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    ℹ️ New Afnic Foundation winners, new .fr name server in Prague, PGIs and Syreli...

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    #Afnic #domains #DotFR #ccTLDs #InternetMadeInFrance #PointFR #Syreli #Solidarité #Solidarity #DNS

  • AYER NO, HOY SI, ¿Y MAÑANA? Exploring further the issues of legal uncertainty, opacity, and alterations in the entry criteria for the #CETI in Melilla

    Exploring recent changes in access to the CETI in Melilla, this article addresses legal insecurity, lack of transparency and changes in admission criteria. From the context of Melilla to the experiences of Latin American migrants, it reveals the shortcomings of the system and the ongoing struggle for rights.


    #rapport #Melilla #Espagne #Maroc #frontières #migrations #réfugiés #Solidarity_Wheels #centre_d'accueil #hébergement #accueil #centre_temporaire #violence #violence_systématique #violences_policières

  • Les hébergeurs de migrants sont acquittés par la cour d’appel de Bruxelles

    « Aujourd’hui, on a gagné pas seulement pour nous mais pour l’ensemble des hébergeurs qui pourront maintenant héberger ’sur leurs deux oreilles’... Un petit peu plus en tout cas », a déclaré mercredi en début d’après-midi la journaliste Myriam Berghe, lors d’un rassemblement à Bruxelles organisé par le collectif citoyen ’#Solidarity_is_not_a_crime'.

    Un peu plus tôt, la cour d’appel de Bruxelles a acquitté Myriam Berghe et trois autres personnes qui avaient hébergé des migrants en 2017. Elles étaient poursuivies pour complicité d’un trafic d’êtres humains.

    « Oui, on a le droit d’héberger. Oui, on a le droit de prêter un téléphone et un ordinateur aux personnes qu’on héberge et on a le droit de leur traduire ce qu’ils nous demandent de traduire », a déclaré Myriam Berghe.

    Le parquet lui reprochait d’avoir prêté de l’argent et son téléphone à un migrant qu’elle avait accueilli, soutenant que cela servait à ce dernier pour aider d’autres migrants à rejoindre la Grande-Bretagne. « C’est une énorme victoire et on a réussi à faire passer le message que, oui, on a hébergé des #passeurs, mais qui sont bien eux-mêmes victimes de #trafic_d'êtres_humains », a-t-elle poursuivi.

    Myriam Berghe et sa consœur, Anouk Van Gestel, ainsi que deux autres « hébergeurs » - tous acquittés - ont toutefois déploré le coût de leur victoire : plusieurs mois de détention préventive pour deux d’entre eux, quatre ans de procédure judiciaire angoissante et des frais de justice et d’avocats auxquels ils doivent faire face.

    Plusieurs dizaines de personnes étaient présentes pour les écouter, mercredi vers 12h00, place Jean Jacobs, aux abords du palais de justice de Bruxelles. Le rassemblement était organisé par le collectif citoyen ’Solidarity is not a crime’, né de la volonté de dénoncer la criminalisation de la migration et de la solidarité aux migrants.

    #délit_de_solidarité #victoire #justice #Belgique #hébergement #asile #migrations #réfugiés #criminalisation_de_la_solidarité

    ping @isskein @karine4

  • International #COVID-19 trial to restart with focus on immune responses

    Nouveaux essais thérapeutiques par #solidarity et #REMAP-CAP

    One of the drugs to be tested is infliximab, used to treat autoimmune conditions, including Crohn’s disease and rheumatoid arthritis. It blocks a protein called tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), which is released by immune cells called macrophages and promotes inflammation.

    A second treatment in the trial is a cancer drug called imatinib. Researchers hope that it will target both the coronavirus and inflammation, blocking viral infiltration of human cells and reducing the activity of pro-inflammatory proteins called cytokines. Finally, Solidarity is testing artesunate, an anti-malaria drug with potential anti-inflammatory effects. Each of these drugs will be given alongside standard care, which in many regions includes dexamethasone, says Røttingen.

    REMAP-CAP also plans to test imatinib, which could help to prevent leaking of fluids in the blood vessels surrounding the lungs, says Gordon. The trial will also test a different drug that targets TNF-α, as well as a drug called namilumab that blocks a protein called GM-CSF and that could reduce cytokine activity.

    With all of these ways to cool down the immune system, researchers have to be careful that they don’t suppress immune responses so much that people become vulnerable to other infections, says Djillali Annane, an intensive-care physician at the University of Versailles in Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France, and a member of the REMAP-CAP international steering committee.

    In the REMAP-CAP trial, participants will first be given a steroid, such as dexamethasone, and a drug that blocks IL-6 receptors. Participants will be given an additional drug to target the immune system only if they fail to improve after the first two. “This is targeting those patients who do not respond,” says Annane. “Then the question is, if we add on another way to modulate the inflammatory response in these patients, can we save additional lives?”


  • Efficacité des médicaments réaffectés au traitement de la #COVID-19

    L’essai clinique #Solidarity produit en un temps record des preuves concluantes sur l’efficacité des médicaments réaffectés au traitement de la #COVID-19

    Ou plutôt l’inefficacité,

    Les résultats préliminaires de l’essai clinique Solidarity, coordonné par l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé, indiquent que les schémas thérapeutiques à base de #remdesivir, d’#hydroxychloroquine, de lopinavir/ritonavir et d’#interféron semblent avoir peu ou pas d’effet sur la mortalité à 28 jours ou sur l’évolution de la maladie chez les patients hospitalisés.

    Cet essai, qui s’étend sur plus de 30 pays, a examiné les effets de ces traitements sur la mortalité globale, le début de la ventilation et la durée du séjour à l’hôpital parmi les patients hospitalisés.


  • An Immune Protein Could Prevent Severe #COVID-19 -if It Is Given at the Right Time - Scientific American

    "... viruses are smart. They have several proteins that can antagonize and suppress early interferon responses.” One of SARS-CoV-2’s own defenders, a viral protein called Nsp1, can shut down the host cell’s production of immune molecules, including interferons, researchers in Munich reported on July 17 in Science.


    “if the interferon response begins before viral replication peaks, we will have protective immunity,” he says. If the viruses thwart this antiviral defense, however, the delayed interferon response becomes pathogenic—summoning too many monocytes, which secrete inflammatory molecules and cause tissue damage. “It’s the relative timing of interferon with virus replication that’s the key,” Channappanavar says.


    Therapeutically, the findings suggest that #interferons matter in the initial phase of infection. “If you give interferon early, you can really increase the antiviral response. This is where you gain the most,” says Miriam Merad, who directs the Precision Immunology Institute at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and was not involved with the new research. If a person with COVID-19 has already progressed to having #inflammation, “and you go in and give interferon, you are going to make things worse,” she says. In an open-label preprint study in China, #interferon nasal drops prevented the disease in at-risk medical staff who had treated infected individuals. Early unpublished data from COVID-19 patients hospitalized in the U.K. suggest that interferons inhaled directly into the lungs shortened hospital stays and increased odds of recovery. And a randomized trial in Iran is testing whether the proteins can enhance a base therapeutic regimen in moderate to severe COVID-19 patients.

