• Gaza: The Israeli army likely to erase Beit Lahia, killing and uprooting its citizens [EN/AR] - occupied Palestinian territory | ReliefWeb

    The Israeli army is likely to carry out a fresh massacre in the northern #Gaza Strip town of #Beit_Lahia, initiating a new round of forced evacuation orders against its estimated 50,000 citizens who remained in the area. The UN and other international parties need to take immediate action to protect Palestinian civilians.

    After declaring the town of Beit Lahia to be a “dangerous combat zone” and threatening to “act with extreme force,” the Israeli army started to launch heavy air and artillery attacks on the town, followed by fresh evacuation orders.

    The Israeli army set up shelters for the town of Beit Lahia’s residents to evacuate towards known shelters in blocks number 1770, 1766, but these were originally destroyed areas that are unfit for any form of life and lack water supply as well as functioning sewage systems.


  • UN Human Rights Office - OPT: Unlawful killings in Gaza City - occupied Palestinian territory | ReliefWeb

    On 19 December 2023, between 2000 and 2300 hours, IDF reportedly surrounded and raided Al Awda building, also known as the “Annan building”, in Al Remal neighborhood, Gaza City, where three related families were sheltering in addition to Annan family. According to witness accounts circulated by media sources and Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, while in control of the building and the civilians sheltering there, the IDF allegedly separated the men from the women and children, and then shot and killed at least 11 of the men, mostly aged in their late 20’s and early 30’s, in front of their family members. The IDF then allegedly ordered the women and children into a room, and either shot at them or threw a grenade into the room, reportedly seriously injuring some of them, including an infant and a child. OHCHR has confirmed the killings at Al Awdabuilding, although the details and circumstances of the killings are still under verification. IDF has not released any information on the incident.

    #vitrine_de_la_jungle #sionisme

  • Gaza death toll has increased by 40 percent compared to before the temporary humanitarian truce - occupied Palestinian territory | ReliefWeb (au 6 décembre)

    Euro-Med Monitor said preliminary statistics show that the daily death toll prior to the humanitarian truce ranged between 300 and 350 deaths per day, but has now risen to more than 500 since Israel resumed its attacks for the sixth consecutive day.

    This brings the total number of Palestinian deaths in the Gaza Strip since 7 October to 21,731, including 8,697 children and 4,410 women as well as those missing and trapped under the rubble who are now presumed dead. The number of injured people has also increased to 4,016.

  • Principio di non-refoulement è solo un articolo che non viene rispettato

    Quello che emerge dal quinto rapporto del network Protecting Rights at Borders (PRAB) “Picchiati, puniti e respinti” 1, è l’ennesima immagine drammatica di quanto accade alle porte esterne dell’Unione Europea, alla porte di quella comunità che ha tra i suoi principi fondativi (e fondamentali) la protezione e il rispetto dei diritti dell’uomo.

    Stando dunque alla pubblicazione di PRAB, nel 2022 sono state raccolte segnalazioni di pushback da oltre 5.756 persone. Le pratiche di respingimento, messe in atto dalle forze dell’ordine dei Paesi d’ingresso all’Europa, sono pratiche sistematiche ed estremamente violente che violano la normativa internazionale ed europea.

    Inoltre, per ribadire quanto le pratiche di respingimento vadano contro i diritti i diritti dell’uomo, la Convenzione di Ginevra del 1951, con l’articolo 33, stabilisce il principio di non-refoulement (non respingimento).

    «1. Nessuno Stato Contraente espellerà o respingerà, in qualsiasi modo, un rifugiato verso i confini di territori in cui la sua vita o la sua libertà sarebbero minacciate a motivo della sua razza, della sua religione, della sua cittadinanza, della sua appartenenza a un gruppo sociale o delle sue opinioni politiche.

    2. La presente disposizione non può tuttavia essere fatta valere da un rifugiato se per motivi seri egli debba essere considerato un pericolo per la sicurezza del paese in cui risiede oppure costituisca, a causa di una condanna definitiva per un crimine o un delitto particolarmente grave, una minaccia per la collettività di detto paese»

    Si tratta di un principio fondamentale del diritto internazionale. È importate sottolineare che per effetto della giurisprudenza della Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomo, tale principio si applica indipendentemente dal fatto che la persona sia stata riconosciuta rifugiata e/o dall’aver formalizzato o meno una diretta domanda di protezione.

    Le pratiche messe in atto dalle forze dell’ordine alle frontiere della cosiddetta fortezza europea e al proprio interno, sono in violazione del diritto della stessa Europa. Ricordiamo l’articolo 19 della Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell’Unione Europea:

    «Protezione in caso di allontanamento, di espulsione e di estradizione.
    1. Le espulsioni collettive sono vietate.
    2. Nessuno può essere allontanato, espulso o estradato verso uno Stato in cui esiste un rischio serio di essere sottoposto alla pena di morte, alla tortura o ad altre pene o trattamenti inumani o degradanti»

    È evidente come ancora una volta l’obbligo nel quadro giuridico contraddice la realtà.

    Dal lavoro di PRAB emerge che vi è un sistematico uso di respingimenti. Il report ne riporta quasi 6mila, ma i numeri complessivi sono sicuramente più alti dal momento che questi sono solamente dati raccolti da testimonianze dirette. Nelle due zone di confine dove è più alto il transito di persone migranti tra Italia e Francia (Oulx e Ventimiglia), i respingimenti sono una pratica sempre più comune.

