• La #Seine et les fleuves européens contaminés par un « #polluant_éternel » passé sous les radars

    Les analyses menées par le Réseau européen d’action contre les pesticides dans dix pays de l’Union montrent une présence généralisée de l’#acide_trifluoroacétique, qui appartient à la famille des #PFAS, à des niveaux élevés.

    Près de 1,5 milliard d’euros d’investissements, quatre ouvrages d’assainissement créés, dont un bassin de rétention des eaux usées et pluviales d’une capacité équivalente à 20 piscines olympiques… L’Etat et les collectivités n’ont pas ménagé leurs efforts pour rendre la Seine baignable pour les Jeux olympiques puis pour le public à partir de 2025. La « #baignabilité » de la Seine renseigne seulement sur sa qualité bactériologique à travers la surveillance de deux familles de bactéries (Escherichia coli et entérocoques). Une autre pollution, d’origine chimique, passe sous les radars. Un rapport publié lundi 27 mai révèle une « contamination généralisée » des cours d’eau en Europe par l’acide trifluoroacétique (TFA), un « polluant éternel » aussi peu connu que réglementé, issu notamment de la dégradation des pesticides appartenant à la grande famille des substances per- et polyfluoroalkylées (PFAS).



    #rivières #fleuves #Europe #pollution

    • #Polluants_éternels : toutes les rivières d’Europe sont contaminées aux PFAS

      Seine, Oise, Aisne, Somme – mais aussi l’Elbe et le Danube : tous ces cours d’eau sont fortement contaminés par un polluant éternel. Lundi 27 mai, plusieurs associations européennes ont alerté sur des niveaux alarmants d’un PFAS « peu connu et largement non règlementé » dans les rivières du continent : l’acide trifluoroacétique, ou #TFA pour les intimes.

      Le TFA est un #métabolite : il provient de certains #désherbants et #fongicides (le #flufenacet notamment), ou des #gaz_fluorés réfrigérants. « Il est également le produit de dégradation terminal persistant d’environ 2 000 PFAS », selon le rapport du réseau européen d’action contre les pesticides (Pan Europe), à l’origine de l’alerte.

      Le réseau a donc cherché cette substance chimique dans vingt-trois échantillons puisés dans des cours d’eau et nappes. Et là, banco, dans 100 % de leurs analyses. Leurs résultats sont alarmants : « Les concentrations trouvées dans les échantillons d’eau étaient en moyenne de 1 180 nanogrammes par litre (ng/l), décrit Générations futures, membre de Pan Europe. C’est 70 fois plus élevé que la concentration moyenne de tous les autres PFAS examinés combinés. »

      En France, les concentrations sont particulièrement fortes : 2 900 ng/l à Paris dans la Seine ; 2 400 ng/l dans l’Aisne à Choisy-au-Bac ; 1 900 ng/l dans l’Oise à Clairoix ; 1 500 ng/l dans la Somme à Glisy. « Les cours d’eau français sont parmi les plus contaminés d’Europe, constate François Veillerette. Et ces pollutions sont directement liées à des activités agricoles intensives. »

      « Le TFA est la substance la plus persistante dans l’environnement que je connaisse »

      Malgré cette large contamination, très peu de pays se sont penchés sur le problème. Et pour cause : le TFA n’est pas considéré comme un produit dangereux à contrôler par les autorités européennes. Plus précisément, en 2003, l’agence chimique européenne (Echa) a conclu que le TFA était un « métabolite non pertinent », tout en reconnaissant que les informations toxicologiques disponibles étaient insuffisantes. Conclusion, il y a vingt ans : pas besoin de le surveiller ni de le réglementer.

      Autre problème, « sa toxicité reste incertaine », précise Pauline Cervan, de Générations futures. Très peu d’études scientifiques se sont en effet intéressées à la molécule, et l’immense majorité provient de l’industrie chimique. En 2021, une des rares études indépendantes a noté des malformations sur les lapereaux issus de mères exposées au TFA.

      En France, des riverains d’une usine gardoise produisant, entre autres, du TFA, ont développé des cancers — sans que le lien de causalité ait été établi. Jusqu’à 7,6 millions de nanogrammes par litre (ng/L) de TFA ont été mesurés dans les cours d’eau voisins de l’usine.

      « Le TFA est la substance la plus persistante dans l’environnement que je connaisse, insiste Pauline Cervan, toxicologue. Rien que cette donnée devrait faire primer le principe de précaution. » Les associations demandent donc que le TFA soit classé comme un « métabolite pertinent » – ce qui entraînerait sa surveillance dans les eaux et obligerait à revoir la commercialisation des pesticides le contenant.

      Contactées par Générations futures, l’Anses et la Direction générale de la Santé ont indiqué ne pas faire évoluer leurs positions. Pour le moment.


    • TFA in Water: Dirty PFAS Legacy Under the Radar

      In February 2024, a joint research by the European Pesticide Action Network (PAN Europe) and its members revealed a sharp increase in the contamination of European fruit and vegetables with pesticides from the problematic chemical group of PFAS, also known as ’forever chemicals’. The current report focuses on their terminal degradation product, the highly persistent chemical trifluoroacetic acid (TFA). We analysed 23 surface water and six groundwater samples from ten EU countries for TFA residues and other PFAS.


  • Combien de serpentins pour un cumulus de 75 litres ?
    Alice Neron

    À travers l’étude du fonctionnement de wiki.lowtechlab.org, cet article déplie les conditions sociales et idéologiques des pratiques et communautés low-tech, qui cherchent à construire des technologies frugales, douces, adaptées à la crise écologique. Lecture-écriture 
d’une communauté en construction autour du partage de tutoriels 
et bonnes pratiques basses technologies.


    #lowtech #analyse #genre #rapports-nord-sud

  • Lumière sur les #financements français et européens en #Tunisie

    Alors que la Tunisie s’enfonce dans une violente #répression des personnes exilées et de toute forme d’opposition, le CCFD-Terre Solidaire publie un #rapport qui met en lumière l’augmentation des financements octroyés par l’Union européenne et les États européens à ce pays pour la #sécurisation de ses #frontières. Cette situation interroge la #responsabilité de l’#UE et de ses pays membres, dont la France, dans le recul des droits humains.

    La Tunisie s’enfonce dans l’#autoritarisme

    Au cours des deux dernières années, la Tunisie sous la présidence de #Kaïs_Saïed s’engouffre dans l’autoritarisme. En février 2023, le président tunisien déclare qu’il existe un “un plan criminel pour changer la composition démographique de la Tunisie“, en accusant des “hordes de migrants clandestins“ d’être responsables “de violences, de crimes et d’actes inacceptables“.

    Depuis cette rhétorique anti-migrants, les #violences à l’encontre des personnes exilées, principalement d’origine subsaharienne, se sont exacerbées et généralisées dans le pays. De nombreuses associations alertent sur une montée croissante des #détentions_arbitraires et des #déportations_collectives vers les zones frontalières désertiques de l’#Algérie et de la #Libye.

    #EU #Union_européenne #externalisation_des_frontières #migrations #réfugiés #désert #abandon

    ping @_kg_

  • Israel’s Genocide of Palestinians in Gaza

    The prohibition of the crime of genocide is a peremptory norm of international law from which no derogation is permitted. In light of the extraordinary implications of a finding that Israel may be committing genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza, the University Network for Human Rights, the International Human Rights Clinic at Boston University School of Law, the International Human Rights Clinic at Cornell Law School, the Centre for Human Rights at the University of Pretoria, and the Lowenstein Human Rights Project at Yale Law School have conducted a thorough legal analysis of Israel’s acts since October 7, 2023, as situated in their historical context.

    The Genocide in Gaza report concludes that Israel has violated its obligations under the Genocide Convention of 1948, setting forth the facts that establish the requisite mens rea associated with genocidal intent, and the acts that violate Articles II and III of the Convention. Our aim, as experts in human rights and humanitarian law, is to provide a rigorous academic analysis of Israel’s actions since October 7, 2023 in order to aid in ongoing assessments of the current situation through the lens of the law on genocide.

    Since October 7, 2023, tens of thousands of Palestinians in Gaza, including men, women, children, and elderly persons, have been killed or injured. Israel’s military operation has destroyed or damaged the great majority of homes in Gaza and has decimated civilian infrastructure, including hospitals, schools, universities, UN facilities, and cultural and religious heritage sites. An overwhelming majority of Gaza’s population has been forcibly displaced as a result of Israel’s military offensive, and civilians in Gaza face catastrophic levels of hunger and deprivation due to Israel’s restriction on, and failure to ensure, adequate access to basic essentials of life, including food, water, medicine, and fuel. Israel’s actions in Gaza have been accompanied by multiple expressions of genocidal intent by Israeli government leaders, including by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. This genocidal intent is further manifested in the nature and conduct of Israel’s military operations.

    The joint report draws from a diverse range of credible sources, including reports by United Nations and aid agencies, investigations by human rights organizations, media reports, and public statements and testimonies. In determining violations of the Genocide Convention, our analysis is guided by the established principles of international law, international jurisprudence, widespread state practice accepted as customary law, and the Convention’s drafting history. Additionally, our report draws on Gaza’s history leading to the present moment, in recognition that genocide rarely occurs as a single moment but is rather an unfolding result of processes and practices over time.

    Our analysis concludes that actions taken by Israel’s government and military in and regarding Gaza following the Hamas attacks of October 7, 2023, constitute breaches of the international law prohibitions on the commission of genocide. The report further argues that these violations give rise to concrete obligations to all other States, namely, to refrain from recognizing Israel’s breaches as legal or from taking any actions that may amount to complicity in these breaches, and to take positive steps to suppress, prevent, and punish the commission of further genocidal acts against the Palestinian people in Gaza.


    #rapport #génocide #Gaza #Israël #Palestine #rapport #droit_international #analyse #University_Network_for_Human_Rights

  • La #pauvreté en #Italie a atteint des niveaux sans précédent en dix ans

    Les #indices_de_pauvreté absolue en Italie ont atteint des niveaux jamais vus au cours de la dernière décennie, bien que le #PIB de l’Italie soit revenu aux niveaux d’avant la crise de 2007, a révélé l’Institut national italien de la statistique (ISTAT) dans son rapport annuel publié mercredi (15 mai).

    Selon le dernier #rapport annuel de l’ISTAT, le PIB de l’Italie est revenu aux niveaux d’avant la crise économique mondiale de 2007. Cependant, au cours des 15 dernières années, l’Italie a accumulé un écart de croissance de plus de 10 points avec l’Espagne, 14 avec la France et 17 avec l’Allemagne.

    Concernant la pauvreté, le rapport souligne une augmentation de la pauvreté absolue, qui touche 9,8 % de la population italienne — un chiffre qui est environ de 3 % supérieur à celui de 2014 — tout en notant que l’écart entre les familles les plus aisées et les moins aisées s’est creusé.

    La hausse de la pauvreté absolue a principalement touché la population en âge de travailler et leurs enfants, le pouvoir d’achat des salaires bruts ayant fortement diminué.

    « Malgré les améliorations observées sur le #marché_du_travail ces dernières années, l’Italie compte toujours une proportion très élevée de personnes ayant un emploi et se trouvant dans une situation de #vulnérabilité_économique. Entre 2013 et 2023, le #pouvoir_d’achat des salaires bruts en Italie a diminué de 4,5 %, alors que dans les autres grandes économies de l’Union européenne, il a augmenté à des taux allant de 1,1 % en France à 5,7 % en Allemagne », peut-on lire dans le rapport.

    Dans le même temps, la Commission européenne a révisé à la hausse la croissance du PIB de l’Italie pour 2024 à 0,9 %, dépassant ainsi l’Allemagne et la France, dans le cadre de ses prévisions économiques de printemps publiées mercredi.

    Mais le commissaire européen aux Affaires économiques, Paolo Gentiloni, a évoqué le très controversé système de #superbonus mis en place sous le second gouvernement Conte pour faire face au Covid.

    « Je tiens à rassurer tout le monde : nous ne sommes pas confrontés à un “risque grec”. Il s’agit d’une mesure qui a certainement eu des effets positifs, mais qui a échappé à tout contrôle et est devenue un élément dangereux, et le gouvernement a raison, à notre avis, de s’y attaquer », a-t-il déclaré mercredi.

    #pauvreté_absolue #statistiques #chiffres

    • Dal campo situato all’interno della struttura militare di Sde Teiman arrivano testimonianze e prove crescenti che rivelano le condizioni di trattamento e detenzione degli abitanti di Gaza nella struttura. Vari rapporti e un documento UNWRA che riportano le testimonianze di oltre 100 detenuti rilasciati indicano che centinaia di individui sono detenuti in recinti all’aperto, con le mani ammanettate e gli occhi coperti per l’intera giornata, e gli è proibito muoversi o parlare; in caso contrario, affrontano severe punizioni. Secondo tutte le testimonianze, questi detenuti subiscono regolarmente gravi violenze, con conseguenti fratture, emorragie interne e e in alcuni casi il decesso .

      Dall’inizio della guerra in corso e in particolare dopo l’invasione di terra di Israele della Striscia di Gaza, migliaia di abitanti di Gaza, tra cui minori, donne, anziani e decine di operatori sanitari, sono stati arrestati. Molti di loro prelevati da ospedali e scuole. Finora, tutti gli sforzi per localizzare o ottenere informazioni sulla loro condizione e e il luogo di detenzione si sono rivelati infruttuosi.

      Un rapporto della ong ”Physicians for Human Rights”(PHR) , Medici per i Diritti Umani che da 30 anni mobilita professionisti sanitari, scienziati forensi e altri esperti in tutto il mondo per indagare e denunciare accuse di abusi ,ad aprile aveva denunciato e raccolto le testimonianze dei detenuti rilasciati, le risposte (inadeguate) offerte dai funzionari, le discussioni con gli operatori sanitari e i dati relativi a decine di decessi in custodia. Sde Teiman è una struttura di detenzione segreta come Guantanamo e Abu Ghraib dove con la complicità del personale medico militare si torturano i prigionieri palestinesi.

      La CNN ha raccontato quello che accade nella struttura in un servizio televisivo in cui si è avvalsa della testimonianmza di alcuni operatori medici ,ne parliamo con Daniel che lavora presso la ong PHR e che si occupa come medico delle condizioni dei detenuti palestinesi .

      #Sde_Teiman #Israël #torture #emprisonnement #prison
      #audio #podcast

    • Shut Down the Sde Teiman Facility Now

      The circumstances at Sde Teiman, particularly concerning the medical treatment provided there, reflect a moral and professional low point. We firmly believe every physician, healthcare worker, and organization representing the healthcare community has a responsibility to oppose its continued existence.

      “Each of us, whether it is the medical personnel or you, the supervising authorities at the Health and Defense ministries, is implicated in breaching Israeli law. Even more concerning for me as a physician is the breach of my commitment to providing equal treatment to all patients—a vow I pledged to uphold upon graduating two decades ago.”

      This conclusion was shared earlier this month by a physician working at the field hospital located within the Sde Teiman military facility. His testimony adds to the mounting evidence revealing the treatment and detention conditions of Gazans at the facility. Various reports and a UNWRA document compiling the testimonies of over 100 released detainees indicate that hundreds of individuals are being held in open-air pens, with their hands cuffed and eyes covered for the entire day, and are prohibited from moving or speaking; otherwise, they face severe punishment. According to all testimonies, these detainees regularly endure severe violence, leading to cases of fractures, internal bleeding, and even death.

      Since the start of the current war and particularly following Israel’s ground invasion of the Gaza Strip, thousands of Gazans, including minors, women, the elderly, and dozens of healthcare workers, have been detained. Many of them were apprehended from protected spaces such as hospitals and schools. So far, all efforts to locate or obtain information regarding their well-being and whereabouts have proven unsuccessful.

      The evidence and information disclosed to the public confirm the findings outlined in the ethical position paper we are releasing today. Within it, we analyze data collected from released detainees, the (inadequate) responses offered by officials, discussions with healthcare professionals, and data concerning dozens of deaths in custody. We are issuing this report because, drawing upon the lessons learned from secret detention facilities like Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib, it is crucial to prevent their continued operations and recognize the misconception that they can ever be “reformed.”

      As you may recall, Israel’s Ministry of Health declared that detained Gazans would not be treated in public hospitals and would instead be transferred to medical facilities operated by the Israel Prison Service or the military- regardless of whether these facilities were equipped to provide adequate care. Subsequently, the ministry issued medical treatment guidelines, which, as our report concludes, violate medical ethics and disregard the fundamental principles of the healthcare professions. These guidelines were reinforced by medical professionals who supported the refusal to treat detained Gazans, even when they were brought in by the military. The report cautions that in light of the current circumstances at the facility, its medical personnel risk committing severe breaches of medical ethics.

      The Ministry of Health’s guidelines for the Sde Teiman facility enable these violations by allowing the participation of medical personnel in actions that constitute inhumane treatment or torture. Considering the numerous testimonies from both detainees and medical staff regarding the conditions at the facility, we conclude that the Sde Teiman facility must be immediately shut down, and detained Gazans in need of medical care should be transferred to a civilian medical facility that upholds ethical and professional medical standards.

      Over 600 medical professionals have already endorsed this ethical position paper. If you are a medical professional, we urge you to actively express your support by adding your signature to the petition.

      The circumstances at Sde Teiman, particularly concerning the medical treatment provided there, reflect a moral and professional low point. We firmly believe every physician, healthcare worker, and organization representing the healthcare community has a responsibility to oppose its continued existence.


  • Rapport sur les #incidents_racistes #2023 : les centres de consultation reçoivent toujours plus de signalements

    Jamais le Réseau des centres de consultation pour les victimes de racisme n’a conseillé autant de personnes qu’en 2023. Au total, les centres de consultation membres ont traité 856 cas de #discrimination, soit 168 de plus que l’année précédente. Le travail qu’ils mènent revêt une importance toujours plus grande : en 2023, les interventions ont presque doublé par rapport à l’année précédente.

    Aujourd’hui, le 28 avril 2024, humanrights.ch et la Commission fédérale contre le racisme CFR publient le rapport annuel d’évaluation contre les incidents racistes recensés l’année dernière par les centres de consultation. La vidéo ci-dessous en présente les points saillants.


    Le rapport d’évaluation montre que les incidents racistes sont largement répandus en Suisse. Ils peuvent survenir dans les relations interpersonnelles, notamment lorsque les limites d’une personne sont franchies ou que celle-ci est dénigrée ou agressée verbalement ou physiquement. Des cas de racisme sont toutefois également signalés dans les structures et les institutions de notre société, dont les normes et les pratiques excluent ou désavantagent de diverses manières certaines personnes. Le racisme ne concerne pas uniquement les personnes individuellement, mais la société dans son ensemble. Le nombre de signalements effectués par des témoins et des professionnel·le·x·s augmente chaque année un peu plus.

    De nombreuses personnes, dont la plupart n’étaient pas directement concernées, se sont par exemple adressées au Réseau des centres de consultation pour lutter contre la diffusion de préjugés et de contenus discriminatoires dans le cadre de campagnes électorales. Cette mobilisation caractérisée par une forte solidarité revêt une importance capitale pour la lutte contre le racisme et renforce la cohésion sociale. Elle exprime l’attente suivante : les partis politiques doivent rejeter avec force les discours et les actions qui ciblent et accusent des groupes entiers de la population, leur portant préjudice.