  • #Covid-19 : contre le #coronavirus, quelles #thérapies sont encore dans la course ?

    Peu de coopération en France et peu de coopération à l’échelle internationale.

    Dominique Costagliola est directrice adjointe de l’Institut Pierre-Louis d’épidémiologie et de santé publique (Sorbonne Université, Inserm). Membre de l’Académie des sciences, elle participe au conseil scientifique du consortium REACTing.


    L’évaluation du #Remdesivir se poursuit pour évaluer son éventuel impact sur la #mortalité dans l’essai international de l’OMS #Solidarity et son essai associé #Discovery, conduit par l’Inserm dans plusieurs pays d’Europe (France, Autriche, Belgique, Luxembourg pour l’instant). La question de l’intérêt du Remdesivir reste posée, d’autant que ce médicament est coûteux et que ce ne sera pas un « game changer » s’il ne permet pas d’améliorer la survie.

    T.C. : Quelles sont les pistes qui ont été abandonnées par les principaux essais cliniques en cours ?

    D.C. : Sur l’ensemble des molécules qui ont été testées, l’#hydroxychloroquine, clairement, ne marche pas pour les personnes hospitalisées. Le #Lopinavir, un antirétroviral dont l’utilisation principale est le traitement de l’infection à VIH, a lui aussi été abandonné à la fois par l’essai britannique #Recovery et par l’essai Solidarity. [...]


    T.C. : Et quelles sont les thérapies encore en cours d’évaluation ?

    D.C. : L’essai Solidarity teste encore l’#azithromycine, un antibiotique de la classe des azalides (famille des macrolides) seule. Ce bras n’a pas été arrêté, on en attend encore les résultats.

    Au nombre des pistes intéressantes pour lesquelles nous n’avons pas encore de réponse formelle figure le #plasma de personnes convalescentes. Les études portant sur ce type de thérapies sont plus complexes que lorsqu’on teste un médicament dont on connaît bien le processus de fabrication. En effet, le plasma est prélevé chez des gens qui ont eu la maladie, mais tout le monde ne procède pas de la même façon pour sélectionner les donneurs. En #France par exemple, dans l’essai #CORIPLASM, on vérifie la présence d’anticorps neutralisants. Ce n’est pas forcément le cas dans toutes les études qui sont conduites et le moment d’administration peut aussi jouer un rôle. Il faudra donc en tenir compte lors de l’analyse des résultats.

    [...] De nombreux essais de par le monde évaluent cette solution (y compris l’essai #Recovery au Royaume-Uni). Des résultats positifs pourraient ouvrir la voie pour tester des combinaisons d’#anticorps_monoclonaux permettant d’envisager un processus de fabrication plus simple et généralisable que le plasma de convalescent.

    Une autre piste explorée consiste à s’attaquer non plus au virus, mais à l’orage inflammatoire qu’il déclenche : c’est la piste des immunomodulateurs en général, et des anti-interleukines en particulier (ndlr : les interleukines sont des messagers chimiques qui interviennent dans la réponse immunitaire et l’inflammation associée). Au nombre de ces médicaments figure par exemple le #Tocilizumab, un anticorps qui bloque le récepteur de l’interleukine-6, utilisé pour traiter la polyarthrite rhumatoïde. Une équipe de l’AP-HP avait communiqué fin avril sur le sujet, les résultats sont actuellement soumis en vue d’une publication. Le Tocilizumab est aussi testé dans l’essai Recovery.

    Sur la base de publications ou d’annonces récentes, l’#interféron injectable ou en nébulisation est aussi une piste d’actualité (ndlr : les interférons sont des protéines impliquées dans la réponse immunitaire notamment antivirale).

    De nombreuses autres hypothèses ont aussi été formulées et sont en cours d’évaluation, sans qu’on sache si le nombre des inclusions de participants dans ces études sera suffisant pour en tirer des conclusions.

    T.C. : Est-ce que cela signifie qu’un trop grand nombre d’essais cliniques ont été mis en œuvre ?

    D.C. : La question est complexe, et sur ce point la France et le Royaume-Uni ont eu deux approches très différentes. Les Britanniques ont été très drastiques. Ils ont essentiellement organisé un très gros essai public simple, Recovery, dans lequel ils ont inclus environ 12 000 personnes. Celui-ci à déjà produit des résultats, négatifs pour l’hydroxychloroquine et le Lopinavir, positifs pour la corticothérapie à faible dose. D’autres sont à venir.

    En France, il y a eu au contraire une flambée d’études, sans coordination initiale. En outre, l’emballement franco-français autour de l’hydroxychloroquine a entraîné une multiplication d’essais en lien avec cette molécule. C’est notamment dû à la façon dont est organisé le système. Plus les centres hospitalo-universitaires conduisent de recherche, plus ils reçoivent de dotations. Or, ce sont eux les sponsors des essais publics, justement. Et du moment qu’une équipe a un sponsor, ni l’Agence Nationale de sécurité du Médicament et des produits de santé (ANSM) ni le Comité de protection des patients ne peut s’opposer au démarrage de son essai sous prétexte qu’il y en aurait déjà suffisamment (sous réserve que ledit essai suive les règles relatives à la protection des participants, bien entendu).

    Qui plus est, la recherche est organisée de façon à valoriser l’investigateur principal des travaux. Ce système pousse à la #pléthore et peu à la #collaboration , moins valorisée. Plus de 80 propositions ont été soumises à #REACTing. L’idéal aurait de trouver un juste milieu entre un essai unique, comme au Royaume-Uni, et ces 80 propositions… On aurait pu se limiter à quelques essais en ville et à l’hôpital, par exemple. Mais cela aurait nécessité que les gens travaillent les uns avec les autres, et qu’un organisme puisse être légitime à prioriser les propositions.

    Et cela aurait fait émerger une autre difficulté : quand vous recevez autant de propositions, même si certaines n’ont qu’un rationnel modeste, comment être sûr de donner la priorité aux bonnes ? Ce n’est pas un exercice facile, dans ce contexte.

    Enfin, on peut aussi noter qu’il y a eu peu de coopérations à l’échelle européenne . Tout ceci indique qu’il faudra tirer des enseignements de cette crise, tant en matière d’organisation des essais cliniques que de coopération nationale et internationale en contexte de maladie infectieuse émergente. Et notamment dans la perspective de la poursuite de l’épidémie…

  • Palestine-based Radio Alhara is organising a three-day worldwide protest starting on the 8th of July, in response to the proposed annexation of the West Bank. The three-day lineup of international artists is being mirrored by radio stations around the world. Tune in on their website to listen.

    #palestine #westbank #protest #radio #contemporaryart #activism #solidarity #music #soundart #radiostation #radioalhara #annexation

    Radio Alhara emerges in a time of isolation and boredom, a time where the future of the world as we know it remains unknown.

    The project is inspired by Radio il Hai Beirut and Radio Alhuma Tunis, which were in turn inspired by Radio Quartiere Milano.

    This is a communal radio station/program/project, it begins in Bethlehem and Ramallah, and aims to extend to other places in Palestine and throughout the world, an open platform for listening, adding, discussing, and chatting. So we can all go through this time of solitude while communicating and reminding each other of each other. We hope this is the beginning of a collective space that will continue once this worldwide crisis is over.

