• Très intéressant rappel : les méthodes des États-Unies au Moyen-Orient (torture, escadrons de la mort, terrorisme…) ont été largement appliquées par les mêmes en Amérique latine ; How the US exported its ’dirty war’ policy to Iraq – with fatal consequences | Murtaza Hussain (invité sur le blog de Glenn Greenwald)

    L’article commence, après l’évocation de la mort de Chavez, par une liste des exactions étasuniennes en Amérique latine :

    Looking at the history of US engagement in Latin America, it becomes evident why such a situation exists. From overthrowing democratically elected leaders, operating death squads, and torturing civilians, the history of US involvement in the region has understandably helped create a widespread popular backlash that persists to this day.

    et se conclut par la même liste d’exactions étasuniennes au Moyen-Orient :

    Yet, the same discredited US policies of that era are now being repeated within the Middle East and the wider Muslim world. The use of torture, the patronage of sectarian proxy forces, and the facilitation of widespread human rights abuses all characterize US policy in the “war on terror”. Indeed, many of the same actors complicit in past crimes have returned to help develop and implement present US policy.