position:le premier

  • Nouvelle journée de #manifestations après la mort d’un Israélien d’origine éthiopienne

    Des manifestations ont eu lieu mercredi à Tel-Aviv et dans le nord d’#Israël pour la troisième journée consécutive, après le décès d’un jeune Israélien d’origine éthiopienne, tué par un policier, la communauté éthiopienne dénonçant un crime raciste.

    #Solomon_Teka, âgé de 19 ans, a été tué dimanche soir par un policier qui n’était pas en service au moment des faits, à Kiryat Haim, une ville proche du port de Haïfa, dans le nord d’Israël.

    Des dizaines de policiers ont été déployés mercredi dans la ville de Kiryat Ata, non loin de Kiryat Haim. Des manifestants tentant de bloquer une route ont été dispersés par la police.

    Malgré des appels au calme lancés par les autorités, des jeunes se sont aussi à nouveau rassemblés à Tel-Aviv. Une centaine de personnes ont défié la police en bloquant une route avant d’être dispersées.

    En trois jours, 140 personnes ont été arrêtées et 111 policiers blessés par des jets de pierres, bouteilles et bombes incendiaires lors des manifestations dans le pays, selon un nouveau bilan de la police.

    Les embouteillages et les images de voitures en feu ont fait la une des médias.

    Le Premier ministre Benjamin Netanyahu et le président israélien Reuven Rivlin ont appelé au calme, tout en reconnaissant que les problèmes auxquels était confrontée la communauté israélo-éthiopienne devaient être traités.

    – ’Tragédie’-

    « La mort de Solomon Teka est une immense tragédie », a dit le Premier ministre. « Des leçons seront tirées. Mais une chose est claire : nous ne pouvons tolérer les violences que nous avons connues hier », a-t-il déclaré mercredi lors d’une réunion du comité ministériel sur l’intégration de la communauté éthiopienne.

    « Nous ne pouvons pas voir de routes bloquées, ni de cocktails Molotov, ni d’attaques contre des policiers, des citoyens et des propriétés privées », a-t-il ajouté.

    Le ministre de la Sécurité publique, Gilad Erdan, et le commissaire de la police, Moti Cohen, ont rencontré des représentants de la communauté israélo-éthiopienne, selon un communiqué de la police.

    La police a rapporté que le policier ayant tué le jeune homme avait tenté de s’interposer lors d’une bagarre entre jeunes. Après avoir expliqué qu’il était un agent des forces de l’ordre, des jeunes lui auraient alors lancé des pierres. L’homme aurait ouvert le feu après s’être senti menacé.

    Mais d’autres jeunes présents et un passant interrogés par les médias israéliens ont assuré que le policier n’avait pas été agressé.

    L’agent a été assigné à résidence et une enquête a été ouverte, a indiqué le porte-parole de la police.

    En janvier, des milliers de juifs éthiopiens étaient déjà descendus dans la rue à Tel-Aviv après la mort d’un jeune de leur communauté tué par un policier.

    Ils affirment vivre dans la crainte d’être la cible de la police. La communauté juive éthiopienne en Israël compte environ 140.000 personnes, dont plus de 50.000 sont nées dans le pays. Elle se plaint souvent de racisme institutionnalisé à son égard.

    #discriminations #racisme #xénophobie #décès #violences_policières #police #éthiopiens

    • Ethiopian-Israelis Protest for 3rd Day After Fatal Police Shooting

      Ethiopian-Israelis and their supporters took to the streets across the country on Wednesday for a third day of protests in an outpouring of rage after an off-duty police officer fatally shot a black youth, and the Israeli police turned out in force to try to keep the main roads open.

      The mostly young demonstrators have blocked major roads and junctions, paralyzing traffic during the evening rush hour, with disturbances extending into the night, protesting what community activists describe as deeply ingrained racism and discrimination in Israeli society.

      Scores have been injured — among them many police officers, according to the emergency services — and dozens of protesters have been detained, most of them briefly. Israeli leaders called for calm; fewer protesters turned out on Wednesday.

      “We must stop, I repeat, stop and think together how we go on from here,” President Reuven Rivlin said on Wednesday. “None of us have blood that is thicker than anyone else’s, and the lives of our brothers and sisters will never be forfeit.”
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      Subscribe for original insights, commentary and discussions on the major news stories of the week, from columnists Max Fisher and Amanda Taub.

      On Tuesday night, rioters threw stones and firebombs at the police and overturned and set fire to cars in chaotic scenes rarely witnessed in the center of Tel Aviv and other Israeli cities.

      After initially holding back, the police fired stun grenades, tear gas and hard sponge bullets and sent in officers on horseback, prompting demonstrators to accuse them of the kind of police brutality that they had turned out to protest in the first place.

      The man who was killed, Solomon Tekah, 18, arrived from Ethiopia with his family seven years ago. On Sunday night, he was with friends in the northern port city of Haifa, outside a youth center he attended. An altercation broke out, and a police officer, who was out with his wife and children, intervened.

      The officer said that the youths had thrown stones that struck him and that he believed that he was in a life-threatening situation. He drew his gun and said he fired toward the ground, according to Micky Rosenfeld, a police spokesman.

      Mr. Tekah’s friends said that they were just trying to get away after the officer began harassing them. Whether the bullet ricocheted or was fired directly at Mr. Tekah, it hit him in the chest, killing him.

      “He was one of the favorites,” said Avshalom Zohar-Sal, 22, a youth leader at the center, Beit Yatziv, which offers educational enrichment and tries to keep underprivileged youth out of trouble. Mr. Zohar-Sal, who was not there at the time of the shooting, said that another youth leader had tried to resuscitate Mr. Tekah.

      The police officer who shot Mr. Tekah is under investigation by the Justice Ministry. His rapid release to house arrest has further inflamed passions around what Mr. Tekah’s supporters call his murder.

      In a televised statement on Tuesday as violence raged, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that all Israel embraced the family of the dead youth and the Ethiopian community in general. But he added: “We are a nation of law; we will not tolerate the blocking of roads. I ask you, let us solve the problems together while upholding the law.”

      Many other Israelis said that while they were sympathetic to the Ethiopian-Israelis’ cause — especially after the death of Mr. Tekah — the protesters had “lost them” because of the ensuing violence and vandalism.

      Reflecting a gulf of disaffection, Ethiopian-Israeli activists said that they believed that the rest of Israeli society had never really supported them.

      “When were they with us? When?” asked Eyal Gato, 33, an Ethiopian-born activist who came to Israel in 1991 in the airlift known as Operation Solomon, which brought 14,000 Ethiopian Jews to Israel within 36 hours.

      The airlift was a cause of national celebration at the time, and many of the immigrants bent down to kiss the tarmac. But integration has since proved difficult for many, with rates of truancy, suicide, divorce and domestic violence higher than in the rest of Israeli society.

      Mr. Gato, a postgraduate student of sociology who works for an immigrant organization called Olim Beyahad, noted that the largely poor Ethiopian-Israeli community of about 150,000, which is less than 2 percent of the population, had little electoral or economic clout.

      He compared their situation to African-Americans in Chicago or Ferguson, Mo., but said that the Israeli iteration of “Black Lives Matter” had no organized movement behind it, and that the current protests had been spontaneous.

      Recalling his own experiences — such as being pulled over by the police a couple of years ago when he was driving a Toyota from work in a well-to-do part of Rehovot, in central Israel, and being asked what he was doing there in that car — Mr. Gato said he had to carry his identity card with him at all times “to prove I’m not a criminal.”

      The last Ethiopian protests broke out in 2015, after a soldier of Ethiopian descent was beaten by two Israeli police officers as he headed home in uniform in a seemingly unprovoked assault that was caught on video. At the time, Mr. Gato said, 40 percent of the inmates of Israel’s main youth detention center had an Ethiopian background. Since 1997, he said, a dozen young Ethiopian-Israelis have died in encounters with the police.

      A government committee set up after that episode to stamp out racism against Ethiopian-Israelis acknowledged the existence of institutional racism in areas such as employment, military enlistment and the police, and recommended that officers wear body cameras.

      “Ethiopians are seen as having brought their values of modesty and humility with them,” Mr. Gato said. “They expect us to continue to be nice and to demonstrate quietly.”

      But the second generation of the Ethiopian immigration has proved less passive than their parents, who were grateful for being brought to Israel.

      The grievances go back at least to the mid-1990s. Then, Ethiopian immigrants exploded in rage when reports emerged that Israel was secretly dumping the blood they donated for fear that it was contaminated with H.I.V., the virus that causes AIDS.

      “The community is frustrated and in pain,” said one protester, Rachel Malada, 23, from Rehovot, who was born in Gondar Province in Ethiopia and who was brought to Israel at the age of 2 months.

      “This takes us out to the streets, because we must act up,” she said. “Our parents cannot do this, but we must.”


  • Les Ethiopiens d’Israël manifestent après le « meurtre » d’un des leurs par la police
    Par Le Figaro avec AFP Publié le 02/07/2019 à 21:57

    Des Israéliens d’origine éthiopienne manifestaient mardi leur colère après la mort d’un membre de leur communauté, tué par un policier qui n’était pas en service et dans des circonstances encore troubles.

    La mort dimanche soir de Solomon Teka, âgé de 18 ou 19 ans, a ravivé parmi les Ethiopiens d’Israël les accusations de racisme policier à son encontre. Depuis lundi soir, ces Israéliens manifestent à Kiryat Haim, près de Haïfa (nord), lieu où a été abattu Solomon Teka. Mardi, jour de son enterrement, la contestation a repris. La mort de Solomon Teka n’est rien d’autre qu’un « meurtre », a accusé sur les ondes de la radio israélienne Amir Teka, cousin de la victime. Les manifestants ont bloqué plusieurs routes et une quinzaine de carrefours, brûlant des pneus et attaquant parfois les véhicules qui tentaient de passer leurs barrages improvisés. Au moins 19 contestataires ont été interpellés, selon la police.