    Ad esempio, se si guarda il numero di serie presente sulla documentazione ufficiale (Refus d’entree) consegnata alle persone respinte dalla polizia di frontiera francese nel 2022, emerge che i numeri sono estremamente più elevati: a Ventimiglia sono 17.749 le persone respinte e a Oulx oltre 3.600. Questi dati sono importanti in quanto sottolineano come le pratiche di respingimento e le barriere d’accesso siano molto più diffuse e si verificano su scala molto più ampia di quella registrata da PRAB.

    Anche in altri territori italiani l’uso sistematico dei respingimenti è in aumento. “Assistiamo a continue riammissioni lungo i porti adriatici dall’Italia alla Grecia e a respingimenti verso l’Albania. Si tratta di trattamenti inumani, come la confisca e la distruzione degli effetti personali, la svestizione forzata e l’esposizione a temperature estreme. Il governo italiano cerca di negare che ciò avvenga. Ma la situazione sembra peggiorare“, conferma Erminia Rizzi di ASGI.

    Nella maggior parte dei casi i respingimenti avvengono in maniera violenta. Sono tantissime le testimonianze che raccontano come la polizia di frontiera si sia comportata in modo brutale: manganellando le persone migranti, confiscando tutti i loro effetti personali per poi distruggerli, negando loro acqua e cibo, obbligandoli a restare svestiti a temperature estreme.

    Uno dei confini in cui le violenze sono all’ordine del giorno è ancora quello che separa la Croazia dalla Bosnia. Ma le numerose violazioni dei diritti umani che erano state denunciate e riportate dalle persone solidali che lottano quotidianamente contro tali pratiche, sono state messe da parte nel momento in cui la Croazia è entrata ufficialmente nella zona Schengen. Per l’ennesima volta le istituzioni Europee hanno chiuso gli occhi di fronte alle molteplici violazioni e violenze: ancora una volta i diritti umani sono stati sacrificati per raggiungere compromessi politici ed economici.

    Il 2022 è stata un anno di grandi contrasti per quanto riguarda la solidarietà e l’accoglienza: le persone che fuggivano dalla guerra in Ucraina sono state accolte mentre le persone migranti provenienti da paesi africani e/o mediorientali sono stati respinte: vi sono due pesi e due misure basate sul profilo etnico, cosa che viola la Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti Umani. Nel 2022 l’Unione Europea ha applicato per la prima volta una direttiva speciale per concedere un permesso temporaneo da chi scappa dalla guerra. Non si tratta di una nuova direttiva poiché risale al 2001 ma prima di quest’anno non era mai stata applicata. Il rapporto PRAB dichiara che l’attivazione di tale direttiva è una decisione storica ma basata su un doppio standard: benvenuti a un confine, respinti ad un altro. Questa è la realtà ai confini della fortezza Europa.

    Charlotte Slente, Segretaria generale della Danish Refugee Council, afferma che «la pratica di chiudere un occhio sulle violazioni dei diritti umani alle frontiere dell’UE deve essere interrotta. È giunto il momento di sostenere, rispettare e far rispettare i diritti di coloro che si trovano alle porte dell’Europa, indipendentemente dal loro Paese di appartenenza. Per anni sono state raccolte prove sulle pratiche di respingimento. Le prove sono innegabili. Questo schema non deve essere visto in modo isolato. Fa parte di una più ampia crisi dello Stato di diritto. La crisi alle frontiere dell’UE non è una crisi di numeri. È invece una crisi di dignità umana e di volontà politica, dovuta alla mancata attuazione dei quadri giuridici esistenti e all’applicazione delle sentenze giudiziarie».

    Con il 2023 è giunto il momento di porre fine alla pratica illecita e discriminatoria di chiudere gli occhi sulle violazioni dei diritti umani alle frontiere dell’Unione Europea. Il rapporto si conclude con cinque richieste: rispetto diritti umani e dignità umana a tutte le frontiere; porre fine all’uso sistematico dei respingimenti; introduzione di meccanismi di monitoraggio indipendenti alle frontiere; prevalenza di una cultura dei diritti rafforzata dal coraggio politico per sostenere le persone bisognose di protezione; apertura di percorsi d’entrata sicuri e legali.

    Sono tutte richieste più che lecite che dovrebbero esser già applicate. Ma il 2023 è veramente l’anno in cui tali richieste verranno accettate?

    Nell’anno in cui, solo per rimanere in Italia, il governo Meloni rivendica come legittimi i respingimenti al confine con la Slovenia, gli accordi con la Libia e ha deciso di stanziare oltre 40 milioni di euro per costruire nuovi CPR, è veramente l’anno in cui i governi degli Stati UE smetteranno di sacrificare i diritti umani per scopi politici ed economici?

    #refoulements #push-backs #migrations #asile #réfugiés #frontières #frontière_sud-alpine #2022 #rapport #Balkans #route_des_Balkans #chiffres #statistiques #violence #droits_humains

    • #Protecting_Rights_at_Borders: Beaten, punished and pushed back

      The fifth Protecting Rights at Borders report (#PRAB) reconfirms a pattern of a systematic use of pushbacks at EU Borders. The study recorded incidents involving 5.756 persons between 1 January and 31 December 2022.

      It appears evident that EU Member States continue making access to international protection as difficult as possible. These practises are systemic and integrated into countries’ border control mechanisms although they are in strict violation of EU law. The newly released PRAB report shows that many of those victims who were pushed back were not merely prevented from crossing a border. The data collected outlines that they were “welcomed” at the EU with a denial of access to asylum procedures, arbitrary arrest or detention, physical abuse or mistreatment, theft or destruction of property.

      Nationals from Afghanistan, Syria and Pakistan reported most frequently being the victim of pushbacks and in 12% of the recorded incidents children were involved. This data is unfortunately only the top of the iceberg.