    We won’t know all the ones who are listening, nor the ones who will be adding and broadcasting, such is this digital situation we are living in now. But we send hope and courage to everyone, and we tell you: See you soon!


  • WHO discontinues #hydroxychloroquine and #lopinavir/#ritonavir treatment arms for COVID-19

    WHO today accepted the recommendation from the #Solidarity Trial’s International Steering Committee to discontinue the trial’s hydroxychloroquine and lopinavir/ritonavir arms. The Solidarity Trial was established by WHO to find an effective #COVID-19 treatment for hospitalized patients.

    The International Steering Committee formulated the recommendation in light of the evidence for hydroxychloroquine vs standard-of-care and for lopinavir/ritonavir vs standard-of-care from the Solidarity trial interim results, and from a review of the evidence from all trials presented at the 1-2 July WHO Summit on COVID-19 research and innovation. 

    These interim trial results show that hydroxychloroquine and lopinavir/ritonavir produce little or no reduction in the mortality of hospitalized COVID-19 patients when compared to standard of care. Solidarity trial investigators will interrupt the trials with immediate effect. 

    For each of the drugs, the interim results do not provide solid evidence of increased mortality. There were, however, some associated safety signals in the clinical laboratory findings of the add-on Discovery trial, a participant in the Solidarity trial. These will also be reported in the peer-reviewed publication. 

    This decision applies only to the conduct of the Solidarity trial in hospitalized patients and does not affect the possible evaluation in other studies of hydroxychloroquine or lopinavir/ritonavir in non-hospitalized patients or as pre- or post-exposure prophylaxis for COVID-19. The interim Solidarity results are now being readied for peer-reviewed publication.

  • #Coronavirus : l’#OMS arrête les essais sur l’#hydroxychloroquine - Sciences et Avenir

    « Les preuves internes apportées par l’Essai #Solidarity/#Discovery, les preuves externes apportées par l’Essai #Recovery et les preuves combinées apportées par ces deux essais largement aléatoires, mises ensemble, suggèrent que l’hydroxychloroquine - lorsqu’on la compare avec les traitements habituels des patients hospitalisés pour le #Covid-19- n’a pas pour résultat la réduction de la mortalité de ces patients », a déclaré la docteure Ana Maria Henao Restrepo, de l’OMS, au cours d’une conférence de presse virtuelle à Genève.


    Elle a toutefois souligné que la décision d’arrêter les essais sur les patients hospitalisés souffrant du Covid-19 ne concernait pas l’usage ou l’évaluation de cette molécule en tant que traitement préventif de la maladie due au nouveau coronavirus.

  • What happens after Pazarkule - Multeci Medyasi

    After the government announced that it would not prevent refugees crossing into Europe, the refugees who went to the Greek border were taken to the removal centers and quarantined after the one-month wait there. According to the statement of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it was informed that nearly six thousand refugees were taken to the removal centers in nine provinces.

    After three weeks of quarantine, refugees were left on the streets in the provinces where they did not live. Refugees who were taken to different provinces and left on the streets could not return to the registration provinces or the provinces where they lived due to financial difficulties and travel restrictions; In this process, they were exposed to the press, where they were forced to stay in open spaces such as parks, bus terminals, school gardens, and were unable to access food and nutrition opportunities due to financial impossibilities, for long periods of travel and malnutrition. With the support of the non-governmental organization of the refugees, he was able to go to the cities where people were registered.
    Solidarity with Refugees Association made a written statement about the situation of refugees after Pazarkule. In the statement, “Believing in the official statements, the refugees-immigrants were first deprived of their liberty after the humanitarian drama of those who accumulated on the Edirne border and along the Meriç river coasts since February 27; In this point, the speed of propagation of high contagious and dangerous epidemic as recommended insulation and to stay at home within the scope of the measures taken already with the spread all over the world and Turkey, and in this context the age group, and at a time when the announced curfew in specific streets in some settlements, particularly shelter, hygiene were left in the streets and destinies of the provinces they did not know without adequate nutritional facilities and were faced with an epidemic.It is clear that these people, who are faced with a new drama, cannot access housing and healthcare, rights and services, especially in the cities they never knew in the face of the serious epidemic threat, let alone financial difficulties ”.

    Call for Refugee-Deep powers;

    Ensuring that refugees and immigrants quarantined at various removal centers after the Pazarkule tent area has been evacuated will go directly to the provinces where they are registered or want, without asking for fees, without moving around the city and staying on the streets;
    In line with the previous statements, the temporary protection, international protection or residence permits of registered persons continue without any interruption or cancellation;
    Asylum or residence registration of those who do not have any registration before, according to their demands and needs in the city they want;
    While these processes are continuing, taking the necessary measures with the Covid-19 outbreak;
    In the process that started on February 27, the people who lost their homes with the perception that the European borders were opened, lost their jobs and lost their jobs, and provided social assistance to help them to survive, to survive in their cities, even if they were a part;
    Considering the process experienced, urgent use of physical and psychological health services;
    It is to inform the public transparently about the whole process and to take all necessary precautions to avoid similar human drama.



  • Cities must act

    40,000 people are currently trapped on the Aegean islands, forced to live in overcrowded camps with limited medical services and inadequate sanitation.

    #Glasgow, sign this petition from @ActMust
    demanding relocation from the islands.


    #Ecosse #UK #villes-refuge #Glasgow #migrations #asile #réfugiés #Grèce #relocalisation #pétition


    Ajouté à la métaliste sur les villes-refuge :

    ping @isskein @karine4

    • #CitiesMustAct (qui fait partie de la #campagne #EuropeMustAct)

      #CitiesMustAct is a bold new campaign asking the citizens, councils and mayors of European towns and cities to pledge their support for the immediate relocation of asylum seekers on the Greek islands.

      In our previous campaigns we pushed for change on the EU level. From our interaction with EU leaders we have learned that they are hesitant or even unable to act because they believe that there is no broad support for helping refugees among European citizens. Let’s prove them wrong!

      On the 30th of March, the Mayor and citizens of Berlin pledged to take in 1,500 refugees. Now we are asking cities and towns across Europe to join Berlin in offering sanctuary to refugees in overcrowded camps on the Greek mainland and islands.

      As COVID-19 threatens a health crisis in densely overcrowded camps, we must act now to relieve pressure on these horrendous camps.

      Whilst cities may not have the legislative power to directly relocate refugees themselves, #CitiesMustAct will send a powerful message of citizen solidarity that governments and the EU can’t ignore!

      Join us in spreading the #CitiesMustAct campaign across Europe - join us today!


    • Cities lobby EU to offer shelter to migrant children from Greece

      #Amsterdam, #Barcelona and #Leipzig among cities calling for action to ease humanitarian crisis

      Ten European cities have pledged shelter to unaccompanied migrant children living in desperate conditions on Greek island camps or near the Turkish border.

      Amsterdam, Barcelona and Leipzig are among the cities that have written to European Union leaders, saying they are ready to offer a home to vulnerable children to ease what they call a rapidly worsening humanitarian crisis in Greece.