    « Nous devons faire tout notre possible pour nous assurer que la police cesse de tuer des gens à cause de leur couleur de peau », a déclaré à l’AFP l’un des manifestants, Mengisto, 26 ans. « Nous avons besoin d’obtenir des garanties de la part de l’Etat ou de la police que cela ne se reproduira plus », a-t-il exigé.

    Israël : des manifestations dégénèrent après la mort d’un Israélien d’origine éthiopienne (VIDEOS)
    3 juil. 2019, 16:02

    A la suite de la disparition de Solomon Tekah, probablement tué par un policier, la communauté éthiopienne d’Israël a manifesté sa colère. Différentes villes ont connu des affrontements au cours desquels manifestants et policiers ont été blessés. (...)


    • Family of Ethiopian Israeli Shot Dead by Police Urges Halt to Protests

      Major Tel Aviv junction blocked in third day of unrest ■ Dozens of demonstrators arrested
      Yaniv Kubovich, Almog Ben Zikri, Josh Breiner , Bar Peleg, Noa Shpigel and Aaron Rabinowitz Jul 03, 2019 7:45 PM

      The family of an Ethiopian Israeli teen whose shooting death by an off-duty police officer sparked a wave of prortests across the country called Wednesday for demonstrations to be put on hold, as they enter their third day.

      A friend of the 18-year-old Solomon Teka’s family said his father asked for protests to halt until the seven days of Jewish mourning, known as shiva, are over.

      Although police warned earlier on Wednesday they would not allow roads blockages, demonstrators were attempting to disrupt traffic in a number of locations across Israel.


      Seven people who were trying to block a road south of Tel Aviv, were forcibly removed by police and detained. One protester has been arrested in the northern city of Kiryat Ata, where about 100 people have gathered and begun marching toward the Zevulun police station. Five more people were detained for attempting to block access to a police station in Yavne.

      Speaking at a meeting of ministers tasked with advancing the integration of the Ethiopian Israeli community Wednesday evening, Prime Minister Netanyahu called on lawmakers to “exert their influence” and stop the violence immediately. “The death of Solomon Teka is a big tragedy, but we cannot tolerate this violence,” he said.

      Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan said that police forces were bracing for heightened tensions after Tuesday night’s protest against police brutality and racism toward Jews of Ethiopian descent turned violent, with 136 arrests and 111 injured policemen. The arrests were for allegedly attacking policemen, vandalism, and gross disturbance of public order.

      One protester’s remand was extended until Friday, for allegedly setting a car on fire in Tel Aviv. Another protester’s remand has been extended until 8:00 P.M. Wednesday for attempting to run over a police officer. A 24-year-old was arrested in Ashdod after he was caught on video lighting a border policeman’s uniform on fire. Police identified him and arrested him Wednesday.

      Erdan also noted that police had information that some protesters were planning to arm themselves and try to shoot policemen during the upcoming protests.

      The police announced that it will not allow protesters to block main roads on Wednesday, after roads were blocked throughout Israel on Tuesday evening, causing mass traffic jams. Magen David Adom stated that in the protests the night before, beyond the 111 officers who were hurt, 26 protesters were also injured, nine passers-by, and one firefighter. MDA also said that seven of its ambulances and four emergency first-aid motorbikes were damaged by rock-throwers.

      Police employed means of riot control Tuesday, including tear gas and stun grenades, as protesters closed down main city arteries, burning tires and vandalizing cars. Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan told Army Radio that while he understands the frustration and suffering of tens of thousands, the police did what they had to do. Erdan also vowed that the violence would not recur, and that if necessary, police would defend themselves.

      People were incited through social media, he said, boosting the violence to levels previously unknown, such as the throwing of a firebomb at a police station. He reiterated intense regret and sorrow over Teka’s death but added that the incident is not representative of change in the Israeli police in recent years.

      Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Wednesday that the “Ethiopian community is dear to us,” however the state is not prepared to tolerate blocking of roads or violence “including firebombs thrown toward our forces, the burning of cars or any other civilian property. We are a law-abiding nation. We demand that everyone respect the law.”

      Netanyahu convened a committee of ministers Wednesday night to advance the integration of the Ethiopian community and discuss “excessive policing and the patterns of behavior toward of those of Ethiopian descent.” Netanyahu added, “we’ve already seen improvement in this area and it seems that we need to make many more improvements.”

      In the northern city of Kiryat Ata, over a thousand marched on the Zevulun police station and smoke grenades were thrown into the station. Around 200 demonstrators in Afula blocked traffic on one of the northern city’s main streets. Meanwhile, major roads in several cities, including Tel Aviv and Haifa, were blocked by demonstrators burning tires.

      President Reuven Rivlin called for restraint and dialogue: “The rage must not be expressed in violence,” he tweeted. “The handful who chose violence are not the face of the protest and must not become the face of the protest, which we very much understand.” Rivlin called for a meeting together with representatives of all the parties involved in public safety: “Only through open conversation, difficult as it is, can change be achieved.”

      On Monday the police said that Teka may have been hit by a bullet ricocheting off the ground.

    • Rage Against the Police: 13 Photos From Ethiopian Israelis’ Protest

      Escalating demonstrations over the death of 18-year-old Ethiopian Israeli teen Solomon Teka are entering the third day
      By Haaretz Jul 03, 2019

      Israelis of Ethiopian origin are demonstrating throughout Israel following the death Sunday of 18-year old Solomon Teka, who was shot by police.

      Some of the protests quickly became violent when demonstrators blocked main roads and set on fire a car of a passerby who tried to drive through the blockade.

      A protester is throwing a scooter at a burning car during the Ethiopian Israeli protest in Tel Aviv. Credit : Tomer Appelbaum

      Protesters show photos of 18-year old Solomon Teka of Ethiopian descent, who died after he was shot by police, in Tel Aviv. Credit : Tomer Appelbaum

      A protester stands opposite to a policeman during the protest of Ethiopian Israelis, in Tel Aviv. Credit \ CORINNA KERN/ REUTERS

    • Nouvelle journée de manifestations après la mort d’un Israélien d’origine éthiopienne
      3 juillet 2019

      (Belga) Des manifestations ont eu lieu mercredi à Tel-Aviv et dans le nord d’Israël pour la troisième journée consécutive, après le décès d’un jeune Israélien d’origine éthiopienne, tué par un policier, la communauté éthiopienne dénonçant un crime raciste.
      Solomon Teka, âgé de 19 ans, a été tué dimanche soir par un policier qui n’était pas en service au moment des faits, à Kiryat Haim, une ville proche du port de Haïfa, dans le nord d’Israël. Des dizaines de policiers ont été déployés mercredi dans la ville de Kiryat Ata, non loin de Kiryat Haim. Des manifestants tentant de bloquer une route ont été dispersés par la police. Malgré des appels au calme lancés par les autorités, des jeunes se sont aussi à nouveau rassemblés à Tel-Aviv. Une centaine de personnes ont défié la police en bloquant une route avant d’être dispersées. En trois jours, 140 personnes ont été arrêtées et 111 policiers blessés par des jets de pierres, bouteilles et bombes incendiaires lors des manifestations dans le pays, selon un nouveau bilan de la police. Les embouteillages et les images de voitures en feu ont fait la une des médias. Le Premier ministre Benjamin Netanyahu et le président israélien Reuven Rivlin ont appelé au calme, tout en reconnaissant que les problèmes auxquels était confrontée la communauté israélo-éthiopienne devaient être traités. « La mort de Solomon Teka est une immense tragédie », a dit le Premier ministre. « Des leçons seront tirées. Mais une chose est claire : nous ne pouvons tolérer les violences que nous avons connues hier », a-t-il déclaré mercredi lors d’une réunion du comité ministériel sur l’intégration de la communauté éthiopienne. « Nous ne pouvons pas voir de routes bloquées, ni de cocktails Molotov, ni d’attaques contre des policiers, des citoyens et des propriétés privées », a-t-il ajouté. (...)

    • Les Israéliens éthiopiens s’interrogent : « Nos vies ont-elles moins de prix ? »
      Selon les manifestants, c’est un racisme systématique qui s’exprime derrière les violences policières répétées contre les jeunes noirs en Israël - et qui ont pu entraîner la mort
      Par Simona Weinglass 3 juillet 2019, 14:41

      Pour ces jeunes Israéliens d’origine éthiopienne qui manifestent, mardi, pour dénoncer le meurtre d’un membre de leur communauté par un policier, ce n’est pas seulement l’expression d’une colère contre ce qu’ils considèrent comme un racisme systématique profondément ancré du côté des forces de l’ordre.

      C’est aussi un cri exprimant une frustration entraînée par des promesses de changement, maintes fois répétées et qui n’ont rien changé.

      Dans tout le pays, ce sont des milliers de manifestants issus de la communauté et leurs soutiens qui ont bloqué les routes pour faire part de leur fureur après la mort de Solomon Tekah, qui a été abattu cette semaine par un agent de police qui n’était pas en service à ce moment-là.
      Une jeune femme d’une vingtaine d’années, vêtue d’une robe d’été et originaire de Ness Ziona, dans le centre d’Israël, confie : « Je suis complètement bouleversée. D’abord, on se dit : OK, c’est arrivé une fois mais ça n’arrivera plus. La fois suivante, on se dit : d’accord, peut-être qu’ils vont enfin régler ça ».

      « Mais quand ça devient systématique, alors là vous vous demandez si effectivement votre vie a moins de prix qu’une autre ? », lance-t-elle.

      « Ce jeune », ajoute-t-elle en évoquant Tekah, « ses parents lui ont donné tout ce qu’ils avaient. Ils l’ont élevé pendant toutes ces années. Et un jour, quelqu’un a décidé qu’il était autorisé à l’abattre ».

      Tekah est mort au cours d’une altercation survenue dimanche à Haïfa, dans le quartier Kiryat Haim.

