DC Decoder - The Christian Science Monitor


  • L’aide américaine pour la paix, la stabilité et la démocratie ? Pas dans les chiffres, en tout cas : 1,3 milliards chaque année pour l’armement militaire, 20 millions pour la promotion de la démocratie. #Égypte #États-Unis

    US aid to Egypt : What does it buy ? - CSMonitor.com

    Here’s another distinguishing thing about US aid to Egypt: The vast majority of it is earmarked for the military. In recent years Egypt has received about $1.3 billion in military aid annually. Of that, about one-third goes to weapons maintenance, one-third to weapons upgrades, and one-third to weapons purchases, according to CRS. You’ve probably seen Egypt’s US-designed M1 tanks in news footage from Tahrir Square. Egypt has also bought American-made Apache helicopters, F-16 jet fighters, and Knox-class frigates.

    US aid “covers as much as 80% of the [Egyptian] Defense Ministry’s weapons procurement costs,” estimates CRS.
    What about aid to Egypt intended to promote democracy? Oh yeah, that. It’s been cut in recent years, and since 2009 has sat at about $20 million annually. Most of that has gone to Egyptian-approved government-to-government projects.

    The bottom line here is that the impact of US democracy efforts in Egypt “has been limited,” in the words of a recent State Department Inspector General report.