• Israeli TV journalist reacts to outcry after saying occupation turns soldiers into ’animals’

    Oshrat Kotler, who received death threats for her comment, says she can’t ignore ’heavy price that we are paying through our children for ruling over another people’
    Itay Stern
    Feb 24, 2019


    TV journalist Oshrat Kotler on Saturday responded to the uproar she caused last week, when she said Israeli soldiers become “human animals” during their army service in the West Bank.

    “They send children to the army, to the territories, and get them back human animals. That’s the result of the occupation,” Kotler said last week following a piece on the five Israeli soldiers who were indicted for beating two detained Palestinians, which aired on her Channel 13 show, “Magazine.”

    On Saturday night she spoke again toward the end of the program to clarify her comments, choking with tears as she spoke.

    “Last week we broadcast here a very complex and painful report about the soldiers of the ‘Netzah Yehuda’ [battalion] who were involved in a series of harsh acts of violence,” she said. “For two weeks we investigated, filmed and edited, reporter Arik Weiss and myself, this report with the greatest caution because both of us understood that the matter was very charged and very hard to absorb.”

    Thousands of complaints were filed against Kotler, as well as death threats, after which Channel 13 decided to provide her with a security guard. Many politicians rushed to condemn her comments, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Education Minister Naftali Bennett, both demanding she apologize.

    Kotler criticized politicians in the midst of an election campaign for making “cynical” use of her comments and portraying them out of the story’s context. “What I said here was directed only at the soldiers who violated the law and not toward IDF soldiers in general. They were spoken with great pain,” said Kotler. Channel 13 News came to her defense, saying she was allowed to express her opinion, even if it does not reflect the opinion of the entire editorial staff.

    “The purpose of the story, as was the purpose of my comments that followed it too, was to make us as a society to take personal responsibility for the actions of the soldiers of Netzah Yehuda, because it is impossible to accuse them of crossing moral and legal boundaries when we are the ones who put them in an impossible situation day after day,” she added. “The public criticism should not be directed at the soldiers, and it would be proper for the court to consider that and be lenient in their sentencing."

    • VIDEO. « Ils reviennent transformés en animaux. C’est le résultat de l’occupation » : une journaliste israélienne critique les soldats de Tsahal en plein direct
      Mis à jour le 22/02/2019

      Elle a prononcé ce commentaire après avoir évoqué le cas de soldats de l’armée israélienne soupçonnés d’avoir violemment frappé deux suspects palestiniens aux mains attachées et aux yeux bandés.

      Je vais continuer à parler dans cette émission. Vous ne me ferez pas taire." Le coup de colère, en direct, de la journaliste israélienne Oshrat Kotler a suscité une vive controverse, samedi 16 février, rapporte Haaretz. Elle a ainsi affirmé sur la chaîne HaHadashot 13 que le contrôle israélien de la Cisjordanie transformait les soldats en « animaux ».

  • Antisémitisme et antisionisme : une assimilation absurde dans le monde arabe - Caroline HAYEK et Anthony SAMRANI - L’Orient-Le Jour

    Au Proche-Orient, c’est le sionisme et plus largement la politique israélienne qui ont fait le lit de l’antisémitisme.
    Caroline HAYEK et Anthony SAMRANI | OLJ

    C’est un débat qui se joue en France mais qui est suivi avec attention de l’autre côté de la Méditerranée. Emmanuel Macron a annoncé mercredi vouloir intégrer l’antisionisme – dans le sens de la négation du droit d’Israël à exister – à la définition juridique de l’antisémitisme. Le président français considère que « l’antisionisme est une des formes modernes de l’antisémitisme », alors que les actes antisémites en France étaient en hausse de 74 % en 2018 par rapport à l’année précédente.

    Plusieurs voix critiques ont fait remarquer que cela pouvait conduire à des incohérences – la plus absurde étant d’être amené à considérer certains juifs antisionistes comme des antisémites – et à créer une confusion entre une idéologie politique et une identité religieuse. Cela revient aussi à faire le jeu du Premier ministre israélien Benjamin Netanyahu, pour qui les deux termes sont indissociables, et à donner l’impression qu’il n’est pas permis en France de critiquer la politique israélienne, même si ce n’est pas du tout le sens de l’initiative présidentielle.

    Vue du monde arabe, l’assimilation entre ces deux termes apparaît pour le moins inadaptée. Si l’antisionisme peut parfois, comme en Europe, cacher des relents d’antisémitisme, c’est bien le sionisme qui apparaît comme la cause première de la montée de l’antisémitisme, et non l’inverse. L’antisémitisme est un terme inventé au XIXe siècle pour évoquer la discrimination à l’égard des populations juives au sein des sociétés européennes. Outre l’argument un peu simpliste que les Arabes sont eux-mêmes un peuple sémite, la notion n’a pas vraiment de sens dans le contexte arabe. Malgré un statut particulier les empêchant, à l’instar des chrétiens, d’accéder aux hautes fonctions politiques et administratives, les juifs étaient bien intégrés au sein des sociétés arabes et n’ont pas subi de persécutions comparables à ce qu’ont pu être les pogroms en Europe.

    « La communauté juive a connu un moment de gloire et de puissance à l’époque ottomane, notamment lors de l’arrivée massive des juifs chassés d’Espagne », note Henry Laurens, professeur au Collège de France et titulaire de la chaire d’histoire contemporaine du monde arabe, interrogé par L’Orient-Le Jour. « Avant la déclaration Balfour et tout ce qu’elle entraînera par la suite, les juifs sont une communauté parmi d’autres dans le monde arabe, qui, depuis l’ère ottomane en particulier, a été organisée sur une base communautaire », confirme à L’OLJ Gilbert Achcar, professeur à la School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS, University of London), auteur d’un ouvrage sur Les Arabes et la Shoah : la guerre israélo-arabe des récits (2013).

    Dégradation continue

    La diffusion des thèses sionistes développées par l’intellectuel autrichien Theodor Herzl va peu à peu changer la donne jusqu’au tournant de la création d’Israël en 1948, véritable choc pour les populations arabes. Au début du XXe siècle, les populations locales ne font pas nécessairement la distinction entre juifs et sionistes, le second terme n’étant pas encore véritablement assimilé. « Les habitants de la Palestine historique avaient l’habitude de désigner les juifs comme juifs. Certains étaient sionistes, mais beaucoup ne l’étaient pas. Ils étaient pour la plupart des juifs religieux et asionistes ou antisionistes », décrit à L’OLJ Tarek Mitri, ancien ministre et directeur de l’institut d’études politiques Issam Farès de l’AUB.