      Un témoin de la fusillade aurait indiqué au département des enquêtes internes de la police, qui dépend du ministère de la Défense, que contrairement à ce qu’a pu affirmer le policier incriminé, ce dernier ne semblait pas être en danger quand il a ouvert le feu.

      L’agent a été brièvement placé en détention avant d’être assigné à domicile, attisant la colère au sein de la communauté.(...)

    • Solomon Tekah : Sa famille recevra 1,8 million de shekels
      14 janvier 2022 - The Times of Israël

      La famille d’un adolescent israélien d’origine éthiopienne tué lors d’une fusillade mortelle avec la police en 2019 devrait recevoir 1,8 million de shekels dans le cadre du règlement d’un procès civil contre la police israélienne, selon e site d’information Ynet.

      La famille de Solomon Tekah, 19 ans, avait porté plainte et réclamé 2,5 millions shekels de dommages et intérêts contre la police après qu’un officier a causé sa mort lors d’une fusillade.

      L’événement avait entraîné de nombreuses protestations contre la brutalité policière, dont certaines ont tourné à la violence.

  • Une roquette tirée depuis la bande de Gaza fait plusieurs blessés en Israël - moyen orient - RFI

    Un tir de roquette en provenance de la bande de Gaza a fait cinq ou six blessés – selon les sources – au nord de Tel-Aviv, en Israël, ce lundi 25 mars. Le Premier ministre Benyamin Netanyahu a annoncé qu’il allait raccourcir sa visite aux Etats-Unis et a promis de riposter « avec force ». L’armée israélienne envoie des renforts autour de Gaza. (...)


    • Rocket fired from Gaza hits Israeli House; Seven Wounded
      March 25, 2019 9:01 AM

      (...) The house that was hit by the rocket is located 100 km from the Gaza Strip, and the ‘Iron Dome’ system that the Israeli government has in place to intercept rockets fired from Gaza was not activated.

      No Palestinian armed resistance group claimed credit for the attack.

      When a rocket was fired from Gaza nearly two weeks ago, the Israeli airforce responded by dropping one hundred bombs in different parts of the Gaza Strip.

      Residents of Gaza report that they are fearful of what Israeli forces may be preparing to do, noting that drones and helicopters have been hovering over parts of Gaza all night.

      Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu reportedly cut short his trip visiting Trump in Washington DC to return to Israel to “manage our operations up close”.

    • surtout quand :

      Trump Signs Order Recognizing Golan Heights as Israeli Territory

      With Benjamin Netanyahu at his side, Trump said the U.S. will always stand by Israel’s side
      Noa Landau and Reuters (Washington, D.C. )

      President Donald Trump holds up a signed proclamation recognizing Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights, as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu looks on, Washington, D.C., March 25, 2019.AP/Susan Walsh

      WASHINGTON - U.S. President Donald Trump met Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Monday to sign a presidential proclamation officially recognizing the Golan Heights as Israeli territory on Monday, thus formalizing a move announced with a tweet earlier on Thursday.

      In a joint press conference, Trump said: “We do not want to see another attack like the one suffered this morning north of Tel Aviv,” adding: “Our relationship is powerful.” Trump then said: “We will confront the poison of anti-Semitism.”

    • Israeli Airstrikes Injure 8 Palestinians, Including Two Children In Gaza
      March 26, 2019 12:28 AM

      The Israeli Air Force carried out, on Monday at night, a series of air strikes targeting several areas, including homes, in many parts of the besieged Gaza Strip, wounding eight Palestinians, including two children.

      Media sources said the army fired two missiles into a commercial building, in the center of Gaza city, wounding two Palestinians, and causing excessive damage to the property and surrounding homes.

      The army also fired a missile at a residential building in the Rimal neighborhood, in Gaza city, wounding two children, and causing excessive damage to the building and some surrounding homes.

      At least one Palestinian was also injured when the army fired missiles into a building, east of the Sheja’eyya neighborhood, east of Gaza city.

      The army also fired two missiles into two sites, west of Gaza city, and in Beit Lahia, in the northern part of the Gaza Strip, causing damage, in addition to several missiles striking Palestinian lands east of Khan Younis and Rafah, in the southern parts of the coastal region.

      Medical sources said four Palestinians were injured by Israeli missiles in Beit Lahia and Jabalia, in northern Gaza, and were rushed to the Indonesian Hospital

      The Maan News Agency has reported that the army fired more than 100 missiles into various areas in the Gaza Strip.

      It added that all schools, universities, banks and various institutions have decided to close their doors, to avoid civilian casualties should the situation witness a further deterioration.

      Among the targeted buildings are offices of Ismael Haniyya, the political leader of Hamas movement.

      Israeli daily Haaretz has reported that the army launched an offensive striking what it called “Hamas targets” in the Gaza Strip after a shell was reportedly fired from Gaza. (...)

    • L’armée israélienne d’occupation bombarde le ghetto de Gaza
      25 mars 2019 - Memo – Al Jazeera

      L’occupant israélien a lancé aujourd’hui des frappes aériennes sur la bande de Gaza, touchant des cibles à travers l’enclave assiégée depuis maintenant 12 années.

      Les frappes ont commencé ce soir vers 18h00 heure locale (16h00 GMT), après qu’Israël ait passé la journée à se préparer à l’assaut. Après avoir affirmé qu’une roquette a été tirée de Gaza sur une ville au nord de Tel-Aviv, l’armée israélienne a envoyé deux brigades de l’armée – totalisant plus de 1 000 soldats – le long de la clôture de Gaza et a appelé des réservistes des unités aériennes en vue des bombardements.

      Israël a également bloqué aujourd’hui toute la bande de Gaza, en fermant les points de passage de Kerem Shalom (Karm Abu Salem) et Erez (Beit Hanoun) qui permettent aux produits et fournitures médicales d’entrer dans l’enclave. Il a également réduit la zone de pêche qu’il impose au large de la côte méditerranéenne de Gaza, bloquant ainsi encore davantage le territoire. (...)

  • For U.S. Jewry, Kahanist caper casts Netanyahu as prince of darkness and Trump on steroids
    Even AIPAC broke its usual silence after Netanyahu legitimized followers of the infamous Rabbi Kahane, who was a household name in America before setting foot in Israel
    Chemi Shalev
    Feb 23, 2019 7:53 PM

    The stench from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s foul deal with admirers of Meir Kahane’s rancid racism was so strong that it crossed the oceans and compelled even the normally obedient and circumspect organization AIPAC to break their silence. The extraordinary condemnation issued by AIPAC, flimsy as it was, is a symptom of the nausea that swept through American Jewry in the wake of Netanyahu’s unabashed efforts to legitimize the Kahane-inspired Otzma Yehudit party in order to ensure his re-election.

    The AIPAC statement could also confound Netanyahu’s plan to use his scheduled appearance next month at the group’s annual conference and turn it from a sure-fire platform for political propaganda to a risky gamble that could do him more harm than good. The thousands of delegates who will come to Washington on March 24 will undoubtedly try to maintain a semblance of business as usual and will likely accord Netanyahu the standing ovations he’s used to, but what was supposed to be a victory march on Netanyahu’s triumphant way to the White House has now turned into a tense arena with hidden dangers lurking in every corner.

  • Paris demande la levée du blocus israélien imposé à Gaza -

    Le Premier ministre français Edouard Philippe a appelé vendredi à la « levée du blocus israélien » imposé à la bande de Gaza ainsi qu’à la réconciliation des deux mouvements palestiniens rivaux. « Il n’y aura pas de paix sans une solution durable pour Gaza, qui passe par la réconciliation interpalestinienne et par la levée du blocus israélien », a-t-il déclaré à l’issue d’un entretien avec le Premier ministre palestinien Rami Hamdallah. (...)

    • Palestine signs 10 cooperation agreements with France
      Dec. 8, 2018 11:01 A.M. (Updated: Dec. 8, 2018 12:27 P.M.)

      RAMALLAH (Ma’an) — Palestine and France signed 10 cooperation agreements, on Friday, during a visit by Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah to Paris and his meeting with his French counterpart, Edouard Philippe.

      Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Malki, along with his French counterpart, Jean-Yves Le Drian, signed 10 cooperation agreements in education, budget, local governance, civil defense, environment, water, agriculture and developing the private sector.

      Meanwhile, Hamdallah attended a joint press conference with Philippe, where he thanked France for its support for Palestine and its support for the two-state solution.

      Hamdallah said, "As I expressed in our discussions with Prime Minister Philippe today, we are grateful for the French positions which demonstrate strong commitments to deepen and develop our partnership and cooperation and I would like to emphasize that this is also our commitment.”

      He said that the meeting of the joint French-Palestinian ministerial committee in Paris is important for promoting cooperation between their two countries and its peoples.

      Hamdallah said that French support was vital for developing the Palestinian economy and strengthening government institutions through capacity building, particularly in areas such as health, education, agricultural and water, among others.

  • ‘Criminal negligence’ or disregard to Russia-Israel ties : MoD details chronology of Il-20 downing — RT World News

    A minute-by-minute account of the Il-20 downing shows Israel’s culpability and either its military bosses’ lack of appreciation of relations with Moscow, or their control of commanding officers, the Russian defense ministry said.

    We believe that the blame for the Russian Il-20 aircraft tragedy lies entirely with the Israeli Air Force,” said spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov, before revealing a detailed account of events leading to the downing of the Russian Il-20 military aircraft on September 17. The plane was shot down by the Syrian air defense units as Israeli’s F-16s effectively used it as a cover during the attack on its neighbor.

    The report featured previously undisclosed radar data and details of communications between Russian and Israeli militaries, and concluded that “the military leadership of Israel either has no appreciation for the level of relations with Russia, or has no control over individual commands or commanding officers who understood that their actions would lead to tragedy.