    En 2023, les évolutions de la société ont également préoccupé de nombreuses personnes sur le plan tant émotionnel que politique. Depuis le début des évènements au Proche-Orient, les dynamiques racistes et antisémites se sont multipliées au sein de la population suisse. Les incidents antisémites, tels que des discours de haine dans l’espace public, ont nettement augmenté depuis le début de la guerre. Les consultations liées à des actes de racisme dirigés contre des personnes de confession musulmane ou issues du monde arabe ainsi que les cas de xénophobie sont également en hausse.

    Les chiffres présentés dans le rapport soulignent la nécessité d’une offre de conseil et de soutien pour les personnes concernées directement et indirectement par la discrimination raciale. Celle-ci constitue un élément clé de toute politique de lutte contre la discrimination. Les centres de consultation ne font pas qu’aider les victimes à surmonter les traumatismes liés à la discrimination ou à renforcer l’autonomie des personnes concernées et des témoins dans le développement de stratégies d’action : grâce à leurs multiples prestations, ils permettent aussi d’apporter des changements concrets dans les situations des personnes concernées. En 2023, ils ont effectué près du double d’interventions par rapport à l’année précédente, notamment dans les établissements de formation, dans les administrations et auprès des employeurs. Les centres de consultation permettent de visibiliser les pratiques discriminatoires perpétuées dans les institutions et soutiennent ainsi le changement.

    En soutenant les personnes qui subissent des discriminations raciales et les témoins de comportements discriminatoires, les centres de consultation effectuent un travail pertinent, qui doit être reconnu par la politique et par l’État. Des ressources financières suffisantes et durables doivent donc leur être octroyées.

    Une collaboration plus étroite entre la politique, la société civile, les expert·e·x·s et les personnes concernées est nécessaire pour que les dimensions structurelles et institutionnelles de la #discrimination_raciale soient thématisées et fassent l’objet d’une véritable #lutte.

    #racisme #Suisse #statistiques #chiffres #rapport #racisme_structurel

    ping @cede

  • Manica: 5 morti schiacciati in seguito a una partenza in preda al panico e alla violenza della polizia

    Secondo l’ultimo rapporto di Alarm Phone pubblicato alla fine di gennaio nel 2023 si sono verificati più incidenti mortali nella Manica a causa del nuovo accordo “Stop the Boats”. L’aumento dei fondi per i francesi ha significato più polizia, più violenza sulle spiagge e quindi più imbarchi pericolosamente sovraffollati e caotici in cui le persone perdono la vita nel tentativo di raggiungere via mare il Regno Unito. L’ultima strage è avvenuta il 23 aprile scorso. Nello stesso giorno il Parlamento britannico ha approvato in via definitiva l’accordo con il Ruanda . Il primo ministro Sunak ha definito l’incidente “tragico”, (...)

    #Approfondimenti #Rapporti_e_dossier #Anna_Bonzanino

  • Trouver des débouchés pour la #laine

    Chaque année le cheptel ovin produit environ 14 000 tonnes de laine. Or elle est devenue une charge pour les eleveurs qui ne trouvent plus de #débouchés

    Pour les éleveurs, écouler sa laine est devenue très difficile. Au début du siècle dernier, l’#industrie_textile et la transformation de la laine étaient majeures en #France. Avant que n’arrivent le coton, les matières synthétiques et la concurrence des pays lointains. Désormais la laine est au mieux bradée, le plus souvent stockée. Parfois même brûlée par des éleveurs qui n’en ont pas le droit, mais ne savent plus que faire de cette laine qu’ils ont sur les bras. Car désormais, en France, elle n’est plus une #ressource_économique.

    A la disparition de l’appareil industriel s’est ajoutée une nouvelle accélération de la crise, avec le Covid. Cela a stoppé les exportations vers la #Chine, principale destination jusque-là. Les sept millions de bêtes du cheptel ovin de produisent naturellement près de 14 000 tonnes de #toisons chaque années Et pour leur bien-être les moutons sont tondus au moins une fois chaque année. La question donc, c’est que faire de cette laine qui est de toute façon là. Et dont seul un tout petit pourcentage est valorisé.

    Le ministère de l’agriculture a chargé ses services de se pencher sur la question l’an dernier pour identifier les manières de relancer la filière. Le #CGAER, le Conseil général de l’alimentation, de l’agriculture et des espaces ruraux a publié un #rapport.

    Et cela d’autant plus qu’il s’agit de matériaux locaux, renouvelables, biodégradables. Bref, des matériaux intéressants.

    Mais toutes les laines ne peuvent pas avoir les mêmes usages. Et en majorité, celles produites en France n’ont pas les fibres nécessaires pour faire des pull ou fournir l’industrie du luxe. Néanmoins il existe à la fois des débouchés historiques à relancer, et des techniques innovantes à soutenir. Il y a aujourd’hui deux grandes stratégies de développement. Le modèle du circuit court, avec des initiatives locales, déjà plus en plus nombreuses. Ce sont des petits élevages vendant sur les marchés, misant sur le goût pour les matières naturelles, ou les loisirs créatifs. Des petites entreprises, associations et filatures se multiplient sur le territoire. Elles gagneraient à être mieux coordonnées.

    Et puis il y a ceux qui visent une relance industrielle. Avec des pistes comme le rembourrage de matelas, des vêtement de protection des usages agricoles, éventuellement l’isolation thermique des bâtiments. Même si pour cela, la laine serait en concurrence avec d’autres matériaux naturel moins cher.
    Relancer une filière

    Mais plusieurs étapes restent nécessaires à la relance d’une filière.
    D’abord une meilleure connaissance statistique : réaliser un inventaire des qualités lainières de toutes les races françaises, et un suivi des marchés est un préalable.
    Ensuite, et c’est probablement le plus difficile, renforcer les capacité de production. Aujourd’hui il n’existe plus en France qu’une seule grande usine de lavage. Et peu de filatures. Mais une telle relance requiert de l’argent, et un marché.
    Enfin, une structuration. Au Royaume-Uni, la filière est en bonne forme, grâce à une coopérative qui assure la collecte de toute la laine et un label de promotion, de la qualité « British whool ». Le modèle n’est pas transposable. Mais les acteurs réfléchissent aux manières de montrer leur différences En imaginant par exemple un score carbone spécifique à la laine européennes. Un collectif nommé #Tricolor relance une organisation interprofessionnelle. il doit présenter à la mi mai sa feuille de route pour relancer la filière.

    #valorisation #exportation

    • La valorisation de la laine et des #peaux_lainées

      Que faire des stocks de laine et de peaux lainées qui s’accumulent sur les exploitations ovines et chez les négociant ? Le CGAAER a tenté d’apporter une réponse au travers d’une mission de conseil.

      Le troupeau ovin français compte environ sept millions de têtes.

      Historiquement sélectionnés pour produire de la laine, les moutons doivent être tondus au moins une fois par an pour leur bien-être et la préservation de leur état sanitaire. Toutefois, depuis plusieurs années, les éleveurs ovins rencontrent de grandes difficultés à commercialiser la laine et sont de plus en plus souvent contraints de la stocker sur l’exploitation. Une situation assez comparable est constatée chez les négociants en peaux lainées confrontés à la disparition de leurs marchés traditionnels.

      Alors que dans le passé laine et peaux lainées étaient source de richesse, l’absence de valorisation de ces matériaux locaux, renouvelables, biosourcés et biodégradables pose question. Une mission a été confiée au CGAAER.

      La mission s’est déroulée d’octobre 2022 à avril 2023. Elle a permis d’auditionner plus de cinquante acteurs des filières laines et peaux lainées afin d’appréhender les différentes modalités de valorisation envisageables. Un déplacement au Royaume-Uni a complété ces entretiens.

      Après avoir dressé un état des lieux de la situation des filières laines et peaux lainées et des marchés, la mission s’est attachée à analyser les caractéristiques du gisement lainier français et à identifier les facteurs ayant présidé à l’évolution de la filière depuis le milieu du siècle dernier, époque à laquelle la France était un des leaders mondiaux du textile et de la transformation de la laine.

      Prenant en compte les évolutions réglementaires en matière de valorisation des sous-produits animaux (SPAn) intervenues au début du XXIème siècle, la mission a étudié les freins à la valorisation de laine française, en lien notamment avec ses caractéristiques techniques. Outre les valorisations historiques, dites techniques, dans la filière textile ou celle du feutre et de ses produits dérivés, la mission s’est intéressée à des modes de valorisation émergents. En dépit d’une valeur ajoutée plus faible, ils peuvent présenter un intérêt, en matière d’amendements et de fertilisants organiques ou pour répondre à des demandes croissantes de protéines animales. Des valorisations cosmétiques (lanoline) ou pharmaceutiques ou nutraceutiques (vitamine D, mélanine, kératine) ont également été envisagées.

      Partant de ces constats et considérant que le problème concernait majoritairement la filière laine, les missionnés ont proposé des pistes d’amélioration et émis sept recommandations. Outre une nécessaire sensibilisation des éleveurs à la qualité de la laine produite, une meilleure structuration de la collecte de façon à faciliter les conditions de mise en marché et, dans la mesure du possible, la création d’une nouvelle unité de lavage industriel en France seraient de nature à faciliter la valorisation des laines de qualité supérieure dans la filière textile et le développement d’une filière d’isolants en laine.

      La mission a également esquissé des pistes, certes moins valorisantes à ce jour, qui, toutefois, apportent une réponse à la gestion des rebuts de tri aux différentes étapes de transformation, et permettent une valorisation en circuit court sous forme de compostage à la ferme ou la fabrication d’amendements organiques. Cette dernière piste nécessite toutefois des études et expertises complémentaires.

      pour télécharger le rapport :


  • Il cotone “sporco e insostenibile” di #Zara ed #H&M e la distruzione del #Cerrado

    La Ong inglese #Earthsight ha condotto un’inchiesta per un anno lungo la filiera di questa fibra tessile: i due marchi della fast fashion avrebbero immesso sul mercato 800mila tonnellate di cotone coltivato su terreni disboscati illegalmente nella savana tropicale che copre un terzo del Brasile. “Il sistema di filiera ‘etica’ su cui si basano questi colossi è fondamentalmente difettoso”

    Se negli ultimi anni avete acquistato vestiti di cotone, asciugamani o lenzuola di H&M o Zara “probabilmente sono macchiati del saccheggio del Cerrado”, un’area ricchissima di biodiversità che copre quasi un quarto della superficie del Brasile. Sam Lawson, direttore della Ong britannica Earthsight, non usa mezzi termini per commentare l’esito dell’inchiesta “Fashion crimes. The European retail giants linked to dirty Brazilian cotton”, pubblicata l’11 aprile, che analizza la lunga e insostenibile filiera di questa fibra dalla produzione (in Brasile) alla lavorazione (in Paesi come Indonesia e Bangladesh), fino alla commercializzazione in Europa (Italia compresa) dove, secondo le stime di Earthsight, i due brand avrebbero messo in commercio prodotti realizzati con 800mila tonnellate di cotone coltivato su terreni disboscati illegalmente nel Cerrado.

    Ma andiamo con ordine. L’inchiesta di Earthsigh prende le mosse proprio dal grande Paese latinoamericano che, negli ultimi dieci anni, ha guadagnato crescente importanza nel mercato globale del cotone, di cui oggi è il secondo esportatore mondiale “e si prevede che entro il 2030 supererà gli Stati Uniti”. Il cuore di questa produzione si concentra in uno degli ecosistemi più fragili e preziosi del mondo: il Cerrado, una grande savana tropicale che ospita una delle più importanti aree di biodiversità al mondo, dove vivono oltre seimila specie di alberi così come centinaia di rettili, mammiferi, anfibi e uccelli.

    La sopravvivenza di questo inestimabile patrimonio è minacciata dalla deforestazione illegale che nel 2023 ha raggiunto livelli record, con un aumento del 43% rispetto al 2022. “Circa la metà della vegetazione nativa del Cerrado è già andata perduta, soprattutto per far posto all’espansione dell’agrobusiness”, evidenzia il report. Milioni di litri d’acqua vengono prelevati regolarmente dai fiumi e dalle falde per irrigare i campi di cotone, la cui coltivazione richiede l’utilizzo di 600 milioni di litri di pesticidi ogni anno.

    L’inchiesta di Earthsight analizza in particolare il ruolo di due dei principali produttori di cotone brasiliani: il gruppo Horita e SLC Agrícola che controllano enormi aziende e centinaia di migliaia di ettari di terreno. “Nel 2014 l’agenzia ambientale dello Stato di Bahia ha rilevato 25mila ettari deforestati illegalmente nelle aziende agricole di Horita a Estrondo -si legge nel report-. Nel 2020 la stessa agenzia ha dichiarato di non essere riuscita a trovare i permessi per altri 11.700 ettari deforestati dall’azienda tra il 2010 e il 2018”. Tra il 2010 e il 2019 l’azienda è stata multata complessivamente più di venti volte, per un totale di 4,5 milioni di dollari, per violazioni ambientali.

    Altrettanto gravi, le denunce rivolte a SLC Agrícola: tre aziende, tutte coltivate a cotone, hanno cancellato per sempre 40mila ettari di Cerrado nativo negli ultimi 12 anni. E, sebbene l’azienda abbia adottato una politica “zero deforestazione” nel 2021, è accusata di aver distrutto altri 1.356 ettari di vegetazione nel 2022. Accuse che hanno spinto il fondo pensionistico pubblico della Norvegia a ritirare i propri investimenti nella società brasiliana.

    Al termine di un lavoro d’inchiesta di un anno -durante il quale hanno analizzato migliaia di registri di spedizione, relazioni aziendali, elenchi di fornitori e siti web– i ricercatori di Earthsight hanno ricostruito la filiera che porta il cotone coltivato illegalmente nel Cerrado nei negozi di Zara ed H&M e poi negli armadi di milioni di persone. I ricercatori hanno identificato otto produttori di abbigliamento asiatici che utilizzano il cotone Horita e SLC e che allo stesso tempo forniscono alle due società di fast fashion milioni di capi di cotone finiti. Tra questi figura l’indonesiana PT Kahatex “il più grande acquirente di cotone contaminato Horita e SLC che abbiamo trovato”. H&M è il secondo cliente dell’azienda indonesiana, da cui ha acquistato milioni di paia di calzini, pantaloncini e pantaloni che sono poi stati messi in vendita nei negozi del gruppo negli Stati Uniti, in Germania, nel Regno Unito, in Svezia, nei Paesi Bassi, in Belgio, in Spagna, in Francia, in Polonia, in Irlanda, in Italia.

    Il cotone sporco del Cerrado è finito anche negli stabilimenti di Jamuna Group, uno dei maggiori conglomerati industriali del Bangladesh: “Nei negozi Zara in Europa, fino ad agosto 2023, sono stati venduti per 235 milioni di euro jeans e altri capi in denim confezionati da Jamuna, circa 21.500 paia al giorno -si legge nel report-. Inditex importa i capi prodotti da Jamuna in Spagna e nei Paesi Bassi, da dove li distribuisce ai suoi negozi Zara, Bershka e Pull&Bear in tutta Europa”. Complessivamente, secondo le stime che i ricercatori hanno elaborato consultando i registri delle spedizioni il Gruppo Horita e SLC Agrícola hanno esportato direttamente almeno 816mila tonnellate di cotone da Bahia verso i mercati esteri tra il 2014 e il 2023. Una quantità di materia prima sufficiente a produrre dieci milioni di capi d’abbigliamento e prodotti per la casa tra lenzuola, tovaglie e tende.

    Ma come è stato possibile, si sono chiesti i ricercatori, che le catene di approvvigionamento dei due marchi di moda siano state “contaminate” da cotone brasiliano legato a deforestazione e land grabbing? “Parte della risposta sta nel fatto che le loro politiche etiche sono piene di falle. Ma soprattutto, il sistema di filiera etica su cui si basano è fondamentalmente difettoso”.

    Il riferimento è al fatto che, nel tentativo di presentarsi come sostenibili e responsabili, i due brand si sono affidati a un sistema di certificazione denominato Better Cotton (BC). “Il cotone che abbiamo collegato agli abusi ambientali a Bahia ne riportava il marchio di qualità. Questo non dovrebbe sorprendere dal momento che Better Cotton è stata ripetutamente accusata di greenwashing e criticata per non aver garantito la piena tracciabilità delle catene di approvvigionamento”, scrivono i ricercatori di Earthsight nel rapporto. Evidenziando come, sebbene dal primo marzo 2024 le regole di BC siano state aggiornate, rimangano comunque una serie di criticità e di punti deboli. A partire dal fatto che il cotone proveniente da terreni disboscati illegalmente prima del 2020 venga ancora certificato.

    “È ormai molto chiaro che i crimini legati ai beni che consumiamo devono essere affrontati attraverso la regolamentazione, non attraverso le scelte dei consumatori -conclude Sam Lawson, direttore di Earthsignt-. Ciò significa che i legislatori dei Paesi consumatori dovrebbero mettere in atto leggi forti con un’applicazione rigorosa. Nel frattempo, gli acquirenti dovrebbero pensarci due volte prima di acquistare il prossimo capo di abbigliamento in cotone”.

    #industrie_textile #coton #mode #déforestation #Brésil #rapport #chiffres #statistiques #SLC_Agrícola #Horita #SLC #fast-fashion #land_grabbing #accaparement_de_terres #Better_Cotton #greenwashing #green-washing

    • Fashion Crimes: The European Retail Giants Linked to Dirty Brazilian Cotton

      Key Findings:

      - The world’s largest fashion brands, H&M and Zara, use cotton linked to land grabbing, illegal deforestation, violence, human rights violations and corruption in Brazil.
      - The cotton is grown by two of Brazil’s largest agribusinesses – SLC Agrícola and the Horita Group – in western Bahia state, a part of the precious Cerrado biome, which has been heavily deforested in recent decades to make way for industrial-scale agriculture.
      - Unlike in the Amazon, deforestation in the Cerrado is getting worse. The biome is home to five per cent of the world’s species. Many face extinction due to habitat loss if current deforestation trends are not reversed.
      - For centuries, traditional communities have lived in harmony with nature. These communities have seen their lands stolen and suffered attacks by greedy agribusinesses serving global cotton markets.
      - The tainted cotton in H&M and Zara’s supply chains is certified as ethical by the world’s largest cotton certification scheme, Better Cotton, which has failed to detect the illegalities committed by SLC and Horita. Better Cotton’s deep flaws will not be addressed by a recent update to its standards.
      - Failure by the fashion sector to monitor and ensure sustainability and legality in its cotton supply chains means governments in wealthy consumer markets must regulate them. Once in place, rules must be strictly enforced.


  • Les #forces_mobiles

    Historiquement créées pour gérer les troubles à l’ordre public résultant de manifestations ou de mouvements de foule, les 64 #compagnies_républicaines_de_sécurité (#CRS) et les 116 escadrons de #gendarmes_mobiles (#EGM) constituent une réserve nationale employable sur l’ensemble du territoire pour des missions de maintien de l’ordre ou de sécurisation. Ces unités sont fortement polyvalentes, et très mobiles, afin de répondre aux besoins exprimés sur l’ensemble du territoire métropolitain, ainsi qu’en Outre-mer. En 2022, les effectifs de CRS étaient de 11 164 agents et ceux de gendarmes mobiles de 12 502, stables au cours des dix dernières années. Dans une insertion au rapport public annuel de 2017, la Cour des comptes faisait le constat d’un emploi croissant de ces forces. Cette hausse des missions était associée à une baisse des effectifs des unités de forces mobiles au début des années 2010. Ils ont depuis connu un rebond, sans pour autant permettre de recompléter toutes les unités. Les constats effectués à l’époque sont pour la plupart réitérés dans ce rapport, et les pistes d’amélioration explorées en 2017 ont souvent été mises à mal par la succession de crises sur la période couverte 2017-2023. Ce rapport vise donc à confronter les constats et recommandations de 2017 à un contexte évolutif, notamment concernant l’emploi de ces unités.

