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  • Le camp de migrants de #Lipa, en #Bosnie, ravagé par un #incendie

    Le camp de Lipa, dans le nord-ouest de la Bosnie, ravagé par les flammes. Un violent incendie s’est déclaré ce mercredi dans ce camp de migrants situé dans la région de #Bihac, près de la frontière avec la Croatie. 1 200 personnes y étaient hébergées. Aucune victime n’est à déplorer. Selon des témoins, le sinistre a démarré dans une installation de stockage de combustibles. Il s’est rapidement propagé.

    Selon la directrice du camp, Natasa Omerovic, ce sont d’anciens résidents qui l’ont déclenché à un moment où le camp était fermé pour être déplacé.

    Selon Peter Van der Auweraert, coordinateur de la mission de l’Organisation internationale pour les Migration (OIM) en Bosnie-Herzégovine, la plupart des infrastructures ont été détruites. L’#OIM, qui gérait ce centre d’accueil, a récemment annoncé son retrait en raison de mauvaises conditions.

    Début décembre, ce camp de #tentes avait fait l’objet de vives critiques. Etabli comme une réponse #provisoire pour faire face à la #pandémie de #coronavirus, il n’était pas équipé pour des conditions hivernales. Le camps incendié n’était pas équipé de chauffage et n’avait jamais été branché sur le réseau électrique.

    L’Organisation internationale pour les migrations et la Commission européenne exhortaient les autorités locales à trouver une solution pour héberger ailleurs les résidents du camp de Lipa, ainsi que quelque 2 000 autres migrants dépourvus de logement dans la région de Bihac, près de la frontière de l’Union européenne.

    Les autorités municipales et cantonales de Bihac refusent de permettre à l’OIM de rouvrir l’ancien centre d’accueil à Bihac, dans les halles d’une ancienne usine, malgré une instruction du gouvernement fédéral en ce sens. Il a été fermé peu avant les élections municipales de novembre, pour répondre à une pression croissante des habitants.

    « Les autorités compétentes doivent coopérer et agir dans la plus grande urgence pour répondre aux besoins des réfugiés et des migrants sans abris et sauver les vies », a insisté lundi la Commission européenne dans un communiqué.

    #Bosnie-Herzégovine #Balkans #route_des_Balkans #feu #asile #migrations #réfugiés #camps_de_réfugiés


    Ajouté à la métaliste sur les incendies dans des camps de réfugiés (principalement en Grèce, mais du coup, élargissement à la route des Balkans) :

    • Bosnie : le camp de Lipa ravagé par un incendie, 1 300 migrants à la rue

      Le camp de Lipa, dans le nord-ouest de la Bosnie, a été complètement détruit mercredi par un incendie probablement « criminel », ont indiqué les autorités. Environ 1 300 migrants, qui y étaient hébergés, se retrouvent désormais à la rue en pleine hiver avec des températures glaciales.

      « Jour terrible » pour le camp de Lipa. Dans un tweet, Peter Van der Auweraert, le représentant de l’Organisation internationale pour les migrations (OIM) en Bosnie-Herzégovine, ne cache pas son désespoir.

      Le camp de migrants, situé dans le nord-ouest du pays, vient de partir en fumée, ce mercredi 23 décembre. Environ 1 300 migrants y étaient hébergés dans des conditions dramatiques.

      « L’incendie s’est déclaré à 11h. Les pompiers ont réussi à l’éteindre, mais les quatre grandes tentes dans lesquelles les migrants dormaient ont brulé », a déclaré à l’AFP un porte-parole de la police, Ale Siljdedic, précisant qu’il n’y avait pas eu de blessés.
      « Un acte criminel »

      « Nous supposons qu’il s’agit d’un acte criminel et que des résidents du camp en sont à l’origine », a-t-il poursuivi. Peter Van der Auweraert évoque lui d’"anciens résidents [qui] ont mis le feu à trois tentes et aux conteneurs après que la plupart des migrants ont quitté le camp".

      Les exilés auraient agi en signe de protestation : mis en place en avril dans ce village près de Bihac, le site avait été installé comme une solution temporaire, rien n’étaient prévu pour que ses résidents y passent l’hiver. Le camp incendié n’était pas équipé d’électricité et de chauffage, alors que le pays connaît actuellement une vague de froid.

      « Désastre après désastre », a encore déploré Peter Van der Auweraert de l’OIM.
      Des milliers de personnes à la rue

      L’agence onusienne, qui gérait ce centre d’accueil, avait récemment annoncé son retrait de la structure en raison des mauvaises conditions de vie des exilés. L’OIM et la Commission européenne exhortaient depuis début décembre les autorités locales à trouver une solution pour héberger ailleurs ces 1 300 personnes, ainsi que quelque 2 000 autres migrants dépourvus de logement dans la région de Bihac, près de la frontière de l’Union européenne.

      Avec cet incendie, les résidents se retrouvent à la rue, en plein hiver et alors qu’est prévue une forte baisse de température dans les prochains jours. « Ils vont probablement se diriger vers Bihac (à 30 km au nord-ouest de Lipa, ndlr) et vont occuper des bâtiments abandonnés », a déclaré Ale Siljdedic.

      Les autorités municipales et cantonales de Bihac refusent que l’OIM rouvre l’ancien centre d’accueil à Bihac, dans les halles d’une ancienne usine, malgré une instruction du gouvernement fédéral en ce sens. Il a été fermé peu avant les élections municipales de novembre, pour répondre à une pression croissante des habitants.

