French Children Don’t Throw Food by Pamela Druckerman – review | Books


  • French Children Don’t Throw Food by Pamela Druckerman

    Result? French babies often sleep through the night from two months. Six months is considered very late indeed.

    Hum ... mini et micro grommeleuses sont donc des exceptions ...

    so different from the more detached French mothers, who sit at the edge of the playground chatting calmly to friends, while leaving their toddlers to get on with it

    ça, c’est juste pour leur permettre de se gaver de sable tranquillement.

    No children’s menus in restaurants, and here is one four-course crèche menu: heart of palm and tomato salad, followed by turkey au basilica and rice in a provençal cream sauce, St Nectaire cheese with baguette, kiwi fruit.

    Bien sûr, et même dans les crèches en France on boit du Dom Perignon millésimé ...