• Philosophie de l’hyperdésordre global

    Philosophie de l’hyperdésordre global

    Commençons par de l’inédit, bien dans la manière du président Trump. Depuis deux ou trois semaines flottait la prévision qu’Elliott Abrams allait occuper le poste-clef du département, derrière le Secrétaire d’État, d’adjoint au Secrétaire d’État ; il s’agit de la fonction qui permet d’opérationnaliser toutes les grandes tendances politiques du département, donc d’interférer directement entre le ministre lui-même et l’apport de sa bureaucratie... Poste-clef, poste stratégique, et Abrams, lui, accompagné d’une réputation épouvantable parmi les antiguerres. A quoi songeait Trump lorsqu’il a approuvé cette possibilité de nomination ? Voici ce que Justin Raimondo disait d’Abrams il y a trois jours :

    « This possibility is less likely, however, if the more aggressive factions within (...)

  • Germany’s Only Independent Newspaper Says Germany’s Gov’t. Is Controlled by US Gov’t

    Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten (DWN), or German Economic News — an online daily news service for Germans, which has vigorously fought against the U.S. CIA’s longstanding (and now intensifying control over Germany’s ‘news’ media, and which has also helped to promote a book by an editor for the Frankfurter Algemeine Zeitung who publicly exposed and denounced his previous subordination to the CIA, and who is now being blackballed by Germany’s ’news’media for reporting such things — is finally going behind a pay-wall to sustain its independence, and alleges that the reason for doing this is that financial pressures from the Establishment’s ’news’media require that this be done, or else DWN will be forced to shut down service altogether.

    Germany, as an outpost of the U.S. Empire, has its ‘news’media seeking to crush ‘fake news’, just as is the case inside the Empire’s center — the U.S.

    J’en parlais hier (le texte en gras) à propos des infos du Monde...

  • Seymour Hersh Says Hillary Approved Sending Libya’s Sarin to Syrian Rebels
    Eric ZUESSE | 28.04.2016 | WORLD

    In an interview with Alternet.org, the independent investigative reporter Seymour Hersh was asked about Hillary Clinton’s role in the Benghazi Libya consulate’s operation to collect sarin from Libyan stockpiles and send it through Turkey into Syria for a set-up sarin-gas attack, to be blamed on Assad in order to ‘justify’ the US invading Syria, as it had invaded Libya.

    He said: «That ambassador who was killed, he was known as a guy, from what I understand, as somebody, who would not get in the way of the CIA. As I wrote, on the day of the mission he was meeting with the CIA base chief and the shipping company. He was certainly involved, aware and witting of everything that was going on. And there’s no way somebody in that sensitive of a position is not talking to the boss, by some channel».

    This was, in fact, the Syrian part of the State Department’s Libyan operation, Obama’s operation to set up an excuse for the US doing in Syria what they had already done in Libya.

    The interviewer then asked: «In the book [Hersh’s The Killing of Osama bin Laden, just out] you quote a former intelligence official as saying that the White House rejected 35 target sets [for the planned US invasion of Syria] provided by the Joint Chiefs as being insufficiently painful to the Assad regime. (You note that the original targets included military sites only – nothing by way of civilian infrastructure.) Later the White House proposed a target list that included civilian infrastructure. What would the toll to civilians have been if the White House’s proposed strike had been carried out?»

    Hersh responded by saying that the US tradition in that regard has long been to ignore civilian casualties; i.e., collateral damage of US attacks is okay or even desired (so as to terrorize the population into surrender) – not an ‘issue’, except, perhaps, for the PR people. (...)


  • La guerre hybride est déclarée au Brésil, comme en Russie – Le Saker Francophone

    Par Pepe Escobar – Le 29 mars 2015 – Source Russia Today

    Les révolutions de couleur ne seront jamais suffisantes ; L’Exceptionalistan est toujours à l’affût des mises à jour stratégiques majeures capables d’assurer l’hégémonie perpétuelle de l’Empire du Chaos.