      « Les autorités compétentes doivent coopérer et agir dans la plus grande urgence pour répondre aux besoins des réfugiés et des migrants sans abris et sauver des vies », a insisté lundi la Commission européenne dans un communiqué.


    • Thousands of refugees without shelter after Bosnia camp burns

      Dozens spend the night at a damaged metal container near the site of the fire, where only a ghostly steel construction remained.

      More than a thousand refugees and migrants from Asia, the Middle East and North Africa were left to sleep in the cold after their camp in northwestern Bosnia burned down amid a dispute among Bosnian politicians over where to house them.

      On Wednesday, a fire destroyed the camp in Lipa housing about 1,200 people. Police and United Nations officials have said the blaze was probably started by people unhappy at the temporary closure of the camp, scheduled for the same day, and uncertainty about where they would be relocated in Bosnia.

      Dozens of men spent the night at a damaged metal container near the site of the fire, where only a ghostly steel construction remained. Smoke was still rising from some burned patches of ground on Thursday morning.

      Others tried to erect nylon tents and slept fully dressed on the frozen ground. Most of them walked through the woods towards the town of Bihac, near the Croatian border, avoiding areas marked with warnings about landmines remaining from the Bosnian war in the 1990s.

      About 10,000 refugees and migrants from Asia, the Middle East and North Africa are stuck in Bosnia, hoping to reach wealthier countries in the European Union.

      “I couldn’t sleep last night, I sat all night,” said Bylal from Pakistan, adding that he would wait to see if the government would provide them with a new shelter.

      The Lipa camp, which was opened last spring as a temporary shelter for the summer months 25 km away from Bihac, was set to be shut on Wednesday for winter refurbishing. But Bosnia’s authorities failed to find alternative accommodation for residents.

      The central government wanted the refugees and migrants to temporarily return to the Bira camp in Bihac, which was shut down in October, but local authorities disagreed, saying that other parts of Bosnia should also share the burden of the migrant crisis.

      “Please open the Bira camp so everybody goes there, it’s very good there,” said Yasin, also from Pakistan. “Here it’s cold, we can’t stay here, we don’t have food, we are hungry.”

      The European Union, which had supported Bosnia with 60 million euros to manage the refugee crisis and pledged 25 million euros more, has repeatedly asked the authorities to find an alternative to the unsuitable Lipa camp, warning of an unfolding humanitarian crisis.

      “We urge … the authorities to rise above political considerations and temporarily reopen the centre Bira in Bihac,” the EU said in a statement on Wednesday

    • Bosnie : après l’incendie du camp de Lipa, des centaines de migrants prisonniers du #froid et de la #neige

      Dans le nord de la Bosnie-Herzégovine, des centaines de migrants sont toujours sans solution d’hébergement depuis l’incendie du camp de Lipa le 23 décembre. La situation est extrêmement inquiétante alors que des chutes de neige et des températures glaciales se sont abattues sur la région ce week-end.

      La situation était déjà compliquée dans le camp de Lipa, elle est devenue catastrophique. Dans le nord-ouest de la Bosnie, plusieurs centaines de migrants sont contraints de vivre dans le froid et la neige après l’incendie de ce camp le 23 décembre.

      Ces hommes – originaires d’Afghanistan et du Bangladesh pour la plupart – tentaient samedi de se protéger du froid et du vent en s’enveloppant dans des couvertures et des sacs de couchage, ont observé des journaliste des l’agence Associated Press (AP).

      La Croix-Rouge de Bosnie a distribué des repas aux exilés qui ne survivent que grâce à ces colis alimentaires. La police ne les autorise pas à quitter le site, les empêchant de se rendre dans la ville voisine de Bihac pour acheter quelques denrées alimentaires.

      « Lipa est devenue une prison hivernale », a dénoncé sur Twitter Peter Van der Auweraert, représentant de l’Organisation internationale pour les migrations en Bosnie-Herzégovine. « Les migrants ne sont pas autorisés à quitter le site de Lipa et doivent maintenant faire du feu dans les tentes restantes pour se tenir chaud […] C’est une tragédie totalement inutile », ajoute-t-il.

      Dans la grande tente qui a survécu à l’incendie et où dorment désormais les migrants, le toit commence à ployer sous le poids de la neige, met par ailleurs en garde Peter Van der Auweraert, pointant un « terrible accident qui n’attend que de se produire ».
      « Nous vivons comme des animaux »

      L’association No Name Kitchen a indiqué, de son côté, « faire de son mieux pour procurer des vêtements chauds et de la nourriture aux personnes ». « La police a bloqué la route et plus de 1000 personnes se trouvent dans la forêt autour du camp de Lipa », précise l’organisation.

      « Nous vivons comme des animaux. Même les animaux vivent mieux que nous ! » a déclaré un Pakistanais à AP qui ne s’est identifié que par son prénom, Kasim. « S’ils ne nous aident pas, nous mourrons, alors aidez-nous s’il vous plaît. »

      « Ce n’est pas ainsi que quiconque devrait vivre », a également pointé Peter Van der Auweraert, appelant la classe politique bosnienne au « courage » et à l’"action" pour débloquer la situation et autoriser l’ouverture d’un nouveau centre d’hébergement.

