Neo-nazism is Europe’s hidden terrorist menace | Khaled Diab | Comment is free


  • Étonnant éditorial de Khaled Diab dans le Guardian, publié il y a un an jour pour jour : mise en garde contre le danger d’attentats en Europe commis par des néo-nazis, favorisé par la popularisation de l’islamophobie.

    Neo-nazism is Europe’s hidden terrorist menace | Khaled Diab | Comment is free |

    However, this does not exonerate the rest of society. The increasingly mainstream vilification and demonisation of Europe’s Muslim minority and Islam in general – based on fear, insecurity, ignorance and political expediency, as well as the worry that extremist groups will succeed in their bid to “Islamise” Europe – since the 11 September terror attacks in the US has created fertile ground for the far-right to lay down deeper roots. Some governments have been complicit in this for foreign policy purposes, while some politicians, such as Geert Wilders in the Netherlands, have skillfully manipulated the situation to enter the corridors of power.