    On the evening of September 17, the Russian Ilyushin IL-20 with 15 crew on board was circling over the Idlib de-escalation zone on a special reconnaissance mission, when four Israeli F-16 fighter jets left their country’s airspace and flew over the neutral Mediterranean waters towards the Syrian coast. The Israeli Air Force gave the Russian side less than a minute’s warning before dropping the precision-guided glide bombs, leaving virtually no time for any safety maneuvers, Konashenkov said, calling such actions “a clear violation of the 2015 Russian-Israeli agreements.

    Moreover, the Israeli military failed to provide the location of their jets or properly specify their targets, claiming they were going to attack several ’industrial facilities’ in northern Syria, close to the Il-20’s area of operation. The misinformation prompted the Russian Command to order the recon plane back to the Khmeimim air base. The Israeli jets, however, instead almost immediately attacked the western Syrian Latakia province.

      (article paru avant la conférence de presse du ministère de la Défense russe)

      It would seem that there were two significant contributory factors here: i) the Israeli ‘bad-faith’ abrogation of the proper protocols for communication between themselves and the Russian Military, in order to attain a deliberate advantage for carrying out their attack; and ii) the regrettable features of outmoded air-defence hardware which ultimately lead to the shoot-down.

      The solution to the second issue is rather straightforward: Russia had earlier proposed selling S-400 systems to Syria – a move which wound up effectively ‘veto’d’ by Israel stating in no uncertain terms that they would carry out airstrikes against any such systems before they had been fully installed, regardless of whether they were still Russian crewed at that point. Given Israeli airstrikes are presently causing Russian casualties anyway; as well as the fact that the Russians have already had their own advanced SAM systems for Russian defence set up in Syria for some time now, in the present situation of Israeli diplomatic weakness created by Monday’s events, now is the ideal time to engage in such technology-transfer directly to Syria with an explicit view to ensuring that Monday’s events do not recur thanks to half-century old hardware malfunctioning.

      The first issue is much more complex, as I would be rather surprised if Russia genuinely wanted to seriously contemplate abandoning its significantly close relationship with Israel – although it may potentially be convinced to ‘downgrade’ it somewhat, assuming that we do not see a repeat of what happened following Turkey’s downing of a Russian military aircraft in 2015 (ironically, a seeming catalyst for the two countries beginning to work more closely together than ever before). Whether Russia chooses to remain on ‘friendly’ ‘terms with Israel in a militaristic sense or not, the plain reality is that the Israelis have demonstrated that they cannot and should not be trusted to behave in an up-front manner when it comes to the communication and co-ordination protocols essential to allowing them to continue to operate with relative impunity above Syrian airspace.

      Russia should therefore suspend this facility they have provided to the Israelis forthwith – and openly state that future instances of Israeli military aircraft turning up unannounced above Syria will simply be treated as hostile, and dealt with accordingly. After all, from the perspective of that IL-20 crew, what else characterizes the Israeli conduct than this designation? Certainly not the actions of something approaching a ‘trusted’ ally! The net effect of this would be to impose a ‘no-fly zone’ of sorts over Syria – thus allowing operational freedom for Russian and Syrian air assets, and denying precious, vital air-cover to the extremist forces which theoretically everybody agrees need to be wiped out.

    • Avec, au passage, l’utile rappel de la possibilité de perte de contrôle des vieux missiles anti-aériens S-200.
      C’était il y a longtemps, le 4/10/2001 époque où il y avait encore des manœuvres communes russo-ukrainiennes.

      Vol 1812 Siberia Airlines — Wikipédia

      Un rapport préliminaire russe confirma les évaluations de responsables militaires américains faites à titre privé : le missile S-200 avait dépassé sa cible téléguidée qui avait été détruite avec succès par un S-300 tiré au même moment. Au lieu de s’autodétruire, le missile S-200 prit pour cible le long courrier qui se trouvait à près de 200 kilomètres ; le projectile explosa en projetant des billes d’acier (shrapnel) 15 mètres au-dessus de l’avion.

      Les responsables militaires ukrainiens nièrent d’abord que leur missile avait abattu l’avion ; ils déclarèrent que le S-200 avait été lancé vers la mer et qu’il avait réussi à s’autodétruire. Le porte-parole du ministère de la Défense Konstantin Khivrenko affirma que « ni la direction ni la portée (des missiles) ne correspondaient à l’endroit réel ou théorique où l’avion avait explosé. » Toutefois, les responsables ukrainiens admirent par la suite que c’était bien leur armée qui avait abattu l’avion de ligne.

  • Israel’s Shin Bet detains Peter Beinart at Ben-Gurion airport over political activity
    The Jewish-American journalist wrote that he was pulled aside for questioning upon entering Israel ■ Netanyahu says he was told detention was ’administrative mistake’ and ’Israel welcomes all’
    Amir Tibon and Noa Landau Aug 13, 2018 8:27 PM

    Beinart’s interrogation is the latest in a series of incidents at Israel’s border entry and exit points that involved political questioning of Jewish Americans.

    Last month, a Jewish American philanthropist who donated millions to Israeli hospitals and schools was interrogated because security at Ben Gurion found a booklet about Palestine in his suitcase.

    Last week, two left-wing Jewish American activists were detained for three hours at the border crossing between Israel and Egypt. One of the activists, Simone Zimmerman, one of the founding members of the Jewish anti-occupation IfNotNow, claimed she was interrogated about her political opinions.

    Israel’s security service, the Shin Bet, stated in response to Zimmerman’s allegations that it did not recommend that she be questioned about her political leanings, but simply advised that she and activist Abigail Kirschbaum be questioned.

    Beinart mentioned Zimmerman’s detention and questioning in his article. He described Zimmerman’s questioning as part of an overall trend in Israel, noting that “the day before, Netanyahu all but incited violence against the New Israel Fund’s director in Israel.”

    The journalist also referenced the Israeli government’s passage of the contentious nation-state law as part of a process in which, in his view, “Israel is getting uglier.”

    Yael Patir, the Israel Director at J Street, responded to the Beinart’s detention on Monday, saying that “slippery slope has turned into a dark and dangerous abyss when every citizen who dares criticize the Netanyahu government can find himself interrogated over his opinions.”

    “The clerks of the Immigration Authority and Shin Bet interrogators become, against their will, become the obeyers of a regime that uses them as a tool for political persecutions,” she continued.

    “If the government of Israel wants some sort of connection to the vast majority of U.S. Jewry, as well as to preserve the Israeli democracy, the political interrogations ought to stop entirely,” Patir concluded.

    In May, the Shin Bet held Israeli peace activist Tanya Rubinstein at Ben-Gurion International Airport for half an hour in early May, Rubinstein told Haaretz. She is general coordinator of the Coalition of Women for Peace and was returning from a conference sponsored by the Swedish foreign ministry. Left-wing activist Yehudit Ilani was detained two weeks later on her way back from Europe after visiting a flotilla headed to Gaza in the coming weeks in her capacity as a journalist.

    The Shin Bet responded to the report on Beinart’s arrest as well, saying that it operates only according to law and for the state’s security. “Mr. Beinart’s detention was carried out as a result of an error of judgment by the professional official at the scene.”

    The Shin Bet also told Haaretz it was “sorry for the unpleasantness Mr. Beinart experienced. The Shin Bet chief has instructed that the case be looked into.”
    Amir Tibon


    • Israël : l’interrogatoire d’un journaliste américain était une « erreur » selon Netanyahu
      AFP Publié le lundi 13 août 2018 à 20h58
      Le Premier ministre israélien Benjamin Netanyahu a affirmé lundi que l’interrogatoire auquel a été soumis un journaliste américain à son arrivée en Israël était dû à une « erreur administrative », a indiqué son bureau dans un communiqué.

      Peter Beinart, un journaliste de The Forward, a décrit dans un article de ce journal juif américain publié à New York comment il a été interrogé sur ses opinions politiques dimanche pendant une heure par un agent du Shin Beth, le service de sécurité intérieure, à son arrivée à l’aéroport Ben Gourion.

      Partisan du boycott des produits en provenance des colonies israéliennes implantées en Cisjordanie, un territoire palestinien occupé par Israël, il a raconté avoir été interrogé « encore et encore sur les noms des organisations +répréhensibles+ » avec lesquelles il était associé.

      Le journaliste, qui a affirmé être venu en Israël pour des raisons familiales, a qualifié la conversation de « déprimante, mais pas effrayante ».

      « Le Premier ministre a appris que M. Beinart a été questionné à l’aéroport Ben Gourion. Il a immédiatement parlé avec les responsables des forces de sécurité israéliennes pour savoir comment une telle chose avait pu se produire. Il lui a été répondu qu’il s’agissait d’une erreur administrative », indiquent ses services dans leur communiqué.

      « Israël est une société ouverte qui accueille aussi bien ceux qui le critiquent que ceux qui le soutiennent », a assuré le Premier ministre.

      M. Beinart a réagi sur son compte Twitter en estimant que Benjamin Netanyahu « s’est excusé à moitié (..) ».

      « J’accepterai ses excuses lorsqu’il s’excusera auprès de tous les Palestiniens et des Palestino-Américains qui endurent chaque jour des choses bien pire ».

      En mars 2017, le Parlement israélien a voté une loi interdisant l’entrée en Israël des partisans du mouvement « BDS » (Boycott, Dé-investissement et Sanctions contre Israël) qui lutte contre l’occupation des territoires palestiniens.

      BDS s’inspire de la lutte menée contre le régime de l’apartheid en Afrique du sud.

  • Lost Mothers
    An estimated 700 to 900 women in the U.S. died from pregnancy-related causes in 2016. We have identified 120 of them so far.


    The U.S. has the highest rate of maternal mortality in the developed world. Yet these deaths of women from causes related to pregnancy or childbirth are almost invisible. When a new or expectant mother dies, her obituary rarely mentions the circumstances. Her identity is shrouded by medical institutions, regulators and state maternal mortality review committees. Her loved ones mourn her loss in private. The lessons to be learned from her death are often lost as well.