      La capitaine de navire allemande Carola Rackete a également alerté sur les réseaux sociaux sur l’urgence de la situation dans le nord de la Bosnie et appelé à soutenir les associations qui viennent en aide aux exilés.

  • EU policy ‘worsening’ mental health for refugees on Greek islands

    New research says more asylum-seekers stranded in EU’s ‘hotspot’ centres experiencing severe mental health symptoms.

    A prominent humanitarian group has warned of a worsening mental health crisis among asylum-seekers trapped at refugee camps on three Greek islands, saying its research reveals severe symptoms among people of all ages and backgrounds, including depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and self-harm.

    The International Rescue Committee (IRC), in a new report ( on Thursday, said nearly 15,000 people remain stranded at the European-Union funded Reception and Identification Centres, camps known as “hotspots” that were set up on Europe’s borders almost five years ago to swiftly process applications for asylum.

    Citing data collected from 904 asylum-seekers supported by its mental health programmes on the islands of Lesbos, Chios and Samos, the IRC said one in three of its clients reported suicidal thoughts, while one in five reported having made attempts to take their lives.

    “I even tried to hang myself but my son saw me and called my husband,” Fariba, a 32-year-old Afghan woman, was quoted as saying. The mother of two young children lives in the Vathy camp in the island of Samos.

    “I think about death a lot here: that it would be a good thing for the whole family, that if I could add a medicine in our food and we all died it would be a deliverance. But then I look at my daughter and I think it is not her time yet,” she said.

    The hotspot centres were established up in 2015, when the Aegean islands, especially Lesbos, came under enormous pressure, with nearly a million refugees and migrants trying to reach Europe arriving on the Greek islands.

    In January of this year, the five camps together hosted more than 38,600 asylum-seekers – a number six times higher than the hotspots’ capacity. The number had reduced significantly by November, yet, asylum seekers still live under “inhumane” conditions and “in great distress, with limited access to food, water and sanitation,” read the report.
    ‘Alarming spike’

    On Lesbos, thousands of people live in a temporary camp after a fire burned down their overcrowded facility known as the Moria refugee camp. With winter in full swing, many people now live in tents battered by winds and flooding, the report said, adding an even deeper sense of exhaustion and frustration. On Sunday, the camp of Kara Tepe in Lesbos – where more than 7,000 people live – was flooded for the third time after three days of rain amid stormy weather conditions.

    Mohammad, a 23-year-old Syrian asylum seeker who fled the city of Idlib in 2019, told Al Jazeera how he is affected by depression and sleeping disorders.

    “How could my mental health not be affected? When you wake up and find a rat on your chest, when you are constantly waiting [for your legal status to proceed], when rain is pouring into your tent for days, you have no toilet but just garbage around you?” he said, asking his surname to be withheld as his second attempt to gain residency is under way.

    This is the second winter Mohammad has spent in a self-made wooden hut in what is known as “the jungle” in the island of Samos. The 600-people capacity camp, located on a hill, comprises of tents made out of recycled material and houses more than 3,000 people.

    Mohammad said there were high level of distress and constant fear of possible violent escalations among the residents of the camp. “We need some sort of improvement as it is getting difficult to control the anger,” he said.

    The coronavirus pandemic and the strict restrictions on movement has inflicted further blows.

    The IRC reported an “alarming spike” in the number of people disclosing psychotic symptoms following the pandemic, jumping from one in seven to almost one in four. There was also a sharp rise in people reporting self-harm, which jumped by 66 percent, as well as a surge in those reporting symptoms of PTSD, which climbed from close to half of clients beforehand to almost two in three people.

    These severe symptoms of mental health negatively affect people’s ability to cope with the many challenges they face at the hotspot centres, such as standing in line for hours to get food, or successfully navigate the complex asylum process, the report said.
    ‘Trauma of hotspot centres’

    “Such stressful situation triggers a sort of re-traumatisation,” said Essam Daod, a psychiatric and mental health director of Humanity Crew, an NGO providing first response mental health interventions to refugees in Samos.

    “You left home because you felt hopeless, unsafe and with a massive distrust with the system. You reached Europe and you start to stabilise your mood, but then COVID-19 destroyed all of this triggering the same feeling they had when they were fleeing their own country,” he said.

    IRC found that mental health issues can also cause high levels of stigma and discrimination, while increasing vulnerability to exploitation or violence, including sexual violence.

    Children are also bearing the brunt of the the worsening crisis.

    “When parents break down, it has a major impact on children,” said Thanasis Chirvatidis, a psychologist with Doctors Without Borders who has been working in Lesbos since August.

    Children perceive parents who experience psychological collapse as being unable to protect them, said Chirvatidis. The result is an increasing number of children are developing symptoms such as hopeless, insomnia, night terrors and regression symptoms as they go backwards at an earlier mental state where they had better memories and felt safer.

    All of the people in the hotspot centres – adult and children alike – “even those who had a sense of normalcy in their life before, at this point will need support in the future for sorting what they are going through here, which has now become a trauma itself,” said Chirvatidis.

    #Moria #santé_mentale #asile #migrations #réfugiés #îles #Lesbos #Mer_Egée #Grèce #traumatisme #trauma #hotspots #rapport

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    • Thousands of refugees in mental health crisis after years on Greek islands

      One in three on Aegean isles have contemplated suicide amid EU containment policies, report reveals

      Years of entrapment on Aegean islands has resulted in a mental health crisis for thousands of refugees, with one in three contemplating suicide, a report compiled by psychosocial support experts has revealed.