    « Les Arabes ont d’abord connu le sionisme de façon indirecte, en lisant la presse européenne. En Palestine, les premières réactions ne sont pas nécessairement négatives, mais les choses changent à partir de la déclaration Balfour, et le sionisme est progressivement considéré comme un danger pour les Palestiniens d’une part, et pour les Arabes du Proche-Orient d’autre part. Cela conduit à une dégradation continue de la situation des communautés juives du Proche-Orient à partir des années 1930 », dit Henry Laurens.

    Les relations se compliquent à mesure que l’immigration juive s’accélère en raison de la répression dont ils sont victimes en Europe.

    « Dans les discours, il y avait une distinction entre les juifs et les mouvements sionistes. Dans la pratique, ce qui inquiétait particulièrement les Arabes, c’est le fait de voir une communauté parmi d’autres se doter d’un territoire, de passer de la communauté à la nation », note Henry Laurens.Dans les années 1930 et 1940, c’est l’histoire européenne qui rencontre frontalement celle du Proche-Orient, de façon encore plus brutale après l’Holocauste et jusqu’à la création de l’État hébreu. Durant cette période, le grand mufti de Jérusalem Hajj Amine al-Husseini – qui n’était toutefois pas représentatif des Palestiniens – va collaborer avec l’Allemagne hitlérienne, au départ pour contrecarrer les projets anglais d’établissement d’un foyer juif, jusqu’à approuver sa politique génocidaire contre les juifs. Cet épisode va être largement instrumentalisé par la propagande israélienne pour démontrer un soi-disant antisémitisme arabe, au point que Benjamin Netanyahu va même aller jusqu’à présenter le mufti comme l’inspirateur de la solution finale.

    Complotisme et négationnisme

    La création de l’État hébreu va profondément changer les rapports entre les juifs et les autres communautés dans le monde arabe. Si, pour les sionistes, l’aboutissement du projet étatique est avant tout le fruit d’une volonté collective de plusieurs décennies, il apparaît aux yeux des Arabes comme une injustice liée à un génocide dont ils ne sont en aucun cas responsables. Les juifs du monde arabe n’accueillent pas forcément avec enthousiasme la naissance d’Israël. « Les communautés juives du monde arabe, surtout d’Égypte et d’Irak, n’étaient pas vraiment tentées au début par la migration vers la Palestine. Mais il y a eu deux facteurs qui ont encouragé ce mouvement. D’une part, la politique israélienne qui a tout fait pour les attirer, au point que le Mossad a organisé des attentats contre des synagogues pour leur faire peur. D’autre part, il y a une méfiance arabe qui s’est installée et qui faisait que les juifs pouvaient être perçus comme une sorte de 5e colonne », explique Tarek Mitri.

    Après la proclamation de l’indépendance d’Israël par David Ben Gourion, l’antisionisme va devenir dominant dans le monde arabe. Le sionisme apparaît comme un projet colonial avalisé par les puissances occidentales visant à déposséder les Arabes de leurs terres. La distinction devient très nette dans les discours entre juifs et sionistes. « Dans leurs discours, Nasser ou Arafat ne font pas d’amalgame entre sioniste et juif, bien au contraire. Au début de son combat, le projet politique de Arafat était d’instaurer un débat laïc et démocratique en Palestine où juifs, chrétiens et musulmans coexisteraient », explique Tarek Mitri.

    Le double sentiment d’injustice et d’humiliation que les Arabes ont vis-à-vis de l’État hébreu va toutefois être le moteur d’un antisémitisme qui va avoir un certain écho au sein des classes populaires arabes – où le terme juif est parfois utilisé comme une insulte – et va être largement relayé par les mouvements islamistes. Cela va être particulièrement visible à travers la propagation de deux phénomènes intimement liés : le complotisme et le négationnisme.

    « Les théories du complot qui sont dans le discours antisémite occidental ont pu facilement trouver un public dans le monde arabe, parce que, de fait, c’est une région qui a connu de vrais complots, à commencer par les fameux accords secrets Sykes-Picot », constate Gilbert Achcar. L’idée complotiste des protocoles des sages de Sion, qui attribuent aux juifs des plans de domination du monde, est largement répandue au sein du monde arabe. « Chez les islamistes, il y a eu un moment où on a ressuscité une vieille littérature parareligieuse qui ridiculise et avilie les juifs. Ils puisent dans les textes sacrés ce qui est de nature à susciter la méfiance ou même la haine à l’égard des juifs », note Tarek Mitri.

    Le négationnisme concernant l’Holocauste trouve aussi ses adeptes, même s’ils restent minoritaires. Dans un article publié en 1998 dans le Monde diplomatique, le grand intellectuel palestino-américain Edward Saïd s’indignait que « la thèse selon laquelle l’Holocauste ne serait qu’une fabrication des sionistes circule ici et là. Pourquoi attendons-nous du monde entier qu’il prenne conscience de nos souffrances en tant qu’Arabes si nous ne sommes pas en mesure de prendre conscience de celles des autres, quand bien même il s’agit de nos oppresseurs ? » ajoutait-il non sans une certaine verve. « La plupart des gens qui ont un peu de culture savent que la Shoah n’est pas une invention, mais un certain négationniste a pu trouver un écho favorable chez les gens étroits d’esprit, qu’ils soient ultranationalistes ou intégristes », dit Gilbert Achcar.

    Ce dernier insiste toutefois sur le fait qu’il n’y a pas d’antisémitisme propre au monde arabe, mais que la diffusion des thèses antisémites dans cette région n’est pas comparable à ce qui se passe en Occident. « Toute l’équation entre le monde occidental et le monde arabe est complètement faussée par le fait que les juifs étaient opprimés pendant des siècles en Europe, tandis que dans le monde arabe, ce qu’on peut qualifier de haine envers les juifs est surtout le produit d’une histoire moderne marquée par la présence d’un État oppresseur, qui insiste lui-même à se faire appeler État juif », résume Gilbert Achcar. Et Tarek Mitri de conclure, pour insister sur la nécessité de distinguer les deux termes dans le monde arabe : « Il y avait une résolution de l’Assemblée générale de l’ONU en 1975 qui disait que le sionisme était une forme de racisme et de discrimination. Elle a été révoquée en 1991, mais elle avait suscité un grand enthousiasme dans le monde arabe. »

  • Poll: 75% of Americans Oppose Outlawing Boycotts of Israel

    Americans in general do not like anti-BDS laws nearly as much as Congress does: just 22.5% of American adults polled favor anti-boycott measure. But Washington and many state legislatures are pushing through legislation that would criminalize boycott of Israel.