    • Si la matrice idéologique et le modus operandi des révolutions de couleur sont maintenant dans le domaine public, ce n’est pas tellement le cas du concept de Guerre non conventionnelle [UW : Unconventional War].
      UW a été énoncé en 2010 dans le manuel Special Forces Unconventional Warfare. [...]
      Les liaisons dangereuses entre les révolutions de couleur et UW sont maintenant pleinement épanouies sous l’appellation de guerre hybride ; une émanation déformée des Fleurs du Mal. Une révolution de couleur n’est rien d’autre que la première étape de ce qui deviendra une guerre hybride. Et la guerre hybride peut être interprétée, pour l’essentiel, comme la militarisation de la théorie du chaos – un chouchou conceptuel absolu de l’armée américaine : « La politique est la continuation de la guerre par des moyens linguistiques. » Mon livre de 2014, L’Empire du Chaos, traque essentiellement ses innombrables manifestations.

      Sur ce manuel américain « Unconventional war » voir aussi l’article de Sharmine Narwani dans al-akhbar :

      Quand est-ce qu’un éditeur français va se décider à traduire et publier les ouvrages de l’excellent Pepe ? Et je ne veux pas parler d’entretiens sur la littérature...

    • @loutre : Oui j’avais vu, mais j’espérais quelque chose de plus géopolitique et de moins « culturel ».
      Genre « l’Empire du chaos ».
      Peut-être plus tard ?
      En passant l’article que vous référencez est particulièrement bon.

  • En attente de l’ultime tempête… pourvu que ce soit la bonne, celle du grand nettoyage –
    par Pepe Escobar - 31.01.2016 - Traduit et édité par jj, relu par nadine pour le Saker Francophone

    (...) La politique étrangère américaine, sur le plan du commerce et sous l’administration du canard boiteux Obama, se borne à pousser l’Otan à s’engager dans des pactes commerciaux ; TPP [Océan Pacifique] et TTIP [Océan Atlantique], qui concernent l’UE et le Japon, tous deux en stagnation et / ou en récession, tout en excluant la Chine. Cela signifie que tous deux sont, finalement, mort-nés ; personne, nulle part, ne peut augmenter sa croissance économique en excluant la Chine.

    En termes de Guerre froide 2.0, la politique étrangère des États-Unis implique maintenant un théâtre latent de guerre US+Otan englobant le Maghreb, la Corne de l’Afrique, le Levant, le bassin de la mer Caspienne, le golfe Persique, l’océan Indien, la mer de Chine du Sud, et l’ensemble de l’Europe de l’Est jusqu’aux régions frontalières russes.

    Comme on pouvait s’y attendre, les contribuables américains financent la mentalité de la Guerre froide 2.0 avec un Pentagone qui garde bien vivante la possibilité d’une confrontation militaire directe contre les trois pôles clés de l’intégration eurasienne : la Russie, la Chine et l’Iran.

    Pivot vers nulle part

    La myriade de problèmes économiques qui se posent au turbo-capitalisme américain sont structurels et absolument insolubles dans le cadre du système économico-politique en place, qui est en fait un crypto-consensus incestueux entre Washington et Wall Street. Les fissures entre les Maîtres de l’Univers eux-mêmes sont proches d’apparaître avec éclat au grand jour alors que la planète s’embarque dans un changement tectonique vers un ordre économique et politique plus multipolaire centré sur l’Eurasie.(...)

    repris par

  • (Avec des pincettes) Russia Exposes US Hidden Agenda in Syria

    Equally, Lavrov lifted the veil a little bit to let the Americans know that the Russian military intelligence has not only been monitoring the operations of the American military aircraft in Iraq but have scientifically analyzed the US aircraft’s flight plans and so on. In sum, Russians seem to have intelligence dope to substantiate something that the Iranians have been all along maintaining, namely, that the American aircraft are regularly airdropping supplies for the IS.

    Honnêtement, je ne sais pas quoi penser de ça. C’est quelque chose que je vois parfois passer sur les sites hum-hum, mais là je note parce que ça passe sur le site du Ron Paul Institute. Certes, Ron Paul c’est parfois hum-hum aussi, mais c’est tout de même très intégré au système…

    Quant à l’auteur, Melkulangara Bhadrakumar, encore franchement je ne connais pas. Je vois qu’il écrit énormément, le lecteur pourra se faire une idée ici :

  • M. K. BHADRAKUMAR - Obama Launches His War, Finally -
    Melkulangara BHADRAKUMAR | 12.09.2014

    (...) The New Middle East

    Nonetheless, will Obama’s strategy work? Clearly, Obama’s strategy a cost-effective one and largely self-financing and might, therefore, be sustainable over a period of time. To be sure, there isn’t going to be any dearth of resources – financial or material or human – for fighting this war, given the involvement of the petrodollar states that have been pushing for regime change in Syria.