      Containment policies pursued by the EU have also spurred ever more people to attempt to end their lives, according to the report released by the International Rescue Committee (IRC) on Thursday.

      “Research reveals consistent accounts of severe mental health conditions,” says the report, citing data collated over the past two and a half years on Lesbos, Samos and Chios.

      Depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and self-harm “among people of all ages and backgrounds” have emerged as byproducts of the hopelessness and despair on Europe’s eastern borderlands, it says.

      “As many as three out of four of the people the IRC has assisted through its mental health programme on the three islands reported experiencing symptoms such as sleeping problems, depression and anxiety,” its authors wrote.

      “One in three reported suicidal thoughts, while one in five reported having made attempts to take their lives.”

      In a year upended by coronavirus and disastrous fires on Lesbos – about 13,000 asylum seekers were temporarily displaced after the destruction of Moria, the island’s infamous holding centre – psychologists concluded that the humanitarian situation on the outposts had worsened considerably.

      The mental health toll had been aggravated by lockdown measures that had kept men, women and children confined to facilities for much of 2020, they said.

      Previously, residents in Moria, Europe’s biggest refugee camp before its destruction, had participated in football games outside the facility and other group activities.

      Noting that the restrictions were stricter for refugees and migrants than those applied elsewhere in Greece, IRC support teams found a marked deterioration in the mental wellbeing of people in the camps since rolling lockdowns were enforced in March.

      “Research demonstrates how the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic further exacerbated the suffering of already vulnerable asylum seekers and exposed the many flaws in Europe’s asylum and reception system,” the report says.

      Over the year there has been a rise in the proportion of people disclosing psychotic symptoms, from one in seven to one in four. Disclosures of self-harm have increased by 66%.

      The IRC, founded by Albert Einstein in 1933 and now led by the former British foreign secretary David Miliband, said the findings offered more evidence of the persistent political and policy failures at Greek and EU level.

      Five years after authorities scrambled to establish reception and identification centres, or hotspots, on the frontline isles at the start of the refugee crisis, about 15,000 men, women and children remain stranded in the installations.

      Describing conditions in the camps as dangerous and inhumane, the IRC said residents were still denied access to sufficient water, sanitation, shelter and vital services such as healthcare, education and legal assistance to process asylum claims.

      On Lesbos, the island most often targeted by traffickers working along the Turkish coast, government figures this week showed an estimated 7,319 men, women and children registered in a temporary camp erected in response to an emergency that has been blamed on arsonists.

      Three months after the fires, more than 5,000 people have been transferred to the mainland, according to Greek authorities.

      Of that number, more than 800 were relocated to the EU, including 523 children who had made the journey to Europe alone and were also held in Moria.

      Many had hoped the new camp would be a vast improvement on Moria, whose appalling conditions and severe overcrowding earned it global notoriety as a humanitarian disaster.

      But the new facility, located on a former firing range within metres of the sea, has drawn condemnation from locals and NGOs.

      “The winds hit it, the rains hit it and there’s no shade, which is why this place is unsuitable for any camp to be,” the island’s mayor, Stratis Kitilis, said.

      “It’s right next door to all the warehouses, transport companies and supermarkets that keep Lesbos going. No one wants it there.”

      This month the EU announced it was working with Athens’ centre-right administration to replace the installation with a modern structure that will open next September. New reception and identification centres will also be built on Samos, Kos and Lesbos. “They say it’ll be nothing like Moria and will be more of a transfer stop, but late next year is a very long time,” said Kitilis.

      Kiki Michailidou, the psychologist in charge of the IRC’s psychosocial support programmes on Lesbos, agreed that the conditions were far from dignified.

      As winter approached, camp residents were resorting to ever more desperate measures to keep warm, she said, while also being forced to stand in long queues for food and communal toilets.

      With camp managers moving families into giant tents, social distancing remains elusive. “A lot of people fear the unknown again,” Michailidou said.

      “Moria was terrible but it was also a familiar place, somewhere they called their home. After the fires they lost their point of reference and that has had a significant impact on their mental health too.”

      The IRC report calls for European policymakers to learn from past failings. While the EU’s new pact on asylum and migration is a step in the right direction, it says, it still falls short of the bloc managing migration in a humane and effective way.

      Echoing that sentiment, Michailidou said: “After the fires we saw what could happen. There were transfers to the mainland and children were relocated to other parts of Europe. That’s proof that where there’s political will and coordinated action, the lives of people in these camps can be transformed.”

  • Eviction of Palestinians in Sheikh Jarrah part of Israeli policy
    By Linah Alsaafin | 29 Nov 2020 | Palestine | Al Jazeera

    For at least a dozen Palestinian families living in the occupied East Jerusalem neighbourhood of Sheikh Jarrah, the threat of eviction from their homes looms over their heads, paralysing any thoughts of the future.

    In October, the Israeli magistrate court of Jerusalem ruled to evict 12 of the 24 Palestinian families in Sheikh Jarrah and to give their homes to Israeli Jewish settlers. The court also ruled that each family must pay 70,000 shekels ($20,000) in fees to cover the settlers’ legal expenses.(...)