    “”"The inability, or unwillingness, of states and the federal government to track maternal deaths has been called “an international embarrassment.” To help fill this gap, ProPublica and NPR have spent the last few months searching social media and other sources for mothers who died, trying to understand what happened to them and why. So far, we’ve identified 120 pregnancy- and childbirth-related deaths for 2016 out of an estimated U.S. total of 700 to 900. Together these women form a picture of maternal mortality that is more racially, economically, geographically and medically diverse than many people might expect. Their ages ranged from 16 to 43; their causes of death, from hemorrhage to infection, complications of pre-existing medical conditions, and suicide. We were struck by how many perished in the postpartum period, by the number of heart-related deaths, by the contributing role sometimes played by severe depression and mood disorders — and by the many missed opportunities to save lives.

    ProPublica and NPR plan to expand our 2016 photo gallery as we find more women and hear from more families. If you know of someone who died, please tell us here. Meanwhile, we highlight 16 women with portraits of their lives and deaths. Their stories are a reminder of just how much is lost when a mother dies. Examined together, these private tragedies point to a much bigger public health problem, and underscore the potential repercussions for women and families as Republicans in Congress push to revamp the health care system and roll back Medicaid.

  • Dental plaque DNA shows Neandertals used ’aspirin’

    “One of the most surprising finds, however, was in a Neandertal from El Sidrón, who suffered from a dental abscess visible on the jawbone. The plaque showed that he also had an intestinal parasite that causes acute diarrhoea, so clearly he was quite sick. He was eating poplar, which contains the pain killer salicylic acid (the active ingredient of aspirin), and we could also detect a natural antibiotic mould (Penicillium) not seen in the other specimens.”
    "Apparently, Neandertals possessed a good knowledge of medicinal plants and their various anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, and seem to be self-medicating. The use of antibiotics would be very surprising, as this is more than 40,000 years before we developed penicillin. Certainly our findings contrast markedly with the rather simplistic view of our ancient relatives in popular imagination."

    #aspirine #neanderthal

  • Israel pursues all crimes of its leaders except the real one: Occupation
    Gideon Levy | Monday 16 January 2017

    (...) The trials never held

    But beyond all that, another, even heavier cloud looms – one that no one dares mention. The elephant in the room is the institutionalised state corruption arising from a 50-year-old occupation, to which no one ever alludes.

    PM Ehud Olmert was sent to prison for pocketing a few hundred thousand dollars. He was never put on trial for his role in Operation Cast Lead in Gaza, a brutal assault by Israel on a helpless population that killed thousands of innocent civilians, including women and children and the elderly and the sick, and reduced thousands of their homes to rubble.

    No one thought to indict Olmert over Cast Lead, nor over the devastation sown by his directives in the war he waged on Lebanon. The only soldier to be put on trial for the crimes committed in Gaza was a soldier who stole a credit card from a private home, and the same dynamic was evident at the apex of the government: war crimes, breaches of international law, crimes of occupation and illegal settlements which collectively are one huge, contemptuous and contemptible violation of international law – no one in Israel has been put on trial for any of that.

    Israel likes to portray itself as a democratic country, a nation of law: the only democracy in the Middle East. Israel also likes to busy itself dealing with relatively trivial matters: a show trial for a junior soldier (Elor Azaria) who shot a dying Palestinian who had attempted to stab a soldier made headlines here as proof of Israel’s moral stature as a nation. The evacuation of a few buildings at the Amona settlement – likewise.

    But the focus on minor corruption and trivial crimes distracts attention from the main thing: the conduct of an occupation that is the source of all the corruption in, and the criminal acts of, the state of Israel, to which no other crime is comparable. That no one is put on trial or punished for this, while Israel is busy with its minor corruption cases, is troubling and bodes ill.

    It must be emphasised: the war on corruption in Israel is important. Its importance should not be minimised. Fighting corruption is important in fashioning the character and image of what is still a relatively young country. But one must strive to maintain proper perspective: Israel takes steps against things on the order of magnitude of a toothache – a necessary task – while entirely ignoring the more difficult and serious battle against the fatal disease afflicting it.

    • Mais au-delà de tout cela, personne n’ose mentionner la corruption d’État institutionnalisée découlant d’une occupation de 50 ans, à laquelle personne ne fait jamais allusion.

      Le Premier ministre Ehud Olmert a été envoyé en prison pour avoir empoché quelques centaines de milliers de dollars. Il n’a jamais été jugé pour son rôle dans l’Opération Plomb Durci à Gaza, un assaut brutal d’Israël sur une population impuissante qui a tué des milliers de civils innocents, y compris des femmes et des enfants, des personnes âgées et des malades et a réduit des milliers de leurs foyers décombres.

      Personne ne pensait à mettre en accusation Olmert sur Cast Lead, ni sur la dévastation semée par ses directives dans la guerre qu’il a menée sur le Liban. Le seul soldat à être jugé pour les crimes commis à Gaza était un soldat qui a volé une carte de crédit d’une maison privée, et la même dynamique était évidente au sommet du gouvernement : les crimes de guerre, les violations du droit international, les crimes de L’occupation et les colonies illégales qui sont collectivement une violation énorme, méprisante et méprisante du droit international - personne en Israël n’a été mis en jugement pour rien de tout cela.

      Israël aime se présenter comme un pays démocratique, une nation de droit : la seule démocratie au Moyen-Orient. Israël aime aussi s’occuper de questions relativement insignifiantes : un procès pour un soldat junior (Elor Azaria) qui a abattu un Palestinien mourant qui avait tenté de poignarder un soldat a fait les manchettes ici comme une preuve de la stature morale d’Israël en tant que nation. L’évacuation de quelques bâtiments à la colonie d’Amona - de même.

      Mais l’accent mis sur la corruption mineure et les crimes insignifiants détourne l’attention de la chose principale : la conduite d’une occupation qui est la source de toute la corruption et les actes criminels de l’état d’Israël, à laquelle aucun autre crime n’est comparable. Que personne n’est mis en jugement ou puni pour cela, alors qu’Israël est occupé avec ses cas de corruption mineure, est troublant et mauvais augure.

      Il faut souligner : la guerre contre la corruption en Israël est importante. Son importance ne doit pas être minimisée. La lutte contre la corruption est importante pour façonner le caractère et l’image d’un pays relativement jeune. Mais il faut s’efforcer de maintenir la bonne perspective : Israël prend des mesures contre les choses sur l’ordre de grandeur d’un mal de dents - une tâche nécessaire - tout en ignorant la lutte plus difficile et sérieuse contre la maladie mortelle qui l’afflige.

  • Several injured, 4 feared dead in suspected car ramming attack near Jerusalem
    Jan. 8, 2017 1:51 P.M. (Updated : Jan. 8, 2017 3:23 P.M.)

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — A Palestinian was shot dead after driving a truck into a group of uniformed Israeli soldiers, killing four soldiers and injuring at least 13 other people Saturday afternoon, at a bus stop in the illegal Israeli settlement of East Talpiyyot in the Jerusalem district of the occupied West Bank.

    An Israeli police spokesperson confirmed in a statement that the “terrorist” was shot and killed after carrying what she called a deliberate attack.

    Sources identified the slain driver as 28-year-old Fadi Ahmad Hamdan al-Qunbar from the Palestinian neighborhood of Jabal al-Mukabbir, located just east of East Talpiyyot.

    Israel’s emergency medical service Magen David Adom (MDA) said that the slain Israeli soldiers were in their 20s. According to Israeli media, three were women and the fourth was a man.

    MDA added that 13 others were wounded — three severely, one moderately-to-severely, and nine lightly. They were all evacuated to Israel’s Shaare Zedek hospital in Jerusalem. It remained unconfirmed if any civilians were among the injured.

    Israeli police said a truck with Israeli license plates veered from its course and rammed into people getting off of a bus — later revealed to be a group uniformed Israeli soldiers — at a promenade in the settlement, which overlooks the Old City of occupied East Jerusalem.

    A number of people were initially trapped under the truck, and three of the wounded had to be extracted from under the track using a crane.

    Israeli police reported imposing heightened security measures in the Jerusalem area, and that investigations were ongoing. Israeli police chief Roni Alsheich told reporters that there was no advance warning for the attack.

    The illegal East Talpiyyot settlement is also known as Armon Hanatziv, and is located just west of the Palestinian neighborhood of Jabal al-Mukabbir.

    UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Nickolay Mladenov quickly reacted to the “terror attack,” in a Tweet, saying: “My thoughts go out to victims of shocking #terror attack in #Jerusalem. Must be condemned by all. Absolutely no excuses, no justifications!”

    Since a wave of unrest began in October last year — largely marked by small-scale attacks by Palestinians targeting uniformed Israeli soldiers and police with knives or similar weapons — a number of deliberate car ramming attacks have occurred.

    However, Israeli authorities’ version of events have been challenged in a number of incidents, with officials in some cases later admitting so-called “terror attacks” were actually traffic accidents.

    However, Israeli news site Ynet quoted a witness as saying that after the truck rammed into the group of soldiers, Israeli forces fired at the driver who then reversed the truck and ran over the soldiers again. A video later released on Israeli media purported to show the moment the truck rammed into the soldiers.

    traduction en français: : Chronique de Palestine

    Al-Qods : 4 soldats tués dans une attaque contre les troupes d’occupation
    dimanche 8 janvier 2017 / 5h:10

    Ma’an News – Un Palestinien a été abattu par les forces israéliennes d’occupation après avoir conduit un camion dans un groupe de soldats israéliens, tuant quatre soldats et blessant au moins 13 autres personnes ce samedi après-midi à un arrêt d’autobus dans la colonie israélienne et illégale de Talpiyyot-Est.

    Un porte-parole de la police israélienne a confirmé dans une déclaration que le « terroriste » a été abattu après avoir exécuté ce qu’elle a qualifié d’attaque délibérée.