    The American public may not militate anytime soon against this war, either. The American strategic community – especially, the think tankers and the media – will also be largely supportive, since this war explicitly dovetails with Israeli interests. In fact, the US is reassembling the same old axis in the Middle East, comprising Israel and the Sunni Arab oligarchies of the Gulf region. At the same time, the US will not be accountable to the UN Security Council. It is a «coalition of the willing» that is fighting this war and internal dissent within that coalition is highly improbable, which in turn would ensure that Washington kept the command and control of this war.

    However, imponderables lie ahead. First and foremost, it is hugely significant that Obama avoided holding out any categorical affirmation of the unity of Iraq. He is also delightfully vague about what his expectations are out of an «inclusive» government in Baghdad.

    The point is, although Washington could engineer the replacement of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, whether it still leads to Sunni reconciliation is far from clear as of now. This is important because the US strategy can work only if there is wholesome Iraqi Sunni mobilization against the IS. Or else, it may turn even uglier as sectarian strife continues to tear apart Iraq’s unity.

    But then, on the other hand, this also involves the question of Shi’ite empowerment in Iraq. Suffice to say, the US needs to invent some magical formula that refines the concept of democratic principles allowing majority rule in Iraq. Put differently, this is also a war that involves nation-building in Iraq and the US’s record in such enterprises abroad has been very dismal, to put it mildly. This is one thing.

    The most disconcerting part of this war is going to be its Syrian chapter. Perhaps, the US estimates that now that Syria’s stockpiles of chemical weapons have been destroyed, it is a safe bet to launch attacks on that country. Even assuming it is so, the Syrian opposition still remains a revolving door for extremist groups, as the saga of the Islamic State proves. The US has learnt nothing and still hopes to use extremist elements as instruments of regional policies.

    Indeed, failure comes at a very heavy cost, as Iraq and Syria in their present form may well cease to exist at the end of it all. Of course, the really intriguing part is that such a denouement may well be the US’s geopolitical objective. In a recent interview with the New York Times, Obama himself put his finger on the unraveling of the Sykes-Picot agreement of 1916 as the core issue of the Middle Eastern politics.

    Equally, Obama’s intention to recruit as allies «Arab nations who can help mobilize Sunni communities» virtually acknowledges the sectarian dimension to the conflicts in Iraq and Syria. Now, there is a complicated backdrop of regional politics playing out here, involving these every same Sunni Arab nations as key protagonists. Would Obama have some recipe to heal the regional tensions? He’s had nothing to say. Interestingly, not once did Obama refer to Iran, either.

    Obama’s strategy completely bypasses the UN and, in reality, undermines the UN Charter. He failed to convincingly explain the raison d’etre of this particular variant of US military intervention in the Muslim world – unilateralist but ‘risk-free’ and low-cost – since the US’ homeland security is not even in any imminent or conceivable danger.

    At the end of the day, the impression becomes unavoidable that the US continues to arrogate to itself the prerogative to violate the sovereignty and territorial integrity of nation states on the basis of its self-interests. Indeed, that this hydra-headed war is going to assume many varied shapes as times passes and long after Obama disappears into history books is virtually guaranteed.

    Obama’s presidency has come full circle by reinventing the neocon dogmas it once professed to reject. On the pretext of fighting the IS, which the US and its allies created in the first instance, what is unfolding is a massive neocon project to remold the Muslim Middle East to suit the US’ geopolitical objectives. Call it by whatever name, it is an imperial war – albeit with a Nobel as commander-in-chief.

  • Ce site (russe) décrit une situation économique apocalyptique en Ukraine…

    Olga SHEDROVA - Kiev Is Starting a War to Avoid a Revolution - Strategic Culture Foundation - on-line journal > Kiev Is Starting a War to Avoid a Revolution > Strategic-Culture.org - Strategic Culture Foundation

    While the Kiev junta is waging war against its own people in the Southeast, throughout the country protests are growing due to a catastrophic drop in the standard of living of the populace. An increase in all utility rates is coming July 1. In particular, gas prices for the population of Ukraine will go up by 55-70%; hot water and heating by 40%; electricity by 10-40%, depending on consumption volumes; and centralized water supply and sewage by 78-96%. The greatest increase is expected in Kiev, where on July 1 the price of hot water for Kievans will increase by almost 70% and the price of centralized heating will increase by almost 60%. And this is only the first stage of price increases for utilities, which will continue to grow incrementally until 2017. According to First Deputy Head of the Budget Committee of the Verkhovna Rada Oksana Kaletnik, in 2015 utility rates will increase by 40%, and in 2016 and 2017 by another 20% per year. The veracity of these figures is dubious, since as of May 1, 2014, for example, the public was paying only 24% of the actual costs for production, transmission and delivery of electricity.

