
  • Dans des combats récents en Turquie entre armée turque et PKK un hélicoptère s’est crashé, selon les autorités turques pour cause de problème technique :

    ANKARA, Turkey — Eight Turkish military personnel have died in combat with Kurdish rebels and in a subsequent helicopter crash near the country’s border with Iraq, the military said Friday. At least six rebels were also killed in the fighting.
    Clashes broke out early Friday with rebels of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party, or PKK, near the town of Cukurca, in Hakkari province, killing six soldiers, a military statement said. Eight other soldiers were wounded.
    A military helicopter sent to the area to support the soldiers later crashed, killing its two pilots, the military said, adding that the crash was due to a technical fault .

    Et puis est apparue cette vidéo (visionner à partir de 4’11) :

    Certains ont identifié le missile sol-air portatif comme étant de la gamme Igla, de fabrication russe, dénomination SA par les USA :
    Question à mille points, ce missile a-t-il été obtenu par le PKK via la Russie ou bien auprès des rebelles syriens (achat ou prise de guerre du PYD), comme MoA en souligne la possibilité, à partir d’un article du New York Times ?

    Toujours est-il que les opérations de contre-guerilla de l’armée turque vont singulièrement se compliquer si le PKK dispose effectivement de ces armes...


  • Un point assez complet sur les combats actuels en Syrie et la pause dans les pourparlers :
    Syrian rebels launch new assaults as opposition seeks peace talks ’pause’
    MEE / 18.04.16
    Relevé des points saillants :
    A Lattaquieh :

    Among the groups involved in the Latakia offensive are Kataib Ansar al-Sham, the al-Qaeda-linked Turkistan Islamic Party, Ahrar al-Sham, Jaish al-Islam and the First Coastal Division.

    A Hama :

    There were also reports of a new opposition offensive against government targets in Hama.
    According to the pro-Assad al-Masdar news site, fighters from the al-Qaeda splinter group Jund al-Aqsa launched a major assault on the al-Ghaab Plains near the Hama-Latakia axis, in an attempt to capture the village of Khirbat al-Naqous.

    A Alep :

    On Sunday, government jets carried out air strikes in Aleppo province that killed at least 11 civilians, according to the Britain-based Syrian Observatory of Human Rights.

    Formation d’une nouvelle chambre d’opération commune Ahrar al-Cham/ Jaysh al-Islam et groupes labellisés ASL - sans qu’al-Nousra qui participe aux combats, avec d’autres organisations classées terroristes (Parti Islamique du Turkestan), n’en fassent formellement partie :

    A number of groups, including the powerful Ahrar al-Sham group, also announced on Monday the “formation of a joint operations room to begin the response to violations by the army of Assad”.

    Toujours la question d’Assad sur laquelle les négociations achoppent :

    Negotiations between the opposition and the government have stalled over the government’s refusal to discuss the opposition’s call for Assad to step aside as part of any peace deal and some have suggested that rebels on the ground have pushed for the opposition negotiators to withdraw from talks altogether.

    Les tweets de Mohammed Allouche, négociateur du HCN (opposition de Ryadh) appellant à frapper le régime partout - et donc à mettre fin à la cessation des hostilités :

    On Sunday, Mohammed Alloush, senior negotiator for the HNC, called in a tweet for the resumption of attacks on Syrian government targets.
    “Don’t trust the regime and don’t wait for their pity,” Alloush wrote on Twitter.
    “Strike them at their necks [kill them]. Strike them everywhere,” he said, reciting a passage from the Quran dealing with war.

    En bonus de jolies photos/vidéos récentes de rebelles avec des missiles anti-tanks américains TOW et des missiles sol-air portatifs (chinois)...


  • Kurds, ISIS, test US moral legitimacy as leader and ally | Christina Lin

    On April 8 Jeremy Binnie from IHS Jane’s reported Washington continued to ship weapons to Al Qaeda affiliates in Syria during the ceasefire agreement, corroborated by the jiahdi groups themselves that the ceasefire purpose was to break the Russian and Syrian army momentum and buy time to rearm for the next offensive.

    Adam Entous from the Wall Street Journal also revealed that Cold War warriors such as Defense Secretary Ash Carter, chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Joseph Dunford, and CIA director John Brennan were not focused on ISIS but rather fixated on “inflicting real pain on the Russians,” and proposed a Plan B to supply Al Qaeda groups with anti-aircraft missiles that also threaten civilian airliners.

