-ce que de telles armes existent déjà, ou bien est-ce que ça relève de la littérature scientifique ou pseudo-scientifique ? Parce que si on évoque ces armes, hypothétiquement, pour la Corée du Nord, est-ce qu’il faut comprendre qu’elles existent déjà dans l’arsenal des grandes puissances ?

      Je me googlise le sujet super-emp, et la multitude de textes qui arrivent ne traitent que d’une super-EMP nord-coréen. Et pour l’instant, rigoureusement personne pour se demander si ça existe pour de vrai, et si les Américains en ont déjà développé (et/ou les Russes et les Chinois par exemple). Ce que je trouve extrêmement douteux.

    • Signalé par @fil il y a un mois:
      The Overrated Threat From Electromagnetic Pulses – War Is Boring – Medium

      An electromagnetic pulse following a nuclear blast is a real thing. The problem is that the process of creating an EMP big enough without the devastation of a nuclear warhead is expensive, absurd and not worth the effort. That’s if it even works.

      #emp donc

    • Here’s what would happen if North Korea hit the US with an EMP that could take out 90% of the population

      But according to experts, the idea of North Korea using an EMP to attack the US is ridiculous, laughable, and totally unlikely. The US’s own Defense Technical Information Center concluded in 2008 that an EMP in reality couldn’t actually even stop a car from driving more than three times out of 37.

      “If you have the required level of capability to conduct some sort of very high level exo-atmospheric EMP, you’d get more effect out of using that as a nuclear-strike capability,” Justin Bronk, a research fellow specializing in military technology at the Royal United Services Institute, told Business Insider.

      Because an EMP is “quite an unpredictable effecter,” according to Bronk, North Korea would take a huge risk using an unproven technology to attack the US when it could simply bomb a city.

      But if North Korea did try a bolt-out-of-the-blue attack on the US with the intent of killing as many people as possible, the result “would be exactly the same in terms of response from the US as actually a ground detonation,” said Bronk.

      If North Korea launched an electromagnetic-pulse attack on the US, nothing would stop the US from responding with nukes. Senior Airman Kyla Gifford/US Air Force
      The nuclear infrastructure the US would use to respond to such an attack has been hardened against EMPs. As soon as the blast in space was detected, US nuclear missiles would streak across the sky and obliterate North Korea.

  • Why Saad Hariri Had That Strange Sojourn in Saudi Arabia - The New York Times

    Pas de trève des confiseurs aux USA ! Etrange offensive médiatique contre MbS, le tout daté du 24 décembre.

    Dans cet article du NYT (pas fracassant) qui relate la détention de Hariri en Arabie saoudite :

    As bizarre as the episode was, it was just one chapter in the story of Prince Mohammed, the ambitious young heir apparent determined to shake up the power structure not just of his own country but of the entire region.

    Dans le Washington Post (où il est décrit comme “le prince de l’hypocrisie
    If he is truly interested in demonstrating enlightened and modern leadership, he should unlock the prison doors behind which he and his predecessors have unjustly jailed people of creativity, especially writers critical of the regime and intolerant religious hard-liners. Recently, he oversaw a crackdown that swept up influential clerics, activists, journalists and writers on vague charges of endangering national security. Allowing these voices to thrive and exist in the open would be a real contribution to the kind of society he says he wants. In particular, he should arrange an immediate pardon for blogger Raif Badawi, serving a 10-year jail sentence in the kingdom for the crime of free expression. Mr. Badawi offended hard-liners when he wrote that he longed for a more liberal Saudi society, saying, “Liberalism simply means, live and let live.”

    Opening Mr. Badawi’s cell door would do more to change Saudi Arabia than purchasing a fancy yacht and a villa in France.

    Et, Newsweek en remet une couche sur le Yémen notamment : But by far the biggest warning sign that Saudi Arabia is not ready to take human rights seriously is what it is doing in neighboring Yemen.