    #gendarmerie_mobile #France #maintien_de_l'ordre #cour_des_comptes #rapport #forces_de_l'ordre

  • Plastic experts say recycling is a scam. Should we even do it anymore?

    Evidence shows fossil fuel companies pushed recycling instead of addressing our growing plastic problem

    When the #Center_for_Climate_Integrity released its report (https://climateintegrity.org/plastics-fraud) about plastic recycling, one might have expected the environmentalist non-profit to encourage the practice. Anyone raised in the late-20th and early-21st century knows that the term “recycle” is often synonymous with “environmentalist causes.”

    Yet the title of Center for Climate Integrity’s report — “The Fraud of Plastic Recycling” — reveals a very different point-of-view. What if plastic recycling in fact does little to help the environment, and instead serves the interests of the same Big Oil interest groups destroying Earth’s ecosystems?

    “Through new and existing research, ’The Fraud of Plastic Recycling’ shows how Big Oil and the plastics industry have deceptively promoted recycling as a solution to plastic waste management for more than 50 years, despite their long-standing knowledge that plastic recycling is not technically or economically viable at scale,” the authors of the report proclaim. “Now it’s time for accountability.”

    The Center for Climate Integrity is not alone in characterizing plastic recycling as a false crusade. Erica Cirino, communications manager at the Plastic Pollution Coalition and author of “Thicker Than Water: The Quest for Solutions to the Plastic Crisis,” pointed to data that clearly shows we do very little recycling anyway, despite the overwhelming emphasis on it.

    “In 2017, scientists estimated that just 9% of the 6.3 billion metric tons of plastics produced from about the 1950s (when plastics were first mass produced) up to 2015 had been recycled,” Cirino told Salon. “Plastic recycling rates vary widely from region to region around the world. In the U.S., plastic recycling rates are currently below 6 percent.”

    Yet even those numbers are deceptive, Cirino warned, as they incorrectly imply that at least the plastic which does get “recycled” is handled in ways that help the environment. “Unfortunately, it doesn’t matter where or how you set out your plastic for recycling collection, whether at the end of your driveway, at your local recycling center, or in a municipal recycling bin: Most plastic items collected as recycling are not actually recycled,” Cirino explained. “Surprisingly, plastic is not designed to be recycled — despite industries and governments telling the public that we should recycle plastic.”

    Instead the plastics that people think get “recycled” are often instead shipped from the Global North to the Global South, with waste haulers often dumping and openly burning plastic without regard to environmental laws, Cirino explained. People who live near the sites where these things happen face a lifetime of health risks, to say nothing of living in a degraded environment.

    “People who earn incomes by picking wastes make the least from cheap plastics, and because of constant exposure to plastics in their line of work face elevated risks of cancers, infectious diseases (which cling to plastics), respiratory problems and other serious health issues.” Even the plastics that do get reused somehow are less “recycled” than “downcycled,” as “manufacturers mix in a large portion of freshly made plastic or toxic additives to melted down plastic waste to restore some of its desirable properties.”

    If you want to understand why the general public mistakenly believes that plastic pollution significantly helps the environment, one must look at the same fossil fuel companies that caused the problem.

    “Many people in the Baby Boomer Generation and Generation X remember the ’crying Indian ad’ that was published in the 1970s,” Melissa Valliant, communications director for the nonprofit Beyond Plastics, told Salon by email. “It was an iconic ad of the time, created by Keep America Beautiful — a corporate front created in 1953 by powerful generators of plastic waste, like PepsiCo and Coca-Cola. This was really the start of a decades-long streak of multi-million dollar ad campaigns leveraged by the plastics industry to convince consumers that if they just were a little better at putting the right plastic in the right bin, the plastic pollution problem would disappear.”

    Simply put, the same companies that created the plastic pollution crisis are motivated to keep the public from believing that their product needs to be phased out. By claiming to care about the environment while presenting a false solution to the problem of plastic pollution — one that, conveniently, removes the onus of responsibility from the companies themselves — plastic manufacturers have been able to have their cake and eat it too.

    “The continued promotion of recycling, which is a proven failure, distracts from the real solutions,” John Hocevar, Greenpeace USA Oceans Campaign Director, told Salon by email. “Most people agree that we can no longer afford to produce trillions of items packaged in a material that will last for generations and that we will only use for a few minutes or seconds before being discarded. Plastic bottles and bags don’t typically get turned into bottles and bags, but the myth that they will is one of the biggest barriers to real solutions.”

    Indeed, a compelling question arises from the fact that the crusade to recycle plastic is more corporate propaganda than true Earth-saving measure: Should we recycle plastic at all?

    “No,” Cirino told Salon. “Even if plastic recycling rates were higher, recycling alone could never come close to solving the serious and wide-ranging health, justice, socio-economic, and environmental crises caused by industries’ continued plastic production and plastic pollution, which go hand in hand.” Cirino argued that, given how plastic production has grown exponentially and its pollution problems have likewise worsened, emphasizing recycling over meaningful solutions is at best irresponsible.

    “It’s clear recycling is not enough to solve the plastic pollution crisis,” Cirino concluded. “The fossil fuel industry, governments, and corporations really need to turn off the plastic tap, and the UN Plastics Treaty could be an opportunity to do so on a global level—if member states can come together and form a treaty with real ambition. Ultimately, our world must decide what it values: money or life.”

    Erin Simon, the vice president and head of plastic waste and business at the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), offered a different perspective.

    “Everyone has a role to play – and that includes the average consumer as well,” Simon wrote to Salon. “But individuals are often limited in what they can contribute because recycling infrastructure and availability is different in every community. For those who can recycle, they should understand what can and can’t go in their recycling bin by contacting their local waste manager. For those who currently can’t recycle at home or work, they should advocate for better access to recycling services by contacting local community leaders and local government officials. In addition to recycling, shifting to reusable products is another way for individuals to reduce personal waste.”

    Simon also advocates for multinational approaches, writing to Salon that the upcoming fourth (of five) negotiating session for a United Nations Global Treaty to End Plastic Pollution has promise.

    “A Global Treaty is a once-in-a-generation opportunity for governments, businesses, and communities to secure a future free from plastic pollution,” Simon explained. “As we approach the next round of negotiations in April 2024 in Canada, WWF will be advocating to ensure the final draft of the treaty is globally binding for all Member states, and provides a clear path to ban, phase out or reduce problematic single-use plastics. WWF is also calling for the treaty to include defined requirements for product design and innovation in plastic waste management systems, while also providing policies and incentives that allow businesses to transition to more sustainable and innovative options.”

    Hocevar also praised the Global Plastics Treaty as a possible solution to the pollution crisis.

    “The Global Plastics Treaty being negotiated right now is a huge opportunity to finally solve the plastics crisis,” Hocevar told Salon. “We need President Biden to ensure that the U.S. deals with the root cause and works to reduce plastic production and use. Without dramatically reducing plastic production, it will be impossible to end plastic pollution.”

    Chelsea Linsley, a staff attorney at the Center for Climate Integrity and one of the report co-authors, perhaps summed it up best.

    “The best and most effective solution to the plastic waste crisis is to reduce the amount of plastic produced in the first place, especially for unnecessary single-use plastics,” Linsley wrote to Salon. “The Break Free from Plastic Pollution Act is an example of legislation that could implement real solutions, such as reducing and banning non-recyclable or easily replaced single-use plastics and establishing programs to support reuse and refill efforts. However, for such measures to be successful, the plastics industry must not be allowed to perpetuate the myth that recycling is an equally effective solution.”


    #recyclage #plastique #greenwashing #green-washing #rapport #arnaque #escroquerie
    via @freakonometrics

  • La #liberté_académique menacée dans le monde : « Les universitaires ont intérêt à s’exprimer ouvertement avant qu’il ne soit trop tard »

    En 2006, un citoyen sur deux vivait dans une zone de liberté académique, cette proportion est désormais d’un sur trois. Budgets universitaires en berne, difficultés pour s’exprimer sur des sujets sensibles… Dans un contexte d’#érosion_démocratique, la tendance est alarmante pour la #connaissance et le #bien_commun. Entretien avec #Katrin_Kinzelbach, spécialiste en politique internationale des droits de l’homme, à l’initiative de l’#indice annuel de liberté académique.


    #université #monde #facs #recherche #libertés_académiques #statistiques #dégradation #chiffres

    • #Academic_freedom_index

      Based on assessment of the de facto protection of academic freedom as of December 2023, the Academic Freedom Index Update 2024 provides an overview of the state of academic freedom in 179 countries and territories. In line with previous AFI reports, this year’s data demonstrates that academic freedom is under threat globally. Using the concept of growth and decline episodes at country level, this year’s update shows that 23 countries are in episodes of decline in academic freedom, but academic freedom is increasing in only ten countries. 3.6 billion people now live in countries where academic freedom is completely restricted. Taking a longer time period into account by comparing 2023 data with that of fifty years ago, we note more optimistically that academic freedom expanded in 56 countries.



    • L’état de la liberté académique dans le monde

      Basé sur une évaluation de la protection de facto de la liberté académique en décembre 2023, l’Academic Freedom Index Update 2024 donne un aperçu de l’état de la liberté académique dans 179 pays et territoires

      Conformément aux précédents rapports de l’AFI, les données démontrent que la liberté académique est menacée à l’échelle mondiale. Le rapport 2024 montre que 23 pays connaissent des épisodes de déclin de la liberté académique. Celle-ci n’augmente que dans dix pays. 3,6 milliards de personnes vivent désormais dans des pays où la liberté académique est totalement restreinte. En prenant en compte une période plus longue, en comparant les données de 2023 avec celles d’il y a cinquante ans, on constate malgré tout que la liberté académique s’est étendue dans 56 pays.

      L’Academic Freedom Index (AFI) couvre actuellement 179 pays et territoires et fournit l’ensemble de données le plus complet sur le thème de la liberté académique. L’AFI évalue les niveaux de facto de liberté académique à travers le monde sur la base de cinq indicateurs :

      - liberté de recherche et d’enseignement
      - liberté d’échange et de diffusion académique
      - autonomie institutionnelle
      - intégrité du campus
      - liberté d’expression académique et culturelle

      L’AFI repose sur des évaluations réalisées par 2 329 experts nationaux dans le monde entier, des questionnaires standardisés et un modèle statistique bien établi, mis en œuvre et adapté par le projet V-Dem. Le projet V-Dem est connu pour générer des données solides sur diverses dimensions de la démocratie. L’Academic Freedom Index utilise une méthode de modèle de mesure bayésienne pour l’agrégation des données : il fournit non seulement des estimations ponctuelles, mais rend également compte de manière transparente de l’incertitude de mesure dans l’évaluation globale de la liberté académique. Il est recommandé pour les utilisateurs de prendre en compte cette incertitude lorsqu’ils comparent les scores entre pays et dans le temps. Il est possible d’en savoir davantage sur ces recherches en consultant le site Web. De plus, un article d’introduction explique plus en détail la conception de cet index.

      Les données de l’Indice de liberté académique sont conservées dans l’ensemble de données V-Dem, qui comprend les évaluations de la démocratie les plus complètes et les plus détaillées au monde, ainsi que les données de l’AFI. La dernière version de l’ensemble de données et les documents de référence associés peuvent être téléchargés gratuitement sur le site Internet de V-Dem (pp. 238-243 & 322 Codebook). Mais il faut au préalable s’inscrire sur le site.

      Pour en savoir plus sur l’état actuel de la liberté académique dans le monde, on peut se référer à la mise à jour de l’ Indice de liberté académique et explorer les données sur la carte interactive.

      #cartographie #visualisation

  • De la complicité de la France

    Cet épisode pilote revient sur le soutien apporté par l’État français au gouvernement génocidaire rwandais. Les documents secret défense analysés et rassemblés permettent de comprendre les mécanismes qui ont permis l’une des plus atroces compromissions de la Ve République autour de 4 questions : Pourquoi la France s’est-elle impliquée au Rwanda ? A quand remonte l’implication de la France au Rwanda ? Jusqu’à quand la France a-t-elle poursuivi son soutien au régime génocidaire ? Que penser des conclusions du « rapport Duclert » quant aux "responsabilités lourdes et accablantes de la France dans le génocide des Tutsis ?


    #génocide #complicité #France #Rwanda #vidéo #colonisation #politique_coloniale #Front_patriotique_rwandais (#FPR) #opération_Noroît #armée #armée_française #François_Mittérand #responsabilité #néo-colonialisme #rapport_Duclert #commission_Duclert #excuses #Macron #Emmanuel_Macron #soutien_actif #forces_spéciales #plainte #justice

  • El Paso Sector Migrant Death Database

    The migrant death database published here is an attempt to address the lack of comprehensive, transparent, and publicly available migrant death data for New Mexico, El Paso and border-wide. The accessibility of this information is essential to understanding and preventing death and disappearance in the US/Mexico borderlands.

    The data for this project was collected from the New Mexico Office of the Medical Investigator (OMI), US Customs and Border Protection (CBP), the New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT), the El Paso County Office of the Medical Examiner (EPCOME), Hudspeth County Justices of the Peace District 1 and 2, the International Organization for Migration’s Missing Migrant Project, independent news sources, and statements from the Sunland Park Fire Department, as well as direct observation by volunteers in the field.

    #USA #Mexique #base_de_données #décès #mourir_aux_frontières #morts_aux_frontières #Etats-Unis #données #cartographie #visualisation #rapport

    ping @reka @fil

  • Un pour cent des #foyers_fiscaux français perçoivent-ils 96% des #dividendes ?

    En pleine polémique autour du #déficit plus important que prévu de la France, le gouvernement fait la chasse aux économies. Le ministre de l’Economie #Bruno_Le_Maire refuse de taxer les dividendes. Mais Cécile Duflot, directrice d’Oxfam France, assure que seulement 1% des ménages touchent 96% des dividendes. C’est vrai, plus précisément 1% des foyers fiscaux.

    Bruno Le Maire n’en démord pas : pas question d’envisager une #taxe sur les dividendes. Alors que le gouvernement cherche des économies à réaliser, sur fond de déficit plus important que prévu, le ministre de l’Economie affirme que taxer les dividendes reviendrait à pénaliser trois millions de salariés actionnaires. Mais pour #Cécile_Duflot, la directrice d’Oxfam France, les dividendes vont surtout aux plus #riches : « 96% des dividendes vont à 1% des ménages », affirme-t-elle. Vrai ou faux ?

    Un pour cent des foyers fiscaux concentrent bien 96% des dividendes

    C’est vrai, ou plus précisément 1% des foyers fiscaux. Les chiffres mis en avant par Cécile Duflot se trouvent dans un #rapport officiel de #France_Stratégie (https://www.vie-publique.fr/en-bref/291443-impot-de-solidarite-sur-la-fortune-isf-le-cout-de-son-remplaceme), un organe rattaché à Matignon. En 2021, 400 000 foyers fiscaux sur 40 millions concentraient bien 96% des dividendes versés.

    Le document montre même que 0,01% des foyers fiscaux captent à eux seuls un tiers des dividendes. Concrètement, cela veut dire que 4 000 foyers fiscaux perçoivent chacun plus d’un million d’euros. Ces proportions sont en hausse depuis 2018.

    Changement de #fiscalité en 2018 et dividendes record en 2023

    Depuis 2018, les dividendes sont en effet moins taxés qu’avant, car à partir de cette année-là, les revenus du capital sont soumis à un #prélèvement_forfaitaire unique de 30%. Emmanuel Macron en avait fait une promesse de campagne : c’est la « #flat_tax », qui concerne les revenus du capital, les intérêts et les dividendes. Le rapport de France Stratégie montre que depuis la mise en place de cette nouvelle fiscalité, les versements de dividendes ont augmenté.

    L’an dernier, le versement des dividendes a battu des records en France, pour atteindre un peu plus de 67 milliards d’euros. Un niveau inédit, dans le sillage de la tendance mondiale.

    La France est le pays de l’Union européenne où les entreprises versent le plus de dividendes aux #actionnaires. Ces sommes records sont liées aux #superprofits de certaines entreprises, des superprofits qu’une partie de la classe politique veut taxer, notamment au sein de l’opposition de gauche. Le Premier ministre Gabriel Attal assure ne pas avoir de dogme à ce sujet, alors que le déficit de la France est à 5,5% du PIB, soit 154 milliards d’euros.

    #France #fisc

  • Firenze, lettera al questore: «Ridurre drasticamente i tempi di attesa del permesso di soggiorno»

    I tempi di attesa per il rilascio del permesso di soggiorno sono un problema scandaloso e strutturale, uno dei tanti emblemi che ci spiegano il modo in cui le istituzioni considerano le persone straniere, ossia lavoratori e lavoratrici che stanno garantendo al sistema economico italiano di non collassare e che, in termini di diritti, tutele e salario, tornano a loro a malapena le briciole. A Firenze, città in cui dopo la strage lavorativa del 16 febbraio scorso si è parlato, spesso a sproposito, del nesso tra lavoro, regolarità del soggiorno e sicurezza, 21 organizzazioni del territorio provinciale hanno indirizzato (...)

    #Approfondimenti #Rapporti_e_dossier #Oiza_Q._Obasuyi

  • Des juives orthodoxes américaines prônent une grève du sexe pour protester contre un refus de guet Jackie Hajdenberg Time of israel

    Ce mouvement de protestation utilise les rites juifs de pureté conjugale comme un moyen de pression en soutien à Malky Berkowitz à qui le mari refuse le divorce depuis 4 ans

    Les partisanes de Malky Berkowitz disent qu’elles lancent une "grève du mikvé" - une forme de protestation qui s’appuie sur les rituels juifs de pureté sexuelle comme moyen de pression pour que le mari de Malky lui accorde le divorce.

    JTA – Pour aider l’une d’entre des leurs à obtenir un divorce religieux de son mari après quatre ans d’efforts, des militantes orthodoxes juives se sont engagées à ne plus avoir de relations sexuelles avec leurs maris et ont intensifié leur campagne publique.

    Les partisanes de Malky Berkowitz, 29 ans, ont entamé ce qu’elles appellent une « grève du mikvé « , une forme de protestation qui utilise les rituels juifs de pureté conjugale comme moyen de pression. La grève commence vendredi soir et pourrait se prolonger.

    Selon la loi juive traditionnelle, les femmes mariées doivent s’immerger dans un mikvé , ou bain rituel, après leurs menstruations, avant de pouvoir avoir des relations sexuelles avec leur mari – ce que beaucoup font le soir même. Certaines autorités affirment que la loi juive, ou halakha , attache une importance particulière au rapport conjugal qui suit l’immersion.

    Pour Adina Sash, qui défend les intérêts des femmes juives dont les maris séparés refusent de divorcer selon la loi rituelle, cela fait des rapports sexuels après le mikvé un moyen de protestation tout à fait indiqué.