      “We can provide these children with what they now so urgently need: to get out of there, to have a home, to be safe, to have access to medical care and to be looked after by dedicated people,” the letter states.

      But the cities can only make good on their pledge if national governments agree. Seven of the 10 local government signatories to the letter are in countries that have not volunteered to take in children under a relocation effort launched by the European commission in March.

      #Rutger_Groot_Wassink, Amsterdam’s deputy mayor for social affairs, said it was disappointing the Dutch government had declined to join the EU relocation scheme. He believes Dutch cities could house 500 children, with “30-35, maybe 40 children” being brought to Amsterdam.

      “It’s not that we can send a plane in and pick them up, because you need the permission of the national government. But we feel we are putting pressure on our national government, which has been reluctant to move on this issue,” he said.

      The Dutch government – a four-party liberal-centre-right coalition – has so far declined to join the EU relocation effort, despite requests by Groot Wassink, who is a member of the Green party.

      “It might have something to do with the political situation in the Netherlands, where there is a huge debate on refugees and migrants and the national government doesn’t want to be seen as refugee-friendly. From the perspective of some of the parties they feel that they do enough. They say they are helping Greece and of course there is help for Greece.”

      If the Dutch government lifted its opposition, Groot Wassink said transfers could happen fairly quickly, despite coronavirus restrictions. “If there is a will it can be done even pretty soon,” he said.

      Ten EU countries – Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Croatia, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Portugal, Luxembourg and Lithuania – have pledged to take in at least 1,600 lone children from the Greek islands, just under a third of the 5,500 unaccompanied minors estimated to be in Greece.

      So far, only a small number have been relocated: 12 to Luxembourg and 47 to Germany.

      The municipal intervention chimes with comments from the German Social Democrat MEP Brigit Sippel, who said earlier this month that she knew of “cities and German Länder who are ready … tomorrow, to do more”. The MEP said Germany’s federal government was moving too slowly and described the initial transfer of 47 children as “ridiculous”.

      Amsterdam, with Utrecht, organised the initiative through the Eurocities network, which brings together more than 140 of the continent’s largest municipalities, including 20 UK cities. The UK’s home secretary, Priti Patel, has refused calls to take in lone children from the Greek islands.

      Groot Wassink said solidarity went beyond the EU’s borders. He said: “You [the UK] are still part of Europe.”

      #Barcelone #îles #vulnérabilité #enfants #MNA #mineurs_non_accompagnés

    • Migrants and mayors are the unsung heroes of COVID-19. Here’s why

      - Some of the most pragmatic responses to COVID-19 have come from mayors and governors.
      - The skills and resourcefulness of refugees and migrants are also helping in the fight against the virus.
      - It’s time for international leaders to start following suit.

      In every crisis it is the poor, sick, disabled, homeless and displaced who suffer the most. The COVID-19 pandemic is no exception. Migrants and refugees, people who shed one life in search for another, are among the most at risk. This is because they are often confined to sub-standard and overcrowded homes, have limited access to information or services, lack the financial reserves to ride out isolation and face the burden of social stigma.

      Emergencies often bring out the best and the worst in societies. Some of the most enlightened responses are coming from the world’s governors and mayors. Local leaders and community groups from cities as diverse as #Atlanta, #Mogadishu (https://twitter.com/cantoobo/status/1245051780787994624?s=12) and #Sao_Paulo (https://www.docdroid.net/kSmLieL/covid19-pmsao-paulo-city-april01-pdf) are setting-up dedicated websites for migrants, emergency care and food distribution facilities, and even portable hand-washing stations for refugees and internally displaced people. Their actions stand in glaring contrast to national decision-makers, some of whom are looking for scapegoats.

      Mayors and city officials are also leading the charge when it comes to recovery. Global cities from #Bogotá (https://www.eltiempo.com/bogota/migrantes-en-epoca-de-coronavirus-en-bogota-se-avecina-una-crisis-478062) to #Barcelona (https://reliefweb.int/report/spain/barcelonas-show-solidarity-time-covid-19) are introducing measures to mitigate the devastating economic damages wrought by the lockdown. Some of them are neutralizing predatory landlords by placing moratoriums on rent hikes and evictions. Others are distributing food through schools and to people’s doorsteps as well as providing cash assistance to all residents, regardless of their immigration status.

      Cities were already in a tight spot before COVID-19. Many were facing serious deficits and tight budgets, and were routinely asked to do ‘more with less’. With lockdowns extended in many parts of the world, municipalities will need rapid financial support. This is especially true for lower-income cities in Africa, South Asia and Latin America where migrants, refugees and other vulnerable groups risk severe hunger and even starvation. They also risk being targeted if they try and flee. International aid donors will need to find ways to direct resources to cities and allow them sizeable discretion in how those funds are used.

      Philanthropic groups and city networks around the world are rapidly expanding their efforts to protect and assist migrants and refugees. Take the case of the #Open_Society_Foundations, which is ramping up assistance to New York City, Budapest and Milan to help them battle the pandemic while bolstering safety nets for the most marginal populations. Meanwhile, the #Clara_Lionel_and_Shawn_Carter_Foundations in the US have committed millions in grants to support undocumented workers in Los Angeles and New York (https://variety-com.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/variety.com/2020/music/news/rihanna-jay-z-foundations-donate-million-coronavirus-relief-1203550018/amp). And inter-city coalitions, like the #US_Conference_of-Mayors (https://www.usmayors.org/issues/covid-19) and #Eurocities (http://www.eurocities.eu/eurocities/documents/EUROCITIES-reaction-to-the-Covid-19-emergency-WSPO-BN9CHB), are also helping local authorities with practical advice about how to strengthen preparedness and response.

      The truth is that migrants and refugees are one of the most under-recognized assets in the fight against crises, including COVID-19. They are survivors. They frequently bring specialized skills to the table, including expertise in medicine, nursing, engineering and education. Some governments are catching on to this. Take the case of Portugal, which recently changed its national policies to grant all migrants and asylum seekers living there permanent residency, thus providing access to health services, social safety nets and the right to work. The city of #Buenos_Aires (https://www.lanacion.com.ar/sociedad/coronavirus-municipios-provincia-buenos-aires-sumaran-medicos-nid234657) authorized Venezuelan migrants with professional medical degrees to work in the Argentinean healthcare system. #New_York (https://www.governor.ny.gov/news/no-20210-continuing-temporary-suspension-and-modification-laws-relating), #New_Jersey (https://www.nj.gov/governor/news/news/562020/20200401b.shtml) and others have cleared the way for immigrant doctors without US licenses to provide patient care during the current pandemic.

      There are several steps municipal governments, businesses and non-governmental organizations should take to minimize the impacts of COVID-19 on migrants and displaced people. For one, they need to clearly account for them in their response and recovery plans, including ensuring free access to healthy food and cash assistance. Next, they could strengthen migrant associations and allow qualified professionals to join the fight against infectious disease outbreaks. What is more, they could ensure access to basic services like housing, electricity, healthcare and education - and information about how to access them in multiple languages - as Portugal has done.