    • #option_Stinger
      Intéressant mais un peu trop proche par certains points d’une certaine ligne israélienne ("vive le Kurdistan indépendant"), critique des USA et de leur manque de fidélité à leurs alliés, et prête à admettre un accommodement avec la Russie.
      De la même Christina Lin, pas inintéressant non plus, cet article récent sur Asia Times onLine :
      Remarque : qu’une même plume puisse écrire à la fois dans Times of Israel et Asia Times sera peut-être un de ces jours expliqué par Pepe Escobar (longtemps une des stars d’Asia Times avant de se retourner vers RT et maintenant de monter un projet de média indépendant avec la whistleblower Sibel Edmonds).
      Dans un appel vidéo pour du crowdfunding pour ce nouveau média, Escobar a promis d’expliquer ce qu’il s’était passé au sein d’AToL quand Spengler/David Goldman ( en a pris le contrôle...

  • Un Sukhoï 22 de l’aviation syrienne abattu par un missile sol-air portatif dans le sud d’Alep.
    Info confirmée par l’agence syrienne SANA :
    Le pilote aurait été capturé vivant selon des photos circulant sur les réseaux sociaux et amené au quartier d’al-Nousra :
    Article d’al-arabiya :

    Syria militants shot down a warplane on Tuesday in an area south of the city of Aleppo where insurgents are battling the Syrian army and allied militias, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.
    The monitor said a plume of smoke was seen as the plane caught fire before it fell in the Talat al-Iss highland, where al Qaeda-affiliated militants have come under heavy bombardment by Syrian and Russian planes since they captured the area this week.
    Syrian state TV confirmed that the jet was shot down by a surface-to-air missile in Aleppo province and the pilot ejected.
    However according to the monitor and a militant source said that the pilot of downed plane has been taken by al-Qaeda affiliated al-Nusra front to one of its headquarters.

    Par ailleurs Ahrar al-Cham revendique avoir abattu l’avion :

    A noter que si l’on en croit les déclarations du ministère de la défense russe du 13 mars 2016, un avion syrien avait déjà été abattu par un missile sol-air le 12 mars dernier :

    A Syrian MiG-21 fighter-bomber has been shot down by rebels using a man-portable air defence system (MANPADS), the Russian Ministry of Defence (MoD) has said.

    When it released its daily summary of breaches of the current ceasefire agreement on 13 March, the Russian MoD said the aircraft was shot down by a MANPADS near the town of Kafr Nabudah at 14.41 on 12 March. Kafr Nabudah is on the border of Hamah and Idlib provinces.

    The MoD added that the MiG-21 “was performing airspace control tasks” when it was hit.


  • الجزائر تضغط على تونس لمعرفة طبيعة السلاح القطري لليبيا بقلم :الجمعي قاسمي

    Suite des missiles Stinger au Sahara : Pressions décrites comme « sérieuses » des autorités algériennes sur la Tunisie pour que celle-li lui fournisse la nature des armes qataries passées en contrebande en Libye depuis le territoire tunisien en 2011 et 2012...

    ضغوط جزائرية وصفها بـ”الجدية” على تونس من أجل مدها بكشوفات الأسلحة القطرية التي تم تسريبها إلى ليبيا عبر الأراضي التونسية خلال العامين 2011 و2012، وذلك في الوقت الذي عاد فيه خطر الصواريخ أرض/ جو المحمولة على الكتف، ليطفو على السطح من جديد في دول المنطقة المغاربية وبعض العواصم الأوروبية.

    Perso, je n’aurais jamais pu croire que les « révolutionnaires libyens » auraient pu être aidés par ces riches islamistes du Golfe amoureux de la liberté.

    #libye #algérie #tunisie #qatar #catastrophe_arabe

    • Qui plus est les stocks militaires de Kadhafi comprenaient des missiles Sol-air portatifs (donc des bidules genre Stinger, Manpad en anglais) qui se sont ensuite retrouvés un peu partout dans la région :
      Dépêche Reuters 2014 :

      Shoulder-launched anti-aircraft missiles have been trafficked out of Libya to Chad, Mali, Tunisia, Lebanon and likely Central African Republic, with attempts made to send them to Syrian opposition groups, according to a U.N. report on Tuesday.
      An independent panel of experts monitoring U.N. sanctions on Libya, that include an arms embargo imposed at the start of the 2011 uprising that ousted leader Muammar Gaddafi, reported that the weapons, known as MANPADs, that were found in Mali and Tunisia “were clearly part of terrorist groups’ arsenals.”[..]
      The panel said that weapons found aboard a ship, the Letfallah II, when it was seized by Lebanese authorities in 2012 “proved there had been attempts to transfer MANPADs to the Syrian opposition from Libya.”