    Des sources ont identifié le conducteur assassiné comme étant Fadi Ahmad Hamdan al-Qunbar, âgé de 28 ans du quartier voisin de Jérusalem-Est de Jabal al-Mukabbir.

    Le service médical d’urgence d’Israël (MDA), a déclaré que les soldats israéliens tués étaient dans la vingtaine. Selon les médias israéliens, trois étaient des femmes et le quatrième était un homme.

    Le MDA a ajouté que 13 autres ont été blessés, dont trois sont dans un état critique. Ils ont tous été évacués vers l’hôpital israélien de Shaare Zedek à Jérusalem. On ne sait pas s’il se trouvait des civils parmi les blessés.

    La police israélienne a déclaré qu’un camion avec des plaques d’immatriculation israéliennes est sorti de sa voie et a renversé les gens qui descendaient d’un bus – plus tard révélé être un groupe de soldats israéliens en uniforme – à proximité d’une colonie qui surplombe la vieille ville de Jérusalem-Est. Un certain nombre de personnes sont restées bloquées sous le camion et trois des blessés ont dû en être extraits par l’utilisation d’une grue.

    • The illegal East Talpiyyot settlement is also known as Armon Hanatziv, and is located just west of the Palestinian neighborhood of Jabal al-Mukabbir.

      « Traduit » par Le Monde, ça donne

      Plusieurs morts dans une attaque au camion à Jérusalem

      Au moins quatre personnes ont été tuées dimanche 8 janvier à Jérusalem lors d’une attaque menée par un camion le long d’une promenade publique populaire surplombant les murs de la vieille ville. Un groupe de militaires a été percuté, une quinzaine de personnes ont été blessées.

    • Jan. 8, 2017 1:51 P.M. (Updated : Jan. 8, 2017 6:07 P.M.)

      Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a statement that the slain Palestinian attacker was “by all indications a supporter of the Islamic State,” without specifying the evidence leading to this assessment.

      Meanwhile, the Hamas movement released a statement in Arabic on social media, in which it hailed the “heroic and brave truck attack in Jerusalem which comes as natural reaction to the Israeli occupation’s crimes.”

      Jan. 8, 2017 1:51 P.M. (Updated : Jan. 9, 2017 11:05 A.M.)

      Israeli police later announced a gag-order for Israeli media on all further details of the case, including the identities of suspects. The four slain soldiers were identified in Israeli media as 20-year-old Yael Yekutiel from the Israeli city of Givataiym, 22-year-old Shir Hajaj from the illegal Israeli settlement of Maale Adumim, 20-year-old Shira Tzur from Haifa in northern Israel, and 20-year-old Erez Orbach from the illegal Alon Shvut settlement.

    • Quatre soldats israéliens tués dans une attaque au camion à Jérusalem
      AFP / 08 janvier 2017 19h38

      Jérusalem - Quatre soldats israéliens ont été tués dimanche lorsqu’un Palestinien, présenté par Israël comme un sympathisant du groupe Etat islamique (EI), a lancé son camion contre un groupe de militaires en excursion à Jérusalem.

      Il s’agit de l’une des attaques les plus meurtrières depuis le début d’une vague de violence entre Israéliens et Palestiniens à l’automne 2015.

      Les quatre victimes sont le sous-lieutenant Yaël Yekoutiel (20 ans) et les soldats Shir Hadjaj (22 ans), Shira Tzour (20 ans) et Erez Auerbach (20 ans).

      Le chauffeur du camion a été identifié par les médias palestiniens comme étant Fadi al-Qanbar, un habitant de Jérusalem-Est, partie palestinienne de la ville occupée et annexée par Israël depuis 1967.

      Il a été tué par balles, a rapporté la police. Dix-sept soldats ont été blessés, selon l’armée.

      Le Premier ministre Benjamin Netanyahu a affirmé que l’assaillant, selon toutes les indications, soutient l’EI.

      Il n’a pas précisé de quels éléments il disposait pour évoquer le groupe extrémiste qui n’a pas revendiqué d’attaques d’ampleur en Israël.

      M. Netanyahu tente souvent de dresser un parallèle entre Israël confronté à des attaques palestiniennes et d’autres pays visés par des attaques jihadistes.

      Mais la vague de violences qui a frappé Israël depuis l’automne 2015 est liée au conflit israélo-palestinien, centré principalement autour de disputes sur le territoire, les Palestiniens revendiquant un Etat indépendant sur leurs terres occupées par Israël depuis près d’un demi-siècle.

      Les soldats visés dimanche participaient avec des centaines d’autres à une sortie sur l’un des sites d’où l’on a l’une des vues les plus spectaculaires sur Jérusalem et sa vieille ville.

      Les soldats sont fréquemment emmenés sur cette promenade pour les sensibiliser à l’histoire de cette ville qui est au coeur du conflit entre Israël et les Palestiniens, chaque camp revendiquant notamment la souveraineté sur sa partie orientale.(...)

    • Israeli forces detain 5 relatives of Palestinian killed carrying out deadly truck attack
      Jan. 8, 2017 8:41 P.M. (Updated: Jan. 8, 2017 10:10 P.M.)

      Al-Qunbar’s sister Shadia told Ma’an that Israeli forces raided the Palestinian’s home, as well as his brothers’ and parents’ houses, holding the family members for more than three hours.

      She said that Israeli forces had detained al-Qunbar’s wife Tahani, his parents Ahmad and Minwa, and two of his brothers, Muhammad and Munther.

      Shadia noted that Israeli forces initially detained Munther al-Qunbar’s wife because her husband was not at home.

      Israeli troops ransacked family’s homes and interrogated al-Qunbar’s 12 sisters in their courtyard before summoning them for further interrogation at the Russian compound police station in Jerusalem, Shadia added.

      Al-Qunbar’s sister expressed surprise at the actions of her brother, a father of four, emphasizing that he had never been affiliated with a political party, and claiming that he had never been detained by Israel — although some media reports indicated that he had previously spent time in Israeli custody.

      “We don’t know what happened with Fadi. He called his wife (before the attack) and told her to prepare lunch,” Shadia said, adding that the family only found out about al-Qunbar’s involvement upon seeing footage of his truck running over soldiers.

      Israeli police spokeswoman Luba al-Samri confirmed in a statement on Sunday evening that Israeli forces had raided al-Qunbar’s home and detained nine “suspects,” including five of his relatives.

      Al-Samri added that Israeli police would remain heavily deployed in Jabal al-Mukabbir “until further notice.”

      Meanwhile, The Jerusalem Post reported that the Israeli security cabinet had convened in the wake of the attack and decided to withhold his body, reject family reunification requests of some of his relatives in Gaza and the occupied West Bank, and carry out a punitive demolition on al-Qunbar’s home as soon as possible.

    • Attaque parfaitement légitime de soldats israéliens occupants illégalement Jérusalem Est qui est Palestinien.

      Ces soldats auraient pu être objecteurs de conscience, ils participent à un crime, l’occupation de la Palestine.

    • Les autorités israéliennes décident d’enterrer deux martyrs dans les cimetières des nombres

      Ramallah, le 31 octobre 2019, WAFA- Le bureau du procureur général israélien a informé jeudi, l’avocat de la commission des affaires des prisonniers et ex-prisonniers, Mohammad Mahmoud, de son intention d’enterrer les corps des deux martyrs Mesbah Abu Sbeih et Fadi Qanbar dans les cimetières des nombres ces prochains jours.

      La Commission a condamné avec la plus grande fermeté cette politique barbare la qualifiant de raciste, extrémiste, génératrice de terrorisme et de haine, qui permet de détenir les corps des martyrs, en violation du droit international et des droits de l’homme.

  • Facebook and Israel Agree to Tackle Terrorist Media Together - Bloomberg

    At a meeting Monday in Tel Aviv, Facebook Inc.’s Joel Kaplan and Monika Bickert heard Israeli ministers loud and clear: the social network must do more to eliminate the incitement of terrorism on its pages.

    “The internet can’t be allowed to become an incubator for terrorism,” said Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan, who participated in a meeting with Kaplan, Facebook’s vice president of U.S. public policy, and Bickert, its head of global policy management and counter-terrorism.

    Many of the Palestinians arrested after attacking Israelis in the past year said they were influenced by content on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other online platforms, according to a statement from Erdan and Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked.

    BDS, c’est valable aussi pour les réseaux sociaux, quittez Facebook !
    Au passage, cela fait des années que les pages (pro)palestiniennes ou celles de la résistance sont fermées.


    • La version Rai al-yom de l’info : http://www.raialyoum.com/?p=520231
      إسرائيل تخضع “فيسبوك” و”يوتيوب” لرغباتها وتجبر أكبر موقع تواصل اجتماعي على شطب الآراء الفلسطينية التي تعارض سياساتها بحجة مواجهة “المضامين التحريضية” كمقدمة لإغلاق آلاف الحسابات
      Israël soumet Facebook et Youtube à ses volontés et oblige le premier des réseaux sociaux à effacer les opinions des palestiniens qui vont à l’encontre de sa politique au prétexte de "contenus offensants", prélude à la fermeture de milliers de comptes.

  • Projet de gazoduc Israël-Gaza avec l’aide des Pays-Bas

    La Haye - Les Pays-Bas aideront Israël a améliorer l’approvisionnement en eau et en énergie de la Bande de Gaza avec notamment la construction d’un gazoduc, a annoncé mardi à La Haye le Premier ministre Benjamin Netanyahu au cours d’une visite de deux jours aux Pays-Bas.


    Said Shoaib
    #Netanyahu Is Not Welcome in The #Netherlands'


    • Former Dutch PM calls Benjamin Netanyahu a ‘war criminal’ who should be tried in The Hague

      Dries van Agt said the Israeli leader should go ‘straight to the international criminal court’
      Harry Cockburn | 6 sept 2016

      Former Dutch prime minister Dries van Agt has described Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a war criminal who should be tried in the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

      His comments come ahead of Mr Netanyahu’s visit to The Netherlands this week.