  • https://christinedelphy.wordpress.com/2019/02/19/antisemitisme-islamophobie-negrophobie

    On ne peut pas continuer à appeler à faire barrage au Rassemblement National en pratiquant la grille de lecture de l’extrême droite, tenir des propos qui légitiment le racisme que l’on prétend combattre, banaliser la parole islamophobe, critiquer Salvini en refusant de faire accoster l’Aquarius et en organisant la chasse à l’homme noir à nos frontières, déformer la laïcité à des fins d’exclusion, instrumentaliser l’antisémitisme pour stigmatiser les gilets jaunes et faire taire la protestation, accuser d’antisémitisme ceux qui critiquent la politique israélienne à l’encontre les palestiniens, dévoyer les revendications sociales sur le terrain identitaire, être sur le terrain du racisme en essentialisant les roms, les arabes, les musulmans, les noirs, les asiatiques, discourir sur l’égalité républicaine en ignorant les contrôles au faciès, les discriminations racistes à l’emploi et au logement, s’indigner de façon sélective en ignorant que ces dernières semaines et ces derniers mois des tags ont aussi appelé à tuer les arabes, à mettre dehors les nègres, les bicots, les arabes, les bougnoules à mettre l’islam dehors.

    J’ai découvert Christine Delphy il y a un mois lors de toute une série d’émissions d’ A Voix nue sur France Culture ( https://www.franceculture.fr/emissions/a-voix-nue/christine-delphy-15-se-dire-feministe

    ) et franchement j’étais impressionné par la brillance de son intelligence. A propos du débat en cours, je verse sa tribune du côté de l’intelligence.

    Edit, 20 février, cette tribune est de Fabienne Haloui, ce qui est indiqué mais ne m’avait pas sauté aux yeux apparemment. Merci à @aude_v pour la correction.

  • The Israel lobby is built on the biggest guilt trip in the world – Mondoweiss


    I’ve been reading Amos Oz’s books since his death, and one of the feelings he leaves me with is: Self-contempt. Many of Oz’s characters look on American Jews with disdain. “To be without power is, in my eyes, both a sin and a catastrophe. It’s the sin of exile, and Diaspora,” says one. Another says that Diaspora Jews “shalt fear day and night, and shalt have none assurance of… life.”

    The message is clear. Jews in the west are half-made because they never had to fight. They haven’t served in the Israeli army, at the front line of reborn Jewish sovereignty. But those exiled Jews derive pride and strength from the armed Jewish nation; Israel has given them international prestige. Because once Jews went like sheep to slaughter, we formed lines to get on the cattle cars. Now we are a proud nation.

    But those exiled Jews have no skin in the game. They are living comfortable idle existences. Getting up like me this morning and going to my desk.

  • Churchill Was More Villain Than Hero in Britain’s Colonies - Bloomberg

    The recent flap over Winston Churchill — with Labour politician John McDonnell calling Britain’s most revered prime minister a “villain” and prompting a rebuke from the latter’s grandson — will astonish many Indians. That’s not because the label itself is a misnomer, but because McDonnell was exercised by the death of one Welsh miner in 1910. In fact, Churchill has the blood of millions on his hands whom the British prefer to forget.

    “History,” Churchill himself said, “will judge me kindly, because I intend to write it myself.” He did, penning a multi-volume history of World War Two, and won the Nobel Prize for Literature for his self-serving fictions. As the Australian Prime Minister Robert Menzies remarked of the man many Britons credit with winning the war, "His real tyrant is the glittering phrase, so attractive to his mind that awkward facts have to give way.”

    Awkward facts, alas, there are aplenty. As McDonnell correctly noted, Churchill as Home Secretary in 1910 sent battalions of police from London and ordered them to attack striking miners in Tonypandy in South Wales; one was killed and nearly 600 strikers and policemen were injured. It’s unlikely this troubled his conscience much. He later assumed operational command of the police during a siege of armed Latvian anarchists in Stepney, where he decided to allow them to be burned to death in a house where they were trapped.

  • The Knesset candidate who says Zionism encourages anti-Semitism and calls Netanyahu ’arch-murderer’ - Israel Election 2019 - Haaretz.com

    Few Israelis have heard of Dr. Ofer Cassif, the Jewish representative on the far-leftist Hadash party’s Knesset slate. On April 9, that will change
    By Ravit Hecht Feb 16, 2019

    Ofer Cassif is fire and brimstone. Not even the flu he’s suffering from today can contain his bursting energy. His words are blazing, and he bounds through his modest apartment, searching frenetically for books by Karl Marx and Primo Levi in order to find quotations to back up his ideas. Only occasional sips from a cup of maté bring his impassioned delivery to a momentary halt. The South American drink is meant to help fight his illness, he explains.

    Cassif is third on the slate of Knesset candidates in Hadash (the Hebrew acronym for the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality), the successor to Israel’s Communist Party. He holds the party’s “Jewish slot,” replacing MK Dov Khenin. Cassif is likely to draw fire from opponents and be a conspicuous figure in the next Knesset, following the April 9 election.

    Indeed, the assault on him began as soon as he was selected by the party’s convention. The media pursued him; a columnist in the mass-circulation Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper, Ben-Dror Yemini, called for him to be disqualified from running for the Knesset. It would be naive to say that this was unexpected. Cassif, who was one of the first Israeli soldiers to refuse to serve in the territories, in 1987, gained fame thanks to a number of provocative statements. The best known is his branding of Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked as “neo-Nazi scum.” On another occasion, he characterized Jews who visit the Temple Mount as “cancer with metastases that have to be eradicated.”

    On his alternate Facebook page, launched after repeated blockages of his original account by a blitz of posts from right-wing activists, he asserted that Culture Minister Miri Regev is “repulsive gutter contamination,” that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is an “arch-murderer” and that the new Israel Defense Forces chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi, is a “war criminal.”

    Do you regret making those remarks?

    Cassif: “‘Regret’ is a word of emotion. Those statements were made against a background of particular events: the fence in Gaza, horrible legislation, and the wild antics of Im Tirtzu [an ultranationalist organization] on campus. That’s what I had to say at the time. I didn’t count on being in the Knesset. That wasn’t part of my plan. But it’s clear to me that as a public personality, I would not have made those comments.”

    Is Netanyahu an arch-murderer?

    “Yes. I wrote it in the specific context of a particular day in the Gaza Strip. A massacre of innocent people was perpetrated there, and no one’s going to persuade me that those people were endangering anyone. It’s a concentration camp. Not a ‘concentration camp’ in the sense of Bergen-Belsen; I am absolutely not comparing the Holocaust to what’s happening.”

    You term what Israel is doing to the Palestinians “genocide.”