      “The practice of turning a blind eye to human rights violations at EU borders must be stopped. It is high time to uphold, respect and enforce the rights of those at Europe’s doorstep, irrespective of their country of nationality. All people have the right to ask for international protection in the EU. For years, DRC jointly with its PRAB partners and many other actors, has been recording evidence on pushback practices. The evidence is undeniable,” says Secretary General of DRC, Charlotte Slente.

      Access to international protection, within the EU, is far from safeguarded - not merely due to a systematic use of pushbacks across EU borders or the unwillingness to let boats disembark, but also due to other policy developments.

      “This pattern should not be seen in isolation. It is part of a wider Rule of Law crisis. The crisis at the EU’s borders is not one of numbers. Instead, it is a crisis of human dignity and political will, created due to failure to implement existing legal frameworks and enforce judicial rulings”, says Charlotte Slente.

      Preventing access to territory with all means

      “In Greece, pushbacks at land and sea borders remain a de facto general policy, as widely reported including by UN bodies. However, instead of effectively investigating such allegations, Greek Authorities have put in place a new mechanism which does not ensure the guarantees of impartiality and effectiveness. At the same time, NGOs and human rights defenders supporting victims of alleged pushback remain under pressure and find themselves increasingly targeted", says Konstantinos Vlachopoulos of GCR.

      In Italy the systematic use of pushbacks is increasing.

      "We are witnessing continuous readmissions along the Adriatic ports from Italy to Greece and rejections to Albania. What we hear about is inhuman treatment, such as confiscation and destruction of personal belongings, forced undressing, and exposure to extreme temperatures. The Italian government tries to deny that this is happening. But the situation seems to be getting worse”, says Erminia Rizzi of ASGI.

      Welcome at one border, pushed back at another

      The situation is not equal at all EU borders. There are double standards based on ethnic profiling and they violate international human rights law. 2022 was the year that the EU provided protection – at least on paper – to 4.9 million people who entered the EU from Ukraine. The triggering of the Temporary Protection Directive was a historic decision.

      “In February 2022, Poland has opened its borders to admit large numbers of Ukrainian nationals fleeing war. Temporary protection was given to numerous persons seeking protection from the war in Ukraine. This welcoming approach of the Polish authorities did not affect the situation at the Polish-Belarusian border, where a humanitarian crisis continues since August 2021. There, third-country nationals are everyday violently pushed back, irrespective of their vulnerability or asylum claims”, says Maja Łysienia, SIP Strategic Litigation Expert.

      More information on the pushback data recorded by PRAB partners, the litigation cases brought to national and European courts related to border violence, as well as an analysis of current policy dimensions, can be found in PRAB V here:

    • Les chiffres à la #frontière_sud-alpine (#Italie / #France) :

      The number of pushbacks from France to Italy recorded through the PRAB project, for instance, also represents a fraction of the overall number of persons reporting pushbacks to Diaconia Valdese’s outreach teams. In Ventimiglia and Oulx in Italy, Diaconia Valdese has records of as many as 2,703 persons, and 2,583 persons, respectively, who reported experiencing pushbacks. If compared to other available statistics, even higher pushback numbers were recorded at the borders between Italy and France in 2022: In Ventimiglia, Italy, at least 17,7491 persons were pushed back by French Authorities, while in Oulx, Italy, it was at least 3,6902 persons.


      #Ventimille #Oulx #Hautes-Alpes #Alpes_maritimes #Briançon

    • Le sistematiche violazioni dei diritti umani ai confini europei: VI report della rete #PRAB

      Recentemente, un video pubblicato dal New York Times ( ha rivelato respingimenti illegali di persone migranti dalla Grecia, sollevando un’ampia eco mediatica. La gravità delle accuse ha suscitato la reazione di Ylva Johansson (, Commissaria europea agli Affari interni, che ha definito tali pratiche come “deportazioni”, e del primo ministro greco, Mitsotakis, che le ha giudicate “inaccettabili” ( Tuttavia, organizzazioni non governative e grassroots denunciano da anni la sistematicità delle violazioni dei diritti umani delle persone migranti ai confini europei.

      Nel Report What we do in the shadows, il VI report del network PRAB, sono state raccolte migliaia di testimonianze riguardanti le azioni compiute dalle forze di frontiera nei confronti dei potenziali richiedenti asilo, tra cui respingimenti, aggressioni e furti. In alcuni casi, tali azioni mettono a rischio la vita delle persone coinvolte, e ci sono anche situazioni in cui queste azioni si sono tradotte in tragiche perdite umane, come nei respingimenti dalla Polonia alla Bielorussia o nel caso di Fatima, una giovane ragazza di 23 anni uccisa dalla polizia macedone al confine tra la Macedonia del Nord e la Grecia a metà aprile, il giorno in cui l’Agenzia Europea Frontex ha iniziato la propria missione operativa nel paese balcanico.

      Migliaia di testimonianze raccolte nel VI report di PRAB

      Durante il periodo gennaio-aprile 2023, sono stati registrati un totale di 10.691 casi individuali di persone respinte alle frontiere europee. Di questi, 1.611 hanno partecipato a interviste approfondite da parte di uno dei partner PRAB per registrare i dati demografici, le rotte migratorie e le violazioni dei diritti a cui sono stati esposti.

      - Abusi fisici e aggressioni: Il 62% delle persone ha denunciato abusi fisici e/o aggressioni al confine tra Ungheria e Serbia, mentre il 54% ha segnalato lo stesso al confine tra Grecia e Turchia.

