medicalcondition:de cancer

  • Fukushima : 51 soldats américains atteints du cancer portent plainte contre Tepco - Chroniques du Yéti

    En 2011, ils naviguaient sur le porte-avions USS Ronald Reagan. Ils participèrent aux missions de secours près des côtes du Japon, après le Tsunami et la catastrophe de Fukushima. Aujourd’hui, ils sont atteints de leucémie, de cancer de la thyroïde ou des testicules, de tumeurs cérébrales, de saignements rectaux ou gynécologiques. Ils portent plainte.

    Non, non, ils ne firent pas trempette dans les eaux infectées par les radiations. Mais burent, cuisinèrent, utilisèrent pour leurs ablutions, comme tous leurs compagnons, celle que leur distillaient les machines de dessalement de leur vaisseau de guerre.

    • 51 Sailors from USS Ronald Reagan Suffering Thyroid Cancer, Leukemia, Brain Tumors After Participating in Fukushima Nuclear Rescue Efforts

      The Reagan passed through debris as far as the eye could see: wood, refrigerators, car tires, roofs of houses with people riding on them. Hair was told they were five to 10 miles off the coast from Fukushima, which had been damaged by a massive tsunami spawned by the quake.

      And it wasn’t until the USS Ronald Reagan had left Japan and sailors were scrubbing down the ship that they were offered radiation protection. Enis said the enlisted sailors were never offered any iodine. He said he later learned the “higher ups” — officers and pilots — had received the tablets to protect their thyroids from radiation damage.

      #Fukushima #cancers #tepco #nucleaire

  • Celle-ci s’excuse d’avoir traité les immigrants africains de cancer. Attention : s’excuse auprès des malades du cancer, pas des africains.

    Likud MK Miri Regev, who came under fire last week after calling African migrants “a cancer” in Israeli society, apologized for the first time for her comments on Sunday, opting, however, to leave the migrants out of her apology.

    Regev’s controversial comments came during a violent rally staged by residents of Tel Aviv’s south – where many African migrants live – to protest rising crime rates in the area. In the rally, the Likud MK said “the Sudanese are a cancer in our body.”

    (via @ibnkafka)