    Depuis sept semaines, Sash – une militante féministe orthodoxe de Brooklyn connue sous le nom de Flatbush Girl sur Instagram – dirige une équipe d’activistes, d’avocats et de leaders communautaires qui travaillent tous pour aider Berkowitz à obtenir un « guet »  , ou acte de divorce juif. Le mari de Berkowitz, Volvy, refuse de lui donner le guet nécessaire pour finaliser leur divorce, ce qui en fait ce que l’on appelle une «  agouna »  , ou « femme enchaînée », et selon la loi juive, une femme qui ne peut pas se remarier.

    Sash estime que les femmes orthodoxes devraient normaliser les dispositions légales juives relatives au divorce avant de se marier, afin d’éviter de se voir un jour refuser le divorce, ce qui est généralement considéré comme une forme de maltraitance.

    « Je vous invite à nous rejoindre dans cette grève du mikvé et à ne pas avoir de relations sexuelles les nuits de mikvé ou de mitzvah , les vendredis soirs, jusqu’à ce que Malky soit libre, afin de témoigner de votre compassion pour Malky », a-t-elle déclaré en s’adressant à ses consœurs orthodoxes (la tradition juive encourage les couples mariés à avoir des relations sexuelles le shabbat, connu pour cette raison sous le nom de « nuit de mitzvah  » dans le monde orthodoxe).

    Elle a expliqué que l’objectif était d’encourager les hommes de la communauté à défendre la cause de Berkowitz.

    « Lorsque votre mari vous demandera ‘Pourquoi ?’, répondez ‘Jusqu’à ce que Malky soit libéré, la prochaine aguna  pourrait être moi’. Appelez votre rabbin et trouvez un moyen de contribuer à la libération de Malky », a-t-elle ajouté.

    Cet événement fait écho à la grève du sexe de « Lysistrata », la comédie grecque d’Aristophane dans laquelle les femmes d’Athènes s’abstiennent de coucher avec leurs maris afin de mettre fin à la guerre du Péloponnèse.

    Dans les communautés contemporaines, les grèves du sexe ont également été utilisées avec succès pour provoquer des changements, comme la fin de la guerre civile au Libéria en 2003 grâce à la participation des femmes du pays. Leymah Gdowbee, organisatrice de la grève du sexe au Liberia, a reçu le prix Nobel de la paix pour ses efforts.

    Des femmes orthodoxes auraient organisé des manifestations similaires à petite échelle dans le passé, comme au Canada il y a plusieurs décennies. Mais plus récemment, les protestations au nom des agunot ont pris la forme de manifestations publiques, de pressions sur les rabbins et, de plus en plus, de campagnes sur les réseaux sociaux telles que celles menées par Sash.

    À la question de savoir si Malky Berkowitz avait une opinion sur la grève, Sash a répondu : « Malky n’a rien dit ».

    L’ORA, l’Organisation pour la Résolution des agunot , basée à New York, a été créée en 2002 dans le but précis de faciliter les divorces juifs, et l’organisation propose également des accords prénuptiaux halakhiques qui imposent une pénalité en cas de refus tout en respectant la loi juive. Un représentant de l’ORA n’a pas répondu aux demandes de commentaires de la JTA sur la grève du sexe.

    De nombreux followers de Sash ont exprimé leur approbation de son appel à la grève, qu’elle a officiellement annoncé sur les réseaux sociaux jeudi après-midi.

    « Malky en vaut la peine », a commenté l’une d’entre elles. « Chaque aguna  avant elle en vaut la peine. Chaque femme que nous pouvons aider à éviter de devenir une aguna  en vaut la peine. »

    En réponse à un message contraire, une autre femme a indiqué : « Ce n’est pas une question de punir les femmes ». Et d’ajouter : « Une grève du sexe bien menée ferait réfléchir certains hommes de pouvoir ».

    Mais les détracteurs de la grève – y compris ceux qui conviennent que le problème du refus du guet doit être abordé – disent qu’elle pourrait interférer avec le shalom bayit , ou la paix au foyer, une valeur juive souvent citée, et pourrait perturber des relations par ailleurs saines.

    Le rabbin David Bashevkin, créateur du podcast orthodoxe populaire 18Forty, a déclaré lundi sur X : « On ne guérit pas une relation bancale en créant d’autres relations bancales. L’utilisation de l’intimité comme levier de protestation sociale est peu judicieuse et même carrément dangereuse. Ce qu’il faut, c’est d’avantage de familles saines. D’avantage de relations saines. »

    « Il s’agit d’une question communautaire qui nécessite une coordination et une implication communautaires », a-t-il ajouté.

    Certaines féministes orthodoxes qui ont fait pression au nom des agunot se disent pourtant gênées par l’idée de cette grève. Daphne Lazar Price, directrice exécutive de l’Alliance féministe juive orthodoxe, a déclaré à la JTA qu’elle s’élevait souvent contre la « militarisation de la halakha » et qu’elle considérait la grève du mikvé comme un autre exemple de cette militarisation.

    « Le contrôle coercitif fondé sur la religion est moralement répréhensible et ne devrait jamais être toléré », a-t-elle écrit dans un courriel adressé à la JTA. « Les femmes ne devraient pas avoir besoin de menacer leur mari de ne pas avoir de relations sexuelles pour attirer l’attention des hommes – ni pour convaincre les hommes de se conduire comme des alliés des femmes et du système halakhique qu’ils prétendent tant chérir. L’utilisation du sexe comme forme de coercition est également très problématique ».

    Elle suggère par ailleurs que la grève pourrait créer une opportunité pour les autorités juridiques juives de se souvenir des autres tactiques dont elles disposent pour faire pression sur les hommes qui refusent de divorcer de leur femme – et notamment celle « d’interdire aux maris récalcitrants l’accès à toutes les institutions et entreprises religieuses et communautaires juives, ainsi qu’aux domiciles privés, jusqu’à ce qu’il donne un guet« .

    Sash a attribué les réactions négatives à la grève à un double standard « misogyne » entre le refus d’une demande de divorce et le refus d’une relation sexuelle.

    « S’ils refusent de donner le guet, alors nous refuserons d’avoir des relations sexuelles », a déclaré Sash.

    « Ils nous disent : ‘Comment pouvez-vous refuser le sexe ? Vous transformez votre corps en instrument de guerre ! Comment pouvez-vous refuser le sexe ? Vous transformez l’intimité en instrument de guerre’. Mais la véritable question est ‘comment pouvez-vous refuser le divorce ?’ Vous transformez la procédure de divorce en instrument de guerre. Vous maintenez une femme dans l’incertitude ».

    Malky et Volvy Berkowitz se sont mariés en 2016. Lors de leur mariage, Malky portait un dek tichel , ou voile de mariée opaque, qu’elle a décrit dans un texte partagé avec la JTA comme un « bandeau ».

    « A part les moments où Volvy m’a donné une bague kdishen [sic] et m’a mise enceinte deux fois, nous n’avons jamais eu aucune connexion », a-t-elle écrit. « Au revoir Volvy, je ne t’ai jamais connu et je ne te connaîtrai jamais. »

    #israel #divorce #femmes #religions #rituels #maltraitance #Lysistrata #mikvé #pureté_sexuelle #menstruations #rapport_conjugal #femmes_enchaînées #eau #contrôle_coercitif

    Source : https://fr.timesofisrael.com/des-orthodoxes-americaines-pronent-une-greve-du-sexe-pour-proteste

  • #Ikea, le seigneur des forêts

    Derrière son image familiale et écolo, le géant du meuble suédois, plus gros consommateur de bois au monde, révèle des pratiques bien peu scrupuleuses. Une investigation édifiante sur cette firme à l’appétit démesuré.

    C’est une des enseignes préférées des consommateurs, qui équipe depuis des générations cuisines, salons et chambres d’enfants du monde entier. Depuis sa création en 1943 par le visionnaire mais controversé Ingvar Kamprad, et au fil des innovations – meubles en kit, vente par correspondance, magasins en self-service… –, la petite entreprise a connu une croissance fulgurante, et a accompagné l’entrée de la Suède dans l’ère de la consommation de masse. Aujourd’hui, ce fleuron commercial, qui participe pleinement au rayonnement du pays à l’international, est devenu un mastodonte en expansion continue. Les chiffres donnent le tournis : 422 magasins dans cinquante pays ; près d’un milliard de clients ; 2 000 nouveaux articles au catalogue par an… et un exemplaire de son produit phare, la bibliothèque Billy, vendu toutes les cinq secondes. Mais le modèle Ikea a un coût. Pour poursuivre son développement exponentiel et vendre toujours plus de meubles à bas prix, le géant suédois dévore chaque année 20 millions de mètres cubes de bois, soit 1 % des réserves mondiales de ce matériau… Et si la firme vante un approvisionnement responsable et une gestion durable des forêts, la réalité derrière le discours se révèle autrement plus trouble.

    Pendant plus d’un an, les journalistes d’investigation Xavier Deleu (Épidémies, l’empreinte de l’homme) et Marianne Kerfriden ont remonté la chaîne de production d’Ikea aux quatre coins du globe. Des dernières forêts boréales suédoises aux plantations brésiliennes en passant par la campagne néo-zélandaise et les grands espaces de Pologne ou de Roumanie, le documentaire dévoile les liens entre la multinationale de l’ameublement et l’exploitation intensive et incontrôlée du bois. Il révèle comment la marque au logo jaune et bleu, souvent via des fournisseurs ou sous-traitants peu scrupuleux, contribue à la destruction de la biodiversité à travers la planète et alimente le trafic de bois. Comme en Roumanie, où Ikea possède 50 000 hectares de forêts, et où des activistes se mobilisent au péril de leur vie contre une mafia du bois endémique. Derrière la réussite de l’une des firmes les plus populaires au monde, cette enquête inédite éclaire l’incroyable expansion d’un prédateur discret devenu un champion du greenwashing.

    #film #film_documentaire #documentaire #enquête
    #greenwashing #green-washing #bois #multinationale #meubles #Pologne #Mazovie #Mardom_House #pins #Ingvar_Kamprad #délocalisation #société_de_consommation #consumérisme #résistance #justice #Fondation_Forêt_et_citoyens #Marta_Jagusztyn #Basses-Carpates #Carpates #coupes_abusives #exploitation #exploitation_forestière #consommation_de_masse #collection #fast-furniture #catalogue #mode #marketing #neuro-marketing #manipulation #sous-traitance #chaîne_d'approvisionnement #Sibérie #Russie #Ukraine #Roumanie #accaparement_de_terres #Agent_Green #trafic_de_bois #privatisation #Gabriel_Paun #pillage #érosion_du_sol #image #prix #impact_environnemental #FSC #certification #norme #identité_suédoise #modèle_suédois #nation_branding #Estonie #Lettonie #Lituanie #lobby #mafia_forestière #coupes_rases #Suède #monoculture #sylviculture #Sami #peuples_autochtones #plantation #extrême_droite #Brésil #Parcel_Reflorestadora #Artemobili #code_de_conduite #justice #responsabilité #abattage #Nouvelle-Zélande #neutralité_carbone #compensation_carbone #maori #crédits-carbone #colonisation

    • #fsc_watch

      This site has been developed by a group of people, FSC supporters and members among them, who are very concerned about the constant and serious erosion of the FSC’s reliability and thus credibility. The group includes Simon Counsell, one of the Founder Members of the FSC; Hermann Edelmann, working for a long term FSC member organisation; and Chris Lang, who has looked critically at several FSC certifications in Thailand, Laos, Brazil, USA, New Zealand, South Africa and Uganda – finding serious problems in each case.

      As with many other activists working on forests worldwide, we share the frustration that whilst the structural problems within the FSC system have been known for many years, the formal mechanisms of governance and control, including the elected Board, the General Assembly, and the Complaints Procedures have been highly ineffective in addressing these problems. The possibility of reforming – and thus ‘saving’ – the FSC through these mechanisms is, we feel, declining, as power within the FSC is increasingly captured by vested commercial interest.

      We feel that unless drastic action is taken, the FSC is doomed to failure. Part of the problem, in our analysis, is that too few FSC members are aware of the many profound problems within the organisation. The FSC Secretariat continues to pour out ‘good news stories’ about its ‘successes’, without acknowledging, for example, the numerous complaints against certificates and certifiers, the cancellation of certificates that should never have been awarded in the first place, the calls for FSC to cease certifying where there is no local agreement to do so, the walk-outs of FSC members from national processes because of their disillusionment with the role of the economic chamber, etc. etc. etc.

      There has been no honest evaluation of what is working and what is not what working in the FSC, and no open forum for discussing these issues. This website is an attempt to redress this imbalance. The site will also help people who are normally excluded from the FSC’s processes to express their views and concerns about the FSC’s activities.

      Please share your thoughts or information. Feel free to comment on our postings or send us any information that you consider valuable for the site.

      UPDATE (25 March 2010): A couple of people have requested that we explain why we are focussing on FSC rather than PEFC. Shortly after starting FSC-Watch we posted an article titled: FSC vs PEFC: Holy cows vs the Emperor’s new clothes. As this is somewhat buried in the archives, it’s reproduced in full here (if you want to discuss this, please click on the link to go to the original post):
      FSC vs PEFC: Holy cows vs the Emperor’s new clothes

      One of the reasons I am involved in this website is that I believe that many people are aware of serious problems with FSC, but don’t discuss them publicly because the alternative to FSC is even worse. The alternative, in this case is PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes) and all the other certification schemes (Cerflor, Certflor, the Australian Forestry Standard, the Malaysian Timber Certification Council and so on). One person has suggested that we should set up PEFC-Watch, in order “to be even-handed”.

      The trouble with this argument is that PEFC et al have no credibility. No NGOs, people’s organisations or indigenous peoples’ organisations were involved in setting them up. Why bother spending our time monitoring something that amounts to little more than a rubber stamp? I can just see the headlines: “Rubber stamp PEFC scheme rubber stamps another controversial logging operation!” Shock, horror. The Emperor is stark bollock naked, and it’s not just some little boy pointing this out – it’s plain for all to see, isn’t it?

      One way of countering all these other schemes would be to point out that FSC is better. But, if there are serious problems with FSC – which there are, and if we can see them, so can anyone else who cares to look – then the argument starts to look very shaky.

      FSC standards aren’t bad (apart from Principle 10, which really isn’t much use to anyone except the pulp and paper industry). They say lots of things we’d probably want forest management standards to say. The trouble is that the standards are not being applied in practice. Sure, campaign against PEFC, but if FSC becomes a Holy Cow which is immune to criticism (not least because all the criticism takes place behind closed doors), then we can hardly present it as an alternative, can we?…”

      By the way, anyone who thinks that PEFC and FSC are in opposition should read this interview with Heiko Liedeker (FSC’s Executive Director) and Ben Gunneberg (PEFC’s General Secretary). In particular this bit (I thought at first it must be a mix up between FSC and PEFC, or Liedeker and Gunneberg):

      Question: As a follow-up question, Heiko Liedeker, from your perspective, is there room ultimately for programs like the Australian Forestry Standard, Certfor and others to operate under the FSC umbrella?

      Heiko Liedeker: Absolutely. FSC was a scheme that was set-up to provide mutual recognition between national standard-setting initiatives. Every national initiative sets its standard. Some of them are called FSC working groups, some of them are called something else. In the UK they are called UKWAS. We’ve been in dialogue with Edwardo Morales at Certfor Chile. They are some of the FSC requirements listed for endorsement, we certainly entered into discussion. We’ve been in discussion with the Australian Forestry Standard and other standard-setting initiatives. What FSC does not do is, it has one global scheme for recognizing certification. So we do not, and that’s one of the many differences between FSC and PEFC, we do not require the development of a certification program as such. A standard-setting program is sufficient to participate in the network.


    • Complicit in destruction: new investigation reveals IKEA’s role in the decimation of Romania’s forests

      IKEA claims to be people and planet positive, yet it is complicit in the degradation and destruction of Romania’s forests. A new report by Agent Green and Bruno Manser Fonds documents this destruction and presents clear requests to the furniture giant.

      A new investigative report (https://www.bmf.ch/upload/Kampagnen/Ikea/AG_BMF_report_IKEA_web_EN.pdf) by Agent Green and Bruno Manser Fonds shows a consistent pattern of destructive logging in IKEA-linked forests in Romania, with massive consequences for nature and climate. The findings are based on an analysis of official documents and field investigations of nine forest areas in Romania. Seven of them are owned by the IKEA-related company Ingka Investments and two are public forests supplying factories that produce for IKEA. The analysis uncovers over 50 suspected law violations and bad forest management practices. Biodiversity rich forest areas cut to the ground, intensive commercial logging conducted in ecologically sensitive or even old-growth forests without environmental assessments, dozens of meters deep tractor roads cutting through the forest are just a few of the issues documented.

      Most of the visited forests are fully or partially overlapping with EU protected areas. Some of these forests were strictly protected or under low-intensity logging before Ingka took over. Now they are all managed to maximize wood extraction, with no regard to forest habitats and their vital role for species. Only 1.04% of the total Ingka property in Romania are under a strict protection regime and 8.24% under partial protection. This is totally insufficient to meet EU goals. The EU biodiversity strategy requires the protection of a minimum of 30% of EU land area, from which 10% need to be strictly protected. One key goal is to strictly protect all remaining primary and old-growth forests in the EU.

      At the press conference in Bucharest Gabriel Păun, President of Agent Green, stated: “IKEA/Ingka seem to manage their forests like agricultural crops. Letting trees grow old is not in their culture. Removing entire forests in a short period of time is a matter of urgency for IKEA, the tree hunter. The entity disregards both the written laws and the unwritten ways of nature. IKEA does not practice what they preach regardless of whether it is the European Union nature directives, Romanian national legislation, or the FSC forest certification standard. But as a company with revenues of billions of Euros and Romania’s largest private forest owner, IKEA / Ingka should be an example of best practice.”

      Ines Gavrilut, Eastern Europe Campaigner at the Bruno Manser Fonds, added: “It is high time that IKEA started to apply its declared sustainability goals. IKEA could do so much good if it really wanted to set a good example as a forest owner, administrator, and large wood consumer in Romania and beyond. Needs could also be covered without resorting to destructive logging, without converting natural forests into plantations – but this requires tackling difficult issues such as the core of IKEA’s business model of “fast furniture”. Wood products should not be for fast consumption but should be made to last for decades.”

      Agent Green and Bruno Manser Fonds urge IKEA and the Ingka Group to get a grip on their forest operations in Romania to better control logging companies, not to source wood from national or natural parks, to effectively increase protection and apply forestry close to nature in own forests, to ensure full traceability and transparency of the IKEA supply chain, and allow independent forest oversight by civil society and investigative journalists.

      In August 2021, Agent Green published its first report documenting destruction in IKEA-linked forests in Romania. In May 2023, Agent Green and Bruno Manser Fonds sent an open letter of concern to the Ingka Group and IKEA Switzerland. BMF also started a petition demanding IKEA to stop deforestation in Romania’s protected forest areas and other high conservation value forests.

      The ARTE documentary IKEA, the tree hunter brilliantly tells the story of the real cost of IKEA furniture, the uncontrolled exploitation of wood and human labour.



  • Un rapporto sulla frontiera tra Lettonia, Russia e Bielorussia

    Il monitoraggio della ONG “I want to help refugees”

    A ottobre 2023 la ONG lettone Gribu palīdzēt bēgļiem (Voglio aiutare i rifugiati) 2, ha pubblicato un report sulla monitoraggio delle frontiere curato da Anna E. Griķe e Ieva Raubiško 3.