      - Coinvolgimento dei minori: Il 16% dei respingimenti riguardava minori, di cui il 9% viaggiava con la famiglia e il 7% era costituito da minori non accompagnati o separati dalla famiglia.

      - Mancato accesso alle procedure di asilo: Nel 44% dei casi registrati al confine tra Croazia e Bosnia-Erzegovina, nell’88% dei casi al confine tra Ungheria e Serbia e nell’85% dei casi al confine tra Italia e Francia, è stato segnalata la impossibilità di accesso alle procedure di asilo.

      Questo rapporto, insieme a molti altri, evidenzia ancora una volta le violazioni dei diritti che si verificano quotidianamente alle frontiere europee.

      I respingimenti e la brutalità della polizia sono di fatto uno strumento per la gestione delle frontiere, l’impunità è la norma e le vie della giustizia per le vittime sono scarse o inesistenti.

      Sulla base di un imperativo umanitario – che mira a salvare vite umane – negli ultimi anni, molte persone e organizzazioni umanitarie hanno sostenuto le persone in movimento. Mentre alcuni hanno contribuito a fornire l’accesso ai servizi di base, tra cui cibo, alloggio e assistenza medica, altri hanno intrapreso azioni legali per contestare le violazioni dei diritti alle frontiere dell’UE. Alcuni Stati membri europei hanno iniziato o continuano a criminalizzare coloro che forniscono assistenza, con l’obiettivo di porre fine alla solidarietà con le persone in movimento. In alcuni Paesi europei questa situazione si è ulteriormente aggravata, prendendo di fatto di mira i difensori dei diritti umani. Salvare vite umane non è solo un dovere morale, è un obbligo legale nel diritto internazionale dei diritti umani.


  • IOM Supports the UN COVID-19 Vaccination Roll-Out in Yemen - Yemen | ReliefWeb

    IOM Supports the UN COVID-19 Vaccination Roll-Out in Yemen
    Yemen received 360,000 COVID-19 vaccine doses through the COVAX Facility on 31 March. The roll-out of the vaccination campaign began on 20 April.
    COVID-19 has had severe consequences for the health, well-being and income of people in Yemen. The full impact can never be truly known, however, due to limited testing and reporting across the country.
    The monthly rate of positive COVID-19 cases reached over 2,400 in March, which was the highest confirmed in one month since the start of the pandemic. In April, the case rate continued to be higher than in previous months with more than 1,500 cases. As of early May, the case fatality rate reached over 19 per cent — the highest in the region.“Achieving wide-reaching immunity is vital to stopping the COVID-19 pandemic in its tracks. IOM is happy to support the vaccination campaign in Yemen to help reach that very aim,” said Christa Rottensteiner, IOM Yemen Chief of Mission.
    “It is extremely important that all vulnerable communities in Yemen have access to the COVID-19 vaccine. IOM welcomes the Government of Yemen’s decision to take an inclusive approach to the vaccine roll-out by including migrants in need. Our communities will not be healthy until everyone is healthy.”So far, over 18,500 health workers and people with medical conditions have been vaccinated across Yemen. In the next rounds of the vaccination campaign, migrants are expected to be included as per the national plan. IOM estimates that more than 32,000 migrants are currently stranded across Yemen, with limited access to health care, hygiene or other COVID-19 prevention and treatment resources.The vaccines being administered by IOM in the five health centres are provided through the COVAX Facility, which is a partnership between the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, the United Nations’ Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health Organization (WHO).Prior to the start of the vaccination campaign, IOM doctors were trained in administering the vaccine by WHO, UNICEF and the Ministry of Public Health and Population.The health centres where IOM is helping to carry out the vaccination campaign are already supported by the Organization through other means, including the provision of medicine, supplies, equipment, salary support and training. IOM is able to work with these health centres thanks to support from USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) and the Government of Japan.
    For greater effectiveness of vaccination campaigns across the world, IOM calls for the removal of any barriers that migrants and forcibly displaced persons may face in accessing the jab.The Organization has been supporting governments through health system strengthening, outreach to share information and combat vaccine hesitancy among communities, and operational support for transport and storage of doses, among other activities. IOM has also been implementing an extensive response to the COVID-19 pandemic since its start in 2020 through other health services such as the construction of quarantine centres, enhancing COVID-19 diagnostics through PCR testing, risks communication and community engagement and health worker training.


  • Outbreak reported at Athens children’s home

    Teams of health workers were dispatched on Monday to a home for unaccompanied refugee children in Athens in a bid to contain an outbreak of #Covid-19.

    According to the General Secretariat for Civil Protection, the outbreak at the shelter in the eastern suburb of #Vyronas was detected on Monday after an unnamed individual presented symptoms of the highly contagious novel coronavirus, the Athens-Macedonian News Agency (ANA-MPA) reported.

    By Monday night, 20 children and eight workers at the facility had tested positive for the virus and just five tested negative, while more results were expected, indicating that the outbreak is quite severe.

    The shelter has been put under strict quarantine and tracing has commenced to identify any other people its workers and residents come into contact with.
    #coronavirus #contamination #asile #migrations #réfugiés #MNA #mineurs_non_accompagnés #hébergement #Athènes #Grèce #contaminations #covid-19


    Contaminations dans 2 autres centres d’accueil pour migrant·es :
    – Lesbos :
    – Chios (#Vial) :

    • IRC calls for urgent evacuation of the most vulnerable refugees, as first Coronavirus case confirmed in Moria

      The first case of COVID-19 has been confirmed in Moria camp, on the Greek island of Lesvos, where over 12,000 refugees remain crammed inside and around the camp, despite numerous demands for evacuation.

