
Projet de vie en #permaculture dans le Sud Ouest

  • Magie de l’internet, je tombe sur cette vidéo de réaction de visionnage de « La vie est belle » par une bande d’influenceuses. A priori pas préparées à l’expérience.

    Au début, une des filles dit que c’est la mère d’une d’entre elle qui la conseillé comme « bon film de noël ».

    Moment savoureux dans les commentaires :

    >"A nice movie to watch around Christmas", that woman is savage.
    I have the theory they mixed this movie up with ’It’s a wonderful life’ 🤔

    La Vita è Bella - (1997) REACTION - YouTube

    Bon au delà de la vidéo ou de ce genre de vidéo assez peu intéressant, c’est juste une excuse pour (re)parler de la vita è bella de Roberto Benigni, mon film préféré de tous les temps.

    Et juste pour le plaisir, je remets les réactions de Benigni aux oscars et au festival de Cannes

    #film #cinéma

    • Thank you! Sophia, I leave(?) it here, the Oscar, but I want you. I want to be rocked by the waves of your beauty. Come here. Thank you! Thank you! This is a moment of joy and I want to kiss everybody because you are the maker(?) of the joy. He who kisses the joy as it flies lives in eternity sunrise, said [the] poet. And this is wonderful to be here. Wonderful! I feel like, now really, to dive in this ocean of generosity, this is too much. Your generosity, this is, uh, how do you say when the rain, the hailstorm, it’s a hailstorm of kindness, of gratitude for you.

      And really I would like to thank everybody that did the movie, because without them I couldn’t fly with this movie. Everybody who did — the producer, the screenwriter Cerami, Elda Ferri, Gianluigi Braschi, Nicola Piovani, Vittorio Cecchi Gori. Harvey Weinstein of Miramax Film[s], thank you very much for what you did. And also I would like to thank my parents in Vergaio, in a little village in Italy. They gave me their biggest gift, their poverty, and I want to thank for the lesson(?) of my life. Really, but thank you, Mamma and Babbo. Thank you! And thank you for your love. Because if I am here it’s because people love the movies. So it’s always a question of love.

      I would like to dedicate this prize to those, because the subject the movie, those who are not here. They gave their life in order [that] we can say, “Life is beautiful.” And I would like to also say, a kiss to Giorgio Cantarini, Giorgio, the little boy. And because we are talking love, Dante said: L’amore che muove il sole e le altre stelle — Love will move the sun and the other stars. Love is a divinity, and sometimes if you have faith, like all the divinities it can appear. That’s why I want to dedicate this prize to Nicoletta Braschi. Thank you.