• Dr #Juliet_Henderson on ’Decolonising #Florence_Park Street Names’

    Florence Park: Imperial Relic or Vibrant Community?

    A few of us in Florence Park are keenly aware of those local street names bearing the names of military men with brutal histories in the British colonies, who worked for the #East_India_Company. With the goal of ‘decolonising’ our area we have started work on a project intended to a) raise awareness about the colonial histories these names incarnate and b) contrast it with the real, vibrant history of our local community which dates back to the 1930s. As a first step to achieving this we plan to place local history community boards in different streets that present the contrasting historical perspectives. We hope this will prompt engagement from the wider community in ongoing plans.

    #toponymie #toponymie_politique #UK #Angleterre #noms_de_rue #colonialisme #colonisation #décolonial
    #son #podcast

    ping @cede

    • What’s in a Street Name?

      I recently had a weekend away in a village near Bath, Freshford, where street names are engagingly straightforward: The Hill, Station Road, Church Lane. A pleasing Bauhaus balance between form and function (or location). They contrast starkly with certain street names in Florence Park, the area of Oxford where I live. The same neat letters on rectangles distinguishing one road from another, but far more complex histories leaking out from the uppercase letters.

      For example, Campbell Road, Lytton Road, Cornwallis Road, Clive Road. Ring any bells? The men with these names were all employees of the East India Company, a private company that stripped India of its assets and was the world’s largest opium trader. The men were also key players in British rule in India – a rule that produced 35 million deaths from war and famine.

      How and why their names came to be used for our estate (built in the 1930s) is difficult to ascertain with any accuracy. What matters for this piece is that last year four members of our Florence Park Black Lives Matter protest group were prompted to bear witness to the colonial history and cruelty the names represented. We sought to generate awareness of the colonial history embedded in these names by contrasting that history with the real, ongoing local history and voices of our area.

      This approach was chosen because we felt that trying to change the street names could upset many who have lived in the area for years.

      To date, we have produced a 5-minute podcast for OxEmp (Oxford and Empire Network), ‘Decolonising Florence Park Street Names’, and have erected some posterboards in relevant streets (see picture). In these first steps to move ‘our homes’ away from the crack of the slave-master’s whip and a predetermined hierarchy that places ‘great white men’ at the centre of history, we have been met with smiles and appreciation from those in our diverse community who stop to take the time to read the boards. Many reach out to share their thoughts and stories if we’re in our front gardens to chat, and some come to knock on our doors to find us. A conversation is beginning.


      To continue this, we plan to produce leaflets and more boards challenging the idea our community accepts the harmful legacies of colonialism.

      We also plan to organise ongoing events that consider the part colonialism still plays in wider society and local communities, and how we can address this.

      ‘What’s in a name? That which we call a street by any other name would smell more sweet’. With apologies to the Bard.


  • Les psychopathes préfèrent rouler en voitures allemandes, selon une étude ETX Daily Up

    Une étonnante étude britannique révèle que les personnes ayant des caractéristiques proches de celles d’un psychopathe aiment rouler en BMW ou en Audi, alors que ceux davantage sains d’esprit préfèrent les Kia ou les Skoda.

    Une étonnante étude britannique révèle que les personnes ayant des caractéristiques proches de celles d’un psychopathe aiment rouler en BMW ou en Audi, alors que ceux davantage sains d’esprit préfèrent les #Kia ou les #Skoda .

    La prochaine fois que vous croiserez une BMW marron ou une Audi verte, méfiez-vous de son conducteur. Une étude publiée par le comparateur de prix Scrap Car Comparison montre en effet que les possesseurs de voitures allemandes sont les plus susceptibles de présenter des signes de troubles du comportement.

    Cette étude a été réalisée auprès de conducteurs britanniques ayant accepté de passer un petit test de psychologie. Un score (noté sur 36) leur a chacun été attribué, puis une moyenne a été réalisée à partir de la marque de leur voiture. Il en ressort que ce sont les propriétaires de BMW qui présentent en moyenne les signes les plus avant-coureurs de psychopathie, juste devant ceux possédant une Audi. Suivent les propriétaires de Fiat et de Mazda. A noter que ceux qui roulent dans une voiture français ne seraient a priori pas trop inquiétants ! En queue de peloton, les conducteurs de #Seat, de #Kia ou de #Skoda ont l’air bien sages.

    Top 10 des marques dont les conducteurs présentent des signes de psychopathie (/36)
    1. #BMW (12,1)

    2. #Audi (11,7)
3. #Fiat (7,0)
4. #Mazda (6,4)
5. #Honda (6,3)
6. #Ford (6,1)

    7. #Mercedes-Benz (5,9)

    8. #Citroën (5,8)
9. #Volkswagen (5,4)

    10. #Hyundai (5,3)


L’étude va même encore plus loin puisqu’elle établit également un classement en fonction de la couleur de la carrosserie. Ainsi, les conducteurs d’une voiture couleur or (12,7) ou marron (12,2) seraient les plus inquiétants. D’autre part, ceux qui conduisent un #véhicule_électrique obtiennent en moyenne un score bien plus important (16) que ceux qui ont choisi de rouler en #hybride (9,8), au #Diesel (7) ou à l’ #essence (5,2).

    L’étude précise tout de même « qu’aucun de nos conducteurs interrogés n’ait obtenu un score suffisamment élevé pour suggérer qu’ils possèdent des traits clairs généralement exposés par un psychopathe ».

    Cette étude a été réalisée en novembre 2021 par 3Gem auprès de 2000 conducteurs britanniques.

    #Voiture #Angleterre #psychopathe #psychopathie

    • Financer une étude scientifique sur un fait que tous les automobilistes connaissent.
      Il y en a qui s’ennuient et qui ont du pognon à gaspiller.

      Ils auraient pu étudier le type de voiture.
      Les conductrices.eurs de coupés mercedes battent tous les records, dans mon coin.

  • UK university staff back strikes over pay and conditions

    Vote will add to disruption this winter after previous ballot for industrial action over pensions

    Disruption at UK universities is set to widen this winter after staff backed strikes over pay and working conditions, joining colleagues who voted for strikes over pensions earlier this week.

    A total of 58 institutions have now supported strike ballots, and they may be joined by others after the University and College Union (UCU) said it was looking at reballoting in branches that only narrowly failed to back industrial action – including Newcastle, where turnout was just a single ballot below the 50% required by law.

    The ballot on pay announced on Friday, which had a slightly more than 50% turnout by UCU members, resulted in 70% backing strikes and 85% voting for action short of strike, which could include a marking boycott.

    The UCU general secretary, Jo Grady, said: “We truly hope that disruption can be avoided – that is what staff and students alike all want. But this is entirely in the gift of employers who simply need to end their attacks on pensions, pay and working conditions and finally demonstrate they value their staff.”

    While 37 institutions voted for strikes over pensions in the first ballot, more supported action over pay and conditions, including two of the UK’s largest campus universities: University College London and the University of Manchester. Staff at the Open University, the UK’s largest university, backed strikes over pay and pensions.

    UCU is calling for a £2,500 increase for all staff, an end to pay discrimination, the elimination of zero-hours and other casual contracts, and moves to tackle unmanageable workloads.

    Representing employers, the Universities and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA) claimed that the 50% turnout among members would be “disappointing” for the union.

    “It is clear that the great majority of the 325,000 colleagues in UK HE institutions covered by the collective negotiations on the base pay uplift understand the financial realities for their institutions,” the UCEA said in a statement.

    In late 2019, UCU staff at 60 universities initially went on strike. That swelled to 74 institutions in a second wave of strikes that began in February 2020, as part of a dispute that was overtaken by the Covid outbreak in March.


    #université #Angleterre #UK #grève #résistance #universités


    En 2020 :
    Outre Manche 74 universités entrent en grève en février et en mars

    Ajouté à la métaliste sur les résistances dans le monde universitaire en Europe :

    ping @_kg_

  • Une COP26 au service du #lobby automobile

    La COP26 a lieu en ce moment même à Glasgow au Royaume-Uni et une nouvelle fois, on se rend compte que ces évènements médiatiques où le gotha #politique et économique Lire la suite...

    #Destruction_de_la_planète #Fin_de_l'automobile #Réchauffement_climatique #angleterre #climat #greenwashing #industrie #marche #mobilité #Vélo #voiture_électrique

    • Haro sur les bagnoles des prolos,
      le vrai visage des milliardaires qui se bousculent à la conférence de Glasgow !

      mickaël bloomberg (59 milliards de dollars), possède 6 avions, 3 hélicoptères, 11 maisons, 42 Voitures, Mais il pense que vous devriez utiliser les transports en commun pour sauver le climat.

      bill gates  : 5 avions 1 hydravion, 5 hélicoptères et 23 voitures de collection. Et il y a les autres,

      biden est ses 80 voitures.

      Les participants aux sermons dela cop 26 ont rallié Glasgow au moyen de 400 jets privés (qui sont 10 fois plus polluants que les gros porteurs), provoquant un rejet de 13 000 tonnes de CO2.

      N’oubliez pas de prendre les transports en communs, que nos gouvernants continuent de démanteler.

  • ‘My students never knew’: the lecturer who lived in a tent

    Higher education is one of the most casualised sectors of the UK economy, and for many it means a struggle to get by

    Like many PhD students, #Aimée_Lê needed her hourly paid job – as an English lecturer – to stay afloat. But what her students never guessed was that for two years while she taught them she was living in a tent.

    Lê decided to live outside as a last resort when she was faced with a steep rent increase in the third year of her PhD at Royal Holloway, University of London, and realised she would not be able to afford a flat and cover all her costs on her research and teaching income.

    She recalls: “It was cold. It was a small one-person tent, which meant after a bit it did get warmer. But there were days when I remember waking up and my tent was in a circle of snow. When I wasn’t doing my PhD or other work I was learning how to chop wood or start a fire.”

    She stored her books in the postgraduate office so they wouldn’t be damaged, and showered at university. She “didn’t quite tell” her parents, saying to them that she was staying on an ecological farm so as not to worry them.

    Nor did she tell her university, which insisted this week that the welfare of all its students was paramount and that it encouraged anyone struggling to reach out for support. Lê says she led a double life, fearful that it might damage her professional reputation if people knew she was homeless.

    “I got good reviews from students. I marked 300 GCSEs in a hotel lobby. I even organised an international conference. I was working to a very high standard and I was incredibly focused,” she says.

    The University and College Union says the plight of young academics who are desperate to get a firm footing on the career ladder is getting worse. Staff at 146 higher education institutions have until Thursday to vote on whether to strike once again – potentially before Christmas – over unfair pay, “untenable” workloads and casualised contracts.

    Lê says: “I think the students had every expectation I was receiving a salary for my work. I think that is what students everywhere assume: that we are lecturers on proper contracts. I did tell them that wasn’t the case, but I thought telling them I was living outside was a step too far.”

    Research published this month found that nearly half of the undergraduate tutorials for which Cambridge University is famous are delivered by precariously employed staff without proper contracts. The UCU says this is a familiar story across the country.

    Lê was awarded an annual fellowship of £16,000 for three years from Royal Holloway to do her PhD on minority ethnic groups in American literature, and won an extra scholarship from the US, where she is from, in her first year. But as an international student she had to pay £8,000 a year in fees to the university (fees that have been waived for UK fellows), leaving her with £12,000 a year to live on including her wages for teaching.

    She says she was just about managing until the cheap postgraduate hall she was living in was closed for renovations at the end of her second year. She was faced with finding an extra £3,000 a year for rent, which she says she couldn’t afford. Determined not to drop out, she borrowed the tent from a friend.

    Lê admits that at first “I was really scared. I found out there was a protest camp near campus so I turned up with my tent and asked if I could stay there so I wasn’t alone. And that was the start of my next two years.”

    While in her tent she looked forward to the “reward of stability” after her PhD. She knew she might still end up taking some shorter-term contracts but thought they would overlap and she wouldn’t ever have to worry about secure housing again.

    Today Lê feels such optimism was misplaced. She gained her PhD in 2018, and tutored schoolchildren and worked at a botanical garden to make ends meet before securing two years on a fixed-term contract teaching creative writing at Exeter University. Now she is living with her parents and job-hunting again.

    “I don’t know what is going to happen. I’ve had lots of interviews, including one at Cambridge recently, but I started looking in April while I was still employed. I feel really nervous.”

    She doesn’t know if she is right not to give up. “To be honest I struggle with that question. The irony is I think I am very well suited to the job. I know I’m a really good teacher. It’s like a vocation.”

    Royal Holloway did not know that Lê was struggling financially. A spokesperson said: “We have dedicated student advisory and wellbeing teams who are here to support our students, including PhD students, with their health and wellbeing.” Services included free counselling, crisis help, and a financial wellbeing team who could offer information on extra funding for which students may be eligible, he said.

    Vicky Blake, the president of UCU, said: “Many people are still shocked to learn that higher education is one of the most casualised sectors in the British economy. There are at least 75,000 staff on insecure contracts: workers who are exploited, underpaid, and often pushed to the brink by senior management teams relying on goodwill and a culture of fear.”

    The union’s research shows one-third of academics are employed on fixed-term contracts, and 41% of teaching-only academics are on hourly paid contracts. Women and BAME staff are more likely to be employed insecurely.

    Jasmine Warren, who teaches psychology part-time alongside her PhD at the University of Liverpool, says: “As a woman finishing your PhD and going straight into precarious contracts, you have to ask: at what point do I choose to have a family? At what point can I buy a house? I haven’t seen any university advertising lecturer positions with a contract of more than a year recently. We are expected to accept this as normal.”

    Sian Jones (not her real name) spent six months sleeping on friends’ floors while researching her PhD and teaching history for £15 an hour at a Russell Group university. Jones has a disability, and in the third year of her PhD her funding was frozen when she had to take a month out after surgery. Shortly afterwards she had to leave her home because of domestic violence. She couldn’t afford a deposit or rent.

    “It was a really hard time, carrying on teaching and doing my research while I had nowhere to live,” she says. “I ended up with severe PTSD.”

    Jones eventually finished her PhD while juggling two casual teaching jobs at two institutions an hour apart. “I’m still exhausted,” she says. “I’m now one of the lucky ones because I’ve got a three-year contract, so I can at last relax a bit. But knowing in two and a half years you will be unemployed again is absolutely terrifying.”

    Raj Jethwa, the chief executive of the Universities and Colleges Employers’ Association, said: “Despite UCU repeatedly rejecting opportunities to work with employers in this important area, employers have continued their efforts to reduce the sector’s reliance on fixed-term contracts.”