    “Earlier in November the U.N. warned that Yemen is on the brink of famine on a scale that the world has not seen in decades. This has been caused in no small part by the actions of the Saudi Arabia-led coalition fighting in the country.

    Since early November, Saudi Arabia has tightened a blockade preventing nearly all food and life-saving aid from reaching an already starving and battered nation. An estimated 130 Yemeni children are dying every day, according to Save the Children.

    Though key access routes have since been reopened, there is little evidence that enough critically needed aid is being allowed in or guarantees that it will not be tightened again following the Huthis’ control of Sana’a. There certainly has been an uptick in air strikes by the Saudi-led coalition in December.

    All parties to the conflict have crimes to answer for, but in its fight against Huthi rebels in Yemen, Saudi Arabia has decided that the collective punishment of Yemeni civilians is an acceptable tactic in war. It is not.

    The Saudi Arabian authorities are not keen for the outside world to see how they are waging this war. Yet the pictures are starting to trickle out. It is these images, as well as those of the real reformers in Saudi Arabia who are languishing behind bars, that we should keep in mind next time we think about casually endorsing the new Crown Prince’s efforts to bring about reform.”

    Et Newsweek en remet une couche sur le Yémen notamment, sous le titre “Les nouveaux habits de l’emperuer” :
    But by far the biggest warning sign that Saudi Arabia is not ready to take human rights seriously is what it is doing in neighboring Yemen.

    Earlier in November the U.N. warned that Yemen is on the brink of famine on a scale that the world has not seen in decades. This has been caused in no small part by the actions of the Saudi Arabia-led coalition fighting in the country.

    Since early November, Saudi Arabia has tightened a blockade preventing nearly all food and life-saving aid from reaching an already starving and battered nation. An estimated 130 Yemeni children are dying every day, according to Save the Children.

    Though key access routes have since been reopened, there is little evidence that enough critically needed aid is being allowed in or guarantees that it will not be tightened again following the Huthis’ control of Sana’a. There certainly has been an uptick in air strikes by the Saudi-led coalition in December.

    All parties to the conflict have crimes to answer for, but in its fight against Huthi rebels in Yemen, Saudi Arabia has decided that the collective punishment of Yemeni civilians is an acceptable tactic in war. It is not.

    The Saudi Arabian authorities are not keen for the outside world to see how they are waging this war. Yet the pictures are starting to trickle out. It is these images, as well as those of the real reformers in Saudi Arabia who are languishing behind bars, that we should keep in mind next time we think about casually endorsing the new Crown Prince’s efforts to bring about reform."


  • John Kiriakou, CIA Officer in Torture Leak Case, Injured in Serious Traffic Accident
    By Jeff Stein On 10/6/17 at 3:18 PM

    John Kiriakou, a prominent ex-CIA officer, and among the first to reveal the agency’s torture program, was seriously injured in a motorcycle accident earlier this week in Washington, D.C., according to one of his attorneys.

    Kiriakou suffered broken ribs, a fractured clavicle and lumbar spine damage, according to Jesselyn Radack, one of the attorneys who represented him when he was charged in 2012 with leaking classified information about CIA waterboarding of an Al-Qaeda suspect at a secret site in Thailand. He eventually pleaded guilty to one count of leaking the identity of a fellow CIA officer to a reporter and was sentenced to 30 months in prison.

    “It was a serious accident, but hopefully he’ll be released on Sunday,” Radack tells Newsweek. She said Kiriakou was driving his Vespa in northwest Washington when a car stopped suddenly in front of him. He plowed into the vehicle and was taken by ambulance to George Washington University Hospital, Radack says.


