• Keep #France at arm’s length from Syrian

    There is not the slightest sign of unease in Washington or in any western capital that on Sunday France launched its first air strikes in Syria. It is a poignant moment. Do not forget that France, along with Great Britain, was the ‘creator’ of modern Syria.

    To use violence against a progeny is not unusual for France – it keeps doing that in Africa – but nonetheless it reeks of insensitivity in this case, given the shame that still surrounds the #Sykes-Picot pact. (The centenary of that shameful chapter in Europe’s colonial history falls in May next year.)

    What France has done is reprehensible for yet another reason. It is a permanent veto-holding member of the UN Security Council and it has violated the territorial integrity of a UN member country without even so much as bothering to seek its concurrence. The French interventions abroad are devoid of principles or morality. Libya is the last instance where it marched in, destroyed a country and its established government, left an anarchic trail and then simply washed its hands off the ensuing chaos.

    In this case too, France smells that the search for a political solution to the Syrian conflict is probably beginning and it wants to have a ‘say’ in it. It is in France’s DNA, except that what we see here is a slightly cruder version of the devious role France played during the negotiations over the Iran nuclear deal, when it took money from Saudi Arabia and began creating hurdles in the ‘P5+1 and Iran’ negotiations for as long as it could, but when the accord became a fait accompli, France simply crossed over to the Iranians to do ‘business’.

  • Obama, Putin to meet at a defining moment – Indian Punchline
    By M K Bhadrakumar – September 24, 2015

    The Russian state agency TASS is not given to speculating on the Kremlin leader’s activities. It is a ground rule set by Joseph Stalin when the agency was created in 1925. Therefore, we must accept as ‘breaking news’ the TASS’ Washington dateline report quoting ‘an informed source’ to the effect that a meeting between Russian president Vladimir Putin and US resident Barack Obama will take place next week on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly session.

    Putin is taking to the podium in New York after a gap of a decade when he addresses the GA session on Monday. This is brilliant news. The time is overdue for the American and Russian leaderships to candidly discuss the issues of international security, especially the fight against the Islamic State and the conflict in Syria. There is good reason to believe that the gap between the US and Russian thinking on Syria is dramatically narrowing.

    If, in the process, Obama and Putin agree to explore the new frontiers of a Russian-American reset, that will be a bonus, too. For Obama, most certainly, this fortnight will be incomplete without a meeting with Putin. The conversation with Pope Francis on Wednesday would have reminded Obama what a hopelessly disjointed moral landscape surrounds us all – poignantly symbolized by the dead body of 3-year old Aylan washed ashore unnoticed on a desolate Turkish beach – and, indeed, it has ultimately come to be Obama’s own presidential legacy — and he can’t easily escape from it.

    Equally, his summit on Friday with the visiting Chinese President Xi Jinping will alert Obama that Washington can optimally cope with China’s rise only through a far-sighted strategy that provides for the underpinning of a durable, predictable partnership with Moscow in the Asia-Pacific. (By the way, isn’t it a delightful coincidence that TASS let the cat out of the bag on the eve of Xi’s touchdown on the White House lawns?)

  • EI : la Russie pourrait mener des frappes unilatérales

    La Russie envisage la possibilité d’effectuer des frappes aériennes unilatérales contre l’EI en Syrie, si les Etats-Unis rejettent une proposition visant à coordonner leurs actions avec Moscou, rapporte l’agence Bloomberg.

    Parallèlement, selon Bloomberg, qui cite des sources proches du Kremlin et du ministère russe de la Défense, Moscou préférerait que le gouvernement américain accepte d’allier ses forces avec la Russie, l’Iran et l’armée syrienne afin de lutter contre Daech.

    « La Russie estime que le bon sens prévaudra et qu’Obama acceptera la main tendue par Vladimir Poutine. Mais la Russie agira de toute façon, même si cela ne se produit pas », a déclaré à Bloomberg la spécialiste du Moyen-Orient à l’Institut russe d’études stratégiques, Elena Souponina.

    Selon une source anonyme à Washington, les Etats-Unis seraient prêts à discuter de la coordination des attaques afin d’éviter des incidents avec des avions russes, mais ils n’ont pas encore reçu une proposition « concrète » de Moscou. En outre, la coalition n’envisage pas la possibilité de coopérer avec les troupes d’Assad, ajoute la source.

    Auparavant, le président russe avait déclaré qu’il serait nécessaire d’unir les efforts afin de lutter non seulement contre le terrorisme, mais également contre d’autres problèmes urgents et croissants, à savoir le problème des réfugiés.


    Putin plans air strikes in Syria if no U.S. deal reached - Bloomberg
    World | Thu Sep 24, 2015

    #Syrie #Russie

    • Jaysh al-Islam déclare la guerre aux Russes qui combattent en Syrie - Dania Akkad -
      24 septembre 2015

      Jaysh al-Islam, l’un des plus importants groupes rebelles en Syrie, a déclaré la guerre aux soldats russes qui combattent aux côtés des forces pro-gouvernementales syriennes dans la guerre civile, a déclaré un porte-parole du groupe à Middle East Eye mercredi.