    “I call it ‘creeping genocide.’ Genocide is not only a matter of taking people to gas chambers. When Yeshayahu Leibowitz used the term ‘Judeo-Nazis,’ people asked him, ‘How can you say that? Are we about to build gas chambers?’ To that, he had two things to say. First, if the whole difference between us and the Nazis boils down to the fact that we’re not building gas chambers, we’re already in trouble. And second, maybe we won’t use gas chambers, but the mentality that exists today in Israel – and he said this 40 years ago – would allow it. I’m afraid that today, after four years of such an extreme government, it possesses even greater legitimacy.

    “But you know what, put aside ‘genocide’ – ethnic cleansing is taking place there. And that ethnic cleansing is also being carried out by means of killing, although mainly by way of humiliation and of making life intolerable. The trampling of human dignity. It reminds me of Primo Levi’s ‘If This Is a Man.’”

    You say you’re not comparing, but you repeatedly come back to Holocaust references. On Facebook, you also uploaded the scene from “Schindler’s List” in which the SS commander Amon Goeth picks off Jews with his rifle from the balcony of his quarters in the camp. You compared that to what was taking place along the border fence in the Gaza Strip.

    “Today, I would find different comparisons. In the past I wrote an article titled, ‘On Holocaust and on Other Crimes.’ It’s online [in Hebrew]. I wrote there that anyone who compares Israel to the Holocaust is cheapening the Holocaust. My comparison between here and what happened in the early 1930s [in Germany] is a very different matter.”

    Clarity vs. crudity

    Given Cassif’s style, not everyone in Hadash was happy with his election, particularly when it comes to the Jewish members of the predominantly Arab party. Dov Khenin, for example, declined to be interviewed and say what he thinks of his parliamentary successor. According to a veteran party figure, “From the conversations I had, it turns out that almost none of the Jewish delegates – who make up about 100 of the party’s 940 delegates – supported his candidacy.

    “He is perceived, and rightly so,” the party veteran continues, “as someone who closes doors to Hadash activity within Israeli society. Each of the other Jewish candidates presented a record of action and of struggles they spearheaded. What does he do? Curses right-wing politicians on Facebook. Why did the party leadership throw the full force of its weight behind him? In a continuation of the [trend exemplified by] its becoming part of the Joint List, Ofer’s election reflects insularity and an ongoing retreat from the historical goal of implementing change in Israeli society.”

    At the same time, as his selection by a 60 percent majority shows, many in the party believe that it’s time to change course. “Israeli society is moving rightward, and what’s perceived as Dov’s [Khenin] more gentle style didn’t generate any great breakthrough on the Jewish street,” a senior source in Hadash notes.

    “It’s not a question of the tension between extremism and moderation, but of how to signpost an alternative that will develop over time. Clarity, which is sometimes called crudity, never interfered with cooperation between Arabs and Jews. On the contrary. Ofer says things that we all agreed with but didn’t so much say, and of course that’s going to rile the right wing. And a good thing, too.”

    Hadash chairman MK Ayman Odeh also says he’s pleased with the choice, though sources in the party claim that Odeh is apprehensive about Cassif’s style and that he actually supported a different candidate. “Dov went for the widest possible alliances in order to wield influence,” says Odeh. “Ofer will go for very sharp positions at the expense of the breadth of the alliance. But his sharp statements could have a large impact.”

    Khenin was deeply esteemed by everyone. When he ran for mayor of Tel Aviv in 2008, some 35 percent of the electorate voted for him, because he was able to touch people who weren’t only from his political milieu.

    Odeh: “No one has a higher regard for Dov than I do. But just to remind you, we are not a regular opposition, we are beyond the pale. And there are all kinds of styles. Influence can be wielded through comments that are vexatious the first time but which people get used to the second time. When an Arab speaks about the Nakba and about the massacre in Kafr Kassem [an Israeli Arab village, in 1956], it will be taken in a particular way, but when uttered by a Jew it takes on special importance.”

    He will be the cause of many attacks on the party.

    “Ahlan wa sahlan – welcome.”

    Cassif will be the first to tell you that, with all due respect for the approach pursued by Khenin and by his predecessor in the Jewish slot, Tamar Gozansky, he will be something completely different. “I totally admire what Tamar and Dov did – nothing less than that,” he says, while adding, “But my agenda will be different. The three immediate dangers to Israeli society are the occupation, racism and the diminishment of the democratic space to the point of liquidation. That’s the agenda that has to be the hub of the struggle, as long as Israel rules over millions of people who have no rights, enters [people’s houses] in the middle of the night, arrests minors on a daily basis and shoots people in the back.

    "Israel commits murder on a daily basis. When you murder one Palestinian, you’re called Elor Azaria [the IDF soldier convicted and jailed for killing an incapacitated Palestinian assailant]; when you murder and oppress thousands of Palestinians, you’re called the State of Israel.”

    So you plan to be the provocateur in the next Knesset?

    “It’s not my intention to be a provocateur, to stand there and scream and revile people. Even on Facebook I was compelled to stop that. But I definitely intend to challenge the dialogue in terms of the content, and mainly with a type of sarcasm.”

    ’Bags of blood’

    Cassif, 54, who holds a doctorate in political philosophy from the London School of Economics, teaches political science at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Sapir Academic College in Sderot and at the Academic College of Tel Aviv-Yaffo. He lives in Rehovot, is married and is the father of a 19-year-old son. He’s been active in Hadash for three decades and has held a number of posts in the party.

    As a lecturer, he stands out for his boldness and fierce rhetoric, which draws students of all stripes. He even hangs out with some of his Haredi students, one of whom wrote a post on the eve of the Hadash primary urging the delegates to choose him. After his election, a student from a settlement in the territories wrote to him, “You are a determined and industrious person, and for that I hold you in high regard. Hoping we will meet on the field of action and growth for the success of Israel as a Jewish, democratic state (I felt obliged to add a small touch of irony in conclusion).”

    Cassif grew up in a home that supported Mapai, forerunner of Labor, in Rishon Letzion. He was an only child; his father was an accountant, his mother held a variety of jobs. He was a news hound from an early age, and at 12 ran for the student council in school. He veered sharply to the left in his teens, becoming a keen follower of Marx and socialism.

    Following military service in the IDF’s Nahal brigade and a period in the airborne Nahal, Cassif entered the Hebrew University. There his political career moved one step forward, and there he also forsook the Zionist left permanently. His first position was as a parliamentary aide to the secretary general of the Communist Party, Meir Wilner.

    “At first I was closer to Mapam [the United Workers Party, which was Zionist], and then I refused to serve in the territories. I was the first refusenik in the first intifada to be jailed. I didn’t get support from Mapam, I got support from the people of Hadash, and I drew close to them. I was later jailed three more times for refusing to serve in the territories.”