      Overcrowding and limited access to clean water and washing facilities have left tens of thousands of people across the Greek islands vulnerable and exposed to the virus. COVID-19 could spread rapidly and those at risk, including the elderly, pregnant women and those with underlying health conditions, must be urgently evacuated to safety before it is too late. In the meantime, they should be ensured access to all measures of protection and medical assistance that Greek people have.

      The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is working to provide hygiene materials and sanitation facilities to asylum seekers on Lesvos, and has installed a COVID-19 triage centre outside Moria. Our teams also provide mental health support to asylum seekers living in reception facilities across three Aegean islands, where clients have reported a sense of abandonment as a result of the continuous lockdown measures since March, and the undignified conditions they live in.

      Dimitra Kalogeropoulou, IRC Greece Director, said:

      “By now, we know the devastating impact this virus can have on individuals, families and whole communities. People across the globe have been urged to distance themselves from each other in order to prevent its spread, but social distancing and basic hygiene measures like handwashing are simply impossible to adhere to in Moria, where thousands of people live in close proximity to each other with inadequate access to running water and soap.

      “As many people can be carrying the virus but not show any symptoms, it is possible there are more cases of coronavirus that have not been diagnosed. An urgent increase of healthcare and sanitation services is required, including sufficient space for isolation and quarantine.

      “For too long people have been forced to live in camps with severe overcrowding and poor sanitation, waiting for months for the decision on their asylum claims. The ultimate answer to preventing the spread of COVID-19 is through the immediate evacuation of the most vulnerable cases from the camps to safe accommodation. It is untenable that even now, people are forced to live on top of each other.”

      Our experience has shown that the COVID-19 outbreak has amplified the vulnerabilities of people seeking protection. Their dire situation during this public health crisis highlights the need to move away from ‘business as usual’, in order to promote long-term and humane solutions. European leadership is required more than ever before, whether when cooperating on health issues or to ensure those in need are protected and empowered in these difficult times.

      The IRC has provided mental health support to asylum seekers living in Lesvos, Samos and Chios since 2018. Since the outbreak of Covid-19, the IRC has scaled up its presence in Lesvos in direct response to the coronavirus outbreak, and a team of new staff members now responsible for key hygiene and health initiatives in Moria, including regular garbage collection and the installation of 24 portable toilets and water points.

    • #Moria camp placed under quarantine after Covid-19 case

      Moria camp on the eastern Aegean island of Lesvos was placed under quarantine on Wednesday after officials confirmed the first coronavirus case in the notoriously overcrowded facility.

      The patient, a 40-year old refugee from Somalia, has been put in isolation, officials said.

      Meanwhile, a team of experts from Greece’s National Organization of Public Health (EODY) were trying to trace the people he had contacted.

      Greece’s total number of confirmed coronavirus cases on Tuesday stood at 10,524, with 271 dead.

    • Les premiers résultats de tests Covid-19 effectués sur les personnes vivant aux alentours de la tente du réfugié somalien hospitalisé montrent deux autres cas infectés sur les 500. 1500 tests supplémentaires ont été effectués et sont actuellement en cours d’analyse. Voir (en grec)

      Au même moment les résidents du camp de #Moria ont refusé pendant deux jours de prendre les plateaux repas qui leur sont distribués, en signe de protestation contre la quarantaine imposée. Ils dénoncent aussi leur impossibilité de se procurer de quoi se nourrir dans les supérettes improvisées qui fonctionnent dans le camp ainsi que la très mauvaise qualité de la nourriture distribuée. Ils protestent également contre la baisse de leur allocation mensuelle qui est passé de 90 à 75 euros. Aux dernières nouvelles les réfugiés ont cessé cette forme de protestation en prenant part à la distribution du repas du soir

      Source en grec

      Mail de Vicky Skoumbi via la mailing-list Migreurop, le 06.09.2020

    • 243 Covid-19 cases detected at #Kara_Tepe facility

      A total of 243 coronavirus cases have been detected at the new temporary facility on the Greek island of Lesvos, government spokesman Stelios Petsas said Monday.

      He said authorities have conducted a total of 7,064 rapid tests at the tent camp – set up at Kara Tepe near the port of Mytilene after a blaze destroyed the Moria camp – which currently accommodates 9,200 people according to government estimates.

      The average age of the Covid-19 patients at Kara Tepe is 24 years old and most are asymptomatic, he said.

      A total 160 police and administrative staff all tested negative, he said.

      Petsas said the positive cases from Kara Tepe would be added to the country’s official Covid-19 figures released later in the day.

    • Plus de 240 exilés positifs au Covid dans le camp provisoire de #Lesbos

      Sur les 7 000 demandeurs d’asile testés au coronavirus ces derniers jours à Lesbos en Grèce, plus de 240 sont contaminés, selon une agence sanitaire publique. Un nouveau camp de fortune érigé après que Moria a été réduit en cendres il y a dix jours compte déjà plus de 9 000 personnes pour une capacité totale de 10 000.

      Le nombre de demandeurs d’asile testés positifs au nouveau coronavirus est en forte augmentation ces derniers jours sur l’île grecque de Lesbos : plus de 240 exilés résidant dans un camp provisoire érigé à la hâte la semaine dernière après les incendies du centre d’hébergement pour migrants de Moria ont été contaminés, a annoncé lundi 21 septembre l’agence sanitaire publique Eody, citée par l’AFP.

      Sur les 7 000 personnes testées, « 243 nouvelles infections ont été découvertes », a révélé cet organisme dans un communiqué. Les tests effectués sur 120 policiers et 40 membres du personnel présents sur place ont en revanche été négatifs, selon la même source.