      La confirmation du porte-parole survient alors que la Russie renforce activement son soutien militaire en Syrie, notamment par l’envoi de 28 avions opérationnels dans le pays, selon des responsables américains.

      De nouvelles images satellites publiées mardi semblent indiquer que la Russie développe deux nouvelles bases aériennes près de la ville portuaire clé de Lattaquié, un bastion du président syrien Bachar al-Assad.

      Jaysh al-Islam, qui serait financé par l’Arabie saoudite, a posté une vidéo vendredi dernier montrant des combattants du groupe attaquant l’aéroport international de Bassel, à environ 20 km de Lattaquié.

      Dans la vidéo, les combattants déclarent que l’aéroport est devenu une base pour l’armée russe, puis ils tirent plusieurs roquettes soi-disant en direction d’un avion-cargo russe, bien qu’il n’y en ait aucune preuve dans la vidéo.

      Dans une conversation sur Skype avec MEE, le porte-parole de Jaysh al-Islam a bien insisté sur le fait que le groupe avait déclaré la guerre aux soldats russes, « non à la Russie en tant que pays ».

      La dernière semaine, des combattants rebelles ont déclaré à Reuters avoir rencontré une résistance plus forte de la part des forces pro-gouvernementales, en particulier dans les zones côtières de Syrie, et qu’une intervention russe prolongera la guerre et encouragera les bailleurs étrangers des rebelles à accroître leur assistance militaire.(...)

      #Jaysh_al-Islam #Syrie #Russie

    • Europe nudges US, Russia to walk the talk on Syria
      By M K Bhadrakumar – September 21, 2015

      Without doubt, this is a defining moment. Notwithstanding the immense pressure from detractors and critics within the US (and abroad in Israel, Saudi Arabia, UAE, et al) to shift gear to a hyperactive interventionist role in Syria, President Obama has preferred the diplomatic track.

      This primarily emanates out of the ground reality that the decade-old US strategy to force a regime change in Syria has reached a dead end. Besides, the regional scenario has also changed phenomenally. Saudi Arabia and Turkey, the two countries that did all they could to destabilize Syria, are marooned in their own existential problems — and Qatar too has rolled back its regional ambitions built around the Muslim Brotherhood in the wake of the Arab Spring. In a dramatic shift, Egypt has actually swung to the Russian side and would see Assad as a bulwark against radical Islamist groups.

      Above all, the US’ European allies have lost faith, caught up in a protracted struggle to cope with the refugee flow and agonizing over the spectre of the IS. The melancholy, long, withdrawing roar of their retreat from the US’ regime change agenda in Syria should be audible in Washington. The debris of the conflict has reached Europe and although the US remains safe and untouched, it cannot wash off its hands off the political and moral responsibility for the horrific tragedy that is unfolding.

      Meanwhile, the Syrian conflict itself has transformed. The Islamic State is today the real beneficiary of the regime change agenda pursued by the US and its regional allies. The ‘moderate’ Syrian opposition has become the butt of jokes. Which means that what is shaping up is a confrontation between the Syrian government forces and the IS. With air strikes against the IS not having much effect, Washington should show the practical wisdom to utilize whatever capabilities available on the ground.

      What lies ahead? Kerry’s weekend visits to London and Berlin to consult key allies have prepared the ground for some intense discussions involving the various protagonists — Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, in particular — that can be expected to take place through the coming week in New York where the world leaders are gathering for the UN General Assembly session.

      The manner in which the West has swiftly welcomed Russia’s military intervention in Syria underscores that a new chapter is beginning in their mutual relationship. This augurs well for conflict resolution in Syria. The bottom line is that the US’ trans-Atlantic leadership demands a quick solution to the Syrian conflict, which is threatening European security. In an extraordinary remark, Steinmeir actually urged all concerned — including the US — to “put aside national interests for the time being” and to rise to the occasion. (Transcript is here : http://www.state.gov/secretary/remarks/2015/09/247077.htm .)

  • (Avec des pincettes) Russia Exposes US Hidden Agenda in Syria

    Equally, Lavrov lifted the veil a little bit to let the Americans know that the Russian military intelligence has not only been monitoring the operations of the American military aircraft in Iraq but have scientifically analyzed the US aircraft’s flight plans and so on. In sum, Russians seem to have intelligence dope to substantiate something that the Iranians have been all along maintaining, namely, that the American aircraft are regularly airdropping supplies for the IS.

    Honnêtement, je ne sais pas quoi penser de ça. C’est quelque chose que je vois parfois passer sur les sites hum-hum, mais là je note parce que ça passe sur le site du Ron Paul Institute. Certes, Ron Paul c’est parfois hum-hum aussi, mais c’est tout de même très intégré au système…

    Quant à l’auteur, Melkulangara Bhadrakumar, encore franchement je ne connais pas. Je vois qu’il écrit énormément, le lecteur pourra se faire une idée ici :