    His rivals in the student organizations at the Hebrew University remember him as the epitome of the extreme left.

    “Even in the Arab-Jewish student association, Cassif was considered off-the-wall,” says Motti Ohana, who was chairman of Likud’s student association and active in the Student Union at the end of the 1980s and early 1990s. “One time I got into a brawl with him. It was during the first intifada, when he brought two bags of blood, emptied them out in the university’s corridors and declared, ‘There is no difference between Jewish and Arab blood,’ likening Israeli soldiers to terrorists. The custom on campus was that we would quarrel, left-right, Arabs-Jews, and after that we would sit together, have a coffee and talk. But not Cassif.”

    According to Ohana, today a member of the Likud central committee, the right-wing activists knew that, “You could count on Ofer to fall into every trap. There was one event at the Hebrew University that was a kind of political Hyde Park. The right wanted to boot the left out of there, so we hung up the flag. It was obvious that Ofer would react, and in fact he tore the flag, and in the wake of the ruckus that developed, political activity was stopped for good.”

    Replacing the anthem

    Cassif voices clearly and cogently positions that challenge the public discourse in Israel, and does so with ardor and charisma. Four candidates vied for Hadash’s Jewish slot, and they all delivered speeches at the convention. The three candidates who lost to him – Efraim Davidi, Yaela Raanan and the head of the party’s Tel Aviv branch, Noa Levy – described their activity and their guiding principles. When they spoke, there was the regular buzz of an audience that’s waiting for lunch. But when Cassif took the stage, the effect was magnetic.

    “Peace will not be established without a correction of the crimes of the Nakba and [recognition of] the right of return,” he shouted, and the crowd cheered him. As one senior party figure put it, “Efraim talked about workers’ rights, Yaela about the Negev, Noa about activity in Tel Aviv – and Ofer was Ofer.”

    What do you mean by “right of return”?

    Cassif: “The first thing is the actual recognition of the Nakba and of the wrong done by Israel. Compare it to the Truth and Reconciliation Commissions in South Africa, if you like, or with the commissions in Chile after Pinochet. Israel must recognize the wrong it committed. Now, recognition of the wrong also includes recognition of the right of return. The question is how it’s implemented. It has to be done by agreement. I can’t say that tomorrow Tel Aviv University has to be dismantled and that Sheikh Munis [the Arab village on whose ruins the university stands] has to be rebuilt there. The possibility can be examined of giving compensation in place of return, for example.”

    But what is the just solution, in your opinion?

    “For the Palestinian refugees to return to their homeland.”

    That means there will be Jews who will have to leave their home.

    “In some places, unequivocally, yes. People will have to be told: ‘You must evacuate your places.’ The classic example is Ikrit and Biram [Christian-Arab villages in Galilee whose residents were promised – untruly – by the Israeli authorities in 1948 that they would be able to return, and whose lands were turned over to Jewish communities]. But there are places where there is certainly greater difficulty. You don’t right one wrong with another.”

    What about the public space in Israel? What should it look like?

    “The public space has to change, to belong to all the state’s residents. I dispute the conception of ‘Jewish publicness.’”

    How should that be realized?

    “For example, by changing the national symbols, changing the national anthem. [Former Hadash MK] Mohammed Barakeh once suggested ‘I Believe’ [‘Sahki, Sahki’] by [Shaul] Tchernichovsky – a poem that is not exactly an expression of Palestinian nationalism. He chose it because of the line, ‘For in mankind I’ll believe.’ What does it mean to believe in mankind? It’s not a Jew, or a Palestinian, or a Frenchman, or I don’t know what.”

    What’s the difference between you and the [Arab] Balad party? Both parties overall want two states – a state “of all its citizens” and a Palestinian state.

    “In the big picture, yes. But Balad puts identity first on the agenda. We are not nationalists. We do not espouse nationalism as a supreme value. For us, self-determination is a means. We are engaged in class politics. By the way, Balad [the National Democratic Assembly] and Ta’al [MK Ahmad Tibi’s Arab Movement for Renewal] took the idea of a state of all its citizens from us, from Hadash. We’ve been talking about it for ages.”

    If you were a Palestinian, what would you do today?

    “In Israel, what my Palestinian friends are doing, and I with them – [wage] a parliamentary and extra-parliamentary struggle.”

    And what about the Palestinians in the territories?

    “We have always been against harming innocent civilians. Always. In all our demonstrations, one of our leading slogans was: ‘In Gaza and in Sderot, children want to live.’ With all my criticism of the settlers, to enter a house and slaughter children, as in the case of the Fogel family [who were murdered in their beds in the settlement of Itamar in 2011], is intolerable. You have to be a human being and reject that.”

    And attacks on soldiers?

    “An attack on soldiers is not terrorism. Even Netanyahu, in his book about terrorism, explicitly categorizes attacks on soldiers or on the security forces as guerrilla warfare. It’s perfectly legitimate, according to every moral criterion – and, by the way, in international law. At the same time, I am not saying it’s something wonderful, joyful or desirable. The party’s Haifa office is on Ben-Gurion Street, and suddenly, after years, I noticed a memorial plaque there for a fighter in Lehi [pre-state underground militia, also known as the Stern Gang] who assassinated a British officer. Wherever there has been a struggle for liberation from oppression, there are national heroes, who in 90 percent of the cases carried out some operations that were unlawful. Nelson Mandela is today considered a hero, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, but according to the conventional definition, he was a terrorist. Most of the victims of the ANC [African National Congress] were civilians.”

    In other words, today’s Hamas commanders who are carrying out attacks on soldiers will be heroes of the future Palestinian state?

    “Of course.”

    Anti-Zionist identity

    Cassif terms himself an explicit anti-Zionist. “There are three reasons for that,” he says. “To begin with, Zionism is a colonialist movement, and as a socialist, I am against colonialism. Second, as far as I am concerned, Zionism is racist in ideology and in practice. I am not referring to the definition of race theory – even though there are also some who impute that to the Zionist movement – but to what I call Jewish supremacy. No socialist can accept that. My supreme value is equality, and I can’t abide any supremacy – Jewish or Arab. The third thing is that Zionism, like other ethno-nationalistic movements, splits the working class and all weakened groups. Instead of uniting them in a struggle for social justice, for equality, for democracy, it divides the exploited classes and the enfeebled groups, and by that means strengthens the rule of capital.”

    He continues, “Zionism also sustains anti-Semitism. I don’t say it does so deliberately – even though I have no doubt that there are some who do it deliberately, like Netanyahu, who is connected to people like the prime minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban, and the leader of the far right in Austria, Hans Christian Strache.”