    Questa pubblicazione segue il report sulla visita effettuata in Lettonia dal 10 al 20 maggio del 2022 dal Comitato europeo per la prevenzione della tortura e delle pene o trattamenti inumani o degradanti (CPT), un dossier a cui il governo lettone ha replicato in modo ambiguo e fuorviante. L’ONG lettone ha così deciso di redigere un proprio report che contesta le affermazione governative.

    Il Rapporto del Comitato europeo, infatti, forniva 21 raccomandazioni in merito alla situazione di detenzione nei confronti delle persone migranti, mentre la risposta del governo lettone considerava 18 di queste come risolte e/o ingiustificate, per cui non dovrebbero essere prese ulteriori misure, e 3 raccomandazioni presentate insieme a una potenziale azione.

    Tra le raccomandazioni, il CPT ha indicato alle autorità lettoni di garantire che le persone migranti che arrivano nella zona di frontiera o che sono presenti nel Paese non siano rimpatriate con la forza in Bielorussia. E’, invece, doveroso effettuare uno screening individuale al fine di identificare le persone bisognose di protezione, valutare tali necessità e prendere le misure appropriate. Inoltre, è essenziale che i cittadini stranieri abbiano accesso a una procedura di asilo, o altra procedura di soggiorno, che preveda una valutazione del rischio di maltrattamento in caso di espulsione della persona interessata verso il Paese di origine o un Paese terzo, sulla base di un’analisi obiettiva e indipendente della situazione dei diritti umani in quegli Stati.

    Per le autorità lettoni, attualmente, la situazione nei territori amministrativi al confine tra Lettonia e Bielorussia è considerata come un’emergenza e «non consente il flusso incontrollato di persone che attraversano il confine di Stato in luoghi non previsti», e allo stesso tempo non limita il diritto delle persone ad accedere alla procedura di asilo, poiché «il diritto di presentare una domanda al valico di frontiera previsto dalla legge sull’asilo non è limitato».

    Tuttavia, le testimonianze delle persone respinte con la forza dal confine lettone verso la Bielorussia indicano che al confine non viene effettuato un esame adeguato (ad esempio, non vengono verificati i documenti d’identità: nazionalità, età e altri dati identificativi sono sconosciuti), in violazione del divieto di espulsione collettiva dei rifugiati sancito dalla Convenzione di Ginevra, dalla Convenzione europea dei diritti dell’uomo e dalla CEDU (principio di non-refoulement). Ci sono stati casi in cui non solo le famiglie con bambini, ma anche i minori non accompagnati sono stati respinti. Inoltre, perfino il principio dell’unità familiare non sempre è rispettato.

    Altre testimonianze di persone che sono riuscite ad entrare in Lettonia e hanno presentato domanda di asilo per motivi umanitari, mostrano che né le autorità bielorusse né quelle lettoni permettono ai migranti di spostarsi verso i valichi di frontiera ufficiali, respingendo invece in Lettonia o in Bielorussia, nonostante la legislazione vigente preveda che le persone possano presentare domanda di asilo ai valichi di frontiera ufficiali (ce ne sono due a Pāternieki e Silene) e al Centro di detenzione per stranieri di Daugavpils.

    Per dissuadere le persone dall’attraversare la frontiera, le guardie ricorrono all’uso della forza fisica e mezzi speciali, nonché all’uso di cani da guardia. Il 29 agosto 2023, il governo ha ratificato gli emendamenti al “Regolamento sui tipi di mezzi speciali e sulla procedura per il loro utilizzo“, prevedendo oltre ai mezzi speciali già in uso – tra cui manganelli, taser, spray di gas cs, candelotti e granate fumogene, granate a gas, luminose e sonore – anche dispositivi sonori con effetti stordenti.

    L’uso eccessivo della forza da parte delle forze dell’ordine è illegale e per questo il CPT ha raccomandato che le forze dell’ordine vengano informate a riguardo e ricevano una formazione pratica sull’uso proporzionato della forza per l’arresto di cittadini stranieri alla frontiera.

    Le autorità lettoni ribattono di non aver fatto ricorso alla forza fisica e a mezzi speciali contro le persone migranti in quanto non si sono verificati casi in cui queste non hanno obbedito agli ordini considerati legittimi delle guardie di frontiera: le persone, infatti, vengono informate che l’attraversamento del confine di Stato è illegale e che è prevista una responsabilità penale per il suo attraversamento e vengono invitate a non attraversare il confine di Stato o, di conseguenza, a tornare in Bielorussia. Nonostante sia consentito l’uso dei taser ai funzionari, attualmente non sono utilizzati per la sorveglianza delle frontiere a causa della loro carenza numerica, del loro breve periodo di autonomia e della necessità di utilizzarli per le esigenze di altri servizi dell’SBG 4.

    Tuttavia, la risposta del governo è in contraddizione con diverse testimonianze di persone migranti raccolte da “Voglio aiutare i rifugiati” nel 2022-2023, che hanno subito violenze emotive e fisiche, tra cui insulti e minacce, percosse e folgorazioni, sia durante i respingimenti che durante la permanenza nelle tende/basi dell’SBG in territorio lettone.

    Secondo queste testimonianze, gli abusi sono stati commessi il più delle volte da membri di unità speciali non identificate che indossavano maschere. Nel report si legge che «almeno quattro denunce sull’uso eccessivo della violenza sono state presentate all’Ufficio per la sicurezza interna e uno dei denuncianti si è rivolto alla Corte europea dei diritti umani».

    Per quanto riguarda l’accoglienza dei minori non accompagnati, il Comitato vorrebbe fosse adibita una struttura specifica, mentre il governo lettone afferma che sarebbe impossibile in quanto il numero dei minori è esiguo. Per l’associazione questa risposta è fuorviante: nonostante il basso numero solo alcuni minori non accompagnati vengono accolti in modo adeguato. Nel maggio 2023 Anna E. Griķe ha incontrato una ragazza di 13 anni dell’isola di Comore ospitata nel “centro di accoglienza” per richiedenti asilo “Mucenieki“, che offriva le stesse condizioni di alloggio degli adulti e che quindi non può essere considerato un istituto di assistenza all’infanzia. Tra il 4 e il 7 luglio la minore è scomparsa.

    Oltre a strutture specifiche adeguate per l’età dei richiedenti asilo, il CPT vorrebbe assicurare ai richiedenti asilo trattenuti nei centri di Daugavpils e Mucenieki attività come lezioni di lingua, di computer, percorsi formativi ecc. Il massimo sforzo dovrebbe essere dedicato soprattutto per garantire ai bambini in età scolastica attività educative adeguate.

    Il governo lettone ha risposto che all’SBG non compete la pianificazione delle attività del tempo libero, tuttavia collabora con le ONG lettoni, come l’associazione “Voglio aiutare i rifugiati” e la Croce Rossa che, per quanto possibile, assicurano l’organizzazione di varie attività ricreative, di socializzazione e integrazione, misure di sostegno psicologico e di istruzione.

    Nonostante ciò, il report afferma che da quanto osservato nel 2023 l’unica attività garantita dalla CR è stata fornire indumenti scadenti a entrambi i centri di detenzione e che solo nell’estate del 2023 l’associazione ha organizzato attività settimanali in entrambi i centri di detenzione per bambini e famiglie e a volte per adulti: un’iniziativa basata sulla buona volontà, non una soluzione sistemica.

    In ultima istanza, il report si occupa delle problematiche relative alle cure psichiatriche e all’assistenza psicologica nei centri di detenzione. Il CPT insiste che siano presi provvedimenti a riguardo insieme a un necessario servizio di interpretariato professionale. Le autorità lettoni dichiarano che in base alla proposta avanzata dall’Ong “Medici senza frontiere“, nel periodo compreso tra luglio e il 31 dicembre 2022, i loro rappresentanti hanno visitato regolarmente l’IDC (centro di detenzione per immigrati) di Daugavpils e di Mucenieki, fornendo assistenza psicologica agli stranieri detenuti e ai richiedenti asilo ospitati nell’IDC dell’SBG.

    Da quando Medici Senza Frontiere ha cessato la sua attività in Lettonia, nel dicembre 2022 5, non è più disponibile alcun supporto psicologico per le persone detenute. Inoltre nel 2013, l’SBG e la Croce Rossa Lettone hanno firmato un accordo di cooperazione, in base al quale quest’ultima si è impegnata a fornire per le persone accolte misure di sostegno psicologico ed educativo. Secondo “Voglio aiutare i rifugiati” la Croce Rossa non ha offerto assistenza psicologica presso gli IDC anche a causa della difficoltà di organizzare gli interpreti. Sebbene le ONG possano offrire un valido supporto psicologico ai richiedenti asilo e agli stranieri detenuti nei centri di detenzione, i loro servizi non possono essere considerati una sostituzione del supporto psicologico che lo Stato dovrebbe fornire.

    “Voglio aiutare i rifugiati” ha ripreso lo slogan “Nessuno è illegale” (Neviena persona nav nelegāla!) per cercare di sensibilizzare sulla situazione al confine: «Il termine “migrante irregolare” non solo è indesiderabile (ad esempio, si veda il Glossario sulle migrazioni dell’Organizzazione internazionale per le migrazioni), ma denigra anche i diritti umani di qualsiasi migrante e non è in linea con i principi delle buone pratiche».

    La maggior parte delle persone giunte in Lettonia dalla Bielorussia sono richiedenti asilo: fino a quando non verrà presa una decisione sul loro status, da un punto di vista giuridico dovrebbero essere chiamati richiedenti asilo, nonostante abbiano attraversato il confine “illegalmente“. Da un punto di vista legale ed etico, un processo o un atto può essere etichettato come irregolare, ma non lo può essere una persona.
    Nessuna persona, infatti, è illegale!


    #rapport #frontières #migrations #réfugiés #Gribu_palīdzēt_bēgļiem #Gribu_palidzet_begliem #Lettonie #Russie #Biélorussie #accès_aux_droits #droit_d'asile #expulsions_collectives #refoulements #push-backs #violence #violences #dispositifs_sonores #insultes #menaces #violences_psychologiques



      On 11 July 2023 both the “Report to the Latvian Government on the periodic visit to Latvia carried out by the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) from 10 to 20 May 2022” (here and after – Report) and the “Response of the Latvian Government to the report of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) on its periodic visit to Latvia from 10 to 20 May 2022” (here and after – Response) were published. The Report provides 21 recommendations in terms of Immigration detention; Response considers 18 recommendations as in progress and/or unjustified where no additional steps should be taken, and 3
      recommendations are presented along with a potential action plan.
      Ieva Raubiško has closely followed the situation of irregular migrants at the Latvian-Belarussian border since August 2021. In October 2022, she joined the NGO “I Want to Help Refugees” as an advocacy officer. In February 2023 Anna E. Griķe began to fulfil her duties as both border monitoring expert and coordinator of
      humanitarian aid for asylum seekers. Based on prior reports, observations, and individual cases, the following border monitoring report aims to highlight misleading information within the Response. It does not cover all recommendations/responses because of the insufficient data available regarding issues such as access to
      legal aid or to health care, but it is more focused on the everyday life in detention, especially, in regard to minors. The reference to both documents includes paragraphs and page numbers.

      Key Findings

      [1] Accommodation of unaccompanied minors

      Report, par. 30, p. 17: “The Committee recommends that the Latvian authorities take the necessary measures to ensure that unaccompanied minors are accommodated in an open (or semi-open) specialised establishment for juveniles (for example, a social welfare/educational institution) where they can be provided with appropriate care and activities suitable for their age; the relevant legal provisions should be amended accordingly.”

      Response, p. 12: “There is no open (or semi-open) specialised establishment in Latvia intended specifically for a minor foreigner to be extradited or unaccompanied asylum seeker and it is not planned to create such an establishment, because the number of unaccompanied minors is small and it would not be feasible to open such an establishment. An unaccompanied minor, who is not detained, is accommodated in a child care institution based on the decision of the Orphan’s and Custody Court.”

      Indeed, the number of asylum seekers – unaccompanied minors is low, and there is no specialised establishment for their accommodation. However, the Response is misleading since only some unaccompanied minors are properly taken care of. In May 2023, Anna E. Griķe came across two of them, a 13-years old girl from Comoros island and a 14-years old boy from DRC. They both were accommodated in the Accommodation centre for asylum seekers “Mucenieki” provided the same accommodation conditions as adults (free of charge accommodation and allowance of 3 euros per day). It could be considered a childcare institution in any way, as it requires individuals to have complete autonomy in taking care of themselves on a daily basis. After the girl’s disappearance of between July 4 and 7 and ‘with serious concerns about the lack of action, relevant institutions as Ombudsman or State Police were informed about the situation.

      [2] Access to education and/or leisure activities for minors in IDCs [immigration detention center]

      Response, p. 12: “Minors accompanied by their parents are accommodated in the IDC, based on the parents’ application for accommodating children together with parents, and after evaluating the best interests of a child. Thus, children are not detained, but accommodated together with their parents, who are detained. In turn, detained unaccompanied minors are accommodated in the premises of the IDC premises, in which there is personnel and equipment to take the needs of their age into account. Minors accommodated in the premises of the IDC are provided with opportunities for acquiring education, engaging in leisure time activities, including games and recreational events corresponding to their age.” Even though there is a theoretical possibility for children from IDC to access education, it does not take place due to multiple factors. For instance, it takes one month to get the response from the Ministry of Education to be assigned to an educational institution, and as the detainees do not know the length of their detention and live in hope that it will not be lasting long, there is low interest to submit an application. Apart from a room with a limited number of toys, there are no specific opportunities considered for children/youth who experience the same limited access of movement within the detention centre as adults. For instance, outdoor space is not openly available. In the premises of the IDC, there is no opportunity for acquiring education; also, online learning is not possible due to the limited access to electronic devices which is restricted to just one hour per day. None of IDC’s personnel has the task to meet the education and or/leisure activity needs.

      [3] About access to purposeful activities for detainees

      Report, par. 35, p. 19: “The CPT recommends that the Latvian authorities take steps to ensure that foreign nationals held at Daugavpils and Mucenieki Immigration Detention Centres are offered a range of purposeful activities (for example, language classes, computer courses, crafts, etc.). The longer the period for which foreign nationals are detained, the more developed should be the activities which are offered to them. Further, every effort should be made to provide children of school age with suitable educational activities.”

      Response, p. 14-15: “The SBG ensures the security guarding of persons accommodated in the IDC, but does not get involved in planning their free time activities. Nevertheless, the SBG actively cooperates with Latvian NGOs, such as the association “I want to help refugees”, which, as far as possible, ensures the organisation of various leisure activities in the IDC of the SBG for both children and adults. […] In 2013, the SBG and the association “Latvian Red Cross” (hereinafter – LRC) signed an agreement on cooperation, based on which the LRC, among other things, undertook to organise, as far as possible, for persons accommodated in the IDC, psychological support and educational measures or other measures that would improve living conditions, as well as to provide the services of social work experts and other measures promoting socialisation and integration, including, if necessary, to organise Latvian language classes. Recommendations regarding the provision of purposeful activities (including the Latvian language classes) for foreigners in accommodation centres for asylum seekers, as well as regarding measures to reduce the language barrier between health care personnel and admitted foreign nationals, by providing translation/interpreting services, are to be supported.”

      In summer 2023, “I Want to Help Refugees” organized weekly activities in both detention centres for children and families, and – when possible, for adults, both men and women. It was based on good will, and in no terms could be perceived as a systemic solution. However, these activities created an opportunity to get a better insight of the everyday life in detention and was an attempt to meet individual or collective needs. These included provision of underwear, socks, basic footwear, additional clothing, spices for food, books, toys, and games.
      Prior to summer 2023 no regular activities were provided by any institution, NGOs or Latvian Red Cross (besides two unsuccessful episodes in December 2022 and April 2023 when a team of LRC did not manage establish contact with detainees to provide leisure time activities). From what has been observed during 2023, the sole outcome of the cooperation agreement with LRC is the provision of donated clothes to both IDCs. These are of very poor quality and do not include such basic items as underwear or socks. No psychological support, educational measures or other initiatives that would improve living conditions are being implemented in any of IDCs. Services of social work experts and other measures promoting socialization and integration, including Latvian language classes, are not provided either.

      [4] About access to outdoor exercise at the IDCs

      Report. par. 36, p. 20: “The CPT recommends that the Latvian authorities take steps to increase significantly the daily outdoor exercise period for foreign nationals held at Daugavpils Immigration Detention Centre. In the Committee’s view, detained foreign nationals should, as a rule, have ready access to an outdoor area throughout the day.

      Response, p. 15: “According to Clause 21 of Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 254 of 16 May 2017, the daily schedule of the accommodation premises shall include daily walk time in fresh air (outdoor exercise) – for at least two hours. In turn, Clause 18 of Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 254 of 16 May 2017 provides that if a detained person refuses to exercise any rights (for example, outdoor exercise), an official of the accommodation premises may request to confirm it with a written submission. Given the structure of Daugavpils IDC and Mucenieki IDC, it is not possible to ensure free access of the detained persons to the outdoor area throughout the day.” “I Want to Help Refugees” has received complaints from a number detainees at both Daugavpils and Mucenieki Detention Centres about their restricted access to outdoor areas. While no clear-cut reasons for such restriction have been provided, these complaints also indicate a lack of clear procedure as to how the access to open-air areas should be requested by the detainees and why and how the time limit outdoor activities is determined (for example, why only one hour is granted for outdoor activities, not the two-hour minimum as prescribed in the Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 254, Internal Rules of Procedure of Accommodation Premises for Detained Foreigners and Asylum Seekers.) As a result, inhabitants of IDCs lose the possibility to be in fresh air for sufficient time each day or, on some days, are not able to spend time outdoors at all.

      [5] About the alleged ill-treatment of detained foreign nationals (irregular migrants) by Latvian special police forces between August 2021 and March 2022 in the border area.

      Report, par. 33, p. 18: “The CPT recommends that all law enforcement agencies concerned are given a clear and firm message on a regular basis that any use of excessive force is illegal and will be punished accordingly. Further, they should be provided with further practical training relating to the proportionate use of force, including control and restraint techniques, in the context of apprehending foreign nationals at the border. As regards more specifically the use of electrical discharge weapons, reference is made to the principles listed in paragraphs 65 to 84 of the 20th General Report on the CPT’s activities.23“

      Response, p. 13: “It has not been necessary to use physical force and special means against persons, because there have been no cases when they did not obey the lawful orders of the border guards. In order to prevent crossing or attempted crossing of the state border outside official border crossing points and procedures established for legal entry, persons are informed that crossing the state border is illegal and there is criminal liability prescribed for crossing it and are invited not to cross the state border or correspondingly invited to return to Belarus. Furthermore, at that moment persons also visually see armed border guards and national guards, and their preparedness for active response in preventing the possibilities of illegal crossing of the state border. Following such actions and the provision of information, persons, as a rule, do not risk approaching Latvia or, if they have already crossed the border, they return to Belarus. The enumeration of special means of the SBG contains electric shock devices, which the officials, based on Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No.55 of 18 January 2011, are entitled to use for fulfilment of the functions assigned to them. There are no electric shock devices of any kind (including TASER) currently used for border surveillance due to the numerical shortage thereof, expiry of their useful life and the necessity to use them for the needs of other SBG services (immigration control, border inspections).”

