• Libya : a new breed of military intervention | Richard Norton-Taylor | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

    The Libyan conflict gave birth to a new kind of covert intervention involving military advisers and special forces, not from the US – not even only from European countries, notably Britain’s SAS – but those of Arab countries, notably Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.

    They were engaged in denial operations, supported not by US dollars, but by Gulf money and weapons. Europeans, mainly British, French, and Italian, provided training and communications equipment. The US, out of the limelight, supplied pilotless drones and detailed, real-time, intelligence which played an important role. As the Guardian reported, British special forces, with those from other countries, including Qatar, and rebel commanders have been planning “Mermaid Dawn” for weeks: a carefully worked out assault on Tripoli involving co-ordinated action by Nato bombers, rebel sleeper cells, and a flotilla of boats from Misrata.

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