    Did Mapai-style Zionism also encourage anti-Semitism?

    “The phenomenon was very striking in Mapai. Think about it for a minute, not only historically, but logically. If the goal of political and practical Zionism is really the establishment of a Jewish state containing a Jewish majority, and for Diaspora Jewry to settle there, nothing serves them better than anti-Semitism.”

    What in their actions encouraged anti-Semitism?

    “The very appeal to Jews throughout the world – the very fact of treating them as belonging to the same nation, when they were living among other nations. The whole old ‘dual loyalty’ story – Zionism actually encouraged that. Therefore, I maintain that anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism are not the same thing, but are precisely opposites. That doesn’t mean, of course, that there are no anti-Zionists who are also anti-Semites. Most of the BDS people are of course anti-Zionists, but they are in no way anti-Semites. But there are anti-Semites there, too.”

    Do you support BDS?

    “It’s too complex a subject for a yes or no answer; there are aspects I don’t support.”

    Do you think that the Jews deserve a national home in the Land of Israel?

    “I don’t know what you mean by ‘national home.’ It’s very amorphous. We in Hadash say explicitly that Israel has a right to exist as a sovereign state. Our struggle is not against the state’s existence, but over its character.”

    But that state is the product of the actions of the Zionist movement, which you say has been colonialist and criminal from day one.

    “That’s true, but the circumstances have changed. That’s the reason that the majority of the members of the Communist Party accepted the [1947] partition agreement at the time. They recognized that the circumstances had changed. I think that one of the traits that sets communist thought apart, and makes it more apt, is the understanding and the attempt to strike the proper balance between what should be, and reality. So it’s true that Zionism started as colonialism, but what do you do with the people who were already born here? What do you tell them? Because your grandparents committed a crime, you have to leave? The question is how you transform the situation that’s been created into one that’s just, democratic and equal.”

    So, a person who survived a death camp and came here is a criminal?

    “The individual person, of course not. I’m in favor of taking in refugees in distress, no matter who or what they are. I am against Zionism’s cynical use of Jews in distress, including the refugees from the Holocaust. I have a problem with the fact that the natives whose homeland this is cannot return, while people for whom it’s not their homeland, can, because they supposedly have some sort of blood tie and an ‘imaginary friend’ promised them the land.”

    I understand that you are in favor of the annulment of the Law of Return?

    “Yes. Definitely.”

    But you are in favor of the Palestinian right of return.

    “There’s no comparison. There’s no symmetry here at all. Jerry Seinfeld was by chance born to a Jewish family. What’s his connection to this place? Why should he have preference over a refugee from Sabra or Chatila, or Edward Said, who did well in the United States? They are the true refugees. This is their homeland. Not Seinfeld’s.”

    Are you critical of the Arabs, too?

    “Certainly. One criticism is of their cooperation with imperialism – take the case of today’s Saudi Arabia, Qatar and so on. Another, from the past, relates to the reactionary forces that did not accept that the Jews have a right to live here.”

    Hadash refrained from criticizing the Assad regime even as it was massacring civilians in Syria. The party even torpedoed a condemnation of Assad after the chemical attack. Do you identify with that approach?

    “Hadash was critical of the Assad regime – father and son – for years, so we can’t be accused in any way of supporting Assad or Hezbollah. We are not Ba’ath, we are not Islamists. We are communists. But as I said earlier, the struggle, unfortunately, is generally not between the ideal and what exists in practice, but many times between two evils. And then you have to ask yourself which is the lesser evil. The Syrian constellation is extremely complicated. On the one hand, there is the United States, which is intervening, and despite all the pretense of being against ISIS, supported ISIS and made it possible for ISIS to sprout.

    "I remind you that ISIS started from the occupation of Iraq. And ideologically and practically, ISIS is definitely a thousand times worse than the Assad regime, which is at base also a secular regime. Our position was and is against the countries that pose the greatest danger to regional peace, which above all are Qatar and Saudi Arabia, and the United States, which supports them. That doesn’t mean that we support Assad.”

    Wrong language

    Cassif’s economic views are almost as far from the consensus as his political ideas. He lives modestly in an apartment that’s furnished like a young couple’s first home. You won’t find an espresso maker or unnecessary products of convenience in his place. To his credit, it can be said that he extracts the maximum from Elite instant coffee.

    What is your utopian vision – to nationalize Israel’s conglomerates, such as Cellcom, the telecommunications company, or Osem, the food manufacturer and distributor?

    “The bottom line is yes. How exactly will it be done? That’s an excellent question, which I can’t answer. Perhaps by transferring ownership to the state or to the workers, with democratic tools. And there are other alternatives. But certainly, I would like it if a large part of the resources were not in private hands, as was the case before the big privatizations. It’s true that it won’t be socialism, because, again, there can be no such thing as Zionist socialism, but there won’t be privatization like we have today. What is the result of capitalism in Israel? The collapse of the health system, the absence of a social-welfare system, a high cost of living and of housing, the elderly and the disabled in a terrible situation.”

    Does any private sector have the right to exist?

    “Look, the question is what you mean by ‘private sector.’ If we’re talking about huge concerns that the owners of capital control completely through their wealth, then no.”

    What growth was there in the communist countries? How can anyone support communism, in light of the grim experience wherever it was tried?

    “It’s true, we know that in the absolute majority of societies where an attempt was made to implement socialism, there was no growth or prosperity, and we need to ask ourselves why, and how to avoid that. When I talk about communism, I’m not talking about Stalin and all the crimes that were committed in the name of the communist idea. Communism is not North Korea and it is not Pol Pot in Cambodia. Heaven forbid.”

    And what about Venezuela?

    “Venezuela is not communism. In fact, they didn’t go far enough in the direction of socialism.”

    Chavez was not enough of a socialist?

    “Chavez, but in particular Maduro. The Communist Party is critical of the regime. They support it because the main enemy is truly American imperialism and its handmaidens. Let’s look at what the U.S. did over the years. At how many times it invaded and employed bullying, fascist forces. Not only in Latin America, its backyard, but everywhere.”

    Venezuela is falling apart, people there don’t have anything to eat, there’s no medicine, everyone who can flees – and it’s the fault of the United States?

    “You can’t deny that the regime has made mistakes. It’s not ideal. But basically, it is the result of American imperialism and its lackeys. After all, the masses voted for Chavez and for Maduro not because things were good for them. But because American corporations stole the country’s resources and filled their own pockets. I wouldn’t make Chavez into an icon, but he did some excellent things.”

    Then how do you generate individual wealth within the method you’re proposing? I understand that I am now talking to you capitalistically, but the reality is that people see the accumulation of assets as an expression of progress in life.

