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  • Christi Belcourt sur X :

    Was listening to a descendant of a Holocaust survivor retell their story of persecution and when their grandparents moved to Israel and were offered keys to a home - they found plates set on the table. Realizing it was someone’s home they immediately saw the parallel to when they were forced out of their homes by the Nazis.They didn’t want to do to Palestinians what had been done to them & they handed back the keys. I

    t reminded me about what my auntie told me about settlers who had been given Metis homes in Western Canada. She had been researching the history of her community and of the Road Allowances Metis people were forced onto. In some of the letters settlers had ’written home’ to their families, they couldn’t get over how Canada was so generous, providing them with furnished homes.

    She remarked that the settlers had commented that they found dishes set on the table and gardens already planted. I had forgotten about this detail about the dishes until I heard the story.

    It sounds unreal right? Like how would people not know they were taking other people’s lands or homes? How could they not know it was wrong? Because Metis people were already branded as less-than, undeserving and unproductive. “They weren’t doing anything w/ the land.”

    #colonialisme #sionisme