      Chassés de Moria par les flammes des incendies survenues les 8 et 9 septembre, des milliers de personnes ont d’abord trouvé refuge au bord des routes, dans des champs ou encore des bâtisses abandonnées. Sous la pression policière menaçant de ne pas traiter leur dossier de demande d’asile, les sans-abri ont accepté à partir de jeudi dernier de se réinstaller dans un nouveau camp de fortune situé sur un ancien champ de tir à trois kilomètres du port de Mytilène, le chef-lieu de Lesbos.
      D’une capacité maximale de 10 000, ce camp censé être provisoire compte déjà 9 000 personnes. On estime qu’au moins 12 700 exilés ont perdu leur logement de fortune depuis les incendies de Moria. Selon les autorités, le nouveau complexe souffre déjà d’un manque de couchages et est équipé d’installations sanitaires rudimentaires.

      Jusqu’à présent le nombre de contaminations dans le camp de Moria était resté relativement faible au regard des conditions de surpopulation et d’insalubrité des lieux. Pour autant, les camps de migrants et de réfugiés en Grèce sont strictement confinés depuis la mi-mars pour cause du Covid-19 alors que le reste de ce pays est retourné à la normalité début mai. Une situation dénoncée à maintes reprises par des ONG comme Amnesty International.

      Le ministre grec des Migrations Notis Mitarachi a promis lundi devant le parlement qu’un nouveau camp, « moderne » et « sûr », verrait le jour à Lesbos. Et que les responsables des incendies seraient expulsés. Six jeunes demandeurs d’asile afghans, accusés d’en être à l’origine, ont été placés en détention provisoire. Ils sont inculpés d’"incendie volontaire".

    • Υγειονομικός αποκλεισμός στη ΒΙΑΛ της Χίου μόνο για πρόσφυγες

      Σε καραντίνα δεν τέθηκαν οι εργαζόμενοι που είχαν έρθει σε επαφή με τα δύο κρούσματα κορονοϊού στις έγκυες.

      « Καραντίνα μόνο για πρόσφυγες » εφαρμόζει το Υπουργείο Μετανάστευσης και Ασύλου στη ΒΙΑΛ της Χίου, εξαιρώντας από τα μέτρα τους εργαζόμενους που δουλεύουν σε ευαίσθητους τομείς, όπως τους υπαλλήλους της Υπηρεσίας Πρώτης Υποδοχής, της Υπηρεσίας Ασύλου αλλά και τις δύο μαίες που χθες συνέχιζαν να εργάζονται κανονικά προτού διακόψουν και μάλιστα αιφνιδιαστικά, υπό το πρόσχημα της απεντόμωσης.

      Τα δύο κρούσματα κορονοϊού στις έγκυες και τα πολλαπλά στις επαφές τους έθεσαν το ΚΥΤ σε υγειονομικό αποκλεισμό, αλλά και εξέθεσαν πλήρως την αδυναμία διαχείρισης της κατάστασης έκτακτης ανάγκης στη ΒΙΑΛ.

      Χαρακτηριστικό παράδειγμα οι δύο μαίες που έχει διαθέσει ο ΕΟΔΥ, οι οποίες συνέχισαν να δέχονται επισκέψεις εγκύων, παρά το γεγονός ότι είχαν έρθει σε επαφή με τις ήδη διεγνωσμένες γυναίκες, εκθέτοντας έτσι τον εαυτό τους αλλά και το σύνολο των εγκύων σε κίνδυνο.

      Ξαφνικά οι έγκυες που περίμεναν τη σειρά τους στο ιατρείο πήραν εντολή να βγουν από τον χώρο προκειμένου, όπως τους είπαν, να γίνει « απεντόμωση ». Σύμφωνα με πληροφορίες, τελικά επρόκειτο για απολύμανση, όπως ήταν φυσικό.

      Πλήρης ασυνεννοησία επικράτησε και στην Υπηρεσία Ασύλου, αφού η πλειονότητα αν όχι το σύνολο των εργαζομένων, έχοντας υπόψη τους από χθες την ΚΥΑ περί υγειονομικού αποκλεισμού, δεν πήγαν στην εργασία τους.

      Ωστόσο, μόλις στις 7.20 το πρωί ενημερώθηκαν ότι θα συνεχίσουν να εργάζονται κανονικά και έτσι σταδιακά από το μεσημέρι οι εργαζόμενοι άρχισαν να εμφανίζονται στις θέσεις τους, την ώρα που είχαν περάσει πια τα προγραμματισμένα ραντεβού για συνεντεύξεις με πρόσφυγες. Εννοείται ότι κανείς μέχρι χθες δεν ήταν σε θέση να πει με βεβαιότητα πότε και αν θα πραγματοποιηθούν οι συγκεκριμένες συνεντεύξεις.

      Στο μεταξύ, μόλις χθες το μεσημέρι το υπουργείο αποφάσισε να υπογράψει τελικά την παροχή των 300.000 ευρώ προς την Περιφέρεια Βορείου Αιγαίου, ώστε να ανοίξει η κάνουλα του Γενικού Λογιστηρίου και να εκταμιευθούν τα χρήματα που προορίζονται για προσλήψεις του απαραίτητου ιατρικού προσωπικού στα ΚΥΤ των νησιών της Περιφέρειας Βορείου Αιγαίου καθώς και για προμήθειες υλικού αντιμετώπισης της πανδημίας.