    “Your question is indeed framed in capitalist language, which simply departs from what I believe in. Because you are actually asking me how the distribution of resources is supposed to occur within the capitalist framework. And I say no, I am not talking about resource distribution within a capitalist framework.”

    Gantz vs. Netanyahu

    Cassif was chosen as the polls showed Meretz and Labor, the representatives of the Zionist left, barely scraping through into the next Knesset and in fact facing a serious possibility of electoral extinction. The critique of both parties from the radical left is sometimes more acerbic than from the right.

    Would you like to see the Labor Party disappear?

    “No. I think that what’s happening at the moment with Labor and with Meretz is extremely dangerous. I speak about them as collectives, because they contain individuals with whom I see no possibility of engaging in a dialogue. But I think that they absolutely must be in the Knesset.”

    Is a left-winger who defines himself as a Zionist your partner in any way?

    “Yes. We need partners. We can’t be picky. Certainly we will cooperate with liberals and Zionists on such issues as combating violence against women or the battle to rescue the health system. Maybe even in putting an end to the occupation.”

    I’ll put a scenario to you: Benny Gantz does really well in the election and somehow overcomes Netanyahu. Do you support the person who led Operation Protective Edge in Gaza when he was chief of staff?

    “Heaven forbid. But we don’t reject people, we reject policy. I remind you that it was [then-defense minister] Yitzhak Rabin who led the most violent tendency in the first intifada, with his ‘Break their bones.’ But when he came to the Oslo Accords, it was Hadash and the Arab parties that gave him, from outside the coalition, an insurmountable bloc. I can’t speak for the party, but if there is ever a government whose policy is one that we agree with – eliminating the occupation, combating racism, abolishing the nation-state law – I believe we will give our support in one way or another.”

    And if Gantz doesn’t declare his intention to eliminate the occupation, he isn’t preferable to Netanyahu in any case?

    “If so, why should we recommend him [to the president to form the next government]? After the clips he posted boasting about how many people he killed and how he hurled Gaza back into the Stone Age, I’m far from certain that he’s better.”


    • traduction d’un extrait [ d’actualité ]

      Le candidat à la Knesset dit que le sionisme encourage l’antisémitisme et qualifie Netanyahu de « meurtrier »
      Peu d’Israéliens ont entendu parler de M. Ofer Cassif, représentant juif de la liste de la Knesset du parti d’extrême gauche Hadash. Le 9 avril, cela changera.
      Par Ravit Hecht 16 février 2019 – Haaretz

      (…) Identité antisioniste
      Cassif se dit un antisioniste explicite. « Il y a trois raisons à cela », dit-il. « Pour commencer, le sionisme est un mouvement colonialiste et, en tant que socialiste, je suis contre le colonialisme. Deuxièmement, en ce qui me concerne, le sionisme est raciste d’idéologie et de pratique. Je ne fais pas référence à la définition de la théorie de la race - même si certains l’imputent également au mouvement sioniste - mais à ce que j’appelle la suprématie juive. Aucun socialiste ne peut accepter cela. Ma valeur suprême est l’égalité et je ne peux supporter aucune suprématie - juive ou arabe. La troisième chose est que le sionisme, comme d’autres mouvements ethno-nationalistes, divise la classe ouvrière et tous les groupes sont affaiblis. Au lieu de les unir dans une lutte pour la justice sociale, l’égalité, la démocratie, il divise les classes exploitées et affaiblit les groupes, renforçant ainsi le pouvoir du capital. "
      Il poursuit : « Le sionisme soutient également l’antisémitisme. Je ne dis pas qu’il le fait délibérément - même si je ne doute pas qu’il y en a qui le font délibérément, comme Netanyahu, qui est connecté à des gens comme le Premier ministre de la Hongrie, Viktor Orban, et le chef de l’extrême droite. en Autriche, Hans Christian Strache. ”

      Le sionisme type-Mapaï a-t-il également encouragé l’antisémitisme ?
      « Le phénomène était très frappant au Mapai. Pensez-y une minute, non seulement historiquement, mais logiquement. Si l’objectif du sionisme politique et pratique est en réalité de créer un État juif contenant une majorité juive et de permettre à la communauté juive de la diaspora de s’y installer, rien ne leur sert mieux que l’antisémitisme. "

      Qu’est-ce qui, dans leurs actions, a encouragé l’antisémitisme ?
      « L’appel même aux Juifs du monde entier - le fait même de les traiter comme appartenant à la même nation, alors qu’ils vivaient parmi d’autres nations. Toute la vieille histoire de « double loyauté » - le sionisme a en fait encouragé cela. Par conséquent, j’affirme que l’antisémitisme et l’antisionisme ne sont pas la même chose, mais sont précisément des contraires. Bien entendu, cela ne signifie pas qu’il n’y ait pas d’antisionistes qui soient aussi antisémites. La plupart des membres du BDS sont bien sûr antisionistes, mais ils ne sont en aucun cas antisémites. Mais il y a aussi des antisémites.

  • Israeli right up in arms over news anchor who said occupation turns soldiers into ’animals’ - Haaretz.com

    Oshrat Kotler was responding to a report on the five Israeli soldiers who were recently indicted for beating Palestinian detainees in revenge for the death of their comrades
    Itay Stern
    Feb 17, 2019


    Israeli right-wing politicians harshly criticized Channel 13 TV anchorwoman Oshrat Kotler for saying soldiers become “human animals” during their army service in the West Bank during a broadcast on Saturday night.

    Kotler was responding to a report on five Israeli soldiers who were recently indicted for beating Palestinian detainees in revenge for the death of two soldiers from their battalion.

    “They send children to the army, to the territories, and get them back human animals. That’s the result of the occupation,” she said.

    >> Israeli army officer indicted for allowing soldiers to beat detained Palestinians ■ Palestinian father and son abused by Israeli soldiers: ’They beat us up, then started dancing’

    The statement sparked the ire of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who tweeted: “Proud of IDF soldiers and love them very much. Oshrat Kotler’s words should be roundly condemned.”

    Netanyahu addressed the remarks again at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting, saying “Yesterday I thought I did not hear correctly when I turned on the television. I heard an infuriating statement against IDF soldiers by a senior journalist, a news anchor. I would like to say that this statement is inappropriate and must be condemned - in a firm and comprehensive manner.”

    “I am proud of IDF soldiers. They are protecting us and we are carrying out the supreme humanitarian and moral mission of defending our people and protecting our country against those who want to slaughter us. The journalist’s words deserve all condemnation,” he said.
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    Education Minister Naftali Bennett wrote: “Oshrat, you’re confused. IDF soldiers give their lives so you can sleep peacefully. Human animals are the terrorists who murder children in their beds, a young girl on a walk or a whole family driving on the road. IDF soldiers are our strength. Our children. Apologize.”