  • Vanuatu records first COVID-19 case in man who returned from US | Vanuatu | Al Jazeera

    Vanuatu has officially recorded its first case of COVID-19, health officials announced on Wednesday, ending the Pacific nation’s status as one of the few countries in the world to remain virus-free.Len Tarivonda, the director of Vanuatu Public Health, said the 23-year-old man had recently returned from the United States and was confirmed to have the virus on Tuesday after being tested on the fifth day of his quarantine.
    “A case detected in quarantine is considered a border case and not an outbreak,” the department said in a statement, adding that health protocols were in place to contain the virus. It added that the asymptomatic man, had been isolated from other passengers during his flight to Vanuatu because he had been in a high-risk location. He had transited in Auckland, New Zealand.The statement said the patient had adhered to all social-distancing rules on arrival and that contract-tracing of all the people who had been near to him was under way.“I want to assure all citizens and the public that the situation is under control and the government through the COVID-19 task force is prepared and ready to address this case,” Prime Minister Bob Loughman said at a press conference, according to Radio New Zealand.
    Vanuatu closed its borders in March as part its efforts to keep the pandemic at bay, only recently allowing in strictly controlled repatriation flights.
    Many Pacific island nations were concerned their poor health infrastructure made them particularly vulnerable to the pandemic. The remote island nations and territories of Kiribati, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, Samoa, Tonga and Tuvalu are all believed still to be free of the virus.
    The Solomon Islands and Marshall Islands confirmed cases among returnees last month, although they have not reported community transmission.


  • Twenty years after the second intifada, the Israeli victory is nearly complete
    Amira Hass | Sep. 30, 2020 | 12:59 AM |

    The second intifada erupted because Israel exploited the negotiations with the Palestinians to advance its land grab project. The hypocrisy cried out to the heavens – talk of peace on one hand while continuing to take over Palestinian expanse for the benefit of the Jews. The hypocrisy cried out, but the Israelis didn’t listen.

    The anger and disgust at Israeli underhandedness built up over years of disappointment and sobriety following the Oslo Accords, erupting on September 29, 2000 (the day after the provocation by Ariel Sharon, with the approval of then-Prime Minister Ehud Barak). But the second intifada was not an intifada in the standard sense of the word: Aside from its first days, it was not a popular civil event and a majority of the public did not participate in it, unlike the uprising that erupted in 1987. The popular-collective characteristic that was preserved in it was the sumud (steadfastness) displayed by all the Palestinians in the face of the Israeli oppressive and punitive measures and policy of economic attrition.

    The Israel Defense Forces, Border Police and police, which used lethal means to suppress the protests from the very first day, managed to deter potential protesters. Yasser Arafat and his entourage worried about the criticism that could be heard in those demonstrations, directed at the Palestinian Authority and Fatah. They gave a green light to Fatah and the security forces to use weapons at friction points with the Israeli army and thus, by putting on the hat of resistance once more, seized control of the demonstrations. They also calculated that this militarization would strengthen the Palestinian negotiating stance. They still believed they could halt the Israeli settler-colonial drive in the 1967 territories.

    The well-oiled mechanism of the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit and the government spokespeople succeeded on the propaganda front in constructing the lie that the battles in the field were being fought between equal armies and that the Palestinians “started it.” Then, as now, the Israeli majority paid little heed to the Palestinian casualties, and did not view the seizure of their lands as institutional aggression. At the same time, the number of unarmed Palestinians killed by Israel kept growing. With every funeral, the Palestinian call for revenge grew stronger. With and without a green light from above, armed Palestinians shot at Israeli civilians (also armed, as many of the settlers are) in the West Bank and Gaza.

    Hamas joined somewhat belatedly and showed that if success is measured in the number of Israeli dead bodies, it was more effective than Fatah. Israel erased the Green Line – so why shouldn’t it resume attacking Israelis inside Israel? The armed wings of Hamas and Fatah competed with one another and lost in the competition with the IDF on the number of those killed. The suicide bombings created a balance of terror with the Israelis but they didn’t halt the Civil Administration’s bulldozers.

    There are four failures in all. The first intifada, with its hopeful demand for a sovereign state within the June 4, 1967 lines, failed. The Madrid and Oslo talks, which began in the wake of it, did not diminish Israel’s ravenous appetite for Palestinian land. Mahmoud Abbas’ tactic of diplomacy and acceptance in the UN also failed: The condemnations by Western countries do not amount to a policy — they are only meant to cover their butts. With the exception of a few isolated successes, the popular and legal battles against land seizures also failed. And the use of weapons, which many Palestinians still view as the pinnacle of the struggle and the resistance, even though only a few actually choose to do so, did not stop the process either. The use of arms is an expression of anger and the desire for revenge. It has no strategic value.

    Twenty years later, the Israeli victory is nearly complete: The well-planned armed robbery of Palestinian land goes on daily unhindered. The model that Israel created in Gaza is being copied in the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and translated into something akin to “Pales of Settlement” which, as long as they don’t show signs of fury and rebellion, are of no interest to the Jews in Israel, the supreme ruler.

  • Les manifestations en Égypte secouent la dictature militaire sanglante d’al-Sissi
    Par Johannes Stern - 24 septembre 2019 - World Socialist Web Site

    Les récents événements en Égypte rappellent les soulèvements révolutionnaires en 2011 qui ont fait tomber le dictateur égyptien Hosni Moubarak, soutenu depuis longtemps par l’impérialisme. De nombreuses manifestations auraient eu lieu dans toute l’Égypte le week-end dernier. Cette fois-ci, elles sont dirigées contre le général Abdel Fatah al-Sissi, qui a pris le pouvoir en 2013 et soumet brutalement le pays à sa dictature depuis lors.