    He said that over the last five years fixed-term academic contracts had declined and “the vast majority of teaching is delivered by staff with open-ended contracts”.

    He added: “It is very disappointing that UCU is encouraging its members to take damaging industrial action which is specifically designed to disrupt teaching and learning for students who have endured so many recent upheavals.”

    #université #pauvreté #précarité #ESR #Angleterre #UK #facs #SDF #sans-abri #sans-abrisme #enseignement

    ping @_kg_

  • Le #sauvetage_en_mer au défi de la sécurisation des #frontières : le cas de la #Manche

    Cinq ans après le démantèlement de la « Jungle », en octobre 2016, Calais se trouve, une fois encore, au centre de l’attention politique et médiatique, en France et au Royaume-Uni. À l’aune de l’essor des traversées sur des petites embarcations surchargées, le terme de « crise » a fait sa réapparition. Si ces embarcations ne sont pas pour autant devenues l’unique mode d’accès à l’Angleterre, comme l’a sombrement rappelé le décès de Yasser, jeune soudanais mort après avoir été percuté par un camion, la maritimisation des migrations dans cette zone de l’Europe suscite de vives réactions.

    Jusqu’à présent, le sauvetage rapide des embarcations en difficulté demeure la norme en Manche. Pourra-t-il le rester, dans un contexte européen de sécurisation des frontières ?
    Faire frontière

    « Rendre la Manche impraticable pour les traversées de petites embarcations » : telle est l’intention de Priti Patel, Ministre de l’Intérieur du Royaume-Uni. Afin de préserver la vie humaine, l’enjeu serait de réaffirmer l’existence des frontières, de dissuader les entrées irrégulières en les criminalisant.

    Le projet de loi Nationality and Borders de la ministre prévoit ainsi que les entrées irrégulières, par embarcation par exemple, soient passibles de quatre ans d’emprisonnement.

    Malgré tout, les traversées continuent à augmenter : durant le mois de septembre 2021, ce sont 4 638 personnes qui ont réussi à traverser la Manche, sur quelque 160 embarcations surchargées. À la fin de ce même mois, le nombre de personnes arrivées par bateau sur les côtes anglaises depuis le début de l’année 2021 a déjà atteint le double du total de l’année précédente. Au-delà de cette hausse rapide, les zones de départ des traversées semblent, en 2021, s’être davantage étalées le long du littoral, comme en témoignent les interventions de secours au nord de Dieppe, dans la baie de Somme, ou autour du Touquet, entre autres.
    Pourquoi ce mode de franchissement s’est-il tant intensifié, depuis fin 2018 ? Pour les acteurs associatifs locaux, comme pour le gouvernement français, la sécurisation progressivement mise en place dans le Calaisis – largement financée par le Royaume-Uni, qui investit depuis plusieurs années dans ce contrôle aux frontières extra-territorialisé – est en partie responsable.
    Une « scène de théâtre politique idéale »

    À Calais, les accès aux ports, au site de l’Eurotunnel et à la rocade sont clôturés, hérissés de barbelés et vidéosurveillés. Et depuis 2019, un équipement high-tech est déployé pour surveiller cette partie du littoral : les patrouilles sont dotées de drones à caméras thermiques, de lunettes infrarouges, de remorques éclairantes… Ce renforcement des moyens de surveillance rend plus difficiles, d’une part, les passages clandestins par camions et ferries, et d’autre part, toute forme de départ de Calais.

    Paradoxalement, ces mesures de sécurisation destinées à faire disparaître les traversées irrégulières ont participé à une visibilité accrue des passages de frontière : contrairement aux passages en ferries et camions, les arrivées en embarcations de plus en plus surchargées se déroulent à ciel ouvert.

    Investi par des groupes et individus prônant, les uns le rejet des personnes arrivant, les autres des voies de passage sûres, le littoral britannique réincarne une « scène de théâtre politique idéale ». Et face aux arrivées qui se multiplient, la promesse du Brexit de « reprendre le contrôle des frontières » est mise à l’épreuve.

    Ainsi, les récents exercices de refoulement (push-backs) pratiqués par les forces frontalières britanniques, documentés et diffusés sur les réseaux sociaux par l’association Channel Rescue, semblent être un énième ressort de spectacularisation d’une frontière qui se veut ferme, et fermée.
    Des sauvetages aux « push-backs » et « pull-backs » ?

    Repousser des embarcations précaires et non adaptées à la navigation en Manche mettrait gravement en danger les personnes à bord. De plus, les sauvetages des embarcations de personnes migrantes (qui pour certaines, souhaitent demander l’asile) sont régis par un double cadre légal rendant les refoulements difficilement justifiables juridiquement.

    Ces interventions sont régulées à la fois par des accords bilatéraux – le Manche Plan de 1978 prévoit les procédures de coopération lors des opérations SAR (search and rescue) – et par des conventions internationales, qui affirment d’une part l’obligation de porter assistance aux personnes en danger en mer, et d’autre part la responsabilité des États côtiers dans la coordination des interventions de sauvetage.

    Et si, en mer, le droit des personnes réfugiées évolue dans un « vacuum juridique », les demandeurs d’asile se trouvant sous la juridiction d’un État sont, selon la CEDH et l’arrêt Hirsi Jamaa, protégés contre tout refoulement. Ainsi, en cas de sinistre impliquant des personnes migrantes dans les eaux territoriales françaises ou britanniques, les pays sont tenus de coordonner des sauvetages en faisant appel aux moyens maritimes disponibles, et ne peuvent procéder à des refoulements collectifs.

    Pour comprendre la multiplicité des acteurs impliqués dans les sauvetages en Manche, l’exemple d’une intervention, le 24 septembre, est édifiant. L’association Utopia 56, présente à Calais depuis 2016, reçoit, dans la nuit, un appel d’un bateau « sur le point de couler ». « Une soixantaine de personnes » serait à bord, à proximité de Dunkerque. Informé, le CROSS Gris-Nez engage les navires de la Douane, des Affaires maritimes, de la station SNSM de Dunkerque, mais également un hélicoptère de l’Armée belge : plusieurs personnes sont tombées à la mer. Certaines rejoignent les côtes par leurs propres moyens, tandis que deux sont hélitreuillées.

    C’est finalement le moyen britannique qui porte assistance aux personnes restées à bord de l’embarcation, qui a continué sa trajectoire. Ainsi, une unique embarcation a transporté des personnes dont certaines ont réussi et d’autres ont échoué à traverser. L’intervention déclenchée a par ailleurs mobilisé des acteurs d’organisations différentes, de trois pays.
    Un rôle ambivalent

    Parmi ces acteurs, l’un occupe une position particulière : la Société nationale de sauvetage en mer (SNSM) qui, contrairement à ce que son nom pourrait indiquer, ne dépend pas directement de ministères nationaux. Alors que les navires de la Douane, de la Marine et de la Gendarmerie nationale mènent des actions de surveillance, qui peuvent se transformer en sauvetage en cas de péril imminent, l’intervention de la SNSM, association composée de bénévoles mais reconnue d’utilité publique et assurant une mission de service public, est strictement limitée aux sauvetages.

    Or, les bénévoles voient dans certaines de leurs interventions une participation aux « opérations de police en mer », comme l’a expliqué récemment à la revue Le Chasse-Marée le président de la station dunkerquoise. Certains des bénévoles des stations de Berck-sur-Mer, Boulogne-sur-Mer, Calais, Gravelines et Dunkerque affirmaient ainsi au magazine Sauvetage la position ambivalente des équipiers, face à des personnes migrantes pour lesquelles un sauvetage dans les eaux françaises correspond aussi à un échec de leur tentative de traversée.

    Ces bénévoles pourraient-ils être amenés à terme, à réaliser des actions d’empêchement des traversées, en retenant les bateaux du côté des eaux territoriales françaises (pull-backs) ? Sous pression britannique, les moyens maritimes français ont-ils vocation à réaliser des interceptions telles que le font déjà certains pays voisins de l’Europe ?
    La Manche dans l’Europe

    Il est en effet difficile de s’intéresser aux enjeux du sauvetage en Manche sans les resituer dans le contexte européen de politique migratoire. D’autant plus que des liens directs entre les situations à Calais et en Mer Méditerranée sont établis par les responsables politiques eux-mêmes : en 2014, le Premier ministre français rapportait ainsi que les sauvetages en Méditerranée avaient contribué à créer des « points de fixation » dans le nord de la France.

    En 2019, le ministre de l’Intérieur énonçait en retour que si la France laissait des campements s’installer, des « migrants irréguliers » seraient attirés sur le littoral français. Tour à tour, les actions de la France et des pays européens sont ainsi présentées comme pouvant créer des « appels d’air ».

    Ces liens se retrouvent également dans les partages de pratiques et de moyens : Gérald Darmanin a promis l’intervention en Manche de moyens aériens de Frontex, l’agence européenne de garde-côtes, objet de nombreuses controverses, d’ici « la fin de l’année ». Son homologue britannique s’est quant à elle récemment rendue en Grèce pour discuter de « défis communs » et observer les méthodes de prévention des traversées mises en œuvre.
    Des perspectives d’évolution inquiétantes

    D’un point de vue comparatif, la situation en Mer Égée est particulièrement intéressante. Comme en Manche, les traversées entre la Grèce et la Turquie se déroulent dans les eaux territoriales de deux pays considérés comme sûrs, sur des distances relativement peu étendues. Mais alors que Priti Patel explore des solutions pour garantir l’immunité des forces frontalières en cas de décès de personnes migrantes en mer, il apparaît crucial d’alerter sur une transposition en Manche du recours systématique à la violence qui a pu être observé en Mer Égée.

    De nombreux rapports, de médias et d’ONG documentent depuis plusieurs mois les refoulements menés par les garde-côtes turques, grecs et européens. Refoulements réalisés dans l’illégalité, parfois par des personnes masquées, et accompagnés de démonstrations de force violentes et humiliantes (voir le rapport de l’ONG Mare Liberum).

    Dans un contexte de violence systématisée, comment le rôle des bénévoles de la SNSM pourrait-il évoluer ? De l’autre côté de la Méditerranée, le cas des garde-côtes espagnols montre comment en quelques années, une institution civile, non-militarisée, la SASEMAR, a pu être contrainte à passer d’une mission de sauvetage à une logique de gestion des frontières.

    Comme l’écrit la chercheuse Luna Vives, les contentieux politiques autour de la Manche et du sauvetage confirment le rôle des frontières en tant qu’« espace critique de ré-articulation de la souveraineté ». Ceci aux dépens des acteurs associatifs locaux, mais surtout des personnes tentant les traversées. Ainsi, il semble que nous assistions ici à un tournant. En dépit du droit international et dans un objectif de performance de frontières fermes, les actions de sauvetage en Manche risquent de ne plus être considérées comme un devoir, mais comme un « acte de charité », susceptible d’être suspendu.

    #La_Manche #UK #Angleterre #France #sécurité #contrôles_frontaliers
    #migrations #asile #réfugiés

    via @isskein

  • Degrees of Abuse

    A two-year investigation reveals how British universities are failing to protect their students from sexual harassment by senior academics or other students.


    #université #ESR #facs #harcèlement_sexuel #abus_sexuels #UK #Angleterre #Oxford #Oxford_university #Warwick #Warwick_University

    ping @_kg_


    ajouté à la métaliste sur le #harcèlement_sexuel à l’université :
    et plus précisément ici :

  • Les villes doivent être totalement dépourvues de voitures pour rester vivables

    Une équipe d’experts dirigée par des chercheurs de l’University College London (UCL) a créé un modèle mathématique pour l’utilisation des voitures dans une #ville, qui a démontré que les villes Lire la suite...

    #Vie_sans_voiture #Ville_sans_voitures #angleterre #congestion #londres #péage_urbain #péages #recherche #science #trafic

  • English schools must not teach ‘#white_privilege’ as fact, government warns

    Comments ahead of new guidance ‘simplistic and unhelpful’, say teaching unions

    English schools should not teach “contested theories and opinions … such as white privilege” as fact, the government has said prior to the publication of new guidance outlining how teaching certain political issues could break the law.

    Schools should avoid promoting “partisan political views” and must instead teach racial and social justice topics in a “balanced and factual manner”, according to the government’s official response to a report on the educational disadvantages faced by white working-class pupils published by the education committee in June.

    The Department for Education is working with schools to develop new guidance on how “to teach about complex political issues, in line with [schools’] legal duties on political impartiality, covering factors including age-appropriateness and the use of external agencies”, the response said.

    Kim Johnson, the Labour MP for Liverpool Riverside and a member of the education committee that produced the report, said the response failed to provide a serious plan to tackle widening educational inequality in England. “Instead of manufacturing a culture war focusing on the use of terms such as ‘white privilege’, this government needs to wake up to the harsh realities facing the lives of people every day. The education sector is facing a crisis of funding, and regional inequalities are widening despite this government’s talk of levelling up,” she said.

    At the time of publication she had disowned the education committee report on the grounds it had “cherrypicked data”, and had submitted her alternative version calling for “an end to the divisive framing” and for the government to focus on the root cause of widening educational inequalities, chiefly cuts to education and welfare services.

    Halima Begum, chief executive of the Runnymede Trust, said that teaching race discrimination was “not a political matter”. She said: “Preoccupying teachers and school administrators with politically charged discussions about ‘white privilege’ would appear to have very little to do with the primary issue of addressing socio-economic disparities.”

    Natalie Arnett, senior equalities officer at the National Association of Head Teachers said schools should be trusted to have conversations with pupils “that are right for their contexts and communities”, adding that “simplistic diktats like this from central government are unhelpful”.

    Julie McCulloch, director of policy at the Association of School and College Leaders, said schools were “very experienced at teaching controversial and challenging subject matter and helping young people to understand complex issues”, including by exploring topics from different viewpoints. She said the legal requirement for teachers to remain politically impartial was already well understood. “We are not convinced that further government guidance in this area is either necessary or helpful,” she said.

    The report from the Conservative-dominated education committee argued that terms such as “white privilege”, defined as white people benefiting from particular advantages in society, may have contributed towards systemic neglect of white disadvantaged communities. It also stated that schools teaching the concept could be in breach of the Equality Act 2010.

    Last year Kemi Badenoch, the equalities minister, warned that schools teaching pupils that white privilege was an uncontested fact were breaking the law.

    The government’s report, titled The Forgotten: How White Working-class Pupils Have Been Let Down, and How to Change It, looked at the poor educational outcomes for white British pupils eligible for free school meals because of persistent multigenerational disadvantage, regional underinvestment and disengagement from the curriculum.

