
“You know what I did? I left troops to take the oil. I took the oil. The only troops I have are taking the oil, they’re protecting the oil. I took over the oil.”

  • Dans une tournure très ampoulée, John Kerry annonce que, selon lui, au moins une partie des attaques chimiques en Syrie ont bien été perpétrées par l’« opposition ». (Les médias mainstream, en plein damage control, lisent exactement l’inverse, mais que veux-tu…)

    SECRETARY KERRY: I am absolutely certain – we are certain – that the preponderance of those attacks have been carried out by the regime, and we’re putting together a portfolio of that data that supports that even as we speak now. But that is not to say that some element of an opposition may not have had access at one point in time or another and have actually utilized something at one point in time or another. But when I talk about the vast preponderance, I mean vast preponderance. It has been significantly documented. It’s dropped from airplanes. There are only – the opposition isn’t flying airplanes or helicopters. And you can go through a certain sort of tracking of the delivery system and delivery approach. So it’s frankly not that hard to pin down in the end, and that’s some of what we will lay out at the appropriate time.