      The government’s response contradicts several testimonies of irregular border-crossers recorded by “I Want to Help Refugees” in 2022–2023 on having experienced emotional and physical violence, including cursing and threats, beatings, and electrocution both during the pushbacks and while in tents/ SBG bases in the Latvian territory. According to these testimonies, abuse was most often committed by members of unidentified special units wearing masks. At least four complaints on the excessive use of violence have been submitted to the Internal Security Bureau, and one of the complainants has turned to the European Court of Human Rights.

      [6] About the lack of psychological assistance to the detainees at the IDCs.

      Report, par. 44, p. 57: “The CPT recommends that steps be taken at Daugavpils and Mucenieki Immigration Detention Centres to ensure adequate access to psychiatric care and psychological assistance for foreign nationals, combined with the provision of professional interpretation.”

      Response, p. 18-19: “Based on the proposal made by the international non-governmental organisation “Doctors without Borders”, during the period from July to 31 December 2022, the representatives of the international non-governmental organisation “Doctors without Borders” have been regularly visiting Daugavpils IDC and Mucenieki IDC and providing psychological support to the detained foreigners and asylum seekers accommodated in the IDC of the SBG.

      By means of the funds raised via the project from the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, in order to reduce the everyday psychological sufferings or struggles of the target group, it is planned to attract psychologists and cover expenses for psychologist services for the foreigners accommodated in the centres.

      Additionally, as already mentioned herein above, in 2013, the SBG and the LRC signed an agreement on cooperation, based on which the LRC, among other things, undertook to organise, as far as possible, for persons accommodated in the IDC of the SBG, psychological support and educational measures or other measures that would improve living conditions of the referred to persons…”

      While NGOs might offer valuable psychological support to asylum seekers and detained foreigners at the IDCs, their services cannot be considered a viable alternative and substitution of state-provided in-house psychological support. Since December 2022 when “Doctors without Borders” ceased its operation in Latvia, no psychological support has been available to the detainees. LRC has not been able to offer any psychological assistance at the IDCs, citing the difficulty of arranging interpreters as one of the main challenges.

      [7] About the forcible return of irregular migrants from Latvia to Belarus

      Report, par. 48, p. 57: “… the CPT recommends that the Latvian authorities take the necessary measures to ensure that irregular migrants arriving at the border or present in the territory of Latvia are not forcibly returned to Belarus prior to an individualised screening with a view to identifying persons in need of protection, assessing those needs and taking appropriate action. Further, it is essential that foreign nationals have effective access to an asylum procedure (or other residence procedure) which involves an individual assessment of the risk of ill-treatment in case of expulsion of the person concerned to the country of origin or a third country, on the basis of an objective and independent analysis of the human rights situation in the countries concerned.38 The CPT considers that the relevant provisions of the Cabinet of Ministers’ Decree No. 518 on the Declaration of a State of Emergency should be revised accordingly.”

      Response, p. 19: “Currently, the emergency situation in the administrative territories at the Latvia- Belarus border does not allow the uncontrolled flow of people across the state border in places not intended for this, and at the same time does not limit the right of persons to access the asylum procedure, because the right to lodge an application at the border crossing point provided for by the Asylum Law is not restricted. The referred to regulation was based on the internationally recognised right of countries to control the border of their country and to prevent the illegal crossing thereof (see the judgment of the ECHR of 13 February 2020 in the case of ND and NT v. Spain and the judgment of the ECHR of 5 April 2022 in the case A.A. and others v. North Macedonia).”

      Testimonies of irregular migrants forcibly returned from Latvia/ Latvian border to the territory of Belarus indicate that no proper screening of persons is performed at the border. There have been cases when not only families with children, but also unaccompanied minors have been pushed back.
      Testimonies of irregular migrants allowed to enter Latvia on humanitarian grounds and submit their claims for asylum, show that neither the Belarussian nor the Latvian authorities allow the migrants to move to the official border crossing points, instead pushing them back to either Belarus or Latvia.

      Recommendations and Action Points

      Clarify the statements in the Response with authorities in question.
      Create an action plan that identifies the gaps in the treatment of detainees in detention centres and explores for possible solutions.
      Establish an obligation and a clear procedure for a prompt investigation of all claims of violence voiced by irregular migrants and detained asylum seekers.
      Ensure presence of a psychologist/psychotherapist at both IDCs to provide psychological help to the detained when necessary (also, ensure that the regular medical staff is present).
      Ensure the possibility for detainees to spend sufficient time outdoors each day.
      Ensure transparent evaluation of migrants’ individual circumstances upon their arrival at the border; share the assessment guidelines with independent monitoring bodies and NGOs.


  • A Milano più #smog in periferia che in centro, tassi di decesso doppi

    La concentrazione di inquinamento è maggiore in confronto al passato in periferia rispetto al centro e questo sta comportando anche un aumento considerevole dei decessi tra i residenti, visto che i quartieri limitrofi a quelli centrali sono in media anche quelli più popolati soprattutto tra gli over 65.

    I tassi di decesso nelle aree periferiche sono in particolare raddoppiati, con Milano caso esemplare dei grandi centri urbani italiani dove in media sono più alti fino al 60% nei quartieri lontani dal centro con meno verde, ad alta densità di traffico di traffico e di abitanti over 65.

    A determinare questa nuova tendenza sono il mix smog-condizioni socio-economiche più sfavorevoli, che inducono stili di vita peggiori come fumo, obesità e minore attività fisica con effetto moltiplicativo della mortalità, rispetto alle aree più centrali delle città. Questa l’allerta lanciata dai circa 200 scienziati da tutto il mondo, riuniti a Milano nella conferenza ’RespiraMi: Recent Advances on Air Pollution and Health 2024’, co-organizzata dalla Fondazione Menarini in collaborazione con Fondazione Irccs Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, e dall’Imperial College di Londra. E gli esperti studiano il modello londinese. La capitale britannica ha deciso di estendere il divieto di circolazione dei veicoli più inquinanti a tutta l’area metropolitana (suscitando non poche polemiche).
    L’allerta arriva a pochi giorni dal varo della nuova direttiva europea sulla qualità dell’aria e alla luce dei dati di una indagine condotta dall’Agenzia per la tutela della salute di Milano (Ats-Mi) recentemente pubblicata sulla rivista Epidemiologia&Prevenzione, la rivista dell’Associazione italiana di epidemiologia. La ricerca dimostra che nei quartieri di periferia dove passano le tangenziali, con meno verde e più densamente abitate, con molti cittadini over 65, il tasso di decessi attribuibile a biossido di azoto e polveri sottili può aumentare molto rispetto a quello registrato nelle aree limitrofe al centro, meno urbanizzate o più ricche di verde e nei quartieri centrali dove il traffico è solitamente soggetto a limitazioni.

    Con una popolazione di quasi 1,4 milioni di abitanti, ricorda la ricerca, Milano è la seconda città metropolitana d’Italia, storicamente afflitta dal problema dello smog sia per le numerose fonti di emissione che la accomunano alla Pianura Padana (industriali, residenziali, da traffico e da allevamenti intensivi) che, aggiunte al ristagno dell’alta pressione e alle particolari condizioni orografiche, non favoriscono la dispersione degli inquinanti atmosferici. Per valutare gli effetti sanitari a lungo termine sulla popolazione, l’Agenzia per la Tutela della Salute di Milano (Ats-Mi) ha condotto uno studio con cui ha stimato i livelli di concentrazione media degli inquinanti (No2, Pm10 e Pm2.5) per il 2019 con una risoluzione spaziale senza precedenti, pari a 25 metri quadrati. I dati sono stati poi incrociati con le informazioni sanitarie e anagrafiche. «I risultati - dichiara Sergio Harari, co-presidente del congresso, della Divisione di Malattie dell’Apparato Respiratorio e Divisione di Medicina Interna dell’Ospedale San Giuseppe MultiMedica IRCSS e dell’Università di Milano - permettono di definire una vera e propria mappa dell’inquinamento e dei suoi effetti, quartiere per quartiere e rivelano, per la prima volta, che biossido di azoto e polveri sottili hanno tassi di decesso per 100.000 abitanti che possono arrivare fino al 60% in più in alcune zone della periferia milanese rispetto al centro città». Tra i vari inquinanti l’impatto maggiore nel capoluogo lombardo lo ha avuto «il Pm2,5, responsabile del 13% delle morti per cause naturali (160 su 100mila abitanti) e del 18% dei decessi per tumore al polmone - ha spiegato Pier Mannuccio Mannucci, della Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico -. Per quanto riguarda Le conseguenze più pesanti si hanno in zone periferiche come Mecenate, Lorenteggio e Bande Nere dove i tassi di decesso superano i 200 per 100mila abitanti, mentre in pieno centro i tassi si assestano attorno a 130». A ’salvare’ le zone centrali, secondo la ricerca, sono le zone a traffico limitato (Ztl) che giocano un ruolo molto importante nel ridurre inquinanti ed effetti deleteri sulla salute.

    #pollution #pollution_de_l'air #air #Milan #Italie #rapport #étude #santé #centre-ville #périphérie #mortalité

  • L’Europe doit mettre fin à la répression des défenseurs des droits humains qui aident les réfugiés, les demandeurs d’asile et les migrants

    « Dans toute l’Europe, il est de plus en plus fréquent que des organisations et des individus soient harcelés, intimidés, victimes de violences ou considérés comme des délinquants simplement parce qu’ils contribuent à protéger les droits humains des réfugiés, des demandeurs d’asile et des migrants. Les États européens doivent mettre fin à cette répression », a déclaré aujourd’hui la Commissaire aux droits de l’homme du Conseil de l’Europe, Dunja Mijatović, à l’occasion de la publication d’une Recommandation sur la situation des défenseurs des droits humains qui aident les réfugiés, les demandeurs d’asile et les migrants en Europe.

    Cette Recommandation, intitulée Protéger les défenseurs : mettre fin à la répression des défenseurs des droits humains qui aident les réfugiés, les demandeurs d’asile et les migrants en Europe, donne un aperçu des défis auxquels sont confrontés les défenseurs des droits humains et présente les mesures que les États membres du Conseil de l’Europe devraient prendre pour les protéger.

    Dans le contexte de politiques d’asile et de migration répressives, sécuritaires et militarisées, les États négligent de plus en plus leur obligation de veiller à ce que les défenseurs des droits humains puissent travailler dans un environnement sûr et favorable. En conséquence, de multiples formes de répression s’exercent sur les défenseurs qui participent à des opérations de sauvetage en mer, fournissent une aide humanitaire ou une assistance juridique, mènent des opérations de surveillance des frontières, assurent une couverture médiatique, mènent des activités de plaidoyer, engagent des procédures contentieuses, ou soutiennent par d’autres moyens encore les réfugiés, les demandeurs d’asile et les migrants en Europe.

    La Recommandation examine les problèmes auxquels sont confrontés les défenseurs des droits humains, notamment :

    - des propos hostiles et stigmatisants tenus par des représentants gouvernementaux, des parlementaires et certains médias ;
    – des violences et des menaces, et le manque de réaction des autorités pour y répondre ;
    – la criminalisation du travail humanitaire ou de défense des droits humains mené auprès des réfugiés, des demandeurs d’asile et des migrants, due à une application trop large des lois sur le trafic illicite de migrants ;
    – le refus d’accès à des lieux où il est essentiel d’assurer un suivi de la situation des droits humains ou de fournir une aide, tels que des centres de détention ou d’accueil ou des zones frontalières.

    « Les gouvernements européens devraient voir les défenseurs des droits humains comme des partenaires qui peuvent contribuer de manière déterminante à rendre les politiques d’asile et de migration plus efficaces et respectueuses des droits humains. Au lieu de cela, ils les traitent avec hostilité. Cette politique délibérée porte atteinte aux droits humains des acteurs de la société civile et des personnes auxquelles ils viennent en aide. Par extension, elle ronge le tissu démocratique des sociétés », a déclaré la Commissaire.

    Afin d’inverser cette tendance répressive, la Commissaire appelle à prendre d’urgence une série de mesures, dont les suivantes :

    - réformer les lois, politiques et pratiques qui entravent indûment les activités des défenseurs des droits humains ;
    – veiller à ce que les lois sur le trafic illicite de migrants ne confèrent le caractère d’infraction pénale à aucune activité de défense des droits humains ou d’aide humanitaire menée auprès des réfugiés, des demandeurs d’asile et des migrants ;
    - lever les restrictions d’accès aux lieux et aux informations ;
    - mettre fin au discours stigmatisant et dénigrant ;
    - établir des procédures de sécurité efficaces pour les défenseurs confrontés à des violences ou à des menaces et veiller à ce que ces cas fassent l’objet d’enquêtes effectives.

    #criminalisation_de_la_solidarité #asile #migrations #réfugiés #solidarité #recommandation #conseil_de_l'Europe #répression #assistance_juridique #sauvetage #aide_humanitaire #violence #menaces #hostilité #droits_humains #rapport

  • Il Consiglio d’Europa chiede all’Italia di garantire più protezione alle vittime di tratta

    Nel rapporto del Gruppo di esperti sulla lotta alla tratta di esseri umani (Greta) si chiede alle autorità di aumentare le indagini e le condanne, assicurare strumenti efficaci di risarcimento per le vittime e concentrarsi maggiormente sullo sfruttamento lavorativo. Oltre allo stop del memorandum Italia-Libia. Su cui il governo tira dritto.

    Più attenzione alla tratta per sfruttamento lavorativo, maggiori risarcimenti e indennizzi per le vittime e la necessità di aumentare il numero di trafficanti di esseri umani assicurati alla giustizia. Ma anche lo stop del memorandum Italia-Libia e la fine della criminalizzazione dei cosiddetti “scafisti”.

    Sono queste le principali criticità su cui il Gruppo di esperti del Consiglio d’Europa sulla lotta alla tratta di esseri umani (Greta) a fine febbraio ha chiesto al governo italiano di intervenire per assicurare l’applicazione delle normative europee e una tutela efficace per le vittime di tratta degli esseri umani. “Ogni anno in Italia ne vengono individuate tra le 2.100 e le 3.800 -si legge nel report finale pubblicato il 23 febbraio-. Queste cifre non riflettono la reale portata del fenomeno a causa dei persistenti limiti nelle procedure per identificare le vittime, nonché di un basso tasso di autodenuncia da parte delle stesse che temono di essere punite o deportate verso i Paesi di origine”. Una scarsa individuazione dei casi di tratta che riguarderebbe soprattutto alcuni settori “ad alto rischio” come “l’agricoltura, il tessile, i servizi domestici, l’edilizia, il settore alberghiero e la ristorazione”.

    L’oggetto del terzo monitoraggio di attuazione obblighi degli Stati stabiliti dalla Convenzione del Consiglio d’Europa sulla lotta contro la tratta degli esseri umani era proprio l’accesso alla giustizia per le vittime. Dal 13 al 17 febbraio 2023, il gruppo di esperti si è recato in Italia incontrando decine di rappresentanti istituzionali e di organizzazioni della società civile. La prima bozza del report adottata nel giugno 2023 è stata poi condivisa con il governo italiano che a ottobre ha inviato le sue risposte prima della pubblicazione finale del rapporto. Quello in cui il Greta, pur sottolineando “alcuni sviluppi positivi” dall’ultima valutazione svolta in Italia nel 2019, esprime “preoccupazione su diverse questioni”.

    Il risarcimento per le vittime della tratta è una di queste. Spesso “reso impossibile dalla mancanza di beni o proprietà degli autori del reato in Italia” ma anche perché “i meccanismi di cooperazione internazionale sono raramente utilizzati per identificare e sequestrare i beni degli stessi all’estero”. Non solo. Il sistema di indennizzo per le vittime -nel caso in cui, appunto, chi ha commesso il reato non abbia disponibilità economica- non funziona. “Serve renderlo effettivamente accessibile e aumentare il suo importo massimo di 1.500 euro”. Come ricostruito anche da Altreconomia, da quando è stato istituito questo strumento solo in un caso la vittima ha avuto accesso al fondo.

    Il Greta rileva poi una “diminuzione del numero di indagini, azioni penali e di condanne” osservando in generale una applicazione ristretta di tratta di esseri umani collegandola “all’esistenza di un elemento transnazionale, al coinvolgimento di un’organizzazione criminale e all’assenza del consenso della vittima”. Tutti elementi non previsti dalla normativa europea e italiana. Così come “desta preoccupazione l’eccessiva durata dei procedimenti giudiziari, in particolare della fase investigativa”.

    Il gruppo di esperti sottolinea poi la persistenza di segnalazioni di presunte vittime di tratta “perseguite e condannate per attività illecite commesse durante la tratta, come il traffico di droga, il possesso di un documento d’identità falso o l’ingresso irregolare”. Un problema che spesso porta la persona in carcere e non nei progetti di accoglienza specializzati. Che in Italia aumentano. Il Greta accoglie infatti con favore “l’aumento dei fondi messi a disposizione per l’assistenza alle vittime e la disponibilità di un maggior numero di posti per le vittime di tratta, anche per uomini e transgender” sottolineando però la necessità di prevedere un “finanziamento più sostenibile”. In questo momento i bandi per i progetti pubblicati dal Dipartimento per le pari opportunità, hanno una durata tra i 17 e i 18 mesi.

    C’è poi la difficoltà nell’accesso all’assistenza legale gratuita che dovrebbe essere garantita alle vittime che invece, spesso, si trovano obbligate a dimostrare di non avere beni di proprietà non solo in Italia ma anche nei loro Paesi d’origine per poter accedere alle forme di consulenza legale gratuita. Problematico è anche l’accesso all’assistenza sanitaria. “I professionisti del Sistema sanitario nazionale -scrive il Greta- non sono formati per assistere le vittime di tratta con gravi traumi e mancano mediatori culturali formati per partecipare alla fornitura di assistenza psicologica”.

    Come detto, il focus degli esperti riguarda la tratta per sfruttamento lavorativo. Su cui l’Italia ha adottato diverse misure di protezione per le vittime ma che però restano insufficienti. “Lo sfruttamento del lavoro continua a essere profondamente radicato in alcuni settori che dipendono fortemente dalla manodopera migrante” ed è necessario “garantire risorse che risorse sufficienti siano messe a disposizione degli ispettori del lavoro, rafforzando il monitoraggio dei settori a rischio e garantendo che le condizioni di vita e di lavoro dei lavoratori migranti soddisfare i requisiti previsti dalla normativa al fine di prevenire abusi”.

    Infine il Greta bacchetta il governo italiano su diversi aspetti relativi alla nuova normativa sui richiedenti asilo. “Temiamo che le misure restrittive adottate dall’Italia favoriscano un clima di criminalizzazione dei migranti, con il risultato che molte potenziali vittime della tratta non denunciano i loro casi per paura di detenzione e deportazione”, scrivono gli esperti. Sottolineando la preoccupazione rispetto al “rischio di aumento del numero di richiedenti asilo nei centri di detenzione amministrativa” previsto dagli ultimi provvedimenti normativi che aumenterebbe la possibilità anche per le vittime di tratta non ancora identificate di essere recluse. Un rischio riscontrato anche per il Protocollo sottoscritto con l’Albania per gli impatti che avrà “sull’individuazione e la protezione delle persone vulnerabili salvate in mare”.

    Sul punto, nelle risposte inviate al Greta l’8 febbraio 2024, il governo italiano sottolinea che il protocollo siglato con la controparte albanese “non si applicherà alle persone vulnerabili, incluse le vittime di tratta”. Resta il punto della difficoltà di identificazione fatta subito dopo il soccorso, spesso in condizioni precarie dopo una lunga e faticosa traversata.