    The document included findings that just 53% of disadvantaged white British pupils met development expectation at the end of the early years foundation stage, while only 17.7% achieved grade 5 or above in English and maths, among the lowest proportions of any ethnic group. White working-class pupils were also the least likely group to go on to higher education.

    The government said it planned to consider including additional funding in the comprehensive spending review for free schools to be established in parts of England with the greatest need, as well as longer-term funding for early years, two areas the committee highlighted as needing additional investment.

    Sir Peter Lampl, founder of the social mobility charity the Sutton Trust, said the government should also consider increasing the pupil premium for disadvantaged pupils and extending it to those aged over 16 in the spending review, which he said would be a “landmark moment for the government to show their commitment to disadvantaged children and young people”.

    #école #éducation #censure #privilège_blanc #UK #Angleterre #racisme #justice_sociale #impartialité

    ping @karine4 @isskein @cede

  • Le pire de . . . . Trouble Fait

    [Plus d’infos] :
    Pêche post-Brexit - manifestation de pêcheurs français au large de Jersey https://urlz.fr/gw2u
    Quotas, licences des bateaux pourquoi la pêche reste un sujet de préoccupation post-Brexit https://urlz.fr/gw2v
    Traité de pêche en baie de Granville (2000) — Wikimanche https://urlz.fr/gw2w
    TOUT COMPRENDRE – Jersey pourquoi les tensions sur la pêche post-Brexit s’enveniment https://urlz.fr/gw2y
    Pêche post-Brexit - Londres rappelle ses patrouilleurs après le départ des bateaux français de Jersey https://urlz.fr/gw2z
    Négociation Union Européenne Royaume-Uni sur les TAC 2021 - Les Pêcheurs de Bretagne https://urlz.fr/gw2A
    Jersey prolonge de trois mois les licences de pêcheurs français dans la Manche https://urlz.fr/gw2B
    Pêche pourquoi Jersey refuse l’accord du Brexit LCI https://urlz.fr/gw2C
    Transition énergétique l’Allemagne s’inquiète (enfin !) https://urlz.fr/gw2D
    Energieversorgung Bundesrechnungshof warnt vor Stromlücke – WELT https://urlz.fr/gw2E
    100% d’électricité renouvelable en 2050. https://urlz.fr/gw2F
    Marlene Schiappa sur Twitter https://urlz.fr/gw2G
    Marlene Schiappa propose de créer des salles de repos pour les livreurs. https://urlz.fr/gw2H
    La Suisse met fin aux négociations sur ses relations avec l’Union européenne https://urlz.fr/gw2I
    Relations entre la Suisse et l’Union européenne — Wikipédia https://urlz.fr/gw2J
    AELE-EEE Commission européenne https://urlz.fr/gw2K
    Accord commercial entre l’UE et la Suisse https://urlz.fr/gw2L
    L’accord cadre entre l’UE et la Suisse – GTE https://urlz.fr/gw2M
    La Suisse peine à définir ses relations avec l’Union européenne https://urlz.fr/gw2N
    La Suisse tourne le dos à l’accord-cadre avec l’UE - Le Point https://urlz.fr/gw2O
    « Union européenne – Suisse et maintenant », par l’ambassadeur de l’UE https://urlz.fr/gw2P
    Brexit deal lourde humiliation pour la Suisse – A propos de souverainisme non identitaire https://urlz.fr/gw2Q
    Acccord-inst-Projet-de-texte_fr.pdf https://urlz.fr/gw2S

    #ue #union_européenne #échec #bureaucratie #économie #brexit #pêche #énergie #sandrine_rousseau #marlene_schiappa #Angleterre #Allemagne #France #Suisse

  • Île de Jersey : les pêcheurs français menacent de couper le câble qui alimente l’île en électricité

    Dans quelques jours, à la fin du mois de septembre, les pêcheurs normands ne pourront plus exercer dans les eaux anglo-normandes. En réponse à cette décision, ils menacent de couper un câble sous-marin qui alimente l’île de Jersey en électricité.

    C’est une décision qui fait suite à l’officialisation du Brexit, il y a plusieurs mois. Les pêcheurs normands ne vont bientôt plus avoir le droit de travailler dans les eaux anglo-normandes. Dès les derniers jours du mois de septembre, cela sera interdit. Samedi 18 septembre, ils étaient plus d’une centaine à manifester dans le calme sur les plages de la commune de Pirou (Manche), juste en face de Jersey. C’est dans ces eaux territoriales, juste à côté du littoral, que les bateaux français réalisent la moitié de leur pêche. Cette fois, les Français menacent de couper le câble qui alimente Jersey en électricité.

    « C’est une catastrophe »
    Avec le Brexit, Jersey menace de suspendre ces licences à partir du 30 septembre. « C’est une catastrophe. On ne peut pas se projeter parce qu’on repousse les échéances. On ne peut pas demander à notre banquier de faire un prêt pour l’achat d’un bateau si dans six mois on ne peut plus pêcher », témoigne Romain Davonet, pêcheur depuis de nombreuses années. Ce n’est pas la première fois que les pêcheurs normands manifestent, en mai dernier, une flotte de bateaux normands avait manifesté face à l’île.

    Source : Revue de presse du 26/09/2021 https://www.les-crises.fr/revue-de-presse-du-26-09-2021

     #paradis_fiscaux #jersey #pêche #mer #pêcheurs #France #brexit #brexit #actualités_internationales #union_européenne #ue #angleterre #royaume-uni #poissons #électricité

  • Le gouvernement britannique accuse un organisme représentant les transporteurs d’avoir causé la pénurie de carburant

    Le ministre britannique des Transports Grant Shapps a accusé dimanche un organisme représentant le secteur routier d’avoir « déclenché » les pénuries de carburant au Royaume-Uni, peu après la décision du gouvernement d’accorder 5.000 visas à des chauffeurs étrangers pour régler la crise.

    « Un des organismes représentant les transporteurs a donné un briefing irresponsable (à propos de potentielles pénuries) qui a contribué à déclencher la crise », a affirmé dimanche sur Sky news le ministre, dénonçant une « situation fabriquée » par un geste « très inutile » et « contre-productif ».

    Depuis quelques jours, plusieurs stations-service ont fermé et d’énormes files d’attente se forment devant d’autres pompes à essence, où des Britanniques ignorant les appels au calme du gouvernement font des réserves de carburant. En cause : les pénuries, qui touchent aussi le secteur agroalimentaire, entraînées par un manque de 100.000 chauffeurs routiers depuis le Brexit et la pandémie. Une situation contre laquelle de nombreux secteurs mettaient en garde depuis plusieurs mois, mais dont le ministre des Transport a attribué la responsabilité à un organisme représentant les transporteurs.

    « Il y a eu une réunion il y a environ 10 jours au cours de laquelle l’une des associations de transporteurs a décidé de divulguer des détails aux médias », a-t-il détaillé, « et cela a créé un assez grand degré d’inquiétude, car les gens réagissent naturellement à ce genre de choses ». Le ministre n’a pas nommé l’organisme, mais une source gouvernementale a affirmé au Mail on Sunday que la Road Haulage Association (Association des transporteurs routiers) était « entièrement responsable de cette panique et de ce chaos ».

    5000 visas provisoires pour les chauffeurs
    Grant Shapps a accusé les associations du secteur de « vouloir à tout prix » embaucher « davantage de chauffeurs européens, (qui) baissent les salaires britanniques ». La veille, le gouvernement s’était vu contraint par la crise d’accorder jusqu’à 10.500 visas de travail provisoires, dont 5000 réservés aux chauffeurs : un virage inattendu en matière d’immigration professionnelle après le Brexit, alors que le gouvernement du Premier ministre Boris Johnson ne cesse d’insister pour que le Royaume-Uni ne dépende plus de la main-d’œuvre étrangère.

    Ces permis de trois mois, d’octobre à décembre, ne constituent qu’« une partie » des clefs pour résoudre la pénurie de chauffeurs routiers, a estimé dimanche Grant Shapps, arguant que « la solution à long terme » ne pouvait être « d’entrer dans un cercle vicieux constant où on n’est pas capable de former des gens ici et de les employer avec des salaires décents ».

    Le ministre a préféré mettre l’accent sur d’autres mesures exceptionnelles prises samedi, comme la mobilisation d’examinateurs du ministère de la Défense pour faire passer des milliers de permis poids lourd dans les semaines qui viennent. Rod McKenzie, de la Road Haulage Association, a qualifié d’« absurdes » les accusations « sans aucun fondement » selon lesquelles il aurait averti les médias de potentielles pénuries, affirmant que le gouvernement devrait plutôt adopter une approche « holistique » de la crise.

     #brexit #actualités_internationales #union_européenne #ue #angleterre #royaume-uni #politique #international #uk #esclavage #travail #capitalisme #esclaves #exploitation #logistique

  • Le #Royaume-Uni va accorder 10.500 #visas post-Brexit face aux pénuries de #main-d'oeuvre

    Le Royaume-Uni va accorder jusqu’à 10.500 visas de travail provisoires en réponse à des pénuries de main-d’oeuvre, un virage inattendu en matière d’immigration après le Brexit, pris samedi par le gouvernement.

    Ces permis de trois mois, d’octobre à décembre, doivent pallier un manque criant de #chauffeurs routiers mais aussi de personnel dans des secteurs clés de l’#économie britannique, comme les #élevages de volailles.

    Ces derniers jours et malgré des appels du gouvernement à ne pas paniquer, les #stations-service ont été prises d’assaut en raison de ruptures de stocks qui touchent aussi les rayons de produits agroalimentaires.

    Pour l’instant, le gouvernement n’a pas donné suite aux appels l’exhortant à déployer des soldats pour aider à la distribution du #carburant.

    Cette décision de rouvrir les vannes de l’#immigration_professionnelle va à l’encontre de la ligne défendue par le Premier ministre Boris Johnson, dont le gouvernement ne cesse d’insister pour que le Royaume-Uni ne dépende plus de la #main-d'oeuvre_étrangère.

    Pendant des mois, le gouvernement a essayé d’éviter d’en arriver là, malgré les avertissements de nombreux secteurs économiques et le manque estimé de 100.000 #chauffeurs_routiers.

    Outre ces #visas_de_travail, d’autres mesures exceptionnelles doivent permettre d’assurer l’approvisionnement avant les fêtes de #Noël, a mis en avant le secrétaire aux Transports, Grant Shapps.

    Les examinateurs du ministère de la Défense seront mobilisés pour faire passer des milliers de #permis_poids-lourds dans les semaines qui viennent.

    – « Insuffisant » -

    Le ministère de l’Education et ses agences partenaires vont débloquer des millions de livres sterling pour former 4.000 #camionneurs en mettant sur pied des camps de formation afin d’accélérer le rythme.

    M. Shapps a aussi appelé les employeurs à jouer le jeu « en continuant d’améliorer les #conditions_de_travail et les #salaires pour retenir de nouveaux chauffeurs ».

    Sous pression, le gouvernement va battre le rappel de tous les détenteurs du permis #poids-lourds : un million de lettres doivent partir pour demander à ceux qui ne conduisent pas de retourner au travail.

    Toutefois, la présidente de la Chambre de commerce britannique Ruby McGregor-Smith a estimé que le nombre de visas était « insuffisant » et « pas assez pour régler un problème d’une telle ampleur ».

    « Cette annonce équivaut à vouloir éteindre un feu de camp avec un verre d’eau », a-t-elle déclaré.

    Boris Johnson faisait face à une pression croissante. La crise du Covid-19 et les conséquences du Brexit ont accentué les #pénuries, qui se conjuguent à une envolée des #prix de l’énergie.

    Des usines, des restaurants, des supermarchés sont affectés par le manque de chauffeurs routiers depuis des semaines, voire des mois.

    Le groupe de produits surgelés Iceland et la compagnie de vente au détail Tesco ont mis en garde contre des pénuries à l’approche de Noël.

    La chaîne de restauration rapide McDonald’s s’est trouvée en rupture de milkshakes et de boissons le mois dernier. Son concurrent KFC a été contraint de retirer des articles de son menu, tandis que la chaîne Nando’s a fermé provisoirement des douzaines de restaurants faute de poulets.

    #post-brexit #Brexit #travail #pénurie_de_main-d'oeuvre #travailleurs_étrangers #UK #Angleterre #transport_routier

    ping @karine4

    • Hauliers and poultry workers to get temporary visas

      Up to 10,500 lorry drivers and poultry workers can receive temporary UK visas as the government seeks to limit disruption in the run-up to Christmas.

      The government confirmed that 5,000 fuel tanker and food lorry drivers will be eligible to work in the UK for three months, until Christmas Eve.

      The scheme is also being extended to 5,500 poultry workers.

      The transport secretary said he did not want to “undercut” British workers but could not stand by while queues formed.

      But the British Chambers of Commerce said the measures were the equivalent of “throwing a thimble of water on a bonfire”.

      And the Road Haulage Association said the announcement “barely scratches the surface”, adding that only offering visas until Christmas Eve “will not be enough for companies or the drivers themselves to be attractive”.

      Marc Fels, director of the HGV Recruitment Centre, said visas for lorry drivers were “too little” and “too late”.

      However, the news was welcomed by freight industry group Logistics UK, which called the policy “a huge step forward in solving the disruption to supply chains”.

      A shortage of lorry drivers has caused problems for a range of industries in recent months, from supermarkets to fast food chains.

      In recent days, some fuel deliveries have been affected, leading to lengthy queues at petrol stations - despite ministers insisting the UK has plenty of fuel.

      There are reports of dozens of cars queuing in London by 07:00 BST on Sunday morning, while many filling stations had signs up saying they had no fuel.

      Transport Secretary Grant Shapps told the BBC’s Andrew Marr that there was enough fuel in the country and that if people were “sensible” and only filled up when they needed to there would not be shortages.

      As well as allowing more foreign workers, other measures include using Ministry of Defence examiners to increase HGV (heavy goods vehicle) testing capacity, and sending nearly one million letters to drivers who hold an HGV licence, encouraging them back into the industry.

      Officials said the loan of MoD examiners would help put on “thousands of extra tests” over the next 12 weeks.

      Recruitment for additional short-term HGV drivers and poultry workers will begin in October.

      Mr Shapps said: “We are acting now, but the industries must also play their part with working conditions continuing to improve and the deserved salary increases continuing to be maintained in order for companies to retain new drivers.”
      Survey findings about why there are driver shortages

      Logistics UK estimates that the UK is in need of about 90,000 HGV drivers - with existing shortages made worse by the pandemic, tax changes, Brexit, an ageing workforce, and low wages and poor working conditions.

