Obama’s commitment to Israel - The Washington Post


  • Rahm Emanuel tient à rassurer Israël sur « Obama’s commitment to Israel » - The Washington Post

    One sentence that he uttered received the most attention: “The borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps, so that secure and recognized borders are established for both states.”

    There, the president stated a concept that has been the basis of every serious attempt at resolution since the negotiations President Bill Clinton held at Camp David in 2000. He reminded us that every president and many Israeli elected leaders have recognized that the borders are one starting point for negotiations, not the end point.

    That statement does not mean a return to 1967 borders.

    Tu comprends, ou faut que je répète ? C’est « basé sur les frontières de 1967 », mais ça n’est pas du tout « un retour aux frontières de 1967 ».

    À part ça, évidemment, se rappeler que l’homme qui était le « chief of staff » du commander in chief, et qu’il écrit des choses aussi délirantes que celles-ci :

    Israel needs a partner in the peace process. To be certain, if during the two years I served in the Obama White House the Palestinians had spent as much time working for peace as they did avoiding the table, the process would be much farther along.