  • 3月7日のツイート

    Top story: Browserling - Live interactive cross-browser testing…, see more posted at 10:11:12

    The latest Papier!… Thanks to @RonanLTynan @graspedblog @dsgnblts #ycrazymind #books posted at 09:13:27

    RT @d_slavica: ...truly powerful Woman Don’t explain why She Need Repect..Simply Don’t Notes Those Who don’t Give It To Her..?? posted at 08:53:26

    RT @MakMakay: “I envy music for being beyond words. But then, every word is beyond music.” -James Richardson Batrak @noveliciouss posted at 08:52:31

    RT @Newsweek_JAPAN: サイバー戦争で暗躍する「サイバー武器商人」とは何者か… #アメリカ #サイバー攻撃 #ハッキング posted at 08:12:51

    RT @Ms_Golightly: (...)

  • The Specter of Democracy | Jacobin

    A propos d’une caricature apparue sur Newsweek

    The plane analogy breaks down after a moment’s consideration.

    For one, it assumes that the existing pilots have been doing a decent job.

    But what if they kept periodically crashing, and declined to repair the damage before taking off again? What if, due to operator negligence, the people in the cheaper seats were forced to hold on for dear life because some of their windows were shattered? What if, in other words, the pilots didn’t seem to care about the health and safety of those in economy class because they were too busy trying to keep the passengers in first class happy?

    This rendering is much closer to reality. And it points to why many passengers might be eager for a change. Even if it’s unclear whether an alternative pilot would actually make things better, it may seem worth the gamble — particularly for those edging closer to the smashed windowpane. Announcements from the cockpit that repairs are unnecessary because the plane is “already great” are likely to fall on deaf ears.

  • 10月27日のツイート

    Top story: The Famous Feynman Lectures on Physics: The New Online Edition (in H……, see more posted at 10:17:49

    The latest Papier!… Thanks to @RogerioFelipe @tayoulevy @Parazoom_films #hihonews #painting posted at 09:14:32

    RT @MattRSays: #BornOnThisDay Don Siegel, seen here with frequent collaborator Clint Eastwood posted at 08:36:24

    RT @neko_tube1: posted at 08:35:47

    Top story: Joe Walsh on Twitter: "On November 8th, I’m voting for Trump. On No……, see more posted at 08:19:21

    RT @Newsweek_JAPAN: 【パックンコラム】芸人的にもアリエナイ、トランプ・ジョークの末路……あり得ない「トランプ・ジョーク」の中でも特に憤りを禁じ得なかったトップ3をご紹介 (...)

  • Russia Is Building a Nuclear Space Bomber - The Daily Beast

    the military space plane could give Russia a potentially history-altering nuclear first-strike capability.
    “The idea is that the bomber will take off from a normal home airfield to patrol Russian airspace,” Solodovnikov said, according to Sputnik, a government-owned news site. “Upon command, it will ascend into outer space, strike a target with nuclear warheads and then return to its home base.”
    Thanks to its orbital capability, the bomber would be able to nuke any target on Earth no longer than two hours after taking off, Solodovnikov claimed.

    (...) In 1967, the United States and Russia and 102 other countries signed the Outer Space Treaty, which bans the explicit militarization of space.