      The British Poultry Council has previously warned it may not have the workforce to process as many turkeys as normal this Christmas because it has historically relied on EU labour - but after Brexit it is now more difficult and expensive to use non-UK workers.

      The Department for Transport said it recognised that importing foreign labour “will not be the long-term solution” to the problem and that it wanted to see employers invest to build a “high-wage, high-skill economy”.

      It said up to 4,000 people would soon be able to take advantage of training courses to become HGV drivers.

      This includes free, short, intensive courses, funded by the Department for Education, to train up to 3,000 new HGV drivers.

      These new “skills bootcamps” will train drivers to be road ready and gain a Cat C or Cat C&E license, helping to tackle the current HGV driver shortage.

      The remaining 1,000 drivers will be trained through courses accessed locally and funded by the government’s adult education budget, the DfT said.

      Fuel tanker drivers need additional safety qualifications and the government said it was working with the industry to ensure drivers can access these as quickly as possible.

      Mr Fels said many young people were “desperate” to get into the industry but couldn’t afford the thousands of pounds it costs to get a HGV license.

      He called for the government to recognise the industry as a “vocation” and offer student loans to help fund training.

      Sue Terpilowski, from the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, said conditions for drivers also needed to improve, pointing out that facilities such as overnight lorry parks were much better on the continent.

      Richard Walker, managing director at supermarket Iceland, said it was “about time” ministers relaxed immigration rules in a bid to solve the HGV driver shortage and called for key workers, including food retail workers, to be prioritised at the pumps.

      On Saturday the BBC spoke to a number of drivers who had queued or struggled to get fuel.

      Jennifer Ward, a student paramedic of three years for Medicare EMS, which provides 999 frontline support to the East of England Ambulance Service, said she had to travel to five stations to get diesel for her ambulance.

      Matt McDonnell, chief executive of Medicare EMS, said a member of staff cancelled their shift because they had been unable to get fuel and said he was waiting to see if the government would introduce measures to prioritise key workers, like they had for shopping during the pandemic.
      ’Thimble of water on a bonfire’

      Industry groups the Food and Drink Federation and Logistics UK both welcomed the visa changes, with federation chief Ian Wright calling the measures “pragmatic”.

      But the British Retail Consortium said the number of visas being offered would “do little to alleviate the current shortfall”.

      It said supermarkets alone needed an additional 15,000 HGV drivers to operate at full capacity ahead of Christmas.

      Labour’s shadow foreign secretary Lisa Nandy said the changes were needed but described them as “a sticking plaster at the eleventh hour”.

      “Once again the government has been caught asleep at the wheel when they should have been planning for months for this scenario,” she told the BBC.


  • Report: Migration and vulnerability in the pandemic

    The report, which shows significant unmet healthcare needs and deep digital divide in migrant patients during first wave of the pandemic, draws on Doctors of the World’s anonymised service users’ data at the height of the first wave of the pandemic.

    Amongst the key findings of the report:
    The average number of consultations per month dropped drastically from approximately 170 before the pandemic to 50 during the pandemic
    Service Users were much more likely to find themselves in inadequate housing
    Significant barriers to GP registration remained
    Percentage of undocumented service users decreased, while the percentage of asylum seekers increased.
    There was a significant increase in service users reporting ’bad’ or ’very bad’ health.
    The study strongly highlights how vulnerable patients, who should have been amongst the groups receiving enhanced protection and support throughout the pandemic were excluded from or unable to access mainstream healthcare provision.
    In a time when many services (including healthcare) switched to a digital provision due to the pandemic, the research seems to demonstrate that not enough provisions were made to provide an alternative to digital services to people who often experience or suffer from the digital divide.

    The report calls on policy makers and service providers to ensure:

    All migrants, asylum seeker and refugees can access the healthcare services they are entitled to, especially GP registration
    Some face to face provision of services is reinstated and alternatives to accessing online registration are made available
    Providers of initial and contingency (hotel) accommodation for asylum seekers provide information and support to access NHS services
    GP surgeries continue to register new patients throughout the pandemic
    Wifi or data is provided for people living in poverty so that they are not excluded from services as they move online

    Pour télécharger le #rapport:

    #migrations #pandémie #covid-19 #asile #réfugiés #coronavirus #UK #Angleterre #vulnérabilité

  • Cinq ans plus tard. Une analyse de la situation à la frontière franco-britannique depuis la démolition de la grande « jungle » de Calais

    L’été 2021 marque le cinquième anniversaire de l’apogée du camp de réfugiés de Calais, plus connu sous le nom de la grande « jungle ». Apparu en 2015, le camp a atteint son paroxysme durant l’été 2016 avec près de 10,000 résidents.

    Ce rapport donne un aperçu du contexte politique qui a conduit à la constitution d’un #goulet_d’étranglement dans le nord de la France et à l’émergence du camp de la « Jungle » de Calais. Le rapport raconte à quoi ressemblait le camp, et comment et pourquoi le camp a finalement été démoli. Le rapport résume ensuite les principales tendances qui se sont déroulées dans la région au cours des années 2016-2021, tout en abordant les questions de savoir pourquoi la situation n’a pas encore été résolue et pourquoi la souffrance humaine dans la région persiste. Nous clôturons le rapport avec un chapitre discutant de ce qui doit se passer ensuite et présentons nos remarques de conclusion.


    Pour télécharger le rapport en pdf :

    #rapport #Calais #5_ans_après #asile #migrations #frontières #UK #Angleterre #France #camp #campement #encampement #jungle #grande_jungle

    ping @isskein @karine4

  • Hundreds of Afghan refugees housed in hotels ‘at risk of missing vital health and education services’

    Charities concerned about level of support provided to families in hotels.

    Hundreds of Afghan refugees who have arrived in the UK in recent months are being forced to live in hotels and are at risk of missing out on vital health and education services, charities have warned.



    #hôtels #asile #migrations #réfugiés #UK #Angleterre #réfugiés_afghans

    ajouté à la métaliste #migrations et #tourisme :
    et plus précisément ici :

  • Juteux business des tests PCR : Londres inflige 82 cartons rouges et radie 57 prestataires

    Face aux multiples irrégularités constatées sur le marché dérégulé des tests PCR outre-Manche, le ministère de la Santé britannique suivi par le gendarme de la concurrence se sont décidés à agir, alors que l’association de défense des consommateurs Which tire le signal d’alarme depuis six mois. Les compagnies aériennes, notamment low cost, critiquent cette libéralisation du marché des tests PCR dont la cherté est pour certains vacanciers, notamment les familles, un frein pour se rendre au Royaume-Uni.

    Le gouvernement a créé un marché où chaque prestataire fait ses prix comme il l’entend. Mais, malgré la grande liberté de commerce dont jouissent les acteurs présents, de nombreuses sociétés sont tentées de tricher. Sur les prix d’abord, mais aussi sur les prestations : certaines ne sont tout simplement pas capables d’assurer jusqu’au bout la transaction dûment payée, et de nombreuses plaintes montrent une incapacité sinon une mauvaise volonté à rembourser les clients lésés. (Crédits : GONZALO FUENTES)

    Contrairement à la France où les tests pour entrer et sortir du territoire sont « gratuits » pour les résidents dans le pays, c’est-à-dire payés par la collectivité et donc totalement encadrés par l’action de service public et d’urgence sanitaire, le gouvernement britannique a choisi de laisser la logistique des tests Covid-19 presque entièrement aux mains du secteur privé.

    Certes, il existe des tests gratuits : ceux pratiqués à l’hôpital public et réservés aux patients symptomatiques. Tous les autres tests sont payants - ceux qui permettent d’obtenir un certificat sanitaire pour entrer ou sortir du Royaume-Uni pour raisons professionnelles ou touristiques.

    La possibilité de commercialiser ce service en pratiquant des prix sans contraintes a abouti à une offre difficile à lire pour les consommateurs mais aussi à contrôler par les autorités : en effet, les prix peuvent varier de 20 livres (*) à... 359 livres (23 euros à 420 euros), et ces différences sont en quelque sorte justifiées par les autorités elles-mêmes, https://www.find-travel-test-provider.service.gov.uk/test-type/amber#list-of-test-providers qui exposent sans inhibition l’argument du « niveau de prestation » offert :

    « Les prix peuvent différer d’un fournisseur à l’autre pour un certain nombre de raisons, par exemple pour refléter différents niveaux de support client. Contactez les fournisseurs pour obtenir des informations détaillées sur les produits et les prix. Certains fournisseurs peuvent proposer une gamme de forfaits à des prix différents avec des compléments supplémentaires, tels que la livraison premium », indique le gouvernement sur son site Gov.uk

    Parmi les centaines de sociétés qui se sont engouffrées sur ce nouveau marché et qui ont été accréditées par les autorités, on compte bien sûr les établissements physiques classiques comme des cliniques (aux prix élevés) mais aussi de nouveaux entrants comme des fournisseurs via internet. Ces prestataires en ligne proposent de fournir des kits de tests à domicile, d’assurer la logistique des prélèvements, la vérification médicale en laboratoire, et enfin la délivrance de résultats officiels permettant à tous les demandeurs testés négatifs de pouvoir présenter un certificat ad hoc pour pouvoir se rendre à l’étranger ou être autorisé à résider au Royaume-Uni.

    Le gouvernement a donc créé un marché où chaque prestataire fait ses prix comme il l’entend. Mais, malgré la grande liberté de commerce dont jouissent les acteurs présents, de nombreuses sociétés sont tentées de tricher. Sur les prix d’abord, mais aussi sur les prestations : certaines ne sont tout simplement pas capables d’assurer jusqu’au bout la transaction dûment payée, et de . . . . . . .

    #test_pcr #pcr #tests #bénéfices #finance #gros_sous #covid-19 #coronavirus #sars-cov-2 #pandémie #covid #santé #cas_contact #travail #contacttracing #covid19 #Angleterre

  • UK plans #offshore_asylum_centres in other countries for Afghans

    Defence secretary says processing #hubs will be used for those Britain has ‘an obligation to’.

    Britain plans to establish offshore asylum centres for Afghan refugees in countries such as Pakistan and Turkey, as ministers admit that the UK will not be able to rescue those eligible for resettlement before troops leave Kabul.

    The defence secretary, Ben Wallace, said in a newspaper article on Sunday that the UK planned to establish a series of #processing_hubs across the region outside Afghanistan, for Afghans it had “an obligation to”.

    At least 1,429 Afghans have been evacuated from Kabul since last Friday, as part of the #Arap_relocation_scheme designed to help interpreters and others who have helped the British during their 20 years in Afghanistan.

    But it is estimated that a similar number – or more – remain in the country. The emergency airlift was continuing on Sunday, with RAF flights operating despite a crush at the airport gates as desperate Afghans try to flee.

    Nato believes 20 people have died around the airport in the last week, but Britain’s armed forces minister, James Heappey, said the flow outside the airport had improved because the Taliban were “marshalling people into separate queues for the US evacuation and the UK evacuation”.

    A total of 1,721 people – Britons, Afghans and people from allied countries – had been evacuated from Kabul on eight flights in the past 24 hours, Heappey said, with the RAF receiving help from its Australian counterpart in getting people to safety.

    But British officials already acknowledge that it is virtually impossible to evacuate people coming from outside Kabul, although Afghans with a claim have told charity workers they would risk crossing the country if they knew they had a flight.

    The new proposal was born out of the emergency, Wallace said, in an article in the Mail on Sunday. “The [Arap] scheme is not time-limited. We shall stand by our obligations and are investigating now how to process people from third countries and refugee camps,” he wrote.

    However, there were signs that the asylum plan had not been very far developed on Sunday night, when Turkey said it had not been approached and would reject any approach that was made.

    The names of countries had been briefed out by UK officials as examples of where processing centres might be established.

    A scheme to establish an offshore immigration centre was included as part of the Home Office’s nationality and borders bill, published in the early summer, before the western-backed government in Afghanistan collapsed.

    It was controversial because the intention was to allow the UK to send people to a third country to allow their claims to be processed. Officials had begun talks with Denmark about creating a processing centre in Africa – but how it will link together to the emergency centres is unclear.

    Britain has also agreed to take 20,000 Afghan refugees in a separate scheme announced on Tuesday, 5,000 of which will be in the first year. Priority will be given to groups who are most at risk of human rights abuses, such as women, girls and those from religious minorities.

    Ministers are also debating how to respond to the Taliban, with the home secretary, Priti Patel, understood to be exploring with security officials whether they should be proscribed as a terrorist organisation alongside the likes of Isis.

    But the prime minister, Boris Johnson, and other government departments have been holding out the possibility of recognising the Taliban government in Kabul, arguing the regime should be judged by “actions not words”.


    #réfugiés_afghans #asile #migrations #réfugiés #externalisation #UK #Angleterre #Pakistan #Turquie #procédure_d'asile #réinstallation #interprètes #interprètes_afghans #évacuation

    Comme dit l’article :

    A scheme to establish an offshore immigration centre was included as part of the Home Office’s nationality and borders bill, published in the early summer, before the western-backed government in Afghanistan collapsed.

    –-> voir ici le fil de discussion sur ce sujet (qui concerne le Royaume-Uni et le Danemark) :
    #Priti_Patel ’opens talks with Denmark to open new centre in AFRICA to process asylum seekers who want to come to UK’


    Pour rappel, les #USA ont apparemment signé un accord avec 4 pays pour un accueil temporaire (?) des réfugiés afghans, en attente d’un visa états-uniens : #Albanie, #Kosovo, #Macédoine_du_Nord et #Ouganda :

    ping @isskein @karine4 @_kg_

  • Afghan boy, 5, who died in Sheffield hotel fall named as Mohammed Munib Majeedi

    Ministers facing serious questions after boy falls from ninth floor of city’s #Metropolitan_hotel.

    Ministers are facing serious questions after a five-year-old boy whose family had recently fled the Taliban fell to his death from a ninth-floor hotel window in Sheffield.

    On Thursday night, South Yorkshire police named the boy as Mohammed Munib Majeedi.

    His family is understood to have arrived in Britain in recent weeks and was among a number of Afghan refugees temporarily housed at the £33-a-night Metropolitan hotel.

    One hotel resident, who was an interpreter for the British in Afghanistan, said Mohammed’s father had worked at the UK embassy in Kabul. He said he heard the boy’s mother scream “my son, my son” after the child fell from the open window at about 2.30pm on Wednesday.

