Egypt’s army took part in torture and killings during revolution, report shows | World news


  • Egypt’s army took part in torture and killings during revolution, report shows | World news | The Guardian

    Le Guardian a pu se procurer un chapitre du rapport commandité par Morsi et non encore rendu public sur les crimes commis contre les manifestants pendant la révolution égyptienne.

    L’armée égyptienne y est lourdement mise en cause.

    The report, submitted to President Mohamed Morsi by his own hand-picked committee in January, has yet to be made public, but a chapter seen by the Guardian implicates the military in a catalogue of crimes against civilians, beginning with their first deployment to the streets.

    The chapter recommends that the government investigate the highest ranks of the military to determine who was responsible.

    More than 1,000 people, including many prisoners, are said to have gone missing during the 18 days of the revolt. Scores turned up in Egypt’s morgues, shot or bearing signs of torture.

    Many have simply disappeared, leaving behind desperate families who hope, at best, that their loved ones are serving prison sentences that the government does not acknowledge.

    The findings of the high-level investigation, implicating Egypt’s powerful military, will put pressure on Morsi, who assumed power from the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces after his election in June and has declined to prosecute any officers, despite allegations that some participated in abuse.

    They could also figure in the retrial of the toppled president Hosni Mubarak and his former interior minister Habib al-Adly, who are set to return to court on Saturday to face charges – perhaps supported by new evidence from the report – that they were responsible for killing protesters during the revolt.