    Les chants de Irhal, Irhal(Dégage, dégage), « Le peuple veut la chute du régime » ou « Dites-le ! N’ayez pas peur ! Sissi doit partir » se sont réverbérés dans de nombreuses villes égyptiennes ce week-end. Les manifestations ont commencé dans la capitale, Le Caire, où plusieurs centaines de manifestants se sont rassemblés vendredi soir sur la place centrale de la révolution égyptienne, Meidan al-Tahrir.

    Elles se sont rapidement répandues dans d’autres régions, loin de la capitale. Des milliers de manifestants, jeunes pour la plupart jeunes, sont descendus dans les rues des villes côtières d’Alexandrie et de Damiette, à Mansoura et à Suez, la métropole à l’entrée du canal de Suez. Jusqu’à présent, aucun reportage n’a fait état de grèves ou d’occupations d’usines, lesquelles s’étaient répandues comme des feux de forêt il y a huit ans. Mais il y a également eu des manifestations dans d’importantes villes industrielles comme Mahalla al-Kubra, le centre de l’industrie textile égyptienne dans le delta du Nil. (...)

    7:27 PM · 25 sept. 2020


    • Des manifestations à répétition en Égypte, la place Tahir sous surveillance
      Publié le 22/09/2020 - 14:32

      Les Égyptiens expriment de plus en plus leur mécontentement, notamment contre une campagne de destruction de logements illégaux. Des échauffourées sporadiques et localisées ont été observées mais les autorités craignent visiblement une cristallisation. La preuve : des blindés ont investi la place Tahrir.

      “Pour la deuxième journée consécutive, des manifestants demandent le départ du président Abdel Fattah Al-Sissi”, rapporte le site qatari Al-Araby Al-Jadid. “De nombreux défilés se sont élancés, dans plusieurs quartiers du Caire et ailleurs dans le pays. À Gizeh, ils ont réussi de s’emparer d’un véhicule blindé, et dans un village de la Moyenne-Égypte, ils ont jeté une voiture de police dans un canal. Plus de cent soixante-dix personnes auraient été arrêtées.”

      Par ailleurs, note le site, “la place Tahrir au Caire [épicentre de la révolution de 2011] a été investie par des blindés ce lundi 21 septembre, après que des gens avaient manifesté par milliers, du Caire à Alexandrie, de Minya à Sohag et Assouan.”

      “On nous indique que de nombreux cafés du centre-ville du Caire ont été fermés par la police”, rapportait pour sa part le site égyptien indépendant MadaMasr la semaine dernière. “Les autorités craindraient qu’un match de foot puisse donner lieu à des débordements, et que cela pourrait se conjuguer avec des appels à manifester à l’approche du 20 septembre.”

    • One ‘killed’ in Egypt as protesters demand el-Sisi resign | Middle East | Al Jazeera
      26 Sep 2020

      The latest protests were triggered by President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi’s decision to demolish what he called illegal construction nationwide [File: Khaled Desouki/ AFP]

      Security forces crack down as thousands rally in cities and rural areas across Egypt during ‘Friday of rage’ protests.

      At least one protester was killed in Egypt on Friday, according to activists, after thousands of people defied a police crackdown to demonstrate against President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi’s government for the sixth straight day.

      The rare protests – dubbed by demonstrators as a “Friday of rage” – took place across cities, towns and rural areas in Egypt after noon prayers, including in the capital, Cairo, and the governorates of Giza, Damietta on the Nile Delta and Luxor in southern Egypt.

  • AOC withdraws from Yitzhak Rabin commemoration after criticism | US & Canada | Al Jazeera

    The decision came after Palestinians and Palestinian advocacy groups criticised Ocasio-Cortez, a progressive Democratic congresswoman who also goes by AOC, for planning to honour the former Israeli leader, who was assassinated 25 years ago.

    #Palestine #criminels #sionisme

  • La Ligue arabe refuse de condamner l’accord entre Israël et les Emirats - Challenges

    L’Autorité palestinienne n’est pas parvenue à convaincre les Etats membres de la Ligue arabe de condamner l’accord de normalisation des relations entre Israël et les Emirats arabes unis conclu le 13 août sous la houlette des Etats-Unis.

    Lors d’une visioconférence des ministres des Affaires étrangères de l’organisation, les représentants palestiniens se sont pourtant montrés moins fermes dans leur rejet de l’accord, qui doit être signé la semaine prochaine à la Maison Blanche.

    « Les discussions sur ce point ont été intenses. Elles ont été exhaustives et ont pris du temps, mais elles n’ont finalement pas abouti à un accord sur le projet de communiqué proposé par la partie palestinienne », a déclaré Hossam Zaki, secrétaire général adjoint de la Ligue, lors d’une conférence de presse.

    Ramallah redoute que l’accord du 13 août ne remette en question la position des Etats membres de la Ligue, qui ont fait du retrait israélien des territoires occupés et de la création d’un Etat palestinien les conditions de la normalisation de leurs relations avec Israël.

    Sans évoquer l’accord, le prince Fayçal ben Farhan, ministre saoudien des Affaires étrangères, réaffirme dans un communiqué le soutien de Ryad à la création de cet Etat dans les frontières de 1967 avec Jérusalem-Est comme capitale.