      Speaking to Dutch television channel NPO 1, Mr van Agt said: “There’s a war criminal coming to this country.

      “The occupation and expansion… building of settlements, of occupied territory, this is according to the Rome Statute, which is… the statute on which the international criminal court is based, in so many words, a war crime.

      In a rambling interview, the 85-year old, who was prime minister of The Netherlands for five years until 1982, added: “So why should we receive someone who continues with such things?

      “We could have sent him straight away to the international criminal court – that would have been better.”

      Mr Van Agt has been highly critical of Israel in recent years, despite supporting the state during his years in office.

      In 2012, he caused controversy after saying Jews should have built a state in Germany rather than in the Middle East.

      Dutch pro-Israel group Likoed Nederland said in a statement on Monday: “Van Agt merits no serious podium”.

      Mr Netanyahu’s official visit to the Netherlands includes meetings with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, who he calls a “personal friend”, and with King Willem-Alexander.

      Mr Netanyahu said he planned to speak to Dutch leaders about Israel’s role in preventing the spread of Islamist terrorism.

  • Battu à mort par les policiers de l’Autorité palestinienne -
    24 août 2016 – Ma’an News

    Halaweh, connu comme le premier responsable des Brigades al-Aqsa – l’aile militaire du Fatah – dans la région de Naplouse, est le troisième civil à être tué par les policiers palestiniens à la suite de la fusillade de jeudi.

    Deux autres personnes ont été abattues vendredi lors de raids dans la vieille ville, et trois autres suspects ont été arrêtés dimanche, les autorités palestiniennes affirmant que cinq autres suspects étaient toujours en liberté.

    Peu de temps après le meurtre de Halaweh, le Premier ministre palestinien Rami Hamdallah a annoncé qu’un comité spécial serait formé pour se pencher sur la mort de Halaweh et faire connaître publiquement les résultats de l’enquête, qualifiant la situation « d’exceptionnelle ».

    Hamdallah a également appelé les Palestiniens recherchés par la police palestinienne à se rendre

    • Thousands attend funeral of man beaten to death by Palestinian police
      Aug. 28, 2016 7:54 P.M. (Updated: Aug. 28, 2016 8:59 P.M.)

      NABLUS (Ma’an) — Thousands of Palestinians in the northern occupied West Bank city of Nablus on Sunday afternoon took part in a funeral for Ahmad Izz Halaweh, who was beaten to death in detention earlier this week by Palestinian security officers.

      The funeral set off from the Rafidiya governmental hospital and headed to the eastern cemetery of Nablus amid maximum security procedures by Palestinian security forces.

      Mourners in the funeral called for Nablus district Governor Akram Rujoub to resign from office and for those responsible for Halaweh’s brutal killing to be held accountable.

  • Historical Map: Pneumatic Mail Tube Network, Paris, 1967 - Transit Maps

    Paris’ other underground transportation system. This is a fantastic and detailed map of the once-extensive network of pneumatic tubes used for whisking messages, post and telegrams from one side of the city to the other. Established in 1866, the system remained in use until 1984, when it was finally supplanted by “modern” technology like fax and telex machines. At the system’s apogee, there were over 460 kilometres (285 miles) of tubes running beneath the city.

    Notable on this map are a few hand-drawn additions and deletions, suggesting that this map actually represents the system a few years after its nominal date of 1967. A small inset at the bottom right shows the (presumably separate and secure) governmental pneumatic tube network.

    #cartographie #communication #pneu #paris

  • Opinion piece in Saudi pro-monarchy daily : No fear of 9/11 lawsuit since US/CIA was main trainer of terrorists

    From Okaz -

    “…If these files are opened, we would learn the reasons behind the CIA chief’s visit to Afghanistan with the famous $1 billion in cash, to create the Afghan Mujahedeen. We would also learn who trained and organized them, created what was later dubbed Al-Qa’idah, excluded and chased them and did not contain them once the mission was over, and how and where they retaliated against those who tricked them. Congress and its claims do not threaten the Kingdom. They rather create an opportunity to expose the involved Americans and their leaders’ lies one after the other, and expose the reality of their advisors’ presence in Afghanistan as trainers in the arts of terrorism.

    “Yes, the Kingdom did send youth, but upon Washington’s request and under its direct supervision. What happened later on is a different thing, which ended with a terrorist attack on the Kingdom, pushing it to exert strenuous efforts to keep [terrorism] away from the Kingdom, Europe, and even America itself, as confirmed by the files of its domestic and external intelligence. What is noticeable at this level is that President Obama is the American president who visited the Kingdom the most, but also who harmed it the most. Strategies are not built with deceivers or goners, or even based on public relations. Therefore, let us leave Mr. Obama to drown in his reluctance between isolation and interaction, and wait for the newcomer to the White House, and more importantly the new Congress that will be produced by the elections…”

    #Arabie_saoudite #Etats-Unis #linge_sale #apprentis_sorciers #terrorisme #dommages_collatéraux #délétère

    • J’ai tout de même l’impression que les Séoudiens essaient d’introduire la confusion entre leur rôle et celui de la CIA, largement connu et documenté, dans la création des « combattants de la liberté » des années 80 en Afghanistan (ah ces scènes émouvantes dans Rambo 3 !), et l’affaire actuelle qui concerne les attentats de 2001, 20 ans plus tard, alors que tout ce beau monde était censé avoir de longue date rompu avec Ben Laden et Al Qaeda.

  • Saudi Arabia Warns of Economic Fallout if Congress Passes 9/11 Bill

    WASHINGTON — Saudi Arabia has told the Obama administration and members of Congress that it will sell off hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of American assets held by the kingdom if Congress passes a bill that would allow the Saudi government to be held responsible in American courts for any role in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

    The Obama administration has lobbied Congress to block the bill’s passage, according to administration officials and congressional aides from both parties, and the Saudi threats have been the subject of intense discussions in recent weeks between lawmakers and officials from the State Department and the Pentagon. The officials have warned senators of diplomatic and economic fallout from the legislation.

    Adel al-Jubeir, the Saudi foreign minister, delivered the kingdom’s message personally last month during a trip to Washington, telling lawmakers that Saudi Arabia would be forced to sell up to $750 billion in treasury securities and other assets in the United States before they could be in danger of being frozen by American courts.

    #Arabie_saoudite #Etats-Unis

  • An Absence of Diplomacy : The Kyrgyz-Uzbek Border Dispute | The Diplomat


    On March 18, Uzbekistan deployed troops and military equipment, including armored vehicles and trucks, to the unmarked area of Chalasart on the Kyrgyz-Uzbek border, closing the Madaniyat highway checkpoint on the border with Kyrgyzstan and restricting the entry of Kyrgyz citizens at the Dostuk highway checkpoint.

    It is not the first time Uzbekistan has resorted to radical measures on the border with Kyrgyzstan. This time, the Uzbek national security service explained it as a routine reinforcement due to the Nowruz public holiday. Kyrgyz authorities immediately responded by sending troops and military equipment to the disputed area, and also sent a diplomatic note to Tashkent. Panic was reported among locals living in Kyrgyz villages near the occupied zone, and protests ensued.

    #kirghizstan #ouzbékistan #frontière #conflit_frontalier #asie_centrale

    • Francekoul | Article | Ouzbékistan-Kirghizstan : retour sur deux semaines de tensions à la frontière


      La présence de troupes ouzbèkes dans une partie non-délimitée de la frontière suscite l’inquiétude à Bichkek, qui envoie le même jour une note de protestation appelant Tachkent à retirer ses hommes. N’ayant pas reçu de réponse, l’armée kirghize déploie le lendemain deux véhicules de transports de troupes dans la zone.

      Dans les médias et sur les réseaux sociaux kirghiz, l’évènement a une répercussion importante. Le 19 mars, un petit groupe de personnes se réunit devant le siège du gouvernement à Bichkek pour demander le départ des troupes ouzbèkes à la frontière. Trois jours plus tard, un rassemblement de protestation se tient dans la ville de Kerben, qui se trouve à proximité de la zone concernée. Le Premier ministre kirghiz se rend sur place et, selon le site d’information 24.kg, y est sifflé lors de son discours devant près de 300 manifestants. Deux autres meetings de mécontentement s’étaient déjà tenus à Kerben depuis le début de l’année.

    • In Another Central Asian Security Crisis, Moscow Again Stands Aside | EurasiaNet.org

      A security crisis in Central Asia has yet again raised questions about the efficacy of Russia’s post-Soviet security bloc, the Collective Security Treaty Organization, to maintain peace in the region.

      The dispute between Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan over an undelimited part of their border was resolved over the weekend without any shots being fired, as both sides pulled back the armored vehicles and troops they had deployed.

      But before that happened, Kyrgyzstan called a special session of the CSTO’s permanent council in Moscow. (Kyrgyzstan is a member of the organization, while Uzbekistan is not, having dropped out in 2012.) But the response from Moscow was mild: the organization’s deputy secretary general was dispatched to Bishkek to monitor the situation.

  • Negative Interest Rates – Are There Any Positives? | naked capitalism

    Posted on March 29, 2016 by Yves Smith

    Yves here. I’m a bit mystified that central bankers were so confident that an untested experiment like negative interest rates would work out as planned, particularly since some of the assumptions as to why they thought it would work seem utterly barmy. But this is what happens when you put stock in theories that were debunked (by no less than Keynes), like the loanable funds model, that mainstream economists treat as gospel.
    By Steve Worthington, Adjunct Professor, Swinburne University of Technology. Originally published at The Conversation

    Negative rates have been introduced by some central banks worldwide. In theory doing so should both devalue their currency, making their exports cheaper and imports more expensive, and at the same time encourage consumer spending. It should also boost lending by financial institutions, as the value of capital being held by both individuals and banks is ever decreasing.