    The Refugee Council called for the Home Office to launch an immediate investigation into the incident and whether any safeguarding assessments were carried out.

    The Home Office had been told about safety concerns at the hotel, the Guardian has learned, leading to questions about why the government placed families from Afghanistan there despite the concerns local officials raised.

    The Guardian has been told that the hotel was used for a short time last year as temporary accommodation for asylum seekers, but several families from Afghanistan have been placed in the hotel in recent weeks under the Home Office’s scheme to rescue those fleeing the Taliban.

    Concerns had been raised previously about the safety of the hotel and its windows, which can open very wide. One guest wrote on the hotel’s Facebook page in 2019 that the windows “opened so wide I was scared my children would fall out”. She added: “Please don’t stay at this dangerous hotel.”

    The budget hotel, which is being used to accommodate Afghan refugees who assisted the British authorities in their own country, was described as “absolutely disgusting”, “grimy” and “dirty” in online reviews as recently as last month.

    A Home Office spokesperson said: “We are extremely saddened by the tragic death of a child at a hotel in Sheffield. The police are providing support to the family while the investigation continues and we cannot comment further at this time.”

    The former interpreter for the British in Afghanistan said: “I was in my room. I heard a sound, like I heard the body fall. His mother was in the room with him. She was screaming: ‘My son, my son.’

    “When I came here [outside] I saw the ambulance and police.”

    He said the family came to the UK three or four weeks ago, landing at Birmingham airport and then staying in Manchester during Covid quarantine. The family, including the parents, three boys and two girls, moved to the hotel in Sheffield three or four days ago, and the father was regarded as “the new guy” among Afghans staying there, he said.

    The interpreter added: “If the dad is working for the Americans or the English, then their lives are in danger in Afghanistan. They came here to save their lives, they came for a new life here.”

    He said in his own room the windows only opened a few inches. The eight to 10 Afghan families staying at the hotel were being moved to another hotel on Thursday afternoon, he said.

    On Thursday night, South Yorkshire police named Mohammed and said in a statement: “His family have now formally identified him and they are being supported by our family liaison officers. We would ask that their privacy is respected at this time. Officers are appealing for anyone with information relating to the incident to come forward.”

    Dan Jarvis, the mayor of the Sheffield city region, who served for the British army in Afghanistan, said he was “desperately saddened at the appalling news”. He added: “My thoughts and deepest condolences are with his family, who will be experiencing an unimaginable pain at present.”

    Terry Fox, Leader of Sheffield city council, said: “I am absolutely heartbroken that a young boy has lost his life in this way. My deepest thoughts are with the family of little Mohammed, I can’t begin to imagine what they are going through. As a council we have been at the hotel to offer assistance and, in partnership with the police, will support the family in any way we possibly can. While details are still emerging and the police continue to investigate, it’s not appropriate for me to comment further, except to say that this is an incredibly sad time.”

    Enver Solomon, the chief executive of the Refugee Council, said: “This a terrible tragedy and our thoughts are with the family who have gone through so much trauma and suffering to reach the UK.

    “It is vital the Home Office carry out an urgent investigation into what has happened so steps can be taken to quickly learn lessons. We don’t know the details of the incident but it is imperative that families who come from Afghanistan are given all the support they need and housed in appropriate accommodation. They are vulnerable and often very traumatised. There should always be safeguarding assessments carried out so steps are taken to ensure nobody, especially children, is put at risk.

    “We know from our work the quality of hotel accommodation is variable and there have been cases when the welfare and needs of people seeking safety in our country have been overlooked. We hope this wasn’t the case on this occasion.”

    Tourists who had booked to stay in the hotel earlier this month had complained online that their bookings were suddenly cancelled. One traveller said they were told by a receptionist on 4 August that the hotel was closing in order to accommodate refugees.

    #OYO_Rooms, which owns the Metropolitan hotel, has been approached for comment.

    #hotel #asile #migrations #réfugiés #mort #décès #UK #Angleterre


    voir aussi la métaliste sur #tourisme et migrations :

  • Asylum seekers will be put in huge holding centres that can house up to 8,000 applicants under #Home_Office plans

    - Home Secretary #Priti_Patel wants to deter asylum seekers crossing the Channel
    - More than 10,000 migrants have already arrived via the Channel this year
    - A record 482 migrants made the 21-mile journey in a single day last week
    - Ms Patel wants to house asylum seekers in centres with up to 8,000 people


    #UK #Angleterre #centres_pour_réfugiés #centres_fermés #asile #migrations #réfugiés #New_Plan_for_Immigration #plan #encampement

  • Albania, Kosovo say ready to temporarily house Afghan refugees

    Albania and Kosovohave accepted a U.S. request to temporarily take in Afghan refugees seeking visas to enter the United States, the country two countries said on Sunday.

    In Tirana, Prime Minister Edi Rama Rama said U.S. President Joe Biden’s administration had asked fellow NATO member Albania to assess whether it could serve as a transit country for a number of Afghan refugees whose final destination is the United States.

    “We will not say ’No’, not just because our great allies ask us to, but because we are Albania,” Rama said on Facebook.

    Sources had told Reuters that Biden’s administration had held discussions with such countries as Kosovo and Albania about protecting U.S.-affiliated Afghans from Taliban reprisals until they completed the process of approval of their U.S. visas.

    In Kosovo, President Vjosa Osmani said the government had been in contact with the U.S. authorities about housing Afghan refugees since mid-July.

    “Without any hesitation and ... conditioning I gave my consent to that humanitarian operation,” Osmani said on her Facebook account.

    Osmani said Afghan refugees would be vetted by the U.S. security authorities, and added they would stay in Kosovo until their documentation for U.S. immigration visas was arranged.

    Hundreds of U.S. troops are still stationed in Kosovo as peacekeepers more than two decades after the 1998-99 war with the then-Yugoslav security forces.


    #Albanie #Kosovo #réfugiés_afghans #anti-chambre #asile #migrations #réfugiés #réinstallation #dans_l'attente_d'un_visa (qui probablement n’arrivera pas?) #externalisation #USA #Etats-Unis #transit

    ping @isskein @karine4

    • Prime Minister Rama Confirms Albania Will Accept Afghan Refugees

      Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama announced that Albania will accept Afghan refugees fleeing Taliban rule.

      Rama made the announcement this morning, confirming reports that the American government had asked Albania to host Afghan refugees waiting for their US visas.

      He expects Albania to become a transition destination, as Afghan refugees wait to settle in the US.

      He also said that he didn’t know if Kosovo’s government had been asked to do the same. Nevertheless, he expressed his hopes that if approached, Kosovo would also accept the US’s request.

      In his post, Rama mentioned that Albania had already agreed to host several hundreds high risk refugees, such as intellectual figures and women, at the request of various institutions. Rama did not name the institutions in question.

      Earlier this week, Reuters wrote that the US government had been conducting secret talks with Kosovo and Albania to temporarily house Afghan refugees who had worked for the US government.



      Nuk e ka shqiptaria një histori më të lavdishme për botën, se sa marrja në mbrojtje e hebrenjve gjatë Luftës së Dytë Botërore. Askush s’ua kërkoi gjyshërve tanë ta rrezikonin jetën e tyre për të shpëtuar hebrenjtë, siç pakkush bëri në Europën e përpirë nga flama naziste. Ata e bënë. Pa dallim krahine e feje. Disa syresh e paguan me jetën e tyre, po asnjë hebre për be nuk e dorëzuan tek nazistët. Falë nderit të tyre shqiptar, Shqipëria u bë vendi i vetëm i Europës që pati më shumë hebrenj pas Luftës së Dytë se sa para nisjes së saj.
      Përpara disa vitesh, ne strehuam në Shqipëri mbi dymijë njerëz që përndiqen nga regjimi i ajatollahëve të Iranit. U shpëtuam jetën, duke i tërhequr nga i quajturi, Camp Liberty, në Irak, ku sulmoheshin prej shërbimit sekret iranian e thereshin të gjallë. Dhe e vërteta, ndryshe nga ç’jashtënxorri çisterna e mexhelisit të korruptuar mediatik të Tiranës, është se askush nuk na e vuri litarin në fyt, përkundrazi.
      Qeveria e mëparshme kishte marrë mbi njëqind syresh prej tyre, me kërkesë të qeverisë amerikane dhe nder i kishte bërë vetes e këtij vendi. Më pas ne morëm afro treqind të tjerë. Mirëpo përtej moralit në vetvete të kësaj fabule njerëzore, ca shqipo mendjefikur e harrojnë se ne jemi kahera aleatë të Shteteve të Bashkuara, jo vetëm kur na duhen për hallet tona, siç na u deshën bombat e tyre për t’u mbrojtur nga spastrimi etnik i Sllobodan Millosheviçit ; siç na u desh zëri i tyre i superfuqishëm për ta hapur rrugën e pavarësisë së Kosovës apo për ta anëtarësuar Shqipërinë në NATO ; siç na duhet gjithnjë mbështetja e tyre për të forcuar pozitat tona kombëtare e shtetërore, po edhe kur ne u duhemi atyre ndonjëherë, jo për t’i shpëtuar ata siç ata na kanë shpëtuar ne në kthesa historike, por për t’u gjendur në krah të tyre kur edhe ata, ja që ndodh, kanë nevojë për diçka të vogël prej nesh.
      Por ata qindra iranianë të ardhur me kërkesë të aleatëve amerikanë, u bënë mbi dymijë jo me insistimin amerikan, po me kërkesën tonë drejtuar miqve tanë të mëdhenj ! Po po, e lexuat tamam, pjesën e madhe të iranianëve në rrezik për jetën të mbetur në mëshirë të fatit e kërkuam ne, pas një masakre të llahtarshme atje në Camp Liberty, ku u vranë me dhjetra, mes të cilëve plot gra e fëmijë.
      Dhe për ta mbyllur këtë pjesë, pyetja ime është : Çfarë problemi u kanë krijuar sharësve e mallkuesve pa din e as iman të rrjeteve sociale, ata njerëz të shkretë, që rrinë mbyllur dhe jetojnë me hallin e tyre e me paratë e tyre, në zonën e banuar të ndërtuar po me fondet e tyre diku në periferi të Tiranës ?
      Zero probleme.
      Tani le të vijmë tek lajmi i parmbrëmshëm se Amerika kërkon të sjellë përkohësisht në Shqipëri e në Kosovë, afganë të shkretë që vetëm pse u rreshtuan me NATO-n e ndihmuan ushtarët tanë në misionin e tyre paqeruajtës, rrezikojnë të theren si kafshë nga talebanët. Menjëherë pas daljes së lajmit, qysh dje në mëngjes, ka nisur të hidhet përpjetë llumi njerëzor i rrjeteve sociale, me sharjet e mallkimet e shqipes së vet bazike me 100 fjalë - edhe ato të shkruara për ibret - me të cilat mbron me zjarrin e padijes detin nga greku, dheun nga serbi, ajrin nga armiku imagjinar i radhës, duke shpërfaqur krejt egërsinë e injorancës, në emër të një kinse patriotizmi mu si ai i talebanëve, të cilët tjetrin, të ndryshmin e këdo mendon si ai, e konsiderojnë një armik që duhet asgjësuar, sakatuar e poshtëruar, vetëm pse as nuk është i verbër si ata, as nuk friket nga helmi i kafshimit të tyre.
      Nuk e di nëse amerikanët i kanë kërkuar edhe Kosovës të strehojë afganët që u ekspozuan si miq dhe mbështetës të ushtrive aleate ; uroj që në rast se po, qeveria e Kosovës të përgjigjet pozitivisht, për nderin e saj e të Kosovës sigurisht. Por bëj me dije se në Samitin e NATO-s isha unë që e ngrita këtë shqetësim, për jetët e bashkëpunëtorëve afganë të Aleancës pas tërheqjes së saj nga Afganistani. Madje iu referova si shembull eksperiencës tragjike të kundërshtarëve të regjimit komunist në vendin tonë, që vrau, burgosi, torturoi, shkatërroi çdo armik të brendshëm pasi triumfoi mbi armiqtë e jashtëm dhe mbylli totalisht Shqipërinë, siç do të bëjnë së shpejti tanimë, talebanët me Afganistanin.
      Thashë në samit se pas tërheqjes së ushtrive të saj, bashkësia e qytetërimit demokratik të NATO-s nuk mund t’i lerë në mëshirën e barbarëve triumfatorë, njerëzit e ekspozuar si mbështetës të afërt të misioneve paqeruajtëse atje. Dhe nënvizova me gojën plot, se Shqipëria ishte e gatshme të merrte pjesën e saj të barrës, të cilën të gjitha vendet e NATO-s duhet ta ndajnë mes tyre. Kjo është bindja ime, jo vetëm si njeri i një populli që ka shpëtuar hebrenjtë nga nazistët e shekullit të XX, po edhe si kryeministër i një vendi që i njeh mirë të dyja anët e medaljes, qoftë kur të lënë vetëm në duart e një regjimi xhelatësh në atdheun tënd, qoftë kur kërkon një jetë të re si i huaj në vendet e të tjerëve.
      Eshtë e vërtetë po, se ditët e fundit qeveria amerikane i ka kërkuar Shqipërisë të vlerësojë nëse mund të shërbejë si një vend tranzit, për një numër të caktuar emigrantësh politikë afganë, të cilët destinacion fundor kanë Shtetet e Bashkuara. Dhe padiskutim që ne nuk do të themi jo, e jo thjesht pse na e kërkojnë aleatët tanë të mëdhenj, po sepse ne jemi Shqipëria ! Shqipëria është shtëpia e shqiptarit që as me Kanun, as me Zakon, e as me Moral po të doni, nuk ua përplas derën në fytyrë të panjohurve që trokasin për mbrojtje. Ne nuk jemi të pasur, por s’jemi as pa kujtesë, as pa zakone, as pa moral dhe është në nderin tonë t’u gjendemi të tjerëve, siç të tjerë na janë gjendur ne, po sidomos të mos u kthejmë kurrizin hallexhinjve të huaj, siç shpesh na e kthyen ne dikur, kur ishim të huaj hallexhinj. Kjo është arsyeja morale pse ende pa ardhur kërkesa e qeverisë amerikane, ne kemi mikpritur dy kërkesa prej dy institucionesh shoqërore shumë të respektueshme përtej oqeanit, për të vlerësuar strehimin e përkohshëm në Shqipëri të disa qindra personave, nga rrethet intelektuale dhe të grave aktiviste afgane, të cilët janë nga të parët në listat e ekzekutimeve të barbarëve të Afganistanit.
      Kujt nuk është dakord me gjithë sa thashë për këtë lajm, i them me keqardhje se kjo nuk e ndryshon qëndrimin tim e të shumicës qeverisëse në emër të Shqipërisë. Shqipëria nuk është e salltanetit të atyre që hidhen për të në flakën e ndezur nga egërsia dhe padija e kinse patriotizmit, por është e amanetit shekullor të mikpritjes së të panjohurve në rrezik🇦🇱


    • L’Albanie et le Kosovo vont accueillir « plusieurs milliers » de réfugiés d’Afghanistan

      L’Albanie et le Kosovo ont confirmé mener des négociations secrètes avec les États-Unis pour accueillir « plusieurs milliers » de ressortissants d’Afghanistan qui ont collaboré avec les forces américaines, le temps que soit examinée leur demande d’asile.