  • Exclusive: French reform proposal for Lebanon delves into details | News | Al Jazeera

    La feuille de route pour le nouveau Protectorat français au Levant selon Al-Jazeera...

    Here are the main points:

    COVID-19 and the humanitarian situation

    The government will prepare and disseminate a coronavirus pandemic control plan “that includes support for the most vulnerable people”.
    It will strengthen social safety net programmes for the population.

    Aftermath of the Beirut explosion

    The government will facilitate the distribution of humanitarian aid - provided by the international community and coordinated by the United Nations - in an “expeditious, transparent and effective manner”.
    It will put in place governance mechanisms to allow the disbursal of aid in a “transparent and traceable manner”.
    It will begin reconstruction based on a needs assessment by the World Bank, EU and UN that estimated the value of damages caused by the explosion at up to $4.6bn.
    The government will rapidly launch tenders for the reconstruction of Beirut’s port according to “neutral” standards.
    It will conduct an “impartial and independent investigation” into the port explosion “that enables the full truth to be established regarding the causes of the explosion, with the support of Lebanon’s international partners ... within a reasonable timeframe”.

    The government will regularly exchange views with civil society regarding its programme and the reforms it entails.
    It will immediately resume stalled negotiations with the IMF and rapidly approve measures requested by the lender, including a capital controls law and a “full audit” of the Central Bank’s accounts.
    The French proposal also called for the approval of a timetable for working with the IMF within 15 days of the government gaining confidence.

    It goes on to propose time limits for sector-specific reforms.
    Electricity sector
    Within one month, the government will:
    Appoint officials to the National Electricity Regulatory Authority according to Law 462/2002 “without amendments”, and provide the Authority with the resources to carry out its work.
    Launch tenders for gas-fired power plants to plug Lebanon’s massive energy gap.
    “Abandon” the controversial Selaata power plant project in its current form. The project is one President Michel Aoun and his Free Patriotic Movement party have insisted on.
    Within three months, the government will:
    Announce a timetable for raising the price of electricity, “provided that this will first affect the most financially wealthy consumers”.

    Capital controls
    Within one month:
    Parliament should finalise and approve a draft law on capital control that should “immediately be implemented for a period of four years” after it is approved by the IMF.

    Governance, judicial and financial regulations
    Within one month, the government will:
    Hold a meeting to follow up on the 2018 donor conference in which the international community pledged $11bn in soft loans, and launch a website dedicated to following up on projects, financing and related reforms.
    Complete judicial, financial and administrative appointments, including members of the Supreme Judicial Council, the Capital Markets Authority and regulatory bodies in the electricity, telecommunications and civil aviation sectors, “in accordance with transparency and competency-based standards”.
    Approve in Parliament a law on the independence of the judiciary.
    Launch a study on Lebanon’s public administration by an “independent international institution” such as the World Bank or the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) “with a specialised office”.

    Fighting corruption and smuggling
    Within one month, the government will:
    Appoint members of the National Anti-Corruption Commission and grant it the resources to launch its work.
    Launch the track to accede to a 1997 OECD treaty on combating corruption.
    Implement customs reforms with immediate effect.
    Within three months, the government will:
    Establish “control gates” and strengthen oversight at the Beirut and Tripoli ports and at the Beirut airport, as well as at other border crossings.

    Public procurement reform
    Within one month:
    Parliament will prepare, adopt and implement a bill on public procurement reform.
    The government will grant the Higher Council for Privatization the human and financial capabilities necessary to carry out its tasks.

    Public finances
    Within one month:
    Prepare and vote on a “corrective finance bill that explicitly clarifies the status of accounts for the year 2020”.
    By the end of the year:
    Prepare and approve a “harmonised” budget for the year 2021.

    “The government will ensure that new legislative elections are organised within a maximum period of one year.”
    "The electoral law will be reformed with the full inclusion of civil society, allowing Parliament to be more representative of the aspirations of civil society."

    Dans sa généralité, le dernier point résume la modestie des réformes fondamentales : "The electoral law will be reformed with the full inclusion of civil society, allowing Parliament to be more representative of the aspirations of civil society."


  • Aoun : Je demande que le Liban soit déclaré État civil - L’Orient-Le Jour

    « Pour que le 1er septembre 2020 complète le 1er septembre 1920, et parce que je suis convaincu que seul un Etat civil est capable de protéger le pluralisme, de le préserver en le transformant en unité réelle, je demande que le Liban soit déclaré Etat civil. Je m’engage à appeler au dialogue les autorités spirituelles et les dirigeants politiques afin d’arriver à une formule acceptable par tous et pouvant être mise en place à travers des amendements constitutionnels appropriés »

    Bonne idée que de demander aux religieux et aux chefs traditionnels leur avis sur la fin de leur règne !


  • U.S. seizes Iranian oil from four tankers en route to Venezuela - National |

    The Trump administration has seized the cargo of four tankers it was targeting for transporting Iranian fuel to Venezuela, U.S. officials said Thursday, as it steps up its campaign of maximum pressure against the two heavily sanctioned allies.

    Last month, federal prosecutors in Washington filed a civil forfeiture complaint alleging that the sale was arranged by a businessman with ties to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps, a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization. At the time, sanctions experts thought it would be impossible to enforce the U.S. court order in international waters.
    Ambassador of Iran to Venezvuela denied and said that tankers were not from #Iran


    #iran #usa #venezuela

    • Pas tellement plus clair...
      US seizes Iranian gas heading for Venezuela: reports

      (...) A senior American official told The Associated Press news agency no military force was used in the seizures and the ships were not physically confiscated. Rather, US officials threatened ship owners, insurers and captains with sanctions to force them to hand over their cargo, which now becomes US property.