      Mayors are on the frontline of supporting migrants and refugees, often in the face of resistance from national authorities. Consider the experience of Los Angeles’s mayor, #Eric_Garcetti (https://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2020/04/08/coronavirus-garcetti-relief-businesses-immigrants), who recently called on the US Congress to provide rapid relief to roughly 2.5 million undocumented immigrants in California. Or the mayor of Uganda’s capital #Kampala, #Erias_Lukwago (https://www.monitor.co.ug/News/National/Opposition-gives-out-food-to-poor-despite-Museveni-ban/688334-5518340-hd23s8/index.html), who has resorted to distributing food himself to poor urban residents despite bans from the central government. At the same time, #Milan ’s mayor, #Giuseppe_Sala (https://www.corriere.it/economia/finanza/20_aprile_13/sala-sindaci-europei-alla-crisi-si-risponde-piu-solidarieta-attenzione-citt), wrote to the European Union to urgently request access to financial aid. These three mayors also lead the #Mayors_Migration_Council, a city coalition established to influence international migration policy and share resources (https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vRqMtCR8xBONCjntcDmiKv0m4-omNzJxkEB2X2gMZ_uqLeiiQv-m2Pb9aZq4AlDvw/pub) with local leaders around the world.

      The truth is that refugees, asylum seekers and displaced people are not sitting idly by; in some cases they are the unsung heroes of the pandemic response. Far from being victims, migrants and displaced people reflect the best of what humanity has to offer. Despite countless adversities and untold suffering, they are often the first to step up and confront imminent threats, even giving their lives (https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/08/world/europe/coronavirus-doctors-immigrants.html) in the process. The least we can all do is protect them and remove the obstacles in the way of letting them participate in pandemic response and recovery. Mayors have got this; it’s now time for national and international decision-makers to follow suit.


      signalé par @thomas_lacroix

    • *Bologna: il Consiglio comunale per la regolarizzazione dei

      migranti irregolari*
      Il Consiglio Comunale di Bologna oggi ha approvato, con 18 voti favorevoli e 6 contrari, un ordine del giorno per ottenere un provvedimento di regolarizzazione dei migranti attualmente soggiornanti in territorio italiano in condizione di irregolarità originaria o sopravvenuta, con la massima tempestività, data l’emergenza sanitaria in corso.

      L’ordine del giorno è stato presentato dal consigliere Federico Martelloni (Coalizione civica) e firmato dai consiglieri Clancy (Coalizione civica), Frascaroli (Città comune), Palumbo (gruppo misto-Nessuno resti indietro), Errani, Persiano, Campaniello, Mazzoni, Li Calzi, Colombo (Partito Democratico), Bugani, Piazza, Foresti (Movimento 5 stelle). Ecco il testo :

      “Il Consiglio Comunale di Bologna, a fronte dello stato di emergenza sanitaria da Covid-19 in corso e delle misure assunte dal Governo nazionale e dalle Giunte locali per contrastarne la diffusione e limitarne l’impatto sulla popolazione attualmente presente sul territorio. Ritenuto che non trova spazio nell’odierno dibattito pubblico, segnato dalla predetta emergenza, l’esigenza di assumere provvedimenti che sanino la posizione dei migranti che soggiornano irregolarmente nel nostro Paese, tema oggetto dell’ordine del giorno votato il 23 dicembre 2019 dalla Camera dei Deputati in sede di approvazione della legge di bilancio, adottato col fine di produrre molteplici benefici per la collettività , a partire dal fatto che: a) si offrirebbe l’opportunità di vivere e lavorare legalmente nel nostro Paese a chi già si trova sul territorio ma che , senza titolo di soggiorno , è spesso costretto per sopravvivere a rivolgersi ai circuiti illeciti ; b) si andrebbe incontro ai tanti datori di lavoro che , bisognosi di personale, non possono assumere persone senza documenti , anche se già formati, e ricorrono al lavoro in nero ; c) si avrebbero maggiore contezza – e conseguentemente controllo – delle presenze sui nostri territori di alcune centinaia di migliaia di persone di cui poco o nulla si sa , e, conseguentemente, maggiore sicurezza per tutti.

      Dato atto chetale esigenza è stata ribadita, alla vigilia della dichiarazione dello stato di pandemia, dalla ministra dell’interno Lamorgese in data 15 gennaio 2020, in Risposta a interrogazione orale, confermando che “L’intenzione del Governo e del Ministero dell’Interno è quella di valutare le questioni poste all’ordine del giorno che richiamavo in premessa, nel quadro più generale di una complessiva rivisitazione delle diverse disposizioni che incidono sulle politiche migratorie e sulla condizione dello straniero in Italia” (resoconto stenografico della seduta della Camera dei Deputati del 15 gennaio 2020, pag. 22).Tenuto conto che il tema della regolarizzazione degli stranieri irregolarmente soggiornanti diventa ancor più rilevante e urgente nella contingenza che ci troviamo ad attraversare, come giustamente rimarcato nell’Appello per la sanatoria dei migranti irregolari al tempo dei Covid-19, elaborato e sottoscritto da centinaia di associazioni (visibile al seguente indirizzo: https://www.meltingpot.org/Appello-per-la-sanatoria-dei-migranti-irregolari-ai-tempi.html#nb1), atteso che alle buone ragioni della sanatoria si aggiungono , oggi, anche le esigenze di tutela della salute collettiva, compresa quella delle centinaia di migliaia di migranti privi del permesso di soggiorno, che non hanno accesso alla sanità pubblica. Considerato che l’Appello richiamato al punto che precede giustamente sottolinea che il migrante irregolare:-non è ovviamente iscritto al Sistema Sanitario Nazionale e di conseguenza non dispone di un medico di base, avendo diritto alle sole prestazioni sanitarie urgenti ;-non si rivolge alle strutture sanitarie nei casi di malattia lieve, mentre, nei casi più gravi non ha alternativa al presentarsi al pronto soccorso , il che contrasterebbe con tutti i protocolli adottati per contenere la diffusione del virus. – è costretto a soluzioni abitative di fortuna , in ambienti spesso degradati e insalubri, condivisi con altre persone .Considerato,in definitiva,che i soggetti “invisibili” sono per molti aspetti più esposti al contagio del virus e più di altri rischiano di subirne le conseguenze sia sanitarie, per la plausibile mancanza di un intervento tempestivo, sia sociali, per lo stigma cui rischiano di essere sottoposti a causa di responsabilità e inefficienze non loro ascrivibili .Assunto che iniziative di tal fatta sono all’ordine del giorno anche in altri paesi dell’Unione, avendo il governo del Portogallo già approvato una sanatoria per l’immediata regolarizzazione di tutti i migranti in attesa di permesso di soggiorno che avessero presentato domanda alla data di dichiarazione dell’emergenza Coronavirus, per consentirne l’accesso al sistema sanitario nazionale, all’apertura di conti correnti bancari; alle misure economiche straordinarie di protezione per persone e famiglie in condizioni di fragilità ; alla regolarizzazione dei rapporti di lavoro .Condivide l’urgenza di intercettare centinaia di migliaia di persone attualmente prive di un regolare permesso di soggiorno, per contenere il loro rischio di contrarre il virus; perché possano con tranquillità usufruire dei servizi della sanità pubblica nel caso di sintomatologia sospetta; perché non diventino loro malgrado veicolo di trasmissione del virus, con tutte le nefaste conseguenze che possono derivarne nei territori, incluso il territorio di Bologna.

