Greek police accused of collaborating with Golden Dawn | World news


  • Greek police accused of collaborating with Golden Dawn | World news | The Guardian

    Constantinou, a tall thin man who has spent years running an organisation that protects migrants is, like a growing number of Greeks, convinced that it is the police who have facilitated Golden Dawn. “Without police cover and protection Golden Dawn would not have survived,” he said. “And the proof of that is the failure to capture Kasidiaris. How is it possible that a man can do what he did in a television studio and yet manage to get away and stay on the run after a state prosecutor has ordered his arrest? The police clearly don’t want to arrest him.”

    “Suspicions of the collaboration between the police and Golden Dawn were confirmed at the ballot box in May,” he told the Guardian. “As much as 50% of the police force voted for the party. There might be all the political will to arrest Kasidiarias. But there is a certain level of unwillingness among the police force that will stop that happening.”

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