      (Avec Radio Slobodna Evropa et Top Chanel TV) - Le gouvernement du Kosovo a confirmé qu’il travaillait « depuis la mi-juillet » avec les autorités américaines pour élaborer un plan permettant d’accueillir des Afghans qui ont collaboré avec les États-Unis. Luan Dalipi, chef de cabinet du Premier ministre Albin Kurti, a confirmé à Radio Free Europe (RFE) que les pourparlers « se concluaient positivement ». « Il faut régler beaucoup de questions logistiques, techniques, sécuritaires et sociales. Nous agissons avec prudence. Les États-Unis sont notre allié et partenaire stratégique. »

      La Présidente du Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani, a également confirmé qu’elle avait été contactée par l’ambassadeur américain à Pristina, Philip Kosnett, qui lui a fait part de la demande du Président Joe Biden que le Kosovo puisse accueillir temporairement des civils afghans. Elle a expliqué que le Kosovo avait accepté cette « sans aucune hésitation et sans aucune condition ». « Les ressortissants afghans devront passer par un processus d’évaluation sécuritaire, ils ne resteront que temporairement au Kosovo, jusqu’à ce que leurs documents d’immigration aux États-Unis soient établis », a précisé Vjosa Osmani.

      Le 13 août, l’agence Reuters avait annoncé que le gouvernement américain menait des négociations secrètes avec l’Albanie et le Kosovo pour trouver un hébergement temporaire pour des Afghans qui ont coopéré avec les forces américaines en Afghanistan. Les sources de Reuters assurent que les États-Unis offriraient au Kosovo des avantages économiques et politiques en contrepartie de l’accueil de plusieurs milliers d’Afghans. Cependant, des diplomates américains auraient exprimé des inquiétudes quant aux capacités du Kosovo à mener à bien cette mission.
      Le précédent des Moudjahidines du peuple en Albanie

      Alors que les talibans sont rapidement en train de reprendre le contrôle de tout l’Afghanistan, de nombreux Afghans qui ont coopéré avec les forces internationales craignent des représailles. Le département d’État américain a annoncé un programme qui permettra à des milliers d’Afghans de s’installer aux États-Unis en tant que réfugiés. Cependant, ils doivent d’abord être placés dans un pays tiers, où ils séjourneront pendant « douze à quatorze mois », le temps de l’analyse de leur demande de visa américain.

      Le Premier ministre d’Albanie Edi Rama a également confirmé dimanche 15 août qu’elle avait répondu positivement à la demande des États-Unis, et que son pays allait accueillir « quelques centaines » de réfugiés afghans. L’Albanie accueille déjà plusieurs milliers de moudjahidines du peuple d’Iran, évacués depuis leurs bases situées en Irak. Ils sont arrivés en Albanie en 2013 et 2014. Le camp d’Ashraf-3, situé près de Durrës, accueille plus de 3000 membres de l’organisation.


    • Balkan Countries Offer Refuge to Afghans After Taliban Takeover

      After Taliban forces swept to power in Afghanistan, governments in Albania, Kosovo and North Macedonia have accepted a US request to offer temporary refuge to some political refugees who are fleeing the country in fear of retaliation.

      Albania, Kosovo and North Macedonia have expressed readiness to temporarily host an undefined number of Afghans fleeing their country after Taliban forces seized control over the weekend as the United States pulled out.

      “It is true that in recent days, US government has asked Albania to assess if we could serve as a transit country for a certain number of Afghan political migrants, which have US as the final destination. And undoubtedly we will not say no, not only because our allies are asking this, but because we are Albania,” Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama said in a statement on Facebook on Sunday.

      The final destination for the refugees, who fear retaliation from the Taliban because they cooperated with NATO forces in Afghanistan, is the US. Their number is so far unknown.

      Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani also confirmed that her country agreed to the request to give temporary safe haven refugees “without any hesitation”.

      “Kosovo respects the international right and obligation to not close the door to refugees,” Osmani said.

      The Kosovo government said that discussions with the US government over hosting the refugees started in mid-July.

      Luan Dalipi, chief of staff of Kosovo’s Prime Minister Albin Kurti, told BIRN that since then, the government has been in “constant communication and cooperation” with the US authorities.

      “There are many logistical, technical, security and social issues we are carefully addressing. The US is our main ally and our strategic partner,” Dalipi said.

      North Macedonia’s Prime Minister Zoran Zaev told media on Sunday that his country will accept civilians from Afghanistan who need evacuation and that they will be allowed to stay in the country until a more permanent solution is found for them.

      “With the aim of saving the lives of the local population [in Afghanistan], we have informed the US that we are ready to accept civilians from Afghanistan who over the past 20 years have been working for peace in that country, who were the local support for the allied NATO troops, including our forces, including activists from the humanitarian and human rights organisations,” Zaev said.

      He said that North Macedonia could accommodate the refugees in hotels and resorts, and that the financial cost for this accommodation, until a more permanent solution is found, will be covered by the US.

      “We are a country of solidarity. Our people and our society have always given support and help, the same way we have been receiving help during major catastrophes,” Zaev said.

      Washington wants to evacuate thousands of people from Afghanistan and has been seeking other countries to host them temporarily while their papers for entering the US are finalised.

      Adrian Shtuni, a Washington-based foreign policy and security specialist, told BIRN that Tirana and Pristina’s move to shelter Afghans was “as much a sign of moral leadership and humanitarian compassion as it is a confirmation that Albanians are reliable partners of the United States”.

      “The main concerns associated with refugee relocations are often related to potential security risks and financial costs. From a security perspective, there’s no reason to believe the contingent of Afghan refugees would present a risk. These are interpreters and contractors (as well as family members) employed by the US Military, waiting to be issued Special Immigration Visas by the US State Department. They are not former fighters or militants,” Shtuni said.

      Adrian Shtuni said that both Albania and Kosovo will not be burdened by hosting the Afghans because “the refugee contingent will be a few hundred people and nor Albania neither Kosovo are intended as their final destination the financial costs will be contained”.

      The chairman of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Bob Menendez, welcomed Albania’s decision to give temporary safe haven to the Afghans.

      “The people of Albania are once again showing the world what ‘BESA’ [‘word of honour’ in Albanian] means. You have our respect and thanks,” Menendez wrote on Twitter on Sunday.



    • Les premiers Afghans exfiltrés par les États-Unis sont arrivés en Albanie et au Kosovo

      Un premier groupe de 111 réfugiés afghans exfiltrés par les États-Unis est arrivé dimanche soir au Kosovo. Un autre groupe de 121 réfugiés était arrivé vendredi matin en Albanie. Ils doivent séjourner temporairement dans ces pays jusqu’à ce qu’ils obtiennent leur visa américain.



    • Quand l’Afghanistan était une manne financière pour les Kosovars

      Les États-Unis ont demandé au Kosovo d’abriter des Afghans devant quitter leur pays pour des raisons de sécurité. Pristina a aussitôt accepté. Les Kosovars connaissent en effet bien l’Afghanistan : depuis 2001, des milliers d’entre eux ont travaillé pour des #contractants américains dans la reconstruction du pays.

      Traduit par Belgzim Kamberi (article original : https://www.koha.net/veshtrime/284704/kur-afganistani-ishte-parajse-financiare-per-kosovaret). Depuis la prise du pouvoir par les talibans en Afghanistan, le Kosovo est l’un des rares pays à qui les États-Unis ont demandé d’abriter un certain nombre d’Afghans devant quitter le pays pour des raisons de sécurité. Pristina a accepté. Même si l’on ne sait pas encore combien de personne cela représente, la nouvelle semble avoir été bien accueillie par l’opinion publique.

      Cela n’est pas une surprise. Depuis 2001, les Kosovars ont développé des liens avec l’Afghanistan. Ils sont notamment des milliers à avoir travaillé à la reconstruction du pays, recevant pendant des années des salaires de différents contractants américains. Selon un rapport de l’Institut GAP publié en novembre 2011, 7000 à 8000 Kosovars ont été engagés entre 2001 et 2011 sur différents chantiers en tant que chauffeurs, mécaniciens, ou occupaient d’autres emplois physiques...

      Les Kosovars ont été principalement engagés par les entreprises américaines #Fluor_Group, #Dyncorp_International et #Kellogg_Brown & Root, les même qui étaient chargées de la construction de la #base_militaire américaine #Bondsteel, près de #Ferizaj, au Kosovo. Cette base employait entre 2000 et 2500 Kosovars au début des années 2000. Il n’est donc pas étonnant que ces contractants aient fait appel aux services des Kosovars pour leurs missions en Afghanistan.

      Des millions d’euros pour l’#économie kosovare

      En Afghanistan, le salaire de base annuel pour les ressortissants des pays en développement, dont font partie les pays des Balkans, se situait en effet entre 14 800 et 29 700 dollars. Pour l’économie kosovare, cela a représenté 50 à 55 millions d’euros de rentrées annuelles, soit plus d’un demi-milliard d’euros sur la période 2001-2011. La plus grande partie des #travailleurs_kosovars en Afghanistan provenait de la région de Ferizaj (56%), de Pristina (21%) et Gjilan (19%).

      Les revenus depuis l’Afghanistan n’étaient pas considérés comme des rémittences (les fonds envoyés au pays par les émigrés) par la Banque centrale du Kosovo. Mais si on les compare avec les rémittences envoyées d’autres pays, l’Afghanistan se rangeait tout de suite après l’Allemagne et la Suisse.

      Le travail là-bas n’était pourtant pas sans danger. De 2001 à 2011, 78 595 travailleurs employés par des contractants américains ont été blessés sur leur lieu de travail et 2871 y ont perdu la vie. Les Kosovars n’ont pas été épargnés. En octobre 2004, Shqipe Hebibi, qui travaillait pour le bureau des Nations-Unies en Afghanistan, a été kidnappée, avant d’être libérée un mois plus tard. En octobre 2011, une employée originaire de Ferizaj a perdu la vie. On ne connaît pas le nombre de travailleurs kosovars blessés en Afghanistan ces dernières années. Selon les informations de Pristina, seuls trois Kosovars étaient présents en Afghanistan quand le pays est tombé aux mains des talibans. Deux d’entre aux auraient réussi de sortir du pays.


    • Afghanistan : les témoignages des premiers évacués transférés en Albanie

      Ils sont arrivés à Tirana dans la nuit de vendredi à samedi. Les premiers 121 réfugiés afghans ont été provisoirement installés dans les bâtiments de la Cité universitaire. En quittant Kaboul, ils ne savaient pas qu’ils partaient pour l’Albanie...


      Je travaillais pour le ministère de l’Agriculture dans le cadre d’un projet financé par USAID. J’étais responsable de la communication. J’ai un master de la Khazak American Free University et plus de treize ans d’expérience, mais je ne sais pas si mon diplôme sera encore reconnu quelque part. J’avais un bon travail, un bon salaire, tout se passait bien. Maintenant, je ne sais pas si je vais devoir travailler comme serveur quelque part, ou bien comme chauffeur Uber. Ma vie a été bouleversée », raconte Ahmad [Tous les noms ont été modifiés, NDLR], l’un de ces premiers réfugiés afghans arrivés en Albanie. « J’avais encore de l’espoir. Je pense que la jeunesse avait le devoir d’aider l’Afghanistan à se développer, mais nous n’avions plus d’autre choix que de partir ». La fuite n’a pourtant pas été facile. Ahmad et sa famille, comme beaucoup d’autres, ont dû attendre des heures, voire des jours, pour pénétrer dans l’aéroport de Kaboul, où des milliers de personnes se pressaient pour s’échapper.

      39 de ces premiers Afghans venus en Albanie sont d’anciens employés du ministère de l’Agriculture, qui travaillaient sur un projet américain mené en partenariat avec l’Université du Michigan. Leur évacuation a été bien organisée. « Il était difficile d’embarquer à bord d’un avion même avec un visa valide », raconte toutefois Ali, la quarantaine. « Mais nos amis et nos collègues américains nous ont aidés. Une fois dans l’avion, la vie semblait à nouveau simple. »

      Avant de partir, ils ne savaient pas qu’ils allaient venir en Albanie. La destination leur a été communiquée deux ou trois heures avant le décollage. De toute façon, leur but était de monter dans un avion, quelle qu’en soit la destination. « Quand je suis parti, ma dignité ne comptait plus. À l’aéroport, nous dormions au milieu des poubelles. Cela n’aurait pas dû se passer comme cela, nous sommes tous des êtres humains… On a des sentiments », confie Ahmad, au bord des larmes.

      Les réfugiés arrivés samedi 28 août ont été accueillis par la ministre des Affaires étrangères, Olta Xhaçka, et par l’ambassadrice des États-Unis en Albanie. De l’aéroport, ils ont été immédiatement amenés dans les bâtiments 11 et 12 de la Cité universitaire de Tirana. C’est là qu’ils seront logés jusqu’à nouvel ordre.

      “Parmi les choses déconseillée : parler aux journalistes. Et la recommandation ne valait pas seulement pour les Afghans.”

      « Même dans mon propre pays, je n’avais pas cette possibilité d’atterrir à l’aéroport, de monter directement dans un bus et de m’en aller », explique Ali. L’enregistrement des documents s’est déroulé durant la matinée de samedi. Des employés municipaux ont accompagnés les réfugiés pendant presque toute la journée, leur montrant où aller et leur donnant des indications sur ce qu’ils devaient faire. Parmi les choses déconseillée : parler aux journalistes. Et la recommandation ne valait pas seulement pour les Afghans, la direction de la Cité universitaire et la municipalité n’étant pas plus ouvertes à la communication.