      Invita il Sindaco e la Giunta a dare massima diffusione, anche attraverso i canali di comunicazione istituzionale, agli appelli e alle iniziative finalizzate ad ottenere un provvedimento di regolarizzazione dei migranti attualmente soggiornanti in territorio italiano in condizione d’irregolarità originaria o sopravvenuta .a farsi promotore, in tutte le sedi istituzionali, a partire dall’ANCI, delle iniziative volte a ottenere l’adozione di un provvedimento di regolarizzazione ed emersione degli stranieri irregolarmente soggiornanti, con la massima tempestività richiesta dell’emergenza sanitaria oggi in corso.

      #Bologne #régularisation

  • La politique des putes

    Océan réalise, avec « La #Politique_des_putes », une enquête en immersion dans laquelle il tend le micro à des travailleuses·rs du sexe. Elles disent le stigmate, la marginalisation, la précarité, les violences systémiques mais aussi les ressources et l’empowerment. Pour elles, l’intime est résistance. Dix épisodes de 30 mn pour briser les préjugés.

    La Politique des putes (1/10) - Travailler
    La Politique des putes (2/10) - Stigmatiser
    La Politique des putes (3/10) - Militer
    La Politique des putes (4/10) - Choisir
    La Politique des putes (5/10) - Désirer
    La Politique des putes (6/10) - Migrer
    La Politique des putes (7/10) - Soigner
    La Politique des putes (8/10) - S’échapper
    La Politique des putes (9/10) - Agir
    La Politique des putes (10/10) - Construire


    #sex_work #prostitution #patriarchy #capitalism #feminism #wage_labor #whorephobe #whorephobia #pimping #stigma #bias #prejudice #stigmatization #discrimination #systemic_violence #instiutional_violence #heterosexual_concept #sexual_education #normalisation #abolotionism #black_and_white #subventions #decriminalisation #penalty #laws #rights #transphobia #domination #marginalisation #vulnerability #invisbility #undocumented #isolation #fear #police_harassment #physical_violence #rape #precarity #affirmation #empowerment #dignity #trust #solidarity #network #community #choice #perception #society #associations #seropositive #access_to_healthcare #suicidal_thought #debt #menace #voodoo #exploitation #trafficking #migration #borders #family_pressure #clients_image #mudered #testimony #interview #podcast #audio #France #Paris

    “sex work is not dirty - dirty are all the representations about sex work” (La politique des putes 7/10, min 7).

  • WHO launches global megatrial of the four most promising coronavirus treatments | Science | AAAS

    Scientists have suggested dozens of existing compounds for testing but WHO is focusing on what it says are the four most promising therapies: an experimental antiviral compound called #remdesivir; the malaria medications #chloroquine and #hydroxychloroquine; a combination of two HIV drugs, #lopinavir and #ritonavir; and that same combination plus #interferon-beta, an immune system messenger that can help cripple viruses. Some data on their use in COVID-19 patients has already emerged—the HIV combo failed in a small study in China-but WHO believes a large trial with a greater variety of patients is warranted.

    lire l’article pour les détails

  • Hiding rejected asylum seekers - a legal and moral dilemma

    There’s a growing movement in Germany of people sheltering rejected asylum seekers who are at risk of being deported. They call it humane and an act of civil disobedience. But some critics warn that ’citizens’ asylum’ is illegal and may not help anyone in the long run.

    Hossein* was in his twenties when he decided to become a Christian. After this was discovered by the authorities in his native Iran, he was arrested and harassed, Hossein says. He managed to escape to Turkey, continued to Italy and finally arrived in Germany, where he ended up in a town in the Barnim district on the Polish border.

    When Hossein learned that German authorities were going to send him back to Italy, he panicked. “They put me in jail there and took my savings away from me. There was no way I wanted to go back there,” he told dpa. He took an overdose of sleeping pills.

    Social worker Anna Claßen says they picked Hossein up from the hospital and took him to a private home where he remains, hidden from German authorities and safe from the threat of deportation.

    Claßen belongs to one of a growing number of “citizens’ asylum” groups across the country. There are similar collectives in #Berlin, #Hanover, #Göttingen, #Hildesheim, #Nürnberg-Fürth, #Osnabrück, and #Cologne. The refugee advocacy group, Pro Asyl, says there are a lot more initiatives that are never publicized because of fears there will be legal consequences.

    Risks to asylum seekers

    Anyone who refuses to comply with a deportation order and hides is liable to prosecution for remaining in the country illegally, warns Karl-Heinz Schröter, Brandenburg’s interior minister.

    So far, this hasn’t happened to anyone sheltered by the Barnim Citizens’ Asylum group that took in Hossein, its members say. However, the activist group #Solidarity_City also warns that asylum seekers could find themselves in pre-deportation detention sooner if they are discovered trying to evade deportation.

    Is it illegal to hide asylum seekers?

    According to Minister Schröter, there is no question that those who help asylum seekers to hide are breaking the law. The federal interior ministry also issued the warning this week: “arbitrarily preventing #Dublin transfers or returns from being carried out is unacceptable.”

    Under the Dublin regulation, asylum seekers have to register and remain in the country through which they first entered Europe. If they travel irregularly to another European country, they may be transferred back to the arrival country.

    Others have suggested that a person offering protection to the asylum seeker may not be committing any offense. The Constitution guarantees the individual’s right to freedom of opinion and expression, a spokesperson for the state government in Lower Saxony points out. As long as they are not violent, citizens can’t be prosecuted for exercising their right to prevent deportations, the spokesperson said.

    In Bavaria, Pro Asyl, the Refugee Council and local activists regularly try to forewarn people facing imminent deportation. So far they have not been acting illegally, but that could change under a proposed new law to make deportations easier, the “#Geordnete_Rückkehr_Gesetz”, or Orderly Returns Act.

    Solidarity City says their activities “CAN lead to police proceedings or a court case,” and suggest that members should also be prepared to pay a small fine. They add that it is not an offense to offer accommodation to a person who has a valid “#Duldung” or “Tolerated Stay” status. If this isn’t the case, they suggest people considering offering protection to a deportee should seek advice on the extent of the risk they are taking.

    Civil disobedience

    Solidarity City say citizens’ asylum is an act of civil disobedience similar to blockading nuclear reactors or stopping Nazi parades. They also see themselves as an extension of the Church asylum system, which is largely tolerated by the German government.

    The government disagrees: “(Church asylum) was developed in accordance with the principle of the rule of law,” a federal interior ministry spokesperson said.

    Pastor Katharina Falkenhagen, whose Frankfurt parish has given protection to many asylum seekers threatened with deportation, doubts that asylum seekers benefit from citizen asylum. “The legal consequences for the supporters are not pleasant – preliminary legal proceedings, financial penalties,” Falkenhagen told dpa.

