• Julian #Assange told to turn himself in at London police station | Media | guardian.co.uk

    A spokesman for the Metropolitan police service said: “The MPS have this morning, Thursday 28 June, served a surrender notice upon a 40-year-old man that requires him to attend a police station at date and time of our choosing. This is standard practice in extradition cases and is the first step in the removal process.”

    He said Assange remained in breach of his bail conditions, adding: “Failing to surrender would be a further breach of conditions and he is liable to arrest.”

    Earlier this week, a letter signed by leading US figures in support of Assange’s application for political asylum in Ecuador was delivered to the country’s London embassy. Among its signatories were Michael Moore, Oliver Stone, Noam Chomsky and Danny Glover. Others who put their names to it included the author Naomi Wolf, comedian Bill Maher and Daniel Ellsberg, the former US military analyst turned whistleblower, who leaked the Pentagon Papers in 1971 and has been a long-standing supporter of Assange.

    Robert Naiman, policy director at the Just Foreign Policy campaign group, delivered the letter to the embassy on Monday, along with a petition signed by more than 4,000 Americans urging President Rafael Correa to approve Assange’s request for asylum.


    • Dear President Correa,

      We are writing to urge you to grant political asylum to Julian Assange.

      As you know, British courts recently struck down Mr. Assange’s appeal against extradition to Sweden, where he is not wanted on criminal charges, but merely for questioning. Mr. Assange has repeatedly made clear he is willing to answer questions relating to accusations against him, but in the United Kingdom. But the Swedish government insists that he be brought to Sweden for questioning. This by itself, as Swedish legal expert and former Chief District Prosecutor for Stockholm Sven-Erik Alhem testified, is “unreasonable and unprofessional, as well as unfair and disproportionate.”


  • Houla massacre: who decides what is too shocking to print?

    A baby girl with half her skull hacked away; a young boy “with the back of his head lopped like a boiled egg”; a pretty girl with, “above her right eye, a large bloody bullet hole surrounded by a mess of flesh and bone”. These pictures, and many more like them, “were far too shocking to print in the Times, though our failure to do so spares the Assad regime”.

    Thus, Martin Fletcher in his brilliant front page report on “The Tipping Point” for western revulsion over the Houla massacre in Syria last week – and an inevitable question. What is far too shocking to print? Does one tasteful RIP shot of a murdered toddler do the job?

    To read more: http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2012/jun/03/peter-preston-houla-massacre-photographs?CMP=twt_gu

  • Alex Thomson, l’envoyé de Channel 4 en Syrie, pense que l’Armée syrienne libre l’a délibérément piégé pour l’envoyer se faire tirer dessus, au motif que la mort des journalistes, c’est mauvais pour le régime. Suite à cela, des véhicules rebelles l’auraient empêché d’entrer en contact avec les observateurs de l’ONU.

    Suddenly four men in a black car beckon us to follow. We move out behind.

    We are led another route. Led in fact, straight into a free-fire zone. Told by the Free Syrian Army to follow a road that was blocked off in the middle of no-man’s-land.

    At that point there was the crack of a bullet and one of the slower three-point turns I’ve experienced. We screamed off into the nearest side-street for cover.

    Another dead-end.

    There was no option but to drive back out onto the sniping ground and floor it back to the road we’d been led in on.

    Predictably the black car was there which had led us to the trap. They roared off as soon as we re-appeared.

    I’m quite clear the rebels deliberately set us up to be shot by the Syrian Army. Dead journos are bad for Damascus.

    That conviction only strengthened half an hour later when our four friends in the same beaten-up black car suddenly pulled out of a side-street, blocking us from the UN vehicles ahead.

    The UN duly drove back past us, witnessed us surrounded by shouting militia, and left town.

    Eventually we got out too and on the right route, back to Damascus.

    In a war where they slit the throats of toddlers back to the spine, what’s the big deal in sending a van full of journalists into the killing zone?

    L’article a fait l’objet d’une dépêche de l’Associated Press :

    A British journalist claims Syrian rebels set him up to die in no man’s land near the Lebanese border, saying Friday he believes they wanted to use his death at the hands of government forces to score propaganda points.

    La reprise internationale n’est pas bien lourde :
    – Guardian, Syrian rebels tried to get me killed, says Channel 4 correspondent
    – Washington Post, British journalist says Syrian rebels set him up to die in no man’s land near Lebanese border (curieusement, l’article est encore signalé sur la page « Europe » du WaPo, mais n’est plus accessible en ligne)
    – The Altantic, Did Syrian Rebels Lure Journalists to Death Trap ?
    – San Francisco Chronicle, UK journalist : Syria rebels led me into death trap
    – Al Akhbar, Free Syrian Army "set journalist up to be killed"

    et rien en français.