      L’enregistrement à la police était plutôt simple, ne durant souvent pas plus d’une demi-heure. Les gens qui ne possédaient pas de passeport du tout, un passeport périmé ou bien juste le tazkira, la pièce d’identité afghane, ont été mis en relation avec la police. « Je n’ai pas d’informations particulières, mais si l’on croit les rumeurs qui courent parmi les évacués, les pays tiers comme l’Albanie facilitent les visites à l’ambassade afghane pour pouvoir récupérer nos passeports et recevoir le visa américain », explique Ahmad. Ses enfants n’ont pas de documents d’identité. Ahmad espère recevoir le précieux visa américain dans les vingt prochains jours. En général, les réfugiés afghans ne veulent pas rester en Albanie, mais partir pour les États-Unis ou vers d’autres pays européens.

      Obligés de ne prendre qu’un petit sac à main à leur embarquement à Kaboul, les réfugiés n’ont presque pas de vêtements de rechange et, le plus souvent, pas un sou dans les poches. En collaboration avec les États-Unis, le gouvernement albanais va aider ces personnes à satisfaire leurs besoins fondamentaux. Vers 15h, une liste de tout ce dont les réfugiés avaient besoin a été dressée. « On a rempli des formulaires, mais ils n’ont pas pris nos mesures... Je ne sais pas quel genre de vêtements ils vont m’apporter », plaisante Ahmad.

      Malgré la présence de soignants, la seule assistance médicale reçue jusqu’à présent a été le test de dépistage de la Covid-19. Les réfugiés n’ont pas encore été invités à consulter une cellule d’aide psychologique. Mal renseignés sur ce qu’il leur ait ou non permis de faire, ces derniers essaient de ne pas s’éloigner de la petite rue qui relie les bâtiments où ils sont logés au bureau de la police. Ils ne veulent pas créer de problèmes et tiennent à faire bonne impression aux Albanais. Préoccupés par le sort de la famille qu’ils ont laissée derrière eux et de la situation en Afghanistan, où ils aimeraient revenir un jour, leur but est dans l’immédiat de savoir où ils vont pouvoir s’installer pour commencer une nouvelle vie.


    • The fact that the Afghan refugees who were evacuated by NATO and who are currently in Kosovo, have been in detention since their arrival, speaks of the fact that the human rights of refugees from Afghanistan are constantly being violated. Namely, the refugees are housed inside two camps, Camp Bechtel and Camp Lyia, and according to a spokesman for the US Embassy in Kosovo, the refugees were not allowed to move freely outside the camps to protect the safety of them and other Kosovo citizens. It should be noted that these are not the first Afghan refugees in Kosovo. Refugees who go through the so-called Balkan route also come to Kosovo and meantime have the right to move freely. What is even more worrying is the kind of limbo in which the evacuated refugees currently are. It is still unclear how visas will be granted, or what types of visas will be obtained. If the rule of restriction of movement is maintained until people are granted visas, the question arises as to how will they access services, health care, education, especially bearing in mind that the duration of this process is unknown.

      Reçu via la mailing-list Inicijativa Dobrodosli, du 24.09.2021

    • Afghan evacuees in Kosovo de facto detained

      The first group of Afghan evacuees landed in Kosovo on August 29 following a chaotic airport evacuation in the wake of the United States’ abrupt exit from Afghanistan after 20 years of war. These Afghans’ futures are unclear, as is their present situation. But one thing is clear: they aren’t being granted the right to move freely.

      In fact, it is easier for an Afghan asylum seeker who arrived in Kosovo through the difficult Balkan route to move about the country. Once in Kosovo such an asylum seeker can request asylum, with or without identification. They will be offered basic amenities, an identification card, and, notably, the freedom to move in and out of the asylum housing complex.

      But this is not the case for the approximately 1,000 Afghans brought by NATO into Kosovo as part of an international effort to offer safe haven to thousands who fear persecution after the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan.

      On August 16 Kosovo’s government approved a decision offering Afghan evacuees — largely U.S. visa applicants, former NATO contractors and their families — temporary protection, a form of immediate protection different from the refugee status recognized in the Law on Asylum. Persons under temporary protection enjoy clearly defined rights, such as the right to schooling, healthcare and freedom of movement.

      The government’s decision specifies that freedom of movement may be restricted if considered necessary, and that a verification process will be put in place for issues of national security.

      Since arriving, the evacuees have been housed at two camps referred to as Camp Bechtel and Camp Liya, located on the premises of the Bechtel Enka company and inside the U.S. military base Bondsteel. NATO’s international command is running Camp Bechtel and the U.S. is running Camp Liya inside Bondsteel.

      As of yet, there has been no public information provided about the living conditions of these Afghan evacuees, a contrast to other countries, including some in the region, where journalists have been granted access to speak directly to arriving refugees.

      The Ministry of Internal Affairs has declined to answer K2.0’s questions on the matter, while the minister of Internal Affairs, Xhelal Sveçla, gave few details during a recent press conference. When asked about the evacuees’ freedom of movement, Sveçla said that movement outside the camp would be organized only if necessary, noting apparent security concerns.

      Neither NATO nor the Ministry of Internal Affairs have granted media access to the Afghan evacuees’ living conditions, while the government of Kosovo has not formally asked international organizations working in this field to assist.

      The government insists that the U.S. and NATO have promised a quick operation with Kosovo only functioning as a transit country. NATO spokesperson Jason Salata said that “Camp Bechtel is a temporary lodging until they identify follow-on resettlement options.”

      A first group of 117 NATO-affiliated Afghan evacuees departed Camp Bechtel for the UK on September 16.

      Government spokesperson Perparim Kryeziu told K2.0 that Kosovo’s legal framework guarantees freedom of movement, but he noted it also foresees specific cases where restrictions are allowed.

      “At the moment, we are in the process of providing Afghan citizens with all necessary documents,” said Kryeziu. “Due to this and also taking into consideration their own safety for the moment they are free to move within their hosting facilities. However, we expect them to have the opportunity to move freely outside these facilities in the near future following the finalization of documents and other needed administrative procedures.”

      The law on asylum specifies cases in which freedom of movement can be restricted for persons under international protection. It also says that each individual must be given the right to complain about their restriction of movement, and in the case of children, it also states that detention should be only a last measure.

      A spokesperson for the U.S. Embassy in Kosovo agreed to respond to K2.0’s questions on the issue only after specifically designated “U.S.-affiliated” evacuees arrived on September 13.

      The embassy spokesperson said that “to ensure the health and safety of both Afghan guests and Kosovan hosts, the Government of Kosovo has stated that Afghans being temporarily hosted at Camp Liya must remain within the boundaries of the facility while U.S. interagency teams work to complete processing for their eventual admission to the United States or resettlement in a third country.”

      The spokesperson also said that U.S. law enforcement members arrived in Kosovo to screen and vet all U.S.-affiliated Afghan “travelers” before they are allowed into the United States.

      According to the embassy spokesperson, who referred to the Afghans as travelers, all Afghans currently hosted at Camp Liya have already transited through other third countries since leaving Afghanistan, where they received initial biometric and medical screenings.

      Who’s in charge?

      Human rights experts are having difficulty accessing knowledge about the condition of Afghan evacuees in Kosovo.

      Jelena Sesar, Amnesty International’s researcher for the Balkans and the EU, said that the lack of information about the status of the facilities or the management of the camps makes it hard to monitor any potential human rights violations.

      “Under normal circumstances, the temporary protection status would guarantee people full freedom of movement on the territory of Kosovo, food, clothes, access to health and education, and a range of other support services,” said Sesar. “This does not seem to be the case here. Afghan nationals in Bechtel-Enka and Bondsteel are not allowed to go out and media and humanitarian organizations do not seem to have access to the camps.”

      While the government of Kosovo created the legal framework for temporary protection, the outsized role of NATO and the U.S. in the management of camps and processing of Afghans makes it unclear what role, if any, the government of Kosovo has in activities occurring within its own borders.

      “If these Afghan families are to remain in Kosovo until their Special Immigrant Visas are processed, which can take a very long time for some applicants, it is essential that Kosovo’s authorities assume full responsibility for the management of the camps and ensure that the protection needs of the people there are fully met, as required by law,” Sesar said.

      “This entails full freedom of movement and access to health, education and other support, as well as access to asylum procedures in Kosovo,” she said. “If the current approach doesn’t change, these people would be subjected to an indefinite confinement and a de-facto detention, which would be contrary to Kosovo’s and international law.”

      Unanswered questions

      In early September the Associated Press, citing an anonymous U.S. government source, reported that Kosovo has agreed to take in Afghans who fail to clear initial rounds of screening and host them for up to a year, raising questions about potential reasons behind restrictions on evacuees’ freedom of movement.

      The temporary protection provided by Kosovo has a limit of one year with the possibility of extension, according to the Law on Asylum.

      The AP’s reporting shows the conditions established at other transit sites like in Germany or Italy, where the authorities are given a two week deadline to complete the verification and processing of evacuees.

      According to the government source the AP spoke to, transferring Afghans to Kosovo who do not pass the initial screening is a response to potential gaps in security that may have occurred during the chaotic evacuation from Afghanistan.

      There is a rising use of transit countries in the asylum process. Countries like the United Kingdom and Denmark proposed legislation to send asylum seekers to third countries while their applications are processed, something that human rights advocates and international organizations like the United Nations have criticized.

      The evacuations out of the Kabul airport were chaotic and deadly, leaving the world with terrible images, such as the footage of bodies plummeting from the sky after people attempted to cling to the exterior of a U.S. military plane. In the chaos of the last days of the evacuation, two suicide bombers and gunmen at the airport led to the deaths of 60 Afghans and 13 U.S. troops.

      The people who made it onto the planes in the midst of this chaos are considered the lucky ones. But many of those who were evacuated were already in the process of migrating to the U.S.

      The Afghan evacuees awaiting entry into the U.S. and other affiliated countries are largely people who had already started the Special Immigrant Visa process as well as applicants for a special U.S. refugee program. They are former contractors who worked with international governments as well as in vulnerable professions such as journalists, as well as these peoples’ families.

      Neither NATO nor the government of Kosovo have responded to K2.0’s questions submitted about the AP’s report.

      The U.S. Embassy in Kosovo published a statement saying that such reports may leave people with the “incorrect impression” that the U.S. is sending to Kosovo individuals they deem inadmissible. The statement insists, “this is not the case,” and says that American officials in Kosovo are assisting in the processing of applicants who may require additional paperwork in order to clarify “an applicant’s identity, employment history or other ties to the United States.”

      “Afghan travelers being temporarily hosted at Camp Liya are in the process of having their paperwork and eligibilities confirmed for eventual admission to the United States or resettlement to a third country,” a U.S. embassy spokesperson told K2.0. “None have been deemed inadmissible to the United States because their cases are still being processed.”

      On the matter of how long the process may take, the spokesperson said that “under the agreement with the Government of Kosovo, U.S.-affiliated Afghan travelers may shelter at Camp Liya for up to a year while their cases are being processed for eventual admission to the United States or resettlement in a third country. However, individuals may be approved for travel to the United States sooner, as soon as their processing is complete.”

      On September 10, the minister of Internal Affairs met with representatives of international organizations who could provide assistance, but the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and the International Organization for Migration have not yet received a formal request to assist in the operation.

      The IOM and UNHCR in Kosovo could only tell K2.0 that they are monitoring the situation closely. Sources from these organizations said that they have little information about the Afghan evacuees and remain on standby awaiting a request for assistance from the government.

      According to Amnesty International’s Sesar, “the inaccessibility of the camps to independent and public scrutiny raises concerns about the conditions in these facilities as well as the commitment to genuinely assist Afghans who had to flee their country.”

      The situation is no clearer for Jeff Crisp, international migration expert from the Refugee Studies Centre at Oxford University. “The rapid evacuation from Kabul has certainly left many questions unanswered,” said Crisp via email to K2.0, who offered a number of questions that can be used to hold institutions accountable.

      “How were decisions made with respect to the temporary locations to which they have been sent? What will happen to any refugees who are ‘screened out’ by the U.S., is there a risk that they could become stateless, or be sent back to Afghanistan?”

      Millions displaced

      The long war in Afghanistan has displaced an enormous number of people. It is estimated by UNHCR that only in the first half of 2021 more than half a million people were newly displaced in Afghanistan, while 3 million were displaced in 2020.

      Afghans have often taken the long refugee journey far into Europe, across the Balkans. Despite not being a key country on the Balkan refugee route, Kosovo registered 31 Afghan asylum seekers in the first half of 2021, while many others pass through unnoticed and uncounted, continuing their journey to seek asylum further on in other European countries.

      After the U.S. exit from Afghanistan and the Taliban takeover, the Council of Europe Human Rights Commissioner Dunja Mijatovic published an advisory, asking members and cooperative third countries to stop any forced returns for Afghans who saw their asylum requests rejected and had not yet been deported, and asked states to offer asylum to Afghans forced to flee and to cooperate in protecting their rights.


    • https://twitter.com/CdBalkans/status/1444193687144120322

      Kosovo : #camps_fermés pour les Afghans évacués

      Le 16 août dernier, alors que Kaboul venait de tomber entre les mains des Talibans, le Kosovo a accepté d’accueillir sur son sol 2000 Afghans nécessitant d’être évacués. Aujourd’hui, personne ne sait combien sont réellement arrivés. Selon les informations disponibles, environ un millier seraient aujourd’hui hébergés au Kosovo.

      Les autorités de Pristina se sont engagées à leur offrir une « protection temporaire », différente du statut de réfugié, mais censée leur donner un accès à la scolarisation et aux soins, et leur garantir la liberté de mouvement. Or, il semble qu’aucun de ces droits ne soit respecté. Les informations restent confidentielles et les journalistes ne sont pas autorisés à visiter les deux camps d’accueil, l’un se trouvant sur un site appartenant au conglomérat turco-américain Bechtel-Enka, l’autre dans la controversée base américaine de Bondsteel. Les travailleurs humanitaires n’ont pas de permis pour opérer auprès de ces Afghans et ni le Haut Commissariat des Nations unies pour les réfugiés (UNHCR), ni l’Organisation internationale pour les migrations (OIM) ne sont impliqués dans la gestion de leur situation.

      Pour justifier un tel isolement, le gouvernement d’Albin Kurti met en avant des questions de « sécurité nationale » et souligne que la liberté de mouvement des personnes bénéficiant de la protection temporaire peut être restreinte si nécessaire. Le ministre de l’Intérieur Xhelal Sveçla a tenu une conférence de presse, mais s’est montré avare en détails. C’est tout juste s’il a reconnu que les déplacements à l’extérieur des camps ne seraient organisés qu’en cas d’extrême nécessité. Un processus de vérification, des identités notamment, a été mis en place pour des questions de sécurité nationale, a-t-il indiqué.