    Church asylum is more like a pause button to stop a deportation from going ahead at short notice, according to Bernd Mesovic, spokesperson for Pro Asyl. The church also has a “special moral role,” he adds.

    Supporters of citizens’ asylum say they are also fulfilling a moral obligation in preventing deportations. For Daniel Kurth, the head of the Barnim district authority, this exposes a dilemma: “If we start to use morality as a way of overriding existing law, we will find ourselves in a very difficult situation.”

    *Hossein is an assumed name


    #Allemagne #sans-papiers #asile #migrations #réfugiés #cachette #cacher #dilemme #résistance #désobéissance_civile #délit_de_solidarité #solidarité #Eglise #renvois #expulsions #renvois_Dublin #règlement_Dublin #Hannover #Köln
    ping @karine4 @isskein @_kg_

    • Geordnete-Rückkehr-Gesetz (Orderly Returns Act)

      17. April 2019
      Unsicherheit, Entrechtung, Haft

      PRO ASYL warnt vor Wirkung des »Geordnete-Rückkehr-Gesetzes«
      PRO ASYL appelliert an die Bundesregierung, das ins Kabinett eingebrachte »Geordnete-Rückkehr-Gesetz« nicht im Hau-Ruckverfahren durchzupeitschen. »Es gibt keine Rechtfertigung für derart weitreichende Eingriffe«, sagte Günter Burkhardt, Geschäftsführer von PRO ASYL. »Das Gesetz zielt auf Entrechtung, mehr Haft und einem Verdrängen aus Deutschland durch Entzug von Sozialleistungen!« Das Gesetz baut somit systematisch die Rechte geflüchteter Menschen ab. Es schadet der Integration durch jahrelange Unsicherheit aufgrund der Verlängerung der Frist für Widerrufsverfahren auf fünf Jahre. Mit der Einführung einer neuen Duldungsart, einer »Duldung light«, werden die betroffenen Menschen stigmatisiert und der Weg in ein Bleiberecht stark erschwert. Außerdem wird das Gesetz zur Verunsicherung der Zivilgesellschaft aufgrund der weiterhin bestehenden Gefahr der Kriminalisierung führen. Denn in der Flüchtlingsarbeit Tätige könnten durch die Weitergabe von bestimmten Informationen im Rahmen einer Beratung der »Beihilfe zum Geheimnisverrat« bezichtigt werden.

      Zu Kernpunkten der Kritik im Einzelnen:

      Extreme Kürzungen im Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz

      Für in anderen EU-Mitgliedstaaten anerkannte, ausreisepflichtige Flüchtlinge sollen Leistungen nach zwei Wochen komplett gestrichen werden. Die Rückkehr in Staaten wie Italien, Griechenland und Bulgarien soll mit Hunger und Obdachlosigkeit durchgesetzt werden, obwohl ein solcher Leistungsausschluss dem Grundgesetz widerspricht.

      Massive Ausweitung der Abschiebungshaft

      Im Abschiebungshaftrecht soll eine Beweislastumkehr eingeführt werden, wodurch die Inhaftnahme vereinfach werden soll. Eine solch krasse Verschiebung zu Ungunsten der Betroffenen, die nicht einmal eine/n Anwalt/Anwältin gestellt bekommen, steht nicht in Einklang mit dem Grundsatz, dass jede Inhaftierung nur als letztes Mittel angewendet werden soll. Dass Abschiebungshaft nun sogar in normalen Gefängnissen durchgeführt werden soll, bricht europäisches Recht.

      Bedrohung der Zivilgesellschaft

      Indem der gesamte Ablauf der Abschiebung – inklusive Botschafts- oder Arzttermine – unverhältnismäßigerweise als »Geheimnis« deklariert wird, könnten in der Flüchtlingsarbeit Tätige, die z.B. über den Termin bei einer Botschaft informieren, der Beihilfe zum Geheimnisverrat bezichtigt werden. Allein die Möglichkeit einer Anklage wird zu starker Verunsicherung bei den Menschen führen, die sich für schutzsuchende Menschen engagieren. Im §353b StGB sind nämlich nur PressevertreterInnen von der Beihilfe zum Geheimnisverrat ausgenommen, nicht aber zivilgesellschaftliche Akteure. Die Veränderungen des Referentenentwurfes im Zuge der Koalitionsverhandlungen haben die Bedrohung der Zivilgesellschaft nicht beseitigt.

      Anerkannte Flüchtlinge auf Jahre in Unsicherheit

      Für die Widerrufs- und Rücknahmeverfahren von in 2015 bis 2017 Anerkannten soll das BAMF statt wie bisher drei nun bis zu fünf Jahre Zeit haben. Dabei betreffen die Verfahren vor allem Flüchtlinge aus Syrien, Irak und Eritrea. In diesen Ländern hat sich die Lage aber eben nicht nachhaltig und grundlegend verbessert – was der Grund wäre, eine Anerkennung zu widerrufen. Der Integrationsprozess der betroffenen Flüchtlinge wird durch eine solche Unsicherheit fahrlässig blockiert.

      Einführung einer prekären Duldung light

      Durch die neue Duldung für Personen mit »ungeklärter Identität« werden die betroffenen Menschen pauschal mit Arbeitsverbot und Wohnsitzauflage belegt. Außerdem gilt die Zeit in dieser Duldung light nicht als Vorduldungszeit für Bleiberechtsregelungen. Dies könnte vor allem minderjährigen Flüchtlingen trotz guter Integration den Weg in ein Bleiberecht verbauen, da sie vier Jahre vor dem 21. Geburtstag geduldet sein müssen. Die Definition der Passbeschaffungspflicht ist zudem so offen gehalten, dass die Grenzen der Zumutbarkeit nicht erkennbar sind – so könnte eine Vielzahl an Personen unter die Duldung light fallen, da von ihnen immer neue Handlungen verlangt werden können, auch wenn diese im Endeffekt nicht zu Passbeschaffung führen.

      Die neue Welle von Gesetzesverschärfungen ist nicht nachvollziehbar. Seit 2015 gab es über 20 neue Gesetze, die noch nicht ausreichend evaluiert wurden. Öffentlich wird behauptet, man wolle mit den Gesetzesverschärfungen vor allem das Verhalten sogenannter »Identitätstäuscher« sanktionieren. Dabei sind aktuell bereits folgende Sanktionen für geduldete Menschen, die das Abschiebungshindernis angeblich selbst zu vertreten haben, möglich: Arbeitsverbot (§ 60a Abs. 6 AufenthG), Residenzpflicht (§ 61 Abs. 1c AufenthG), Ausschluss von der Aufenthaltserlaubnis (§ 25 Abs. 5 AufenthG) sowie Leistungskürzungen (§ 1a Abs. 3 AsylbLG). Bezüglich der Gründe für gescheiterte Abschiebeversuche musste die Bundesregierung selbst eingestehen, dass sie diese in den meisten Fällen nicht einmal kennt – trotzdem sollen auch hier gesetzliche Maßnahmen ergriffen werden.

      Die vollständige Stellungnahme von PRO ASYL zum »Geordnete-Rückkehr-Gesetz« im Rahmen der Verbändeanhörung finden Sie hier.