    At the same time, the IMF is demanding a rise in rates for the public «to an economically justified level», that is, total elimination of the system of state subsidies in the utilities field.


    At the same time, as Ukrainian Prime Minister A. Yatsenyuk has stated, the government will freeze the amount of the minimum wage and the poverty line. According to the conclusions of the authoritative Razumkov Centre, «the freezing of pay raises, pensions and social benefits is connected with the fact that the economy in Ukraine is not working. A decline can be observed, both in industry and in other areas... In such a situation neither Ukrainian businesses nor the state budget have the resources to raise wages in order to support the population. This year real income and real wages are decreasing, which is creating an additional social problem in the country». Furthermore, the government is stubbornly spreading rumors that workers in the public sector and public servants will lose all bonuses. And although that bill has for now been removed from the parliament’s agenda, in some regions public sector employees have already lost the bonuses they are entitled to by law. For example, instructors and librarians in Nova Kakhovka (Kherson region) lost a 50% salary uplift, and teachers in Berdyansk (Zaporozhye region) only avoided a pay cut by threatening to strike. Since March 1, 2014 bonuses for continuous service and exemplary execution of duties, amounting to around 40% of salary, were discontinued for public sector employees.

    La journaliste annonce aussi des manifestations de mères et femmes de soldats.

    Furthermore, massive casualties among the Ukrainian military and horrible service conditions have already sparked mass protests in the western regions of Ukraine, which are most loyal to the Kiev junta. The mothers and wives of Ukrainian soldiers are blocking international highways in the Rovno, Ternopol, Lvov and Khmelnitsky regions. It is highly likely that the furious women will march on Kiev if their loved ones do not return from the army soon.

    Il faut dire le discours officiel du FMI sur le sujet, qui présente les « ajustements » à réaliser comme des pas dans la bonne direction, est à peine moins inquiétant…

    IMF Survey : Ukraine Unveils Reform Program with IMF Support

    Ukraine Unveils Reform Program with IMF Support
    In an interview, Reza Moghadam, Director of the IMF’s European Department, emphasizes the needs for Ukraine to address deep-seated structural problems and vulnerabilities.

    IMF Survey: What are the chief measures to reduce the fiscal deficit?
    Moghadam: The authorities have proposed that the initial phase of fiscal adjustment rely on a mix of expenditure and revenue measures, with emphasis on the former.
    • Expenditure restraint will be exercised through the suspension of unaffordable wage and pension increases planned by the previous government, public employment reduction through attrition, savings on government purchases enabled by a new procurement law, and rationalization of social assistance spending through better targeting and means testing.
    • Enhanced revenues and collections will be sourced from the elimination of fraudulent tax evasion schemes, a shift to uniform (and thus less abuse-prone) excises on fuel, higher excises on alcohol and tobacco, and closing of value-added tax loopholes.

    Ah oui, rationaliser l’aide sociale !

    IMF Survey: How significantly will gas and heating tariffs increase?
    Moghadam: Energy prices in Ukraine are exceptionally low. Currently, the gas price for households in Ukraine is $85 for one thousand cubic meter. In Russia—a gas producing and exporting economy—the price is $158 for one thousand cubic meter. The regional differences are even larger with prices in Ukraine being 4 to 9 times lower than in neighboring gas-importing economies. In January 2014, Romania’s citizens paid about $ 414, Moldova’s $ 432, and Poland’s $ 687 for one thousand cubic meter.
    The envisaged gas and heating tariff increases will lead to comparatively moderate increases in the share of household budgets spent on utilities. Even after the programmed increases in 2014, the price of gas and heating for the population will remain several times lower than in other gas-importing European countries.