    #espace #militarisation #armes_nucléaires #russie

  • Mona Eltahawy’s Headscarves and Hymens

    Don’t laugh at me but I have been reading her book, “Headscarves and Hymens: Why the Middle East Needs a Sexual Revolution”. Is this a joke? Or is this a new genre of anti-feminist essentialism fake feminism which Western culture welcomes? She reminds me of the anti-feminist Lebanese Joumana Haddad. I think Western culture welcomes such manifestation because they internalize the racism and bigotry and non-scholarly generalizations about all Arabs and about all Muslims. And the documentation of the book is hilarious: she mentions in passing some feminist names but then is obsessed with Newsweek and various shallow journalism of the West. This is her audience and her sources. And she loves to titillate Western readers with stories about “what Arab men are doing to us”. Her generalization about Arabs and their peculiar culture are based on ranking by the World Bank. I kid you not (p. 2—of an electronic edition). She tells you that Newsweek committed an error in hailing King Abdullah of SA as a reformer and adds that it “ought to know better”. Yes, because Newsweek has a history of first-rate journalistic coverage of the world. She tells you that clerics of Saudi Arabia are obsessed with women, as if reactionary clerics of Judaism and Christianity are not obsessed with women. But don’t think that she didn’t work hard in researching her book. For example, when she talks about Islamism, she knows what she is talking about and she even uses the official definition of Islamism as offered by...AP. I am not making this up. (p.4). She tells you that Arab “men can’t control themselves”, thus implying that all Arab men are rapists and sexual harassers and predators. Her questions reminds me of when a boy or a girl stumbles on feminism at age 11 or 12. As in: why are there double standards, etc. And she implies that in Arab culture women are not expected to have sexual drives, when the entire Islamic and Arab system of gender restriction is based recognition and even exaggeration of the sexual desires of women. But here she is extrapolating Western Christian standards on Arab culture. She tells you that the regime that NATO installed in Libya was very sexist but instead of faulting NATO she faults...Arab men. She tells you that Egypt is a “classist society”. What can’t Arabs enjoy living in the classless societies of the West, why? But wait: she makes a case that if you disagree with her: you are either a Western right-wing bigot or you are a Western liberal who refuse to condemn misogyny. So you are stuck: you have to agree with her or else.

  • A lire la tribune de Frederic C. Hof dans Newsweek, publiée d’abord sur le site de l’Atlantic Council, qui est un plaidoyer pour une invasion du territoire syrien (le fameux plan d’invasion au sol souhaité par les Turcs et les Saoudiens, que certains pensent être le plan B évoqué par Kerry).
    Ce Fred Hof est un ancien officier militaire en poste au Moyen-Orient. Il a le rang d’ambassadeur et a été conseiller spécial pour la « transition » en Syrie auprès d’Hillary Clinton - en clair chargé de l’opération de regime-change en Syrie. Il s’est aussi un peu occupé de paix israélo-arabe, comme on le fait aux USA... Il est désormais senior fellow auprès du Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle East :
    Au milieu de l’habillage argumentatif à base de génocide et des alarmes humanitaires peu crédibles de la part d’un tel personnage, on trouve des vérités rarement dites. D’abord qu’un des objectifs de Poutine en Syrie est de mettre fin aux opérations américaines de regime-change de par le monde en infligeant une défaite aux USA :

    Putin’s objective need not change: force the United States into a de facto alliance with Assad against ISIS, thereby enabling him to tell Russians that the American worldwide regime change campaign he has vowed to defeat has been stopped cold in Syria , that the American president has been forced to eat his “Assad should step aside” words and that Russia has returned to great power status—thereby ending decades of humiliation.

    Quand on a été préposé à ce genre d’opérations, il y a là de quoi crier au scandale, effectivement.

    Ensuite, que dans le moment actuel sur l’accord de cessation des hostilités, la crainte de M. Hof et d’autres (disons ceux qui financent le Rafik Hariri Center...) soit que l’accalmie relative de la violence au nord-ouest, si elle perdurait, ne permette à Poutine et Assad de se lancer à la conquêt des territoires de Da’ich à l’est. Voire pire, de solliciter publiquement le soutien américain pour cela, légitimant du coup Assad :

    Assad’s negotiators in Geneva would simply stiff-arm any attempt to sideline him. Russian aircraft and Syrian ground forces (supplemented critically with Shia foreign fighters organized by Iran) would move incrementally against ISIS, calling on the American-led anti-ISIS coalition to support what Moscow would characterize as “the legitimate Government of Syria and its elected President in the battle against international terrorism.”

    Du coup, bin, l’invasion au sol est bien évidemment nécessaire :

    The recommendation here remains as it has been for many, many months: A coalition of the willing ground force led by the United States, consisting in large measure of regional forces and excluding Russia, Iran and the Assad regime, should destroy ISIS in eastern Syria and give the Syrian opposition the opportunity to work with local committees (now underground) to establish decent governance in ISIS-liberated Syria.