    Ma nelle dieci pagine di osservazioni inviate da parte dell’Italia, salta all’occhio la puntualizzazione rispetto alla richiesta del Greta di sospendere il memorandum d’intesa tra Italia e Libia che fa sì che “un numero crescente di migranti salvati o intercettati nel Mediterraneo vengano rimpatriati in Libia dove rischiano -scrivono gli esperti- di subire gravi violazioni dei diritti umani, tra cui la schiavitù, il lavoro forzato e lo sfruttamento sessuale”. Nella risposta, infatti, il governo sottolinea che ha scelto di cooperare con le autorità libiche “con l’obiettivo di ridurre i morti in mare, nel pieno rispetto dei diritti umani” e che la collaborazione “permette di combattere più efficacemente le reti di trafficanti di esseri umani e di coloro che contrabbandano i migranti”. Con il rispetto dei diritti umani, del diritti umanitario e internazionale che è “sempre stata una priorità”. Evidentemente non rispettata. Ma c’è un dettaglio in più.

    Quel contrasto al traffico di migranti alla base anche del memorandum con la Libia, sbandierato a più riprese dall’esecutivo italiano (“Andremo a cercare gli ‘scafisti’ lungo tutto il globo terracqueo”, disse la premier Giorgia Meloni a inizio marzo 2023) viene messo in discussione nel rapporto. Dopo aver sottolineato la diminuzione delle indagini sui trafficanti di esseri umani, il Greta scrive che i “capitani” delle navi che arrivano in Italia “potrebbero essere stati costretti tramite minacce, violenza fisica e abuso di una posizione di vulnerabilità nel partecipare all’attività criminali”. Indicatori che li farebbero ricadere nella “categoria” delle vittime di tratta. “Nessuno, però, è stato considerato come tale”, osservano gli esperti. Si scioglie come neve al sole la retorica sulla “guerra” ai trafficanti. I pezzi grossi restano, nel frattempo, impuniti.


    #traite_d'êtres_humains #Italie #protection #Conseil_de_l'Europe #exploitation #Greta #rapport #agriculture #industrie_textile #hôtelerie #bâtiment #BTS #services_domestiques #restauration #indemnisation #accès_à_la_santé #criminalisation_de_la_migration #Albanie

  • Comment l’UE a fermé les yeux sur le refoulement illégal de migrants par la #Bulgarie avant son adhésion à Schengen

    Des documents internes de Frontex révèlent des violations répétées. Malgré des alertes répétées, la Commission européenne salue les « résultats excellents » de la Bulgarie, qui s’apprête à rejoindre l’espace Schengen.

    Au printemps 2022, Ali, un Syrien de 16 ans, entre dans un centre d’accueil à Sofia (Bulgarie) pour demander une protection au titre de l’asile et un regroupement familial avec sa mère et ses cinq autres frères et sœurs, restés en Syrie et au Liban.

    Mais les choses ne se passent pas comme prévu. Au lieu de voir sa demande traitée, il est emmené dans un endroit qui, dit-il, « ressemble à une prison ». Pendant la nuit, comme une cinquantaine d’autres personnes, il est embarqué dans une voiture de la police des frontières et reconduit jusqu’à la frontière turque, à 300 kilomètres de là, sans recevoir la moindre information sur ses droits à l’asile.

    « Ils nous ont fait marcher jusqu’à une #clôture équipée de caméras. Après avoir franchi la clôture, il y avait comme un canal. En même temps, ils frappaient les gens, se remémore le garçon. Ils ont tout pris et m’ont frappé dans le dos, sur la tête. Après cela, ils m’ont jeté dans le canal. » Le groupe est invité à retourner en #Turquie et ne jamais revenir.

    Les refoulements, une « pratique courante »

    Les témoignages de refoulements (ou pushbacks, en anglais) comme celui d’Ali sont généralement réfutés par le gouvernement bulgare. Mais de nombreux abus ont été documentés par l’organe de surveillance des droits humains de Frontex au cours des dix-huit derniers mois, selon une série de documents internes de l’agence européenne de garde-frontières et de garde-côtes consultés par le réseau Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN) et publiés par Le Monde. Ces documents, obtenus grâce aux lois de transparence européennes, décrivent avec force détails des #brutalités commises par des agents bulgares participant aux opérations de Frontex : coups de bâton, #déshabillage de force, #vols d’effets personnels, #agressions verbales et #blessures graves infligées par des chiens, etc.

    Les documents montrent également que les preuves étayant ces pratiques illégales ont été dissimulées non seulement par les autorités bulgares, mais aussi par les hauts fonctionnaires de Frontex et de la Commission européenne. Dans le même temps, l’exécutif européen saluait les « excellents » progrès réalisés par la Bulgarie en matière de #gestion_des_frontières, facilitant l’adhésion du pays à l’espace Schengen – les contrôles aux frontières aériennes et maritimes seront levés le 31 mars, tandis que les contrôles terrestres restent en place pour l’instant.

    Les organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) de défense des droits humains locales et internationales alertent depuis de nombreuses années sur les refoulements violents en Bulgarie. Selon des données compilées par le Comité Helsinki de Bulgarie, 5 268 refoulements, touchant 87 647 personnes, auraient eu lieu au cours de la seule année 2022.

    Plusieurs experts affirment que la plupart des 325 000 entrées de migrants que le gouvernement bulgare revendique avoir « empêchées » depuis 2022 sont en fait des refoulements illégaux. « Ces personnes ont été interceptées à l’intérieur du pays. Nous ne parlons donc pas d’entrées empêchées, mais de retours », explique Iliyana Savova, directrice du programme pour les réfugiés et les migrants du Comité Helsinki de Bulgarie. « C’est un secret de Polichinelle que les gens sont repoussés. De tels ordres existent », admet, sous le couvert de l’anonymat, un haut fonctionnaire du gouvernement bulgare.

    Les preuves s’accumulent tellement que le Bureau des droits fondamentaux de Frontex (FRO) considère « établi » que les refoulements, « impliquant souvent des niveaux élevés de #violence et d’autres #traitements_inhumains_ou_dégradants », sont « une pratique régulière de la police des frontières bulgare », selon un bilan des « rapports d’incidents graves » couvrant la période 2022-2023 obtenu dans le cadre de cette enquête.

    Un lanceur d’alerte en mission discrète

    Pour l’Union européenne (UE), la situation est d’autant plus problématique que son agence des frontières collabore directement sur le terrain avec les forces de sécurité bulgares. Depuis 2022, dans le cadre de l’opération conjointe #Terra, Frontex a déployé des équipes de #gardes-frontières, des véhicules de patrouille et des #caméras_de_thermovision pour aider les autorités bulgares dans leurs activités de #surveillance aux frontières turque et serbe.

    En août 2022, un #rapport inquiétant atterrit sur le bureau de Jonas Grimheden, le chef du FRO. Il émane d’un agent de Frontex qui a mené une enquête de sa propre initiative lors d’un déploiement de six mois à la frontière avec la Turquie. Il révèle que les agents de Frontex sont tenus intentionnellement à l’écart des zones où les migrants sont généralement appréhendés et repoussés. « Lorsque des situations se produisent, le collègue local reçoit les indications pour déplacer l’équipe Frontex, en évitant certaines zones, note le lanceur d’alerte. Ils ont pour instruction d’empêcher Frontex de voir quoi que ce soit, pour éviter qu’ils rédigent un rapport officiel. »

    Pour l’eurodéputée écologiste Tineke Strik, cheffe de file d’un groupe d’eurodéputés chargé de surveiller Frontex, ces conclusions soulèvent de sérieux doutes quant à la capacité de l’agence à garantir le respect des droits humains dans le cadre de ses activités : « Il est étonnant qu’une agence de l’UE soit toujours incapable de faire respecter le droit européen après tant d’enquêtes institutionnelles, de rapports, de recommandations et d’avertissements. »

    Dans les mois qui suivent le rapport du lanceur d’alerte, Jonas Grimheden fait part de ses préoccupations croissantes concernant la conduite des agents frontaliers bulgares aux échelons supérieurs de Frontex, dont le siège se trouve à Varsovie.

    L’agence s’attache alors à restaurer sa réputation, ternie par la révélation de sa complicité dans les refoulements illégaux de migrants en Grèce. En avril 2022, son directeur, Fabrice Leggeri – qui vient de rallier le Rassemblement national en vue des élections européennes –, a été contraint de démissionner après avoir été reconnu coupable par l’Office européen de lutte antifraude d’avoir dissimulé des refoulements de bateaux de migrants en mer Egée.

    Aija Kalnaja, qui lui a succédé à la direction de Frontex pour un court intérim, semble prendre les avertissements du FRO au sérieux. En février 2023, elle exprime de « vives inquiétudes » dans une lettre adressée à Rositsa Dimitrova, alors cheffe de la direction des frontières bulgare, recommandant aux autorités du pays d’accorder au corps permanent de l’agence l’accès aux « contrôles de première ligne et aux activités de surveillance des frontières ».

    Dans sa réponse, #Rositsa_Dimitrova assure que « le respect des droits fondamentaux des ressortissants de pays tiers est une priorité absolue ». Disposée à organiser des séances d’information et des formations à l’intention de ses gardes-frontières, la responsable bulgare explique que chaque violation présumée des droits est examinée par une commission constituée par ses soins. Insuffisant, pour le FRO, qui préférerait un contrôle rigoureux par un « organisme indépendant opérant en dehors de la structure institutionnelle du ministère de l’intérieur bulgare ». Cinq agents ont été sanctionnés pour avoir violé leur code de conduite éthique au cours des dix premiers mois de 2023, précise aujourd’hui le ministère de l’intérieur bulgare.

    Une lettre jamais envoyée

    Au début de 2023, le Néerlandais Hans Leijtens est nommé à la tête de Frontex. On peut alors s’attendre à ce que ce nouveau directeur, engagé publiquement en faveur de la « responsabilité, du respect des droits fondamentaux et de la transparence », adopte une position ferme à l’égard des autorités bulgares. « Ce sont des pratiques du passé », déclare-t-il après sa nomination, en référence aux antécédents de Frontex en matière d’aide aux refoulements en Grèce.

    Soucieux de saisir l’occasion, Jonas Grimheden, à la tête du FRO, lui écrit deux jours après sa prise de fonctions, en mars 2023. Le courriel contient un projet de lettre « que vous pouvez envisager d’envoyer, en tout ou en partie », à Rositsa Dimitrova. La lettre rappelle les « allégations persistantes de retours irréguliers (appelés “refoulements”), accompagnées de graves allégations de #mauvais_traitements et d’#usage_excessif_de_la_force par la police nationale des frontières à l’encontre des migrants » et demande des enquêtes indépendantes sur les violations des droits. Ce brouillon de lettre n’a jamais quitté la boîte de réception d’Hans Leijtens.

    Quelques semaines plus tard, en mars 2023, le #FRO envoie un rapport officiel au conseil d’administration de Frontex, évoquant le « risque que l’agence soit indirectement impliquée dans des violations des droits fondamentaux sans avoir la possibilité de recueillir toutes les informations pertinentes et d’empêcher ces violations de se produire ».

    M. Leijtens a-t-il fait part aux autorités bulgares des conclusions du FRO ? Sollicité, le service de presse de Frontex explique que « les discussions directes ont été jugées plus efficaces », sans pouvoir divulguer « les détails spécifiques des discussions ».

    Une contrepartie pour Schengen ?

    Alors que ce bras de fer se joue en coulisses, sur la scène politique, la Bulgarie est érigée en élève modèle pour le programme de contrôle des migrations de la Commission européenne, et récompensée pour le durcissement de ses #contrôles_frontaliers, en contrepartie de l’avancement de sa candidature à l’entrée dans l’espace Schengen.

    En mars 2023, la présidente de la Commission européenne, Ursula von der Leyen, annonce un #projet_pilote visant à « prévenir les arrivées irrégulières » et à « renforcer la gestion des frontières et des migrations », notamment par le biais de « #procédures_d’asile_accélérées » et d’#expulsions_rapides des migrants indésirables. La Commission sélectionne deux pays « volontaires » : la #Roumanie et la Bulgarie.

    Pour mettre en œuvre le projet, la Commission accorde à la Bulgarie 69,5 millions d’euros de #fonds_européens, principalement destinés à la surveillance de sa frontière avec la Turquie. « Toutes les activités menées dans le cadre de ce projet pilote doivent l’être dans le plein respect de la législation de l’UE et des droits fondamentaux, en particulier du principe de non-refoulement », précise d’emblée la Commission.

    Pourtant, à ce moment-là, l’exécutif bruxellois est parfaitement conscient de la situation désastreuse des droits humains sur le terrain. Deux mois avant le lancement du projet, en janvier 2023, deux hauts fonctionnaires de la direction des affaires intérieures (DG Home) ont rencontré à Stockholm la patronne des gardes-frontières bulgares « pour discuter des préoccupations du FRO concernant les allégations de #violations_des_droits_fondamentaux », révèle un compte rendu de la réunion.

    Au fil de l’avancement du projet pilote, les signaux d’alerte se multiplient. En septembre 2023, Jonas Grimheden alerte une nouvelle fois le conseil d’administration de Frontex sur des « allégations répétées de (…) refoulements et d’usage excessif de la force » par les agents bulgares. Si son rapport salue la participation des agents de Frontex aux « activités de patrouille terrestre de première ligne », il rappelle que ces derniers « continuent d’être impliqués dans un nombre limité d’interceptions » de migrants.

    Au cours du projet, deux documents sur les « droits fondamentaux » aux frontières extérieures de la Bulgarie ont circulé au sein de la DG Home. La Commission européenne a refusé de les communiquer au BIRN, arguant que leur divulgation mettrait en péril la « confiance mutuelle » avec le gouvernement bulgare.

    « Les résultats sont excellents »

    La participation de la Bulgarie au projet pilote de la Commission semble avoir joué un rôle crucial pour faire avancer son projet de rejoindre Schengen – un objectif prioritaire depuis plus d’une décennie. Il coïncide en tout cas avec un changement de ton très net du côté de Bruxelles et Varsovie, qui ont dès lors largement balayé les inquiétudes concernant les mauvais traitements infligés à grande échelle aux migrants.

    « Les résultats sont excellents », annonce Ylva Johansson lors d’une conférence de presse en octobre 2023. La commissaire européenne aux affaires intérieures, chargée des migrations, salue les efforts déployés par la Bulgarie pour empêcher les migrants « irréguliers » d’entrer sur le territoire de l’UE, appelant à prendre la « décision absolument nécessaire » d’admettre la Bulgarie dans l’espace Schengen. Cette décision est alors bloquée depuis des mois par les Pays-Bas et l’Autriche, qui exigent des contrôles plus stricts à la frontière terrestre avec la Turquie. Quelques semaines auparavant, Ursula von der Leyen avait salué la Bulgarie, qui « montre la voie à suivre en mettant en avant les meilleures pratiques en matière d’asile et de retour ». « Faisons-les enfin entrer, sans plus attendre », avait réclamé la présidente de la Commission.

    Selon Diana Radoslavova, directrice du Centre pour le soutien juridique, une ONG sise à Sofia, la fermeture effective de la frontière avec la Turquie est indispensable à l’entrée de la Bulgarie dans l’espace Schengen. « [Les autorités] sont prêtes à tout pour respecter cette injonction, y compris au prix de violations extrêmes des droits de l’homme », estime l’avocate. « Tant que la Bulgarie coopère en bonne intelligence avec la protection des frontières et la mise en œuvre du projet pilote, la Commission regarde ailleurs », ajoute l’eurodéputée Tineke Strik.

    Pour défendre la candidature de Sofia à l’espace Schengen, la Commission européenne s’est appuyée sur le rapport d’une mission d’enquête rassemblant les experts de plusieurs agences de l’UE et des Etats membres, dépêchés en novembre 2023 en Bulgarie pour évaluer son état de préparation à l’adhésion. La mission n’aurait trouvé aucune preuve de violation des obligations en matière de droits humains prévues par les règles européennes, y compris en ce qui concerne « le respect du principe de non-refoulement et l’accès à la protection internationale ».

    Ce rapport n’a pas dissipé les inquiétudes de Jonas Grimheden, qui affirme que ses services font encore « régulièrement » part de leurs « préoccupations » au conseil d’administration de Frontex, « auquel participe la Commission européenne ».
    Cette enquête a été produite en collaboration avec le réseau Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN), qui a reçu un soutien financier de la Fondation Heinrich-Böll. Son contenu relève de la seule responsabilité des auteurs et ne représente pas les points de vue et les opinions de la fondation.

    La réponse de Frontex et de la Commission européenne

    Un porte-parole de Frontex déclare que l’agence prend « très au sérieux » les « préoccupations concernant les refoulements ». « Dans les cas où des violations sont signalées, la question est transmise au directeur exécutif et, si nécessaire, discutée lors des réunions du conseil d’administration avec des représentants des Etats membres. Toutefois, ces discussions ne sont pas publiques, conformément à notre politique de confidentialité visant à garantir un dialogue franc et efficace. »

    Dans une réponse écrite, la Commission européenne rappelle « l’importance de maintenir des éléments de contrôle solides tout en renforçant les actions de suivi et d’enquête ». « Les autorités bulgares, comme celles de tous les Etats membres de l’UE, doivent respecter pleinement les obligations découlant du droit d’asile et du droit international, notamment en garantissant l’accès à la procédure d’asile », explique un porte-parole.

    L’institution précise qu’« il a été convenu de renforcer davantage le mécanisme national indépendant existant pour contrôler le respect des droits fondamentaux », mais qu’« il est de la responsabilité des Etats membres d’enquêter sur toute allégation d’actes répréhensibles ».

    Le Médiateur européen enquête actuellement sur la décision de la Commission de refuser la communication aux journalistes de BIRN de deux documents de la DG Home sur les « droits fondamentaux » aux frontières extérieures de la Bulgarie. Dans l’attente de l’enquête, la Commission a refusé de dire si ces documents avaient été pris en considération lorsqu’elle a émis des évaluations positives du programme pilote et de la conformité de la Bulgarie avec les règles de Schengen.


    #refoulements #push-backs #migrations #réfugiés #frontières #opération_Terra

  • Jury convicts #Ibrahima_Bah : Statement from Captain Support UK

    Following a three-week trial, Ibrahima Bah, a teenager from Senegal, has been convicted by an all-white jury at Canterbury Crown Court. The jury unanimously found him guilty of facilitating illegal entry to the UK, and by a 10-2 majority of manslaughter by gross negligence. This conviction followed a previous trial in July 2023 in which the jury could not reach a verdict.

    Ibrahima’s prosecution and conviction is a violent escalation in the persecution of migrants to ‘Stop the Boats’. Observing the trial has also made it clear to us how anti-black racism pervades the criminal ‘justice’ system in this country. The verdict rested on the jury’s interpretation of generic words with shifting meanings such as ‘reasonable’, ‘significant’, and ‘minimal’. Such vagueness invites subjective prejudice, in this case anti-black racist profiling. Ibrahima, a teenage survivor, was perceived in the eyes of many jurors to be older, more mature, more responsible, more threatening, with more agency, and thus as more ‘guilty’.
    Why Ibrahima was charged

    Ibrahima was arrested in December 2022 after the dinghy he was driving across the Channel broke apart next to the fishing vessel Arcturus. Four men are known to have drowned, and up to five are still missing at sea. The court heard the names of three of them: Allaji Ibrahima Ba, 18 years old from Guinea who had travelled with Ibrahima from Libya and who Ibrahima described as his brother; Hajratullah Ahmadi, from Afghanistan; and Moussa Conate, a 15 year old from Guinea.