    On va rattraper les prix exceptionnellement bas de l’énergie, mais ça sera « sans douleur »…

    Et voici comment on va s’y prendre…

    IMF Survey: How will the most vulnerable be protected under the program?
    Moghadam: Although energy price increases are moderate and from a low starting level, it is important to cushion the impact on low-income families, so the government has embarked on an ambitious new social protection program. Eligible families will receive a benefit equal to the difference between pre-and post-increase gas and heating bills. In total, 4.5 million families—about 27 percent of the total—will be receiving government support to shield them from tariff increases through existing and new social assistance schemes.
    Additionally, in cooperation with the World Bank, social assistance benefits will be re-prioritized to move to a well-targeted means-tested framework. As present, the majority of social assistance is captured by higher-income households who consume the largest share of gas and heat. For a fraction of the cost of the existing utility subsidies, the government could fund additional social assistance programs that would substantially reduce poverty.

    Comme ce sont les classes moyennes qui bénéficient le plus des subventions à l’énergie, y a qu’à leur sucrer les aides et les réserver aux plus pauvres (qui eux ne se chauffent pas comme des porcs…)

    Bon évidemment, c’est pas gagné. D’ailleurs les deux programmes précédents d’aide du FMI à l’Ukraine ont été interrompus devant l’incapacité des autorités à prendre les mesures de diminution des subventions.
    Mais c’était avant…

    IMF Survey: How confident are you of the authorities’ commitment to the reforms? How much ownership does it have? Do they have sufficient implementation capacity?
    Moghadam: The authorities see the program as a historical break with a past marked by crony capitalism, pervasive corruption, and poor governance which weighed heavily on the economy. They believe that there is a window of opportunity for bold and ambitious reforms in order to transform Ukraine into a dynamic and competitive emerging market economy with a transparent government and a vibrant business environment.
    Clearly there are considerable uncertainties and risks—both from outside (e.g., geopolitical tensions) and within. We have worked together with the authorities to build in measures to help mitigate these risks.
    We are encouraged that the authorities have taken strong ownership of economic reforms, which are long overdue and urgently needed. Up front action on major elements of the program is a good sign in terms of their capacity for successful implementation. Ultimately, the program’s success hinges on the authorities’ unwavering commitment to economic transformation despite resistance from entrenched vested interests.

    Bref, on va bien finir par y arriver

    The program (…) is expected to unlock additional and sizable international official assistance, and help restore confidence among private investors.

  • A New Deal for Israel
    Rafe MAIR (Canada)

    Strategic Culture Foundation (Strategic Culture Foundation provides a platform for exclusive analysis, research and policy comment on Eurasian and global affairs)
    Online Journal


    “Just like bouts of poison ivy, every few years we see a watershed visit to Israel by a sitting US president. And every time that happens we’re all supposed to take heart. Then the usual drift sets in, there are international incidents and resolutions of the United Nations.
    President Obama has just concluded such a session with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and although it depends upon who’s reporting, Mr Obama was seen to be backing Israel while belittling the Palestinians. This is understandable in terms of US current internal politics but is folly for the long term…

    (…) America must survey not just what is today but what the unfolding landscape will look like and judge its position with Israel in that light. In the mix it must be recognized that Israel’s population is over 20% Arab and growing.

    Here’s what President Obama must do.
    First he speak at home a new and more aggressive policy towards Israel, In that regard, Mr Obama must establish as a condition precedent to future discussions that she tear down the settlements – all of them – and pledge to desist in this practice. One suspects that the only reason Israel has followed this policy is an «up yours» to its neighbours.

    Second, Israel must consent to a «two state» policy including Gaza.

    Thirdly the United States must guarantee the safety of Israel’s new boundaries.

    Fourthly, America must set up but not be part of, an organization much like the Organization Of American States (OAS) if only as a «talk shop» to keep dialogues going amongst the various states.

    How can the US force Israel to seek reason?
    With money, the oldest and best weapon in history. The US funds to Israel are critical. They must be the pressure points in US policy.
    This isn’t intended to state that Israelis the only naughty child in the region but it is to say that she is the object of hatred throughout. No one expects that new firm boundaries will mean peace and harmony in the area. As I often say to my wife, we’ll have peace in the world just as soon as a village can draw up a dog by law that everyone can live with. (…)

    #Israel #Obama #Jewish_lobby #Mahmoud_Abbas #Palestine #Arab_Spring #Syria #Pakistan #Afghanistan #Iran #Jordan #Saudi_Arabia

  • Hamas 2012 - Evolution of a Revolution

    February 28, 2012 - Khaled Meshaal leaves Syria for Qatar

    July 18, 2012 - Khaled Meshaal meets with israelis in Morocco

    July 20, 2012 - Aziz Dweik is released from israeli jail

    July 22, 2012 - Aziz Dweik wishes fall of Syrian government