      Le Kosovo n’est « qu’un pays de transit » pour ces Afghans avant qu’ils ne soient accueillis dans un pays tiers, insistent les autorités. « Le camp Bechtel est un hébergement temporaire jusqu’à ce que soient identifiées des options de réinstallation ultérieures », a confirmé le porte-parole de l’Otan, Jason Salata. Le 16 septembre, 117 Afghans ayant travaillé pour l’Otan ont ainsi pris la route du Royaume-Uni.

      Du côté de l’Ambassade des États-Unis, on explique que des policiers sont arrivés au Kosovo pour des opérations de contrôle des Afghans évacués afin de s’assurer qu’ils offrent toutes les garanties pour obtenir l’autorisation d’entrer sur le territoire américain.

      « Si l’approche actuelle ne change pas, ces personnes seraient soumises à un confinement indéfini et à une détention de facto, ce qui serait contraire au droit du Kosovo et au droit international », souligne Jelena Sesar, analyste à Amnesty International, interrogée par Kosovo 2.0. La protection temporaire fournie par le Kosovo est limitée à un an, avec possibilité de prolongation, conformément à la loi sur l’asile. Une durée particulièrement longue comparée à d’autres pays de transit, comme l’Allemagne ou l’Italie, où les autorités ne disposent que d’un délai de quinze jours pour opérer les vérifications nécessaires. Rappelons que la plupart des Afghans évacués aujourd’hui en transit avaient déjà entamé la procédure d’obtention de visas spéciaux en tant qu’anciens contractants pour des gouvernements étrangers ou des organisations internationales.

      « L’inaccessibilité des camps à un examen indépendant et public soulève des inquiétudes quant aux conditions de vie dans ces installations, de même qu’à l’engagement à aider véritablement les Afghans qui ont dû fuir leur pays », déplore Jelena Sesar.
      Dans des hôtels au bord de l’Adriatique

      Lorsque les premiers vols transportant des réfugiés afghans sont arrivés en Albanie, à la mi-août, le Premier ministre albanais avait été catégorique : aucun ne serait placé dans un camp de réfugiés, des installations qualifiées de « déshumanisantes » par Edi Rama. Sur Twitter, il avait alors publié deux images accolées, l’une montrant des centaines d’Afghans entassés dans un avion militaire américain à l’aéroport de Kaboul, l’autre des milliers d’Albanais prenant d’assaut un cargo, en 1991, après la chute du régime communiste.

      Très critiqué pour sa dérive autoritaire, Edi Rama a ici trouvé un moyen de se racheter une bonne image auprès des Occidentaux. À bon compte : personne ne sait combien Tirana a reçu d’aide de la part des États-Unis pour prendre en charge ces réfugiés. « Nous devons nous préparer aussi à ce que le financement des organisations américaines prenne fin », s’est contenté de dire le Premier ministre albanais, interrogé par Le Monde.

      Aujourd’hui, 700 Afghans sont hébergés dans des hôtels de la côte adriatique, surtout au nord de Tirana, entre Lezhe et Shëngjin. Des colis de bienvenue contenant des produits de première nécessité ont été préparés pour les nouveaux arrivants, des équipes de travailleurs humanitaires offrant une aide médicale et psychologique étaient sur place et, très vite, certains journalistes autorisés ont pu constater que les réfugiés étaient libres de se mêler aux clients habituels sur les plages et au bord des piscines des hôtels.

      Les Afghans vivant en Albanie ont obtenu le statut de « protection temporaire » pour un an, avec la possibilité d’une prolongation si nécessaire. Si leurs droits, notamment la liberté de mouvement, sont garantis par la loi albanaise sur l’asile, les autorités se sont toutefois réservé le droit de restreindre la liberté de mouvement de certaines personnes « si cela est jugé nécessaire, sur la base de l’évaluation individuelle de chaque cas ».

      Cet accueil n’est pas une première pour l’Albanie : depuis 2014, déjà à la demande de Washington, le pays accueille 3000 moudjahidines du peuple iranien, arrivés après le retrait des forces américaines d’Irak, où ces opposants radicaux au régime de Téhéran avaient été regroupés, ainsi que cinq Ouïgours sortis de Guantanamo en 2006.

      En Macédoine du Nord, les 200 Afghans arrivés à Skopje ont été logés dans plusieurs hôtels réquisitionnés autour de la capitale et un jeune homme homosexuel a même reçu l’autorisation d’être accueilli dans un refuge destiné aux personnes LGBT+. Si les médias ne peuvent pas accéder à ces sites, les ONG de défense des droits humains qui s’y sont rendues assurent qu’aucun signe de violations de leurs libertés individuelles n’est à déplorer.

      « Jusqu’à présent, nous n’avons pas reçu de plaintes suggérant que les droits de l’homme des réfugiés sont menacés », raconté à Balkan Insight Uranija Pirovska, la responsable du Comité Helsinki pour les droits de l’homme de Macédoine du Nord. « Nous avons pu visiter l’hôtel Bellevue [près de Skopje] et nous allons continuer à surveiller leur statut pendant leur séjour ici. » La présence policière est visible autour des centres d’accueil, mais la liberté de mouvement des Afghans n’est pas restreinte.



  • France asks Frontex to guard Europe’s northern coastline too

    French Interior Minister Gerald #Darmanin said he has asked the European Union border agency Frontex not to neglect Europe’s northern coastline in the fight against illegal immigration.

    “I myself have contacted Frontex, which is predominantly taking care of southern Europe, and asked them to deal with northern Europe, too, particularly the coastline of Nord-Pas-de-Calais,” he told reporters on Saturday during a visit to the port of Calais in northern France, a point from which many migrants try to cross the Channel to reach Britain.

    “Sixty percent of migrants who come here, come via Belgium. So, our spectrum must be very wide. We need European air surveillance,” Darmanin said.

    Since the end of 2018, an increasing number of migrants have tried to cross the Channel to Britain, defying warnings from the authorities of the dangers of such a journey, given the high density of traffic, the strong sea currents and the cold temperatures.

    Darmanin welcomed a deal reached last week by France and Britain, under which London has pledged just under 63 million euros in 2021-2022 to help France stem the flow of illegal migrants crossing the Channel.

    France has promised to beef up security forces along the coast.

    “We already have more than 5,000 police officers and gendarmes in Pas-de-Calais, a large number of whom are involved in the fight again immigration. We will increase these numbers,” Darmanin said.

    On Sunday, eighty migrants, including 20 children, were rescued as they tried to reach England in two separate boats, French authorities said.


    Rescue services were first contacted “by a boat of migrants reporting difficulties”, then by a merchant ship which informed them “of another boat of migrants adrift to the north of Calais”, the Channel maritime prefecture said in a statement.

    A patrol boat was then sent to the scene which rescued 80 people from the two boats.

    In total, “80 shipwrecked people (42 men, 18 women, including one pregnant woman, and 20 children) were brought to the port of Calais. They are all safe and sound”.

    French gendarmes also discovered 52 migrants early Sunday morning on a beach in Dannes, also in the north of the country. They had returned to land after an “engine failure” of their boat, the prefecture of Pas-de-Calais told the news agency AFP.

    Last year, more than 9,500 crossings or attempted crossings were recorded, four times as many as in 2019, according to the French authorities.

    Out of these, six people died and three were reported missing last year, compared with four deaths in 2019.


    #France #Calais #Frontex #frontières #asile #migrations #réfugiés #militarisation_des_frontières #contrôles_frontaliers #UK #Angleterre

  • Smoking guns. How European arms exports are forcing millions from their homes

    The #nexus between the arms trade and forced displacement is rarely explored and the role of European arms trade policies that facilitate gross human rights violations in third countries is often absent from displacement and migration studies. This report joins the dots between Europe’s arms trade and forced displacement and migration.

    Key findings

    - Arms and military equipment manufactured and licensed in Europe and sold to third countries provokes forced displacement and migration. This arms trade is motivated by how highly lucrative the industry is and current control and monitoring mechanisms facilitate rather than curtail problematic licensing and exportation.

    – The arms trade is political and is driven by profit but is under-regulated. Although other sectors, such as food and agriculture, do not undermine the fundamental right to life and other human rights in the same way that the arms trade does, they are far more stringently regulated.

    - It is possible to methodically trace arms, military equipment and technology, from the point of origin and export to where these were eventually used, and document their devastating impact on the local population. The report confirms beyond any reasonable doubt that European arms are directly used not to defend populations or to enhance local or regional security as is often claimed, but to destabilise entire countries and regions.

    - The arms industry is involved in clear violations of non-transfer clauses and end user agreements (EUAs) despite a supposedly robust system of controls. The evidence shows that once arms are traded, and although they may be traced, it is virtually impossible to control how they may eventually be used. Furthermore, although importing countries were known to have breached EUAs, EU member states continued to sell them arms and military equipment.

    - Regardless of whether arms were exported to official state security forces or were eventually used by non-state armed actors, or whether EUAs and other control mechanisms were respected, the result was the same – European arms were used in military operations that led to destabilisation and resulting forced displacement and migration. The destabilisation, facilitated by arms supplied by Europe, then contributed to Europe hugely expanding its border security apparatus to respond to the apparent threat posed by refugees attempting to arrive and seek asylum.

    - European countries are among the top exporters of lethal arms equipment worldwide, comprising approximately 26% of global arms exports since 2015. The top five European arms exporters are France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK – together accounting for 22% of global arms exports in the 2016–2020 period.

    - Arms exports from Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania have soared in recent years, a large proportion of which is exported to West Asian countries. For example, before 2012, Croatia exported ammunition worth less than €1 million a year, but with the start of the Syrian war this surged every year to reach €82 million in 2016. The European Parliament called on Bulgaria and Romania to stop arms exports to Saudi Arabia and the US (if there was a risk that these arms may be diverted), so far to no avail.

    – In Syria an estimated 13 million people need humanitarian assistance and more than half of the population remains displaced from their homes – including 6.6 million refugees living in neighbouring countries, such as Jordan and Lebanon, who subsequently attempt to flee to Europe in a reverse movement to the arms that displaced them. Another 6.7 million are internally displaced persons (IDPs) inside Syria.


    Five case studies document that:

    Italian T-129 ATAK helicopter components were exported to Turkey and used in 2018 and 2019 in two attacks in the district of Afrin in Northern Syria as part of Operation Olive Branch and in Operation Peace Spring on the Turkish–Syrian border. According to UN figures, 98,000 people were displaced during the Afrin offensive between January and March 2018, while 180,000, of whom 80,000 were children, were displaced, in October 2019 as a result of Operation Peace Spring.

    Bulgaria exported missile tubes and rockets to Saudi Arabia and the US, which eventually ended up in the hands of IS fighters in Iraq. The equipment was diverted and used in Ramadi and the surrounding region, where the International Organisation for Migration reported that from April 2015, following the outbreak of the Ramadi crisis, over half a million people were displaced from Anbar province, of which Ramadi is the capital city, while 85,470 were displaced specifically from Ramadi City between November 2015 and February 2016. Around 80% of all housing in Ramadi was severely damaged after the offensive. In 2017 another missile tube originating in Bulgaria was found to have been used by IS forces in the town of Bartella, located to the east of Mosul. At least 200,000 people from minority groups were displaced from the greater Mosul area between 2014 and January 2017. By July 2019, over two years after military operations had ended in Mosul, there were still over 300,000 people displaced from the city.

    British, French, and German components and production capacity, including missiles, missile batteries, and a bomb rack, were exported to Turkey, where they were mounted on Turkish-made drones and exported to Azerbaijan. These same drones, loaded with European-manufactured arms components, were used in the 44-day conflict in Naghorno- Karabakh, which provoked the forced displacement of half of the region’s Armenian population – approximately 90,000 people.

    Between 2012 and 2015 Bulgaria exported assault rifles, large-calibre artillery systems, light machine guns, hand-held under-barrel and mounted grenade launchers to the Democratic Republic of Congo’s (DRC) national police and military. The conflict in DRC is one of the world’s longest, yet Europe continues to supply arms that are used to perpetrate gross human rights violations. In 2017, Serbia exported 920 assault rifles and 114 light machine guns that were originally manufactured in Bulgaria. That same year, 2,166,000 people were forcibly displaced, making it one of the worst since the conflict began. Specifically, Bulgarian weapons were in use in North Kivu in 2017 coinciding with the forced displacement of 523,000 people.

    At least four Italian Bigliani-class patrol boats were donated to Libya and used by its coastguard to forcibly pull back and detain migrants who were fleeing its shores. In 2019, the Libyan coastguard mounted a machine gun on at least one of these boats and used it in the internal conflict against the Libyan National Army. Many of those fleeing Libya had most likely already fled other conflicts in other African and West Asian countries that may have purchased or were in receipt of European arms, so that at each step along their journey from displacement to migration, the European arms trade is making massive profits by firstly displacing them, and then later deterring and pushing them back.

    The arms companies we identified in these case studies include: Airbus (Franco-German), ARSENAL (Bulgaria), BAE Systems (UK), Baykar Makina (Turkey), EDO MBM (UK), Intermarine (Italy), Kintex (Bulgaria), Leonardo (Italy), Roketsan (Turkey), SB Aerospatiale (France), TDW (Germany), Turkish Aerospace Industry (Turkey), and Vazovski Mashinostroitelni Zavodi ЕAD (Bulgaria).

    #rapport #tni
    #armes #commerce_d'armes #migrations #asile #réfugiés #Europe #armée #militaire #industrie_de_l'armement #droits_humains #droits_fondamentaux #France #Allemagne #Italie #UK #Angleterre #Espagne #Bulgarie #Croatie #Roumanie #Arabie_Saoudite #Syrie #T-129_ATAK #Turquie #Operation_Olive_Branch #Operation_Peace_Spring #Irak #Ramadi #Bartella #Azerbaïjan #arméniens #Congo #RDC #République_démocratique_du_Congo #Serbie #Kivu #Nord_Kivu #Bigliani #Libye #gardes-côtes_libyiens #complexe_militaro-industriel
    #Airbus #ARSENAL #BAE_Systems #Baykar_Makina #EDO_MBM #Intermarine #Kintex #Leonardo #Roketsan #SB_Aerospatiale #TDW #Turkish_Aerospace_Industry #Vazovski_Mashinostroitelni_Zavodi_ЕAD