    The jury, judge, defense, and prosecution agreed the shipwreck and resultant deaths had multiple factors. These included the poor construction of the boat, water ingress after a time at sea, and later everyone standing up to be rescued causing the floor of the dinghy ripping apart. A report by Alarm Phone and LIMINAL points to other contributing factors, including the lack of aerial surveillance, the failure of the French to launch a search and rescue operation when first informed of the dinghy’s distress, and the skipper of Arcturus’ delay in informing Dover Coastguard of the seriousness of the wreck. Nonetheless, the Kent jury has decided to exclusively punish a black teenaged survivor.

    What the jury heard

    Many of the other survivors, all of whom claimed asylum upon reaching the UK, testified that Ibrahima saved their lives. At the moment the dinghy got into danger, Ibrahima steered it towards the fishing vessel which rescued them. He was also shown holding a rope to keep the collapsed dinghy alongside the fishing vessel while others climbed onboard. One survivor told the court that Ibrahima “was an angel”.

    The story told by witnesses not on the dinghy contrasted greatly to that of the asylum seekers who survived. Ray Strachan, the captain of the shipping vessel Arcturus offered testimony which appeared particularly prejudiced. He described Ibrahima using racist tropes – “mouthy”, not grateful enough following rescue, and as behaving very unusually. He complained about the tone in which Ibrahima asked the crew to rescue his drowning friend Allaji, who Strachan could only describe as being “dark brown. What can you say nowadays? He wasn’t white.” Strachan also has spoken out in a GB News interview against what he considers to be the “migrant taxi service” in the Channel, and volunteered to the jury, “It wasn’t my decision to take them to Dover. I wanted to take them back to France.” This begs the question of whether Strachan’s clearly anti-migrant political opinions influenced his testimony in a way which he felt would help secure Ibrahima’s conviction. It also raises the question if jury members identified more with Strachan’s retelling than the Afghans who testified through interpreters, and to what extent they shared some of his convictions.

    When Ibrahima took the stand to testify in his defense he explained that he refused to drive the rubber inflatable after he was taken to the beach and saw its size compared to the number of people expecting to travel on it. He told how smugglers, who had organised the boat and had knives and a gun, then assaulted him and forced him to drive the dinghy. The other survivors corroborated his testimony and described the boat’s driver being beaten and forced onboard.

    The prosecutor, however, sought to discredit Ibrahima, cross-examining him for one-and-a-half days. He demonised Ibrahima and insisted that he was personally responsible for the deaths because he was driving. Ibrahima’s actions, which survivors testified saved their lives, were twisted into dangerous decisions. His experiences of being forced to drive the boat under threat of death, and following assault, were disbelieved. The witness stand became the scene of another interrogation, with the prosecutor picking over the details of Ibrahima’s previous statements for hours.

    Ibrahima’s account never waivered. Yes he drove the dinghy, he didn’t want to, he was forced to, and when they got into trouble he did everything in his power to save everybody on board.
    Free Ibrahima!

    We have been supporting, and will continue to support, Ibrahima as he faces his imprisonment at the hands of the racist and unjust UK border regime.

    This is a truly shocking decision.

    We call for everybody who shares our anger to protest the unjust conviction of Ibrahima Bah and to stand in solidarity with all those incarcerated and criminalised for seeking freedom of movement.


    #scafista #scafisti #UK #Angleterre #criminalisation_de_la_migration #migrations #réfugiés #procès #justice #condamnation #négligence #Stop_the_Boats #verdict #naufrage #responsabilité #Arcturus


      New research shows how people arriving on small boats are being imprisoned for their ‘illegal arrival’. Among those prosecuted are people seeking asylum, victims of trafficking and torture, and children with ongoing age disputes.

      This research provides broader context surrounding the imprisonment of Ibrahima Bah, a Senegalese teenager, who has recently been found ‘guilty’ of both facilitating illegal entry and manslaughter. He was sentenced to 9 years and 6 months imprisonment on Friday 23rd February. In their statement, Captain Support UK argue that “Ibrahima’s prosecution and conviction is a violent escalation in the persecution of migrants to ‘Stop the Boats’.”

      The research

      This report, published by the Centre for Criminology at the University of Oxford and Border Criminologies, shows how people have been imprisoned for their arrival on a ‘small boat’ since the Nationality and Borders Act (2022) came into force. It details the process from sea to prison, and explains how this policy is experienced by those affected. Analysis is based on observations of over 100 hearings where people seeking asylum were prosecuted for their own illegal arrival, or for facilitating the arrival of others through steering the dinghy they travelled on. The report is informed by the detailed casework experience of Humans for Rights Network, Captain Support UK and Refugee Legal Support. It also draws on data collected through Freedom of Information requests, and research interviews with lawyers, interpreters, and people who have been criminalised for crossing the Channel on a ‘small boat’.


      In late 2018, the number of people using dinghies to reach the UK from mainland Europe began to increase. Despite Government claims, alternative ‘safe and legal routes’ for accessing protection in the UK remain inaccessible to most people. There is no visa for ‘seeking asylum’, and humanitarian routes to the UK are very restricted. For many, irregular journeys by sea have become the only way to enter the UK to seek asylum, safety, and a better life.

      Soon after the number of people arriving on small boats started to increase, the Crown Prosecution Service began to charge those identified as steering the boats with the offences of ‘illegal entry’ or ‘facilitation’. These are offences within Section 24 and Section 25 of the Immigration Act 1971. However, in 2021, a series of successful appeals overturned these prosecutions. This was on the basis that if the people on a small boat intended to claim asylum at port, there was no breach of immigration law through attempted ‘illegal entry’. The Court of Appeal found that those who arrive by small boat and claim asylum do not enter illegally, as they are granted entry as an asylum seeker.

      In response, in June 2022, the Nationality and Borders Act expanded the scope of criminal offences relating to irregular arrival to the UK. First, the offence of ‘illegal arrival’ was introduced, with a maximum sentence of 4 years. Second, the offence of ‘facilitation’ was expanded to include circumstances in which ‘gain’ was difficult to prove, and the maximum sentence was increased from 14 years to life imprisonment. During Parliamentary debates, members of both Houses of Parliament warned that this would criminalise asylum seeking to the UK.

      Who has been prosecuted since the Nationality and Borders Act (2022)?

      New data shows that in the first year of implementation (June 2022 – June 2023), 240 people arriving on small boats were charged with ‘illegal arrival’ off small boats. While anyone arriving irregularly can now be arrested for ‘illegal arrival’, this research finds that in practice those prosecuted either:

      – Have an ‘immigration history’ in the UK, including having been identified as being in the country, or having attempted to arrive previously ( for example, through simply having applied for a visa), or,
      – Are identified as steering the dinghy they travelled in as it crossed the Channel.

      49 people were also charged with ‘facilitation’ in addition to ‘illegal arrival’ after allegedly being identified as having their ‘hand on the tiller’ at some point during the journey. At least two people were charged with ‘facilitation’ for bringing their children with them on the dinghy.

      In 2022, 1 person for every 10 boats was arrested for their alleged role in steering. In 2023, this was 1 for every 7 boats. People end up being spotted with their ‘hand on the tiller’ for many reasons, including having boating experience, steering in return for discounted passage, taking it in turns, or being under duress. Despite the Government’s rhetoric, both offences target people with no role in organised criminal gangs.

      The vast majority of those convicted of both ‘illegal arrival’ and ‘facilitation’ have ongoing asylum claims. Victims of torture and trafficking, as well as children with ongoing age disputes, have also been prosecuted. Those arrested include people from nationalities with a high asylum grant rate, including people from Sudan, South Sudan, Afghanistan, Iran, Eritrea, and Syria.

      Those imprisoned are distressed and harmed by their experiences in court and prison

      This research shows how court hearings were often complicated and delayed by issues with interpreters and faulty video link technology. Bail was routinely denied without proper consideration of each individual’s circumstances. Those accused were usually advised to plead guilty to ‘illegal arrival’ at the first opportunity to benefit from sentence reductions, however, this restricted the possibility of legal challenge.

      Imprisonment caused significant psychological and physical harm, which people said was particularly acute given their experiences of displacement. The majority of those arrested are imprisoned in HMP Elmley. They frequently reported not being able to access crucial services, including medical care, interpretation services including for key documents relating to their cases, contact with their solicitors, immigration advice, as well as work and English lessons. People shared their experiences of poor living conditions, inadequate food, and routine and frequent racist remarks and abuse from prison staff as ‘foreign nationals’.

      Children with age disputes are being imprisoned for their arrival on small boats

      Research (see, for example, here) by refugee support organisations has highlighted significant flaws in the Home Office’s age assessment processes in Dover, resulting in children being aged as adults, and treated as such. One consequence of this is that children with ongoing age disputes have been charged as adults with the offences of ‘illegal arrival’ and ‘facilitation’ for their alleged role in steering boats across the Channel.

      Humans for Rights Network has identified 15 age-disputed children who were wrongly treated as adults and charged with these new offences, with 14 spending time in adult prison. This is very likely to be an undercount. The Home Office fails to collect data on how many people with ongoing age disputes are convicted. These young people have all claimed asylum, and several claim (or have been found to be) survivors of torture and/or trafficking. The majority are Sudanese or South Sudanese, who have travelled to the UK via Libya.

      Throughout the entirety of the criminal process, responsibility lay with the child at every stage to reject their ‘given’ age and reassert that they are under 18. Despite this, the Courts generally relied on the Home Office’s ‘given age’, without recognition of evidence highlighting clear flaws in these initial age enquiries. Children who maintained that they were under 18 in official legal proceedings faced substantial delays to their cases, due to the time required by the relevant local authority to carry out an age assessment, and delays to the criminal process. Due to this inaction, several children have decided to be convicted and sentenced as adults to try to avoid spending additional time in prison.

      These young people have experienced serious psychological and physical harm in adult courts and prisons, raising serious questions around the practices of the Home Office, Border Force, Ministry of Justice, magistrates and Judges, the CPS, defence lawyers, and prison staff.

      Pour télécharger le rapport :
      Full report:https://blogs.law.ox.ac.uk/sites/default/files/2024-02/No%20such%20thing%20as%20justice%20here_for%20publication.pdf
      Summary : https://blogs.law.ox.ac.uk/sites/default/files/2024-02/SUMMARY_No%20such%20thing%20as%20justice%20here_for%20publication.pd


    • Ibrahima Bah was sentenced to nine years for steering a ‘death trap’ dinghy across the Channel. Was he really to blame?

      The young asylum seeker was forced into piloting the boat on which at least four people drowned. Under new ‘stop the boats’ laws, he’s responsible for their deaths – but others say he’s a victim

      In the dock at Canterbury crown court, Ibrahima Bah listened closely as his interpreter told him he was being sentenced to nine years and six months in prison.

      In December 2022, Bah had steered an inflatable dinghy full of passengers seeking asylum in the UK across the Channel from France. The boat collapsed and four people were confirmed drowned – it is thought that at least one other went overboard, but no other bodies have yet been recovered.

      Bah’s conviction – four counts of gross negligence manslaughter and one of facilitating a breach of immigration law – is the first of its kind. The Home Office put out a triumphant tweet after his sentencing, with the word “JAILED” in capital letters above his mugshot. According to the government, Bah’s sentence is proof that it is achieving one of Rishi Sunak’s main priorities: to “Stop the Boats”. But human rights campaigners are less jubilant and fear his conviction will be far from the last.

      Of the 39 passengers who survived that perilous journey in December 2022, about a dozen were lone children. Bah is a young asylum seeker himself, from Senegal. The judge determined he is now 20; his birth certificate says he is 17. Either way, he was a teenager at the time of the crossing. So how did his dream of a new life in the UK end up here, in this courtroom, being convicted of multiple counts of manslaughter?

      As with so many asylum seekers, details about Bah’s life are hazy and complicated. He has had little opportunity to speak to people since he arrived in the UK because he has been behind bars. His older sister, Hassanatou Ba, who lives in Morocco, says the whole family is devastated by his imprisonment, especially their mother. Hassanatou says her brother – the only son in the family, and the only male after the death of their father – has always been focused on helping them all.

      “He is gentle, kind and respectful, and loves his family very much,” she says. “He always wanted to take care of all of us. He knew about the difficulties in our lives and wanted our problems to stop.”

      In court, the judge, Mr Justice Johnson KC, noted that Bah’s early upbringing was difficult and that he was subjected to child labour. His initial journey from Senegal was tough, too, as he travelled to the Gambia, then Mali (where the judge acknowledged he had been subjected to forced labour), Algeria and Libya before crossing the Mediterranean to reach Europe. The risk of drowning in a flimsy and overcrowded boat in the Mediterranean is extremely high, with more than 25,000 deaths or people missing during the crossing since 2014. The Immigration Enforcement Competent Authority found there were reasonable grounds to conclude Bah was a victim of modern slavery based on some of his experiences on his journey. He told the police the boat journey was “terrifying”, and took four days and four nights in an “overcrowded and unsuitable” vessel.

      Bah and his fellow travellers were rescued and taken to Sicily. From there, he travelled to France and met Allaji Ba, 18, from Guinea, who became his friend and who he has described as his “brother”. The pair spent five months in Bordeaux before travelling to Paris, then Calais, then Dunkirk, spending three months in an area known as the Jungle – a series of small, basic encampments. The refugees who live there are frequently uprooted by French police. The vast original Calais refugee encampment – also known as the Jungle – was destroyed in October 2016, but the camps still exist, albeit in more compact and makeshift forms. Some people have tents, while others sleep in the open air, whatever the weather.

      In the Jungle, Bah met a group of smugglers. He was unable to pay the going rate of about £2,000 for a space on a dinghy to come to the UK, so instead he agreed to steer the boat in exchange for free passage. Smugglers don’t drive boats themselves: they either offer the job to someone like Bah, who can’t afford to pay for their passage; force a passenger to steer; or leave it to the group to share the task between them.

      When Bah saw how unseaworthy and overcrowded the boat was, he refused to pilot it, and in court, the judge accepted there was a degree of coercion by the smugglers. Bah said smugglers with a knife and a gun assaulted him, and other survivors corroborated his account of being beaten after refusing to board the boat.

      Once the dinghy was afloat, survivors have said the situation became increasingly terrifying. Out at sea, under a pitch black sky, the dinghy began taking in water up to knee level. It was when the passengers saw a fishing vessel, Arcturus, that catastrophe struck, with some standing up, hoping that at last they were going to be saved from what they believed was certain drowning.

      At Bah’s trial, witnesses gave evidence about his efforts to save lives by manoeuvring the stricken dinghy towards the fishing trawler, so that people could be rescued.

      One witness said that if it hadn’t been for Bah, everyone on board would have drowned. “He was trying his best,” he said. Another survivor called him an “angel” for his efforts to save lives, holding a rope so others could be hoisted to safety on the fishing vessel and putting the welfare of others first. The judge acknowledged that Bah was one of the last to leave the dinghy and tried to help others after he did so, including his friend Ba, “who tragically died before your eyes”.

      The dinghy was described by the judge as a “death trap”; he also recognised that the primary responsibility for what happened that night rests with the criminal gangs who exploit and endanger those who wish to come to the UK. He noted that Bah was “significantly less culpable” than the gangs and did not coerce other passengers or organise the trip.

      “Everything that has happened to Ibrahima since he was forced to drive the boat in 2022 has been bad luck,” says Hassanatou. “In fact, Ibrahima’s whole journey has been suffering on top of suffering.”

      Had Bah made the journey just a few months earlier, he would not be in this courtroom today. His conviction was made possible by recent changes in the law – part of the Conservative government’s clampdown on small boats. In June 2022, the Nationality and Borders Act (NABA) expanded the scope of criminal offences relating to irregular arrival to the UK. The offence of “illegal arrival” was introduced, with a maximum sentence of four years. This criminalises the act of arriving in the UK to claim asylum – and effectively makes claiming asylum impossible since, by law, you have to be physically in the country to make a claim.

      At the same time, the pre-existing offence of “facilitation” – making it possible for others to claim asylum by piloting a dinghy, for example – was expanded, with the maximum sentence increased from 14 years to life imprisonment. Hundreds of people, including children and victims of torture and smuggling, have subsequently been jailed for the first offence and a handful for the second.

      The reasons Bah and thousands of others are forced into this particularly deadly form of Russian roulette on the Channel is due to government policy not to provide safe and legal routes for those who are fleeing persecution. Last year, the government went further than NABA with the Illegal Migration Act, making any asylum claim by someone arriving by an “irregular” means, such as on a small boat, inadmissible. It is hard to overstate the significance of this change. The right to claim asylum was enshrined in the 1951 Geneva Convention after the horrors of the second world war – and has saved many lives. The UK is still signed up to that convention, but the Illegal Migration Act now makes it almost impossible to exercise that essential right, and has been strongly criticised by the UN.

      None of these legal changes are stopping the boats. Although the number of Channel crossings fell by 36% last year, much of that reduction was due to 90% fewer crossings by Albanians (there had been a spike in the numbers of Albanians coming over in 2022). Those fleeing conflict zones are still crossing in large numbers, and according to a report by the NGO Alarm Phone, measures introduced to stop the boats are likely to have increased the number of Channel drownings.

      Most asylum seekers do not seek sanctuary in the UK but instead head to the nearest safe country. Those who do come here often have family in the UK, or speak English. The decisions people make before stepping into a precarious dinghy on a beach in northern France are not a result of nuanced calculations based on the latest law to pass through parliament. “I come or I die,” one Syrian asylum seeker told me recently, when I asked about his decision to make a high-risk boat crossing after experiencing torture in his home country.

      Some lawyers who have followed Bah’s case and the broader implications of the new legislation are worried about these developments. “There is now no legal way to claim asylum,” one lawyer says.

      “The use of manslaughter in these circumstances is completely novel and demonstrates how pernicious the new laws are. It is the most vulnerable who end up piloting the boats and asylum seekers have no knowledge that the law has changed.”

      Bah’s case has also caused consternation among campaigners. “The conviction of Ibrahima Bah demonstrates a violent escalation in the prosecution of people for the way in which they arrive in the UK,” reads a joint statement from Humans for Rights Network and Refugee Legal Support, two of the organisations supporting Bah. They also point out that Bah had already spent 14 months in prison without knowing how long he would remain there, after a previous trial against him last year collapsed when the jury failed to reach a verdict.

      “He too is a survivor of the shipwreck he experienced in December 2022,” the statement continues. “Imprisonment has severely impacted his mental health and will continue to do so while he is incarcerated. Ibrahima navigated a horrific journey to the UK in the hope of finding safety here through the only means available to him and yet he has been punished for the deaths of others seeking the same thing, sanctuary.”

      The organisation Captain Support is helping 175 people who face prosecution as a result of the new laws to find legal representation. A letter-writing campaign calling for Bah to be freed has been launched.

      Hassanatou says she is struggling to comprehend the UK’s harsh laws towards people like her little brother, and she fears his age will make it particularly difficult for him to cope behind bars. He will be expected to serve two-thirds of his sentence in custody, first in a young offenders’ institute and then in an adult jail.

      In his sentencing remarks the judge said to Bah: “This is also a tragedy for you. Your dream of starting a new life in the UK is in tatters.”
