
récoltes et semailles

  • Les Etats-Unis ont diffusé samedi des images de #satellites censées montrer des armements et déploiements de forces russes. Mais ce n’est pas d’une très grande précision tout ça…

    Ukraine : « We are confident these are Russian military, not separatist systems »
    -- US Mission to NATO (@USNATO) 14 Février 2015

    QUESTION: Let’s – there’s a lot going on, but let’s start with Ukraine.

    MS. PSAKI: Okay.

    QUESTION: So the ceasefire is not supposed to take effect until midnight Saturday.

    MS. PSAKI: Yes.

    QUESTION: But it does not appear that the run-up to this is that – since the deal was done and ahead of the ceasefire, it looks like things are just getting worse, and I’m just wondering what the Administration thinks. Is this a harbinger of doom, or do you still think that this is – that this will work, that the agreement will work?

    MS. PSAKI: Well, we are very concerned about continued fighting along and beyond the line of contact, including in heavily populated civilian areas, and reports of additional resupplies of tanks and missile systems coming across the border from Russia in the past few days, and I have a little more detail of that I just want to go into for a moment here. The Russian military has deployed a large amount of artillery and multiple rocket launcher systems around Debaltseve where it is shelling Ukrainian positions. We are confident these are Russian military, not separatist systems. The Russian military also has air defense systems deployed near Debaltseve. We are also confident these are Russian military, not separatist systems.

    Russian units along the border with Ukraine are preparing a large shipment of supplies to pro-Russian forces fighting in eastern Ukraine. This is clearly not in the spirit of this week’s agreement. All parties must show complete restraint in the run-up to the Sunday ceasefire, including an immediate halt to the Russian and separatist assault on Debaltseve and other Ukrainian towns. Clearly, the same options that have been on the table remain on the table, and obviously we’ll be watching closely to see what happens over the course of the coming days.

    QUESTION: On those – where the information on the Russian equipment is coming from. It’s not coming from Senator Inhofe’s office I hope.

    MS. PSAKI: No, it’s coming from our own internal information we were able to make public.

    QUESTION: U.S. information, not Ukrainian information?

    MS. PSAKI: Correct.

    Daily Press Briefing - February 13, 2015

    • Pour Molodyi Shakhtar (littéralement le Jeune Mineur (de charbon)), situé à 20 km au SSO de Debaltseve, il y a en effet peu de doute que des lance-roquettes multiples ont tiré en direction de Debaltseve.

      Pour le reste, j’imagine que c’est en lisant les marques des pneus imprimés dans la terre qu’ils ont pu déterminer qu’ils étaient russes…

    • Inhofe est l’un des parlementaires les plus conservateurs du Congrès, plus choqué par les photos des abus à la prison d’Abu Ghraib en Irak que par les tortures elles-mêmes commises par des soldats américains.

      Il est également connu pour être l’un des plus inconditionnels partisans de l’État d’Israël. En mars 2002, il prononce un discours au Sénat américain dans lequel il n’hésite pas à qualifier les attentats du 11 septembre 2001 comme une punition divine contre l’Amérique pour ne pas suffisamment soutenir Israël "One of the reasons I believe the spiritual door was opened for an attack against the United States of America is that the policy of our Government has been to ask the Israelis, and demand it with pressure, not to retaliate in a significant way against the terrorist strikes that have been launched against them."

      Il est également connu pour son opposition à la ratification du protocole de Kyoto par les États-Unis, au nom de l’idée que le réchauffement climatique n’a pas de cause humaine. Citation connue : "Se pourrait-il bien que l’hypothèse d’une cause humaine du réchauffement climatique soit une des pires blagues perpétrées à l’encontre du peuple américain ? Il semble bien que oui." - Sénat américain juillet 2003.