    On passera sur l’autre recommandation, assez délirante, de bombarder des bases syriennes au cas où les attaques russes et syriennes prendraient le prétexte de la présence d’al-Nousra...

  • Long et intéressant article de Nour Samaha dans Newsweek qui fait l’historique des plans de #partition au Moyen-Orient. Même si on regrettera l’angle mort israélien.
    On y trouve, parmi bien d’autres choses - dont certaines bien connues, cette anecdote rapportée par Karim Pakradouni selon laquelle durant la guerre du Liban dans les années 80 des cartes d’une Syrie divisée en 3 Etats confessionnels circulaient. Pakradouni attira l’attention de Hafiz al-Assad sur ces cartes qui était inquiet et convaincu qu’il s’agissait d’une manière pour la CIA de sonder les réactions des gens à un tel plan.

    The same happened again during the Lebanese civil war in the 1980s; maps of a partitioned Syria into three minor states—a Sunni state next to Turkey, an Alawite state along the coast, and another Sunni state including Damascus and the South—began circulating amongst journalists and politicians in Lebanon. Pakradouni, a key player among the Lebanese Christian axis during the civil war, saw the maps and brought them to the attention of then Syrian president, Hafez Al Assad.
    “He was very concerned when he heard about them,” he says. “He was convinced it was a CIA plan and that the idea was being floated to see how people would react to it.”
    Meanwhile, factions in Lebanon attempted to capitalize on the civil war crisis and pushed again to create a Christian statelet within the country’s borders; and this time they were more successful. Yet, as Pakradouni—one of the architects of the Christian state—points out, partitioning the country led to a situation that should be an example to all those today who are thinking of attempting the same.

  • Funeral held for teen killed during fatal attack on Israeli settlement
    Jan. 30, 2016

    RAMALLAH (Ma’an) — Thousands mourned on Friday in the funeral of a 17-year-old Palestinian from the Qalandiya refugee camp in the occupied West Bank who was shot dead while carrying out an attack in the illegal Beit Horon settlement earlier this week.

    Hussein Muhammad Abu Ghush was killed alongside 23-year-old Osama Youssef Allan on Monday after the two stabbed two Israeli women in the settlement, one of whom died shortly after from critical injuries.

    Israeli authorities handed over the bodies of both Palestinians Friday evening after withholding them for four days.

    Abu Ghush’s body was taken in an ambulance from the Palestine Medical Complex in Ramallah to the Qalandiya refugee camp, where residents carried the 17-year-old on their shoulders to his family home.

    Following final farewells bid by relatives, his body was brought to a mosque inside of the camp for funeral prayers before being laid to rest.

    Abu Ghush is among at least nine residents of the Qalandiya refugee camp to be killed since a wave of unrest spread across the occupied Palestinian territory in October.


    • Wrong Waze: App Leads Israeli Troops to Palestinian Camp Sparking ’Hannibal’ Rescue Operation

      The military activated the controversial “Hannibal Directive,” according to Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz, a measure that allows commanders to take necessary action to prevent the abduction of a soldier and the escape of the captors, putting the soldier and surrounding civilians in mortal danger.
      Spokesperson for Waze, Julie Mossler, told Newsweek that the app has a setting that ensures routes into Palestinian-controlled territories are prevented for Israelis, saying that this feature was not in use by the soldiers.

      The Waze application includes a specific default setting that prevents routes through areas which are marked as dangerous or prohibited for Israelis to drive through,” Mossler says in an email statement. “In this case, the setting was disabled. In addition, the driver deviated from the suggested route and as a result, entered the prohibited area.

      Mossler continues: “Waze has and is continuing to work directly with the relevant authorities to decrease such mishaps from occurring, but unfortunately there is no ability to prevent them all together as ultimately some prudence is in the driver’s hands.