      Παρόλο που το σχετικό ΦΕΚ είχε υπογραφεί εδώ και καιρό και επιπλέον το ποσό αυτό είχε εγγραφεί στον προϋπολογισμό της Περιφέρειας, ο περιφερειάρχης Κώστας Μουτζούρης είχε αρνηθεί να προχωρήσει στις προσλήψεις και τις προμήθειες προτού να δει το ρευστό στους τραπεζικούς λογαριασμούς της οικονομικής του υπηρεσίας. Με αποτέλεσμα να στερούνται τα ΚΥΤ την παρουσία γιατρών όλο αυτό το κρίσιμο, όπως αποδείχθηκε, διάστημα.


      Traduction reçu via la mailing-list Migreurop :

      Les employées entrées en contact avec les deux femmes enceintes porteuses de coronavirus n’ont pas été mis en quarantaine.

      La « Quarantaine uniquement pour les réfugiés » est appliquée par le Ministère de l’Immigration et de l’Asile au hot-spot de VIAL à Chios : les mesures de confinement ne concernent pas les employés du camp qui travaillent dans les secteurs sensibles, comme les employés du Premier Service d’Accueil, du Service d’Asile, mais aussi les deux sages-femmes qui avaient continué à travailler hier normalement avant qu’ils ne s’arrêtent, et même brusquement, sous prétexte de désinfestation.

      Les deux femmes enceintes dépistées positives au coronavirus et les multiples cas parmi leurs contacts placent le Centre de Réception et d’Identification en quarantaine sanitaire, mais le manque de mesures appropriées concernant les employés du camp ont mis en évidence l’incapacité des autorités de gérer la situation d’urgence à VIAL.

      Un exemple typique est cela est le fait que les deux sages-femmes qui avaient été en contact avec les femmes enceintes déjà diagnostiquées, ont continué à recevoir des visites de femmes enceintes, exposant ainsi toutes les femmes enceintes mais aussi s’exposant ainsi elles-mêmes au risque de contamination.

      Le dispensaire gynécologique a fini par fermer pour une opération de désinfestation, mais bien après avoir fonctionné plusieurs heures d’affilés.

      Une incompréhension totale a également prévalu au sein du Service d’Asile, puisque la majorité sinon la totalité des salariés, ayant en tête la décision gouvernementale de confinement sanitaire, ne sont pas allés travailler.

      Cependant, ce n’est qu’à 7 h 20 du matin qu’ils ont été informés qu’ils devraient continuer à travailler normalement et donc progressivement à partir de midi les employés ont commencé à apparaître à leur poste de travail, au moment où les rendez-vous prévus pour les entretiens avec les réfugiés étaient passés. Il va sans dire que jusqu’à hier, personne n’était en mesure de dire avec certitude quand et si les entretiens spécifiques auront lieu.

      En attendant, hier à midi, le ministère a finalement décidé de signer la provision de 300.000 euros à la Région Nord-Égée, afin d’ouvrir la voie à la Comptabilité Générale de débourser l’argent destiné au recrutement du personnel médical nécessaire aux hot-spots des îles de la Région nord de la mer Égée ainsi qu’à la fourniture de matériel de protection contre la pandémie.

    • Chios camp in quarantine after at least 30 test positive for COVID-19

      The Vial camp on the Greek island of Chios has been placed under strict quarantine measures again after it was reported that at least 30 migrants had tested positive for COVID-19.

      The Greek Migration Ministry announced on Wednesday, October 14 that it would be placing the migrant camp at Vial on the Greek island of Chios under quarantine again, after at least 30 migrants reportedly tested positive for COVID-19.

      According to the news agency dpa, the quarantine measures will be in place until at least October 21. The ministry said it was now carrying out “extensive health checks.”

      This is the second time the camp on Chios has been placed under quarantine. In August the camp was placed under quarantine after first a Yemeni man and a female employee were reported to have tested positive and then three more residents found they had the virus.

      Unable to leave camp

      In August this year, the UN Refugee Agency UNHCR confirmed that there were some 121,400 migrants and refugees in Greece. About 27,700 of those were on the Greek islands and about 3,000 people were thought to be in the Chios camp at the time. At that point the camp was holding about two thirds more than its capacity.

      According to Daily Sabah, a Turkish newspaper, all migrants in the camp will be prevented from leaving its confines and only a “small number of staff members may enter the camp.” Daily Sabah estimates that there are currently “over 3,800 asylum seekers living at the Vial camp.”

      Coronavirus in Greece

      Greece has so far had relatively few cases of coronavirus compared with many other countries in Europe. According to World Health Organization data, between January 3 and October 14 this year, there were 23,060 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 462 deaths.

      However, cases in Greece, like in many other countries, are rising. The country recorded the highest number of daily deaths so far this year on October 12, with 13 people dying from or with COVID-19.

  • UNHCR MENA COVID-19 Emergency Response Update #11 - UNHCR

    UNHCR has called upon States to urgently release refugees and asylum-seekers who are being unlawful and arbitrarily held in detention, asking that States act in accordance with international law and that amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, vulnerable refugees are not placed at heightened and unnecessary risk.



  • WFP Turkey Country Brief, June 2020 - World Food Program

    WFP continues to support 55,159 refugees in six camps, through a monthly e-voucher payment of TRY 100 (USD 15) per person. In June, WFP delivered the second round of 15,000 hygiene kits to cover camp residents’ household hygiene needs, with the second distribution completing one full kit; each kit covers 3 months’ needs.
    As of 30 June, no COVID-19 positive cases have been confirmed among refugees in the camps.


