
“You know what I did? I left troops to take the oil. I took the oil. The only troops I have are taking the oil, they’re protecting the oil. I took over the oil.”

  • Crucifixion en Arabie séoudite :

    The main defendant, Sarhan al-Mashayeh, will be crucified for three days. The others will face firing squads.


    Several people were reported to have been crucified in Saudi Arabia last year. Human rights groups have condemned crucifixions in the past, including cases in which people are beheaded and then crucified. In 2009, Amnesty International condemned such an execution as “the ultimate form of cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment”.

    Évidemment, c’est le bon moment pour relire toutes les déclarations d’amour au roi d’Arabie séoudite par tous les politiciens arabes « pro-américains », et tous ces articles qui prétendent que l’Arabie séoudite soutient les « modérés » face aux « extrémistes ».