  • A lire le très bon article dans Newsweek de Nour Samaha sur les stratégies de consolidation de l’annexion du Golan syrien par Israël à la faveur de la guerre en Syrie :

    “The crisis has given Israel an opportunity to work on the new generation; telling them to bring their relatives from Syria because they’re cutting heads [there] and the situation is getting worse,” said Safadi. “Those who have taken the citizenship say it is because they’re not getting anything from Syria, that they want to travel and live their lives.”
    Zahwa believes that by opening up the economy and boosting the tourism industry, Israel is attempting to draw a more attractive future for Golan residents compared to what Syria can offer.
    “Israel is trying to make a new alternative, a political, economic and social alternative, because of the situation in Syria,” she said.
    At the same time, Israeli officials have gone into overdrive with their naturalization campaign and have rejected any notion of reviving peace negotiations with Syria.
    Naftali Bennett, a senior Israeli official and leader of the right-wing party The Jewish Home, said it was high time the world recognized Israel’s annexation of the Golan.
    “I want to challenge the entire world… I want to give the international community an opportunity to demonstrate their ethics.
    Recognize the Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights,” he said at a conference in June last year. “Who do they want us to give the Golan to? To Assad? Today, it is clear that if we listened to the world we would give up the Golan and [Daesh] would be swimming in the Sea of Galilee.”

  • Selon des déclarations faites à l’agence de presse iranienne IRNA et rapportées par Newsweek, le général Qassem Suleimani promet une grosse surprise en Syrie :

    “The world will be surprised by what we and the Syrian military leadership are preparing for the coming days,” Iran’s official IRNA state news agency quoted the general as saying.
    The agency added that it “takes no responsibility for the information”.

    Une source sécuritaire syrienne anonyme aurait par ailleurs rapporté à l’AFP qu’environ 7000 combattants irakiens et iraniens seraient arrivés en renfort de l’armée syrienne d’abord pour sécuriser Damas, ensuite pour reprendre le noeud stratégique de Jisr al-Choughour à Jaysh al-Fatah (al-Nusra, Ahrar al-Cham et consorts de l’ASL) :

    “Around 7,000 Iranian and Iraqi fighters have arrived in Syria over the past few weeks and their first priority is the defence of the capital. The larger contingent is Iraqi,” the Syrian security source, speaking on condition of anonymity, told AFP news agency.
    “The goal is to reach 10,000 men to support the Syrian army and pro-government militias, firstly in Damascus, and then to retake Jisr al-Shughur because it is key to the Mediterranean coast and the Hama region,” the source added.

  • 1 in 3 College Men Admit They Would Rape, If We Don’t Call It ’Rape’

    A small survey of college men points at something equal parts interesting and disturbing: one in three of them say they would be willing to “use force to obtain intercourse” as long as nobody would find out and there would be no consequences. But very few were willing to say they would commit rape, suggesting that they don’t quite see that forced sex and rape are the same thing.

    The study, published in the journal Violence and Gender and first reported by Newsweek was exceedingly small: just 86 men were surveyed, and only 72 of those surveys were usable. Of that number, nearly 32 percent said they would use force to obtain sex, provided there would be no consequences. But only 13.6 were willing to endorse the statement that they would they would rape a woman under the same circumstances.

    The researchers found that there was a pretty significant difference in attitudes towards sex between the people willing to admit they would “rape” and those who weren’t. Men who called it “rape” and were still willing to do it displayed hostility to women, meaning, the researchers say, “resentment, bitterness, rejection sensitivity, and paranoia about women’s motives.”

