South Pacific islands face water crisis after six months of low rainfall | Environment


  • South Pacific islands face water crisis after six months of low rainfall | Environment |

    Crops are wilting, schools have shut their toilets and government officials are bathing in lagoons because of a severe shortage of fresh water in a swath of the south Pacific.

    The island groups of Tuvalu and Tokelau have declared emergencies, relying on bottled water and seeking more desalination machines. Parts of Samoa are starting to ration water.

    Supplies are precariously low after a severe lack of rain in a region where underground reserves have been fouled by salt water from rising seas that scientists have linked to climate change.

    Un article sur la pénurie d’#eau douce dans les îles du Pacifiques touchées par la sécheresse et l’élévation du niveau de la mer