    Sadly this theory when put into practice has been found wanting. The Bank of Japan introduced a negative interest rate of minus 0.1% in January 2016 and the yen subsequently increased in value compared to its competitor currencies. Indeed in 2016 the yen is the best performing G10 currency against the US$.

    Similarly the Swiss National Bank flagged a negative interest rate of minus 0.25% to be introduced in January 2015, but the inflow of funds into the Swiss franc continued and the rate was finally reduced on its introduction to minus 0.75%, with the aim of discouraging capital inflows. However despite these moves the Swiss National Bank continued to accumulate foreign exchange reserves into the second half of 2015.

    The European Central Bank (ECB) further increased its negative interest to minus 0.4%, on bank deposits held at the ECB in mid March 2016, as it attempted to manipulate downward the value of the Euro. The impact of this was undermined somewhat by allowing the European banks to borrow from their central bank at the same minus rate, depending on how much they lend to businesses and consumers. An initial dip in the value of the Euro when the minus 0.4% was announced was then followed by a sharp rise, as the implications of the whole package became clearer.

    So will negative interest rates continue to be used as a weapon from the central bank armoury, or will the unpredictable behaviour of consumers and investors undermine the intentions of the central banks?

    If the weapon of negative interest rates does not work as expected on currency values or domestic consumption and investment, what else is there left to deploy to prevent deflation and a further slow down in economic actively? Economics indeed truly is dismal science.

    #économie #capitalisme #banques

  • Selon Benjamin Netanyahu, « Hitler ne voulait pas exterminer les Juifs » - SudOuest.fr

    "Hitler ne voulait pas exterminer les Juifs à cette époque, il voulait expulser les Juifs. Et Haj Amin al-Husseini est allé voir Hitler et lui a dit : « Si vous les expulsez, il vont tous venir ici (en Palestine) ». « Alors que devrais-je faire d’eux ? », a demandé Hitler. « Brûlez-les », lui a-t-il répondu."

    via @JulienSalingue

    • PM Netanyahu’s Speech at the 37th Zionist Congress
      20/10/2015 Photo by Amos Ben Gershom, GPO

      And this attack and other attacks on the Jewish community in 1920, 1921, 1929, were instigated by a call of the Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini, who was later sought for war crimes in the Nuremberg trials because he had a central role in fomenting the final solution. He flew to Berlin. Hitler didn’t want to exterminate the Jews at the time, he wanted to expel the Jews. And Haj Amin al-Husseini went to Hitler and said, “If you expel them, they’ll all come here.” "So what should I do with them?" he asked. He said, “Burn them.” And he was sought in, during the Nuremberg trials for prosecution. He escaped it and later died of cancer, after the war, died of cancer in Cairo. But this is what Haj Amin al-Husseini said. He said, “:The Jews seek to destroy the Temple Mount.” My grandfather in 1920 seeks to destroy…? Sorry, the al-Aqsa Mosque.
      So this lie is about a hundred years old. It fomented many, many attacks. The Temple Mount stands. The al-Aqsa Mosque stands. But the lie stands too, persists.

      et sa conclusion :

      But I think the larger battle that we fight is the battle for the truth and I urge every one of you to be a soldier in that battle. We’ve withstood, in the last century, the many assaults on our people. We came back to our homeland. We built our state. We’ve overcome tremendous forces. Israel is a modern, democratic, progressive and powerful state. We’ve withstood the attacks of terror, Palestinian terror, over the decades and we’ll overcome this one too. But I believe that the biggest battle we have to fight is the battle for the facts. The facts win over the fiction if they’re repeated clearly, responsibly, firmly. This is what I ask all of you to do for the sake of the Jewish state and for the sake of the Jewish people.

    • Nétanyahou fait du grand mufti de Jérusalem l’inspirateur de la solution finale
      Le Monde | 21.10.2015 à 11h37 • Mis à jour le 21.10.2015 à 11h58 | Par Piotr Smolar (Jérusalem, correspondant)

      (...)Ce dialogue imaginaire qui aurait eu lieu le 28 novembre 1941 lors de la rencontre, tout à fait réelle, entre Hitler et le mufti, a déclenché un incendie sur les réseaux sociaux. Il a obligé les responsables politiques à intervenir dans le débat, tandis que les historiens étaient invités à se prononcer sur la validité de cette thèse. Le chef des travaillistes, Isaac Herzog, a réagi mercredi sur sa page Facebook en évoquant « une dangereuse distorsion historique ». « Je demande à Nétanyahou de la corriger immédiatement car elle minimise la Shoah, le nazisme et… le rôle d’Hitler dans le désastre terrible de notre peuple. »

      Mais la réaction la plus tranchante fut celle de la chef du parti de gauche Meretz, Zehava Galon. « Peut-être que les 33 771 juifs assassinés à Babi Yar en septembre 1941 – deux mois avant la rencontre entre le mufti et Hitler – devraient être exhumés et mis au courant que les nazis ne voulaient pas les détruire. » Quant à Saeeb Erekat, le secrétaire général de l’Organisation pour la libération de la Palestine (OLP), il a affirmé que « Nétanyahou déteste tant les Palestiniens qu’il est prêt à absoudre Hitler pour le meurtre de 6 millions de juifs ». M. Erekat a aussi souligné la participation de milliers de Palestiniens dans les rangs des Alliés.(...)

    • N’oublions pas aussi que Vichy a sauvé des juifs :

      Comme Zemmour, Le Pen estime que Vichy a sauvé des juifs
      La Dépêche, le 20 octobre 2014 (tiens c’était il y a tout juste un an)

      C’est une nouvelle forme de Point Godwin, on devrait l’appeler le Point Zemmour...

      Bientôt c’est Faurisson qui écrira les discours de Netanyahou...

    • Netanyahou tient des propos négationnistes : « Hitler ne voulait pas exterminer les juifs »
      Le Premier ministre israélien a accusé mardi le Grand Mufti de Jérusalem, autorité religieuse musulmane, d’avoir poussé Hitler à « brûler » les Juifs.
      J.Cl. | 21 Oct. 2015, 11h41 | MAJ : 21 Oct. 2015, 12h18

      Le grand Mufti voulait empêcher la création d’un « foyer juif » en Palestine

      (...) Fin 1941, après avoir fui en Italie, le grand Mufti de Jérusalem s’était bel et bien réfugié en Allemagne pour demander à Hitler de reconnaître l’indépendance de la Palestine vis-à-vis de la puissance coloniale britannique. Des historiens ont démontré qu’Haj Amin al-Husseini voulait obtenir le droit pour les autorités arabes palestiniennes d’empêcher la création d’un « foyer juif » en Palestine.

      La rencontre avec le Führer a lieu le 28 novembre 1941. Aucun historien ne rapporte le dialogue imaginé par Netanyahou hier. Il semble qu’Hitler ait été très impressionné par la personnalité et le sens tactique de son interlocuteur dont il dira : « Cheveux blonds et yeux bleus, le visage émacié, il semble qu’il ait plus d’un ancêtre aryen. Il n’est pas impossible que le meilleur sang romain soit à l’origine de sa lignée ». Al-Husseini obtiendra même le titre « d’aryen d’honneur ».

    • Erekat: Netanyahu speech blames Palestinians for Holocaust
      Oct. 21, 2015 1:20 P.M.

      (...) The reference to the Mufti was made while attempting to deny that Israel has plans to change the status quo at the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, referred to by Jews as the Temple Mount.

      Erekat said the comments by the Israeli PM deepen the divide “during a time when a just and lasting peace is needed most” and attempt to turn a political issue into a religious one.

      “Just a day after the Israeli occupying forces gunned down five Palestinians, raising up the number of Palestinians killed since October 1st to 50, Mr. Netanyahu blamed the Palestinians for the Holocaust and completely absolved Adolf Hitler’s heinous and reprehensible genocide of the Jewish people,” the PLO official said.

      “On behalf of the thousands of Palestinians that fought alongside the Allied Troops in defense of international justice, the State of Palestine denounces these morally indefensible and inflammatory statements.”

      Erekat added that it is a “sad day in history” when the leader of Israel hates his neighbor so much that he would absolve the most notorious war criminal in history, Adolf Hitler, of the murder of six million Jews.

    • Shoah : selon Netanyahou, le mufti de Jérusalem a inspiré Hitler

      (...) Du reste, au lendemain de son discours devant le congrès sioniste, le Premier ministre israélien a fait machine arrière. Avant de s’envoler pour Berlin, il a déclaré à la presse qu’il n’avait pas voulu diminuer le rôle d’Hitler dans la solution finale : « C’est lui le responsable. C’est lui qui a pris la décision. Mais il est absurde d’ignorer le rôle du mufti Al Husseini qui était un criminel de guerre et a encouragé Hitler à exterminer les juifs d’Europe. » Netanyahou a également expliqué qu’il entendait faire la démonstration qu’un antisémitisme arabe existait « sans l’occupation et sans les colonies. »

    • The truth about the Saudi meeting with Assad envoy - Al Arabiya News

      These leaks, denied by Saudis, revealed that this meeting with the representative of the Syrian regime aims to form a quadruple alliance involving Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Jordan to fight terrorism.

      The Saudi source denied those claims clarifying that this meeting was initiated by Riyadh after another Saudi-Russian meeting during which Moscow accused Riyadh of obstructing a political solution and fueling terrorism through supporting the opposition. However, Saudi officials denied these accusations back then and invited the Russians to find a new solution to end the crisis.

      The Saudi source further said that Riyadh informed Moscow of an initiative aiming to bring peace and satisfy the Syrians or show the true face of al-Assad to its Russian allies.

      The tripartite meeting was held in Jeddah, and both planes, Russian and Syrian, arrived each alone and not on one single Russian plane as al-Akhbar reported. The Saudi source also stated that the Russian delegation made sure the Syrian delegation does not join them on their plane so Russians do not appear as a guarantor of al-Assad but serve only as a witness.