      Zudem haben weitere Verbände im Rahmen der Verbändeanhörung die Regelungen des »Geordnete-Rückkehr-Gesetzes« kritisiert:

      Gemeinsame Stellungnahme der EKD und des Kommissariats der Deutschen Bischöfe:

      »Nach § 1a Abs. 7 AsylbLG-E erhalten Ausländer, die eine Asylgestattung besitzen oder vollziehbar ausreisepflichtig sind, auch wenn eine Abschiebungsandrohung noch nicht oder nicht mehr vollziehbar ist und deren Asylantrag aufgrund der Dublin III-VO als unzulässig abgelehnt wurde, nur noch Leistungen zur Deckung ihres Bedarfs an Ernährung und Unterkunft einschließlich Heizung sowie Körper- und Gesundheitspflege. Die Kirchen halten eine derartige Regelung für europa- und verfassungsrechtlich bedenklich. […] Die von § 1a Abs. 7 AsylbLG-E Betroffenen haben demnach keine Möglichkeit, den Einschränkungen der Leistungen durch ihr eigenes Verhalten zu entgehen. Ein derartiges Vorgehen scheint den Kirchen auch nicht mit dem Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichts (BVerfG) vom 18. Juli 201211 vereinbar zu sein, wonach die Menschenwürde nicht migrationspolitisch relativierbar ist.«

      Der Paritätische Gesamtverband:

      »Die Ausweitung der Gründe, die für eine Fluchtgefahr sprechen bei gleichzeitiger Umkehr der Beweislast zulasten der Ausreisepflichtigen droht in der Praxis zu zahlreichen Verstößen gegen Art. 2 Abs. 2 GG zu führen. Die Freiheit der Person aber ist ein besonders hohes Rechtsgut, in das nur aus wichtigen Gründen eingegriffen werden darf. Dabei spielt der Grundsatz der Verhältnismäßigkeit eine besondere Rolle: Haft darf stets nur das letzte Mittel, also „ultima ratio“ sein.«

      Das Deutsche Rote Kreuz:

      »Nach dem vorliegenden Gesetzentwurf müssen Beratende nunmehr befürchten, sich der Beihilfe oder Anstiftung zum Geheimnisverrat strafbar zu machen. Die Arbeit der Beratungsstellen wird damit wesentlich erschwert. Sucht eine Beraterin um Auskunft bei einer Ausländerbehörde zum konkreten Verfahrensstand eines Ratsuchenden, könnte sie damit zu einer Straftat anstiften, wenn der Mitarbeitende in der Ausländerbehörde Informationen zu Terminen bei Botschaften und Amtsärzten mitteilt und die Beraterin diese dem Ratsuchenden zum Zwecke der umfassenden Sachverhaltsaufklärung weitergibt.«

      Der Jesuitische Flüchtlingsdienst:

      »Die Regelung des §60b geht fälschlicherweise davon aus, dass das Fehlen von Identitätsnachweisen in der Regel dem betreffenden Ausländer anzulasten sei. In unserer alltäglichen Beratungspraxis machen wir jedoch immer wieder die Erfahrung, dass die Probleme vor allem bei den Auslandsvertretungen bestimmter Herkunftsstaaten liegen. So erklärt die Botschaft des Libanon beispielsweise regelmäßig in Fällen von Palästinensern aus dem Libanon, dass Identitätsdokumente erst dann ausgestellt würden, wenn die zuständige Ausländerbehörde schriftlich erkläre, dass dem betreffenden Ausländer ein Aufenthaltstitel erteilt werden soll. Wenn die Ausländerbehörde dies aber verweigert, ist es dem Ausländer nicht möglich, die Botschaft zu einer anderen Verhaltensweise zu zwingen. Gerade auf diese und ähnliche Fälle nimmt der vorgesehene § 60b überhaupt keine Rücksicht.«


  • #Solidarité avec les manifestations en France! Lutte mondiale contre le pouvoir et le capital! Ambassade de France à #Varsovie. / #Solidarity with the protests in France! Global struggle against Power and Capital! French Embassy in #Warsaw/ #Solidaridad con los protestas en Francia. Lucha internacional contra el Poder y Capital! Embajada de Francia en #Varsovia.


    • Gilets Jaunes strike on 5th February – solidarity action in Bratislava


      Several sections of the International Workers‘ Association responded to the call for solidarity from French CNT-AIT. So far we have heard about ZSP in Poland, KRAS in Russia, SolFed in UK and NSF in Norway. In Slovakia, Priama akcia organized a visit to the French embassy in Bratislava.

      We visited the embassy in the morning. Chief of security opened the door and informed us that we cannot meet the ambassador because he was not there. We told him why we had come to protest and delivered a letter for the ambassador (see text below). He promised to translate the letter to French and give it to the ambassador.

      In solidarity with our comrades in France!

      Text of the letter to the ambassador:

      Dear ambassador Christophe Léonzi,

      Hereby we react to the international call of the Confédération Nationale du Travail (CNT-AIT, the French section of the International Workers’ Association) and our expression of solidarity with the movement of so-called Yellow Vests in France.

      We express our support to the strike that has been called by yellow vests and is taking place in France today. We demand that the police violence against the participants at assemblies and demonstrations is stopped, and those who have been imprisoned so far are released immediately.

      We trust that you will inform relevant authorities in France about our protest. We will closely observe the movement of yellow vests and inform about it in Slovakia.

      Workers’ solidarity union PRIAMA AKCIA

      Slovak section of the International Workers’ Association

      In Bratislava, 5th February 2019


  • Bruxelles Une haie d’honneur devant le Palais de Justice pour les hébergeurs de migrants RTBF - 7 Novembre 2018

    Environ deux cents personnes étaient présentes devant le Palais de Justice de Bruxelles, place Poelaert, sous la bannière du mouvement ’#Solidarity is not a crime !’, en soutien des 11 personnes accusées de trafic d’être humain, dont le procès s’ouvrait ce mercredi matin.

    Les manifestants entendent dénoncer la « criminalisation des migrants et de la solidarité envers les migrant.e.s et les exilé.e.s ». Parmi les inculpés, Anouk van Gestel, rédactrice en chef de Marie Claire Belgique, ne cache pas son émotion : « Le soutien fait chaud au cœur, dit-elle. À mes yeux, cela donne l’impression que l’opinion est plutôt favorable à notre cause. Être là à 7h45 en pleine semaine, ce n’est pas très courant ! » 

    Accusée d’avoir participé à une association de malfaiteurs en hébergeant un jeune Soudanais qui voulait atteindre la Grande-Bretagne, Anouk van Gestel trouve « infâmant » ce qu’on lui reproche. « Ça ne rend pas la Belgique très grande », regrette-t-elle. Porte-parole « malgré elle », selon ses mots, d’une cause qu’elle « valide » pourtant, elle reste confiante sur l’issue du procès : « Il n’y a rien qui dit que j’ai fait quelque chose d’illégal ». Anouk van Gestel estime avoir agi sans être rémunérée, et donc ne pas tomber sous le coup de l’article 77 sur l’hébergement des migrants.

     #asile #réfugiés #migrations #migration #migrants #harcèlement #solidarité