    • EE UU confirmó que incautó carga de buques enviados a Venezuela

      Buque Bella | Foto: Marine Traffic

      Los barcos, llamados Luna, Pandi, Bering y Bella, se encuentran en ruta a Houston, dijeron funcionarios del gobierno de Donald Trump a The Wall Street Journal

      El Departamento de Justicia de Estados Unidos confirmó este viernes que confiscó la carga de cuatro buques iraníes enviados por la Guardia Revolucionaria Islámica hacia Venezuela, incautando 1,116 millones de barriles de petróleo.

      El gobierno anunció hoy que ejecutó con éxito la orden de incautación y confiscó la carga de los cuatro buques sumando aproximadamente 1,116 millones de barriles de petróleo”, indicó en un comunicado el Departamento de Justicia, reseñó AFP.

      El diario estadounidense The Wall Street Journal informó el jueves la incautación de los buques con destino a Venezuela. Citando a funcionarios del gobierno de Donald Trump, el rotativo indicó que los barcos están enrutados a Houston.

      Luna, Pandi, Bering y Bella, nombres de los barcos, fueron capturados en altamar en los últimos días. Se espera que altos funcionarios del presidente de Estados Unidos se reúnan con los petroleros en un evento programado para marcar el atraque.

      Los tanqueros Bering y el Bella navegaban en Cabo Verde cuando Estados Unidos presentó la denuncia. Mientras tanto, el Luna y el Pandi emitieron la última señal de radar desde las aguas de Omán hace un mes.

      Aunque una de las fuentes consultadas por WSJ no dio detalles de la incautación, comentó que los cuatro barcos fueron tomados sin uso de la fuerza militar.

    • Reuters (màj il y a une heure) toujours aussi peu clair.

      Aucune base juridique sérieuse pour l’arraisonnement en haute mer et la saisie des cargaisons. À ce stade, un pur acte de piraterie…

      U.S. says it seized four Iranian fuel shipments en route to Venezuela - Reuters

      The United States said on Friday it has seized four Iranian fuel shipments en route to Venezuela and confiscated the cargoes, disrupting a key supply line for both Tehran and Caracas as they defied U.S. sanctions.

      With the assistance of foreign partners, this seized property is now in U.S. custody,” the Justice Department said in a statement, adding that the amount confiscated from four tankers was approximately 1.116 million barrels of fuel, making it the largest-ever U.S. seizure of Iranian fuel. It did not specify when and where the seizure took place.

      Washington has imposed sanctions on both countries to choke oil exports and deprive them of their main source of revenue in its bid to see the ouster of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and change the behavior of Iranian government.

      Tensions between Iran and the United States increased last year following a series of incidents involving shipping in and near the Middle East Gulf.

      U.S. prosecutors filed a lawsuit in July to seize the gasoline aboard the four tankers, and a judge subsequently issued a warrant for seizure. Legal sources previously told Reuters that the cargoes could not be seized until they were in U.S. territorial waters.

      The Justice Department said following the seizure, Iran’s navy forcibly boarded an unrelated ship in an apparent attempt to recover the seized petroleum, but was unsuccessful and added that the U.S. Central Command published a video of the attempt on Thursday.

  • First coronavirus cases reported in Syria’s Al-Hol camp | Syria News | Al Jazeera

    Three health workers in a displaced people’s camp in northeastern Syria have contracted the novel coronavirus, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said on Wednesday. They were the first reported infections in the Al-Hol camp, a vast tent city that is home to tens of thousands of people, including the relatives of ISIL fighters. It is run by the autonomous Kurdish administration that controls most of northeastern Syria and has reported 54 cases of COVID-19 in areas under its control.
    “On August 3, three health workers reportedly tested positive for COVID-19 at the Al-Hol IDP [internally displaced people’s] camp,” said OCHA in a press release. “The contact tracing process is ongoing. As a precautionary measure, only critical staff, with personal protective equipment, are allowed to operate inside the camp,” it added.A health official at the camp said the three infected staff work with the Kurdish Red Crescent in Al-Hol.


  • Pourquoi a-t-on saisi et stocké près de 3000 tonnes de nitrate d’ammonium dans le port de Beyrouth en 2013 ? Quelle était la destination de ce produit ?

    C’est la petite musique qui va se faire beaucoup entendre dans les prochains jours : très certainement pour alimenter les gentils « rebelles » syriens.

    Article de 2015 par exemple sur ce traffic : Fertilizer, Also Suited for Bombs, Flows to ISIS Territory From Turkey

    The laborers work all day, piling bags of fertilizer onto carts and wheeling them through the crossing that connects this southern border town to Syria.

    The Syrian town next door is firmly controlled by the extremists of the Islamic State, as is clear from the black flag flying over downtown. And while the fertilizer, ammonium nitrate, is widely used for agriculture, it has also been used by terrorists around the world — including the Islamic State — to build powerful explosives.

    Few here think the fertilizer is meant to help Syrian farmers.

    “It is not for farming. It is for bombs,” said Mehmet Ayhan, an opposition politician from Akcakale who is running for Parliament.