  • Un Mig-21 de l’armée syrienne a été abattu le 12 mars 2016 près de Kafr Nabudah (nord-ouest de Hama). Le pilote qui s’est éjecté a été abattu.
    Accusations du régime syrien selon lesquelles des groupes rebelles syriens disposeraient désormais de « MANPAD » (missiles Sol-air portatifs = Option Stinger) :
    Rapport du ministre de la défense russe qui fait écho à cette accusation et dénégation des groupes rebelles (notamment ici de l’ASL)/ Dépêche Reuters 13.03.2016 :

    BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian rebels on Sunday denied a Russian Defence Ministry report that an anti-aircraft missile had been used to shoot down a Syrian warplane in Hama province on Saturday.
    Officials in three rebel groups contacted by Reuters reiterated previous statements that it had been shot down with anti-aircraft guns.
    Fares al-Bayoush, head of a Free Syrian Army rebel group operating in the Hama area, said the Russian statement might be aimed at “accusing some states of supplying the opposition with anti-aircraft missiles”.

    Voir ici les vidéos des uns et des autres censées étayer l’accusation et les dénégations :

  • Devant les avancées du régime au nord la Turquie a fourni (avant les accords de cessation des hostilités à Munich) aux groupes qu’elle soutient des missiles Sol-sol d’une portée de 20 kms. Certes ce n’est pas encore la livraison de missiles sol-air portatifs (option afghane Stinger) mais c’est une nouvelle étape dans l’escalade militaire internationale en Syrie :

    BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s foreign enemies have sent rebels new supplies of ground-to-ground missiles to confront a Russian-backed offensive by the government near Aleppo, stepping up support in response to the attack, two rebel commanders said.

    The commanders told Reuters the missiles with a range of 20 km (12 miles) had been provided in “excellent quantities” in response to the attack that has cut rebel supply lines from the Turkish border to opposition-held parts of the city of Aleppo.
    Facing one of the biggest defeats of the five-year-long war, rebels have been complaining that foreign states such as Saudi Arabia and Turkey have let them down by not providing them with more powerful weapons, including anti-aircraft missiles.
    “It is excellent additional fire power for us,” said one of the commanders, who declined to be identified due to the sensitivity of the matter. The second rebel commander said the missiles were being used to hit army positions beyond the front line. “They give the factions longer reach,” he said.

    • Aleppo under siege

      For the United States, increased weapons flows are a more palatable alternative than direct intervention. These new weapons will be aimed not so much at securing decisive victories, but at keeping the opposition alive as a viable fighting force, preventing the fall of Aleppo and making Russia pay a higher price for their ongoing support. Of course, Turkey and Saudi Arabia are also very focused on the fact that 2017 will usher in a new US president and hope that the new office holder will be willing to up US intervention in the conflict, something that is distinctly possible given US political dynamics and the expected desire of a new president to project assertiveness as a mark of contrast with Obama’s perceived timidity. Keeping the rebels ready for this moment is likely to have already emerged as a critical strategy of the opposition and its backers.

    • @kassem : intéressant de lire cette analyse dans ce think tank atlantiste. Le passage que vous citez rend plausible l’accusation d’Angry arab - de toute manière les TOW américains, selon les contrats d’armement américains me semble-t-il, ne sauraient être vendus ou céder sans en référer aux USA et obtenir leur accord. A minima cette intensification de l’armement de Jaysh al-Fatah suppose la non-opposition de Washington.
      Le reste de l’article plaide, étonnamment, pour prendre un peu plus en compte, dans la définition des politiques occidentales en Syrie, les besoins immédiats des civils syriens plutôt que les intérêts de tel camp ou les questions dites « morales ». Un ton un peu plus raisonnable que celui auquel on est habitué...