    The men who didn’t have a problem with forced sex displayed “callous sexual attitudes” but no “hostility towards women,” while the people who said they’d be fine with committing rape indicated both. In other words, then, men who are cool with “forced sex,” the researchers theorize, might have personality traits that lend themselves “to allowing men to not perceive his actions as rape.” They add:


  • Change Gun Laws in Europe to Let Jews Carry Arms, Says Leading Rabbi

    In a letter sent to interior ministries around Europe and obtained by Newsweek, Rabbi Menachem Margolin, director general of the Rabbinical Centre of Europe (RCE) and the European Jewish Association (EJA) - the largest federation of Jewish organizations and communities in Europe - writes: “We hereby ask that gun licensing laws are reviewed with immediate effect to allow designated people in the Jewish communities and institutions to own weapons for the essential protection of their communities, as well as receiving the necessary training to protect their members from potential terror attacks.”

    Speaking to Newsweek, Rabbi Margolin added that he believes that “as many people within the Jewish community as possible” should carry weapons.

    On peut voir la lettre ici :

    Je ne vois pas comment ça pourrait mal tourner (je me tâte pour le hashtag imbitable #en_v'là_une_idée_qu'elle_est_bonne)

  • ‘ISIS Sees Turkey as Its Ally’: Former Islamic State Member Reveals Turkish Army Cooperation

    “ISIS and Turkey cooperate together on the ground on the basis that they have a common enemy to destroy, the Kurds,” he added.

    While Newsweek was not able to independently verify Omer’s testimony, anecdotal evidence of Turkish forces turning a blind eye to ISIS activity has been mounting over the past month.

    Omer, the son of a successful businessman in Iraqi Kurdistan, initially went to Syria to join the Free Syrian Army’s fight against Bashar al-Assad, but found himself sucked in to ISIS, unable to leave. He was given a job as a communication technician, and worked at the ISIS communications bureau in Raqqa.

    “I have connected ISIS field captains and commanders from Syria with people in Turkey on innumerable occasions,” said Omer.

    “I rarely heard them speak in Arabic, and that was only when they talked to their own recruiters, otherwise, they mostly spoke in Turkish because the people they talked to were Turkish officials of some sorts because ISIS guys used to be very serious when they talked to them.”

  • La Turquie écartée du Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU à cause de l’Égypte et l’Arabie saoudite rapporte Newsweek

    In the past few days, according to several diplomatic sources, there was an intense campaign, led by Egypt and Saudi Arabia, against Turkey’s membership in the council. The two countries are angered by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s support for the Muslim Brotherhood, which both are fighting at home.

  • What is a Hacker?

    Brian Harvey, University of California, Berkeley, 1985

    In one sense it’s silly to argue about the "true’’ meaning of a word. A word means whatever people use it to mean. I am not the Academie Française; I can’t force Newsweek to use the word "#hacker'' according to my official definition.

    Still, understanding the etymological history of the word "hacker’’ may help in understanding the current social situation.

    The concept of hacking entered the computer culture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the 1960s. Popular opinion at #MIT posited that there are two kinds of students, tools and hackers. A "tool’’ is someone who attends class regularly, is always to be found in the library when no class is meeting, and gets straight As. A "hacker’’ is the opposite: someone who never goes to class, who in fact sleeps all day, and who spends the night pursuing recreational activities rather than studying. There was thought to be no middle ground.

    What does this have to do with computers? Originally, nothing. But there are standards for success as a hacker, just as grades form a standard for success as a tool. The true hacker can’t just sit around all night; he must pursue some hobby with dedication and flair. It can be telephones, or railroads (model, real, or both), or science fiction fandom, or ham radio, or broadcast radio. It can be more than one of these. Or it can be computers. [In 1986, the word "hacker’’ is generally used among MIT students to refer not to computer hackers but to building hackers, people who explore roofs and tunnels where they’re not supposed to be.]

    A "computer hacker,’’ then, is someone who lives and breathes computers, who knows all about computers, who can get a computer to do anything. Equally important, though, is the hacker’s attitude. Computer programming must be a hobby, something done for fun, not out of a sense of duty or for the money. (It’s okay to make money, but that can’t be the reason for hacking.)

    A hacker is an aesthete.