  • Desperate living conditions on Venezuela/Colombia border plumb new depths, amid COVID-19 fears - Colombia | ReliefWeb

    he arid and over-crowded conditions of La Guajira on the Venezuela/ Colombia border are a potential death trap for the thousands of Venezuelan migrants living in temporary shelters in fear for their lives because of COVID-19 and the lockdown, says HelpAge International today.
    Most at risk are the almost 5,000 older migrants living in La Guajira. According to a survey of the region - carried out by HelpAge in January 2020 - 84% of them have no handwashing facilities and 78% have no access to safe drinking water. This has not improved since the outbreak of COVID and creates serious obstacles to protecting a population at risk from the virus.


  • North West Syria: Thousands of children return to destroyed homes amid COVID-19 fears in camps - Save the childreen

    Thousands of children and their families are on the move once again in North West Syria, where renewed violence and fears of a coronavirus outbreak have pushed them to look for safety elsewhere.

    Since the ceasefire began on the 5th of March, more than 200,000 people — at least half of them children — have moved from overcrowded displacement camps either to other displacement sites or to their damaged homes they had previously abandoned due to the conflict.

    Families told Save the Children that they face an impossible decision — either to remain in the camps which are chronically ill-prepared for an outbreak of the coronavirus, or to take their chances returning to the damaged shells of their houses near the frontlines of the conflict.


  • Iraq : COVID-19 Camp Vulnerability Index - OCHA

    The aim of this vulnerability index is to understand the capacity of camps to deal with the impact of a COVID-19 outbreak, understanding the camp as a single system composed of sub-units. The components of the index are: exposure to risk, system vulnerabilities (population and infrastructure), capacity to cope with the event and its consequences, and finally, preparedness measures. For this purpose, databases collected between August 2019 and February 2020 have been analysed, as well as interviews with camp managers (see sources next to indicators), a total of 27 indicators were selected from those databases to compose the index.


  • Iraq: COVID-19 Population Density in Internally Displaced Person Formal Camps - May 2020 - REACH

    Population density was calculated as the total number of individuals per hectare of the designated living area in each IDP camp.

    Data collection for IDP Camp Directory Round XIII could not be conducted in all of the IDP camps, due to the public health and access implications of the COVID-19 pandemic. For this reason, the Round XII data has been used for the camps that could not be accessed.


  • Open Letter to the United Nations Security Council on the Syria cross-border resolution - CARE International

    The United Nations Security Council has until July 10 to renew the Syria cross-border resolution, which ensures lifesaving UN aid reaches over four million Syrians living in areas outside of the Government of Syria’s control. NGO leaders are calling on the Security Council to renew the resolution for a period of 12 months and to re-authorize UN access to Northeast Syria to ensure vulnerable populations are able to receive the aid they need as humanitarian agencies struggle to scale up and respond to COVID-19.
    For more than four million Syrians who live in areas outside of the Government of Syria’s control, the cross-border mechanism is a critical lifeline providing food, shelter, hygiene, and critical medical services. Without it, people will go hungry and will be denied access to critical healthcare services, including those needed to respond to COVID. Simply put, lives will be lost.


  • Syria crisis: Hunger spreading amid Covid and economic collapse - CARE International
    Syrians who have already endured almost a decade of war and displacement are now facing unprecedented levels of hunger leaving millions of people acutely vulnerable to Covid-19, international agencies warned today ahead of a key annual conference on the crisis.

    In the northeast, the first cases of Covid-19 were confirmed over a month ago, and with it concerns over a lack of preparedness remain high. Lack of Covid-19 testing capacity, chronically understocked health facilities, and the main water pumping station - servicing 460,000 people - regularly being out of commission, continue to be the daily reality. Like in the northwest, taking measures to prevent the spread of Coronavirus is especially difficult in the many overcrowded camps and informal settlements across the region.

    In government-held areas, as in neighbouring countries hosting refugees, Syrians are facing the reality that the threat of Covid-19, the inability to work and the spiraling economic decline in the region is making their situation harder than ever.


  • Into the unknown: Listening to Syria’s displaced in the search for durable solutions - Action contre la faim -RAPPORT

    Over 50 Syrian and international NGOs published a report calling for action by participants of the upcoming Brussels IV Conference on the Future of Syria and the Region to support people displaced in and from Syria in their search for an end to displacement. Research that was conducted to better understand the views and preferences of internally displaced people (IDPs) and refugees found that very few see themselves as holding a viable prospect for a durable solution – safe return and sustainable reintegration, local integration or resettlement –in the coming years.


  • Lebanon: COVID-19 exacerbates already-impossible living situation for Syrian refugees - Action Agains Hunger report

    Most refugees do not have sufficient access to basic water, sanitation and hygiene services and infrastructure. The national water and sanitation network is weak and, even before the Syrian crisis, in some parts of Lebanon, residents had to use costly techniques typically associated with emergency settings –such as water trucking and desludging – to meet their needs.

    Refugees in informal settlements rely on the limited amount of water brought in through water-trucking, an expensive method that compromises their dignity. Absence of permanent solutions to access to water and sanitation structures, such as connection to municipal water and sanitation networks, contribute to this issue. Together, these factors are increasing refugees’ risk of exposure to infectious and preventable diseases and other health issues.

    When COVID-19 hit Lebanon, citizens were asked to improve their hygiene practices and follow social distancing protocols to slow the spread of the virus. But implementation of these practices in refugee camps - where water is scarce and people depend on humanitarian organizations for water supplies - is particularly difficult. Refugees only receive between seven and nine gallons of water per day, depending on the area where they lived – falling far short of the World Health Organization’s recommended 26 gallons per day. Furthermore, overcrowding and poor sanitation in camps make physical distancing difficult, exposing refugees to enormous health risks.