  • Moussaoui Calls Saudi Princes Patrons of Al Qaeda -

    WASHINGTON — In highly unusual testimony inside the federal supermax prison, a former operative for Al Qaeda has described prominent members of Saudi Arabia’s royal family as major donors to the terrorist network in the late 1990s and claimed that he discussed a plan to shoot down Air Force One with a Stinger missile with a staff member at the Saudi Embassy in Washington.

    The Qaeda member, Zacarias Moussaoui, wrote last year to Judge George B. Daniels of United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, who is presiding over a lawsuit filed against Saudi Arabia by relatives of those killed in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. He said he wanted to testify in the case, and after lengthy negotiations with Justice Department officials and the federal Bureau of Prisons, a team of lawyers was permitted to enter the prison and question him for two days last October.

  • Moussaoui Calls Saudi Princes Patrons of #Al_Qaeda

    WASHINGTON — In highly unusual testimony inside the federal supermax prison, a former operative for Al Qaeda has described prominent members of Saudi Arabia’s royal family as major donors to the terrorist network in the late 1990s and claimed that he discussed a plan to shoot down Air Force One with a Stinger missile with a staff member at the Saudi Embassy in Washington.

    The Qaeda member, Zacarias Moussaoui, wrote last year to Judge George B. Daniels of United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, who is presiding over a lawsuit filed against Saudi Arabia by relatives of those killed in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. He said he wanted to testify in the case, and after lengthy negotiations with Justice Department officials and the federal Bureau of Prisons, a team of lawyers was permitted to enter the prison and question him for two days last October.

    #Saoud #Arabie_Saoudite

    • Claims Against Saudis Cast New Light on Secret Pages of 9/11 Report

      Saudi Princes’ Deep Ties to the West
      Three of the Saudi princes accused by Zacarias Moussaoui, a member of Al Qaeda, have strong diplomatic and business ties to the United States.

      Prince Bandar bin Sultan was known as “the toast of Washington” who had an “aura of charming roguishness” when he served as Saudi ambassador to the United States from 1983 to 2005. He is a nephew of King Salman and King Abdullah, who died last month. Prince Bandar, 65, had been close to President George Bush and his son, President George W. Bush, and helped deliver Saudi support for America’s crucial Middle East initiatives during three wars and the fight against terrorism.

      He was the head of Saudi intelligence from 2012 until last April, and had been the architect of Riyadh’s plan to remove President Bashar al-Assad of Syria and lobbied against an interim nuclear accord with Iran.

      Prince Turki al-Faisal, 69 , is another of the king’s nephews. He replaced Prince Bandar as the Saudi ambassador in Washington in 2005 and served in that post for two years. He was the head of Saudi intelligence from 1977 until Aug. 31, 2001, and managed Riyadh’s relations with Osama bin Laden and Mullah Muhammad Omar of the Taliban.

      In an interview in 2005, he said the accusation contained in a lawsuit, later dismissed, that he provided support to Al Qaeda “was kind of a slap in the face.”

      Prince Alwaleed bin Talal , at 59 is a grandson of Saudi Arabia’s founder, King Abdulaziz, and is chairman of the Kingdom Holding Company and the wealthiest member of the royal family. (The rapper Busta Rhymes name-checks Prince Alwaleed in the 2008 song “Arab Money.”) He owns Rotana, the Arab world’s largest entertainment company, and holds significant investments in Citigroup, TimeWarner, Twitter and Apple, among other companies. He had a large stake in News Corporation until Tuesday, when his company sold $188 million worth of its shares, according to Financial Times.

      After the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, Prince Alwaleed offered Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani $10 million for the Twin Towers Fund, but Mr. Giuliani rejected it after the prince criticized American policy in the Middle East.

  • The Soviet decision to withdraw from Afghanistan was made in October 1985, several months before Stinger missiles entered Afghanistan in significant quantities in the autumn of 1986. None of the secret Politburo discussions that have since been declassified mentioned the Stingers or any other shift in mujahideen equipment as the reason for the policy change from indefinite occupation to preparations for retreat.

    10 myths about Afghanistan |The Guardian

  • Eric’s Archived Thoughts: The Stinger

    “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” said Margaret Mead. I see now that the way those small groups truly change the world is by convincing the rest of the world that they are right, thus co-opting the world to their cause. Done properly, the change makes the group obsolete. It’s a lesson worth remembering, as we look at the world today.

    Ouep. En français on dit syndrome de Pygmalion, aussi.