    Bennett’s new party, Hayamin Hehadash, tweeted it would file an official request to the attorney general that he prosecute Kotler for defamation, “following her affronting comments which slander IDF soldiers.”

    Kotler, who realized during the broadcast that her statement sparked a storm, said later in the show: “I would like to stress: my children, and their friends, they’re all combat soldiers in the territories. My criticism was directed only at those soldiers led by our control over the Palestinians to hurt innocent people. Those who really listened and didn’t run to rail against me on the web understood that I’m in fact in favor of leniency toward the indicted soldiers, because we sent them into this impossible situation.”

    Meretz chairwoman MK Tamar Zandberg came to Kotler’s defense, writing: “How miserable and predictable is the attack on Kotler’s just statements. We don’t want a reality of occupation and violence? It must be changed. Closing our eyes and then scolding the messenger, that’s no solution.”

    Peace Now also voiced its support for Kotler, tweeting: “It’s permissible and desirable to look in the mirror sometimes and honestly admit the mistakes of the occupation. So when the right wing falsifies and incites and when MKs rush to join the crowd, Oshrat Kotler’s courageous words should be given a platform.”

    Channel 13 news issued a response saying “Oshrat Kotler is a journalist with strong opinions and she expresses them from time to time, like other journalists on our staff who hold other opinions. Oshrat expressed her personal opinion only.”

    The parents of the indicted soldiers called the statement “unfortunate and ugly," saying there is “no place in Israeli discourse and certainly not by a new anchorwoman who is meant to represent the facts and not her distorted worldview. Our boys went into the army with a feeling of mission and Zionism. They chose a hard road, they wanted to be combat soldiers in the IDF, they wanted no special conditions; they carry out a complex mission in one of the most difficult sectors. These are the best of the sons of the State of Israel, who although only a month ago they lost two comrades in arms, held their heads high, walked tall and carried out any mission they were assigned, without fault.”

    They further criticized Kotler for not enquiring into the identity of the soldiers, “what they went through when they enlisted, what huge difficulties they experienced.”

  • A Jérusalem, des Palestiniens expulsés de chez eux au profit de colons israéliens AFP - 17 Février 2019 - RTBF

    Une famille palestinienne a été expulsée dimanche de sa maison dans la Vieille ville de Jérusalem au profit de colons israéliens, a constaté un photographe de l’AFP.

    Des affrontements ont éclaté entre les habitants du quartier, situé dans la partie palestinienne de Jérusalem, et la police peu après qu’une dizaine de colons israéliens ont investi la bâtisse, protégés par les forces de l’ordre.

    La maison était habitée par sept membres de la famille Abou Assab qui avait reçu un ordre d’éviction lui laissant jusqu’au 12 février pour quitter les lieux, selon l’ONG israélienne Ir Amim. Les Abou Assab y vivaient depuis les années 1960, d’après l’ONG.

    Le bâtiment appartenait à une famille juive avant la guerre de 1948, date de la création d’Israël, selon l’ONG israélienne La Paix Maintenant, qui lutte contre la colonisation par Israël des Territoires palestiniens.

    Expulsée de leur maison dans un autre quartier de Jérusalem en 1948, la famille Abou Assab s’était alors installée dans cette maison dont les habitants juifs avaient fui, a indiqué l’ONG dans un communiqué.

    Des policiers israéliens arrêtent un membre de la famille palestinienne Abou Assab, qui proteste contre son éviction de leur maison dans la Vieille ville de Jérusalem-est, le 17 février 2019 - © AHMAD GHARABLI

    Retour des Juifs
    Grâce à une loi israélienne permettant le retour des Juifs dans leurs propriétés à Jérusalem-Est, partie palestinienne de la ville occupée et annexée par Israël, des colons israéliens ont pu s’installer après un recours en justice au nom de la famille juive propriétaire avant 1948, selon l’ONG.

    L’annexion de Jérusalem-Est n’a jamais été reconnue par la communauté internationale. D’après la loi israélienne, les Palestiniens ne peuvent pas réclamer les propriétés qu’ils ont abandonnées ou dont ils ont été chassés en 1948.

    « On habite là. C’est ma maison, c’est toute ma vie », s’est écriée devant les journalistes Rania Abou Assab, tandis que les colons, surplombant la foule, hissaient déjà des drapeaux israéliens tout autour de la terrasse.

    « Ils ont tout pris », a-t-elle ajouté avant de s’effondrer en pleurs, ses effets personnels se trouvant toujours dans le domicile auquel elle ne peut plus accéder.

    Mme Abou Assab a indiqué que son fils de 15 ans et son mari avaient été arrêtés après leur éviction. La police israélienne a confirmé l’arrestation de deux personnes pour « avoir perturbé les activités de la police », ne précisant pas si elles avaient été libérées depuis.

    A Jérusalem-Est, « presque toutes les propriétés qui appartenaient à des Juifs avant 1948 sont menacées » de voir leurs occupants palestiniens expulsés, a indiqué Hagit Ofran de La Paix Maintenant, assurant que des dizaines de maisons dans la Vieille ville avaient fini par aboutir depuis les années 1980 aux mains de colons israéliens.

    A Jérusalem-Est, environ 70 familles palestiniennes dans le quartier de Sheikh Jarrah et quelque 700 personnes dans le quartier de Silwan sont menacées d’expulsion car leurs propriétés appartenaient à des Juifs avant 1948,selon Mme Ofran.

    #palestine #jérusalem #Jérusalem-Est #israël #colonisation #israel #colonisation #apartheid

  • Contre les actes antisémites, contre leur instrumentalisation, pour le combat contre toutes les formes de racisme |

    Nous soussignés associations, partis, syndicats, indépendants, sommes toutes et tous activement impliqués dans la lutte contre le racisme sous toutes ses formes. La lutte contre l’antisémitisme fait partie à part entière de notre combat antiraciste. Nous condamnons fermement les actes antisémites, qui surgissent dans un contexte social et politique particuliers.

    Malgré l’ampleur du dispositif de répression policière et judiciaire déployé contre les Gilets jaunes par l’État, le mouvement continue de bénéficier d’un fort soutien populaire. Il n’est pas homogène et révèle une effervescence sociale. Face à un gouvernement déterminé à ne pas répondre aux attentes sociales, il reflète la société française et ses contradictions et a largement évolué dans ce qu’il porte depuis le mois de novembre.

    La séquence que nous vivons est par conséquent confuse. Si des éléments d’extrême-droite sont encore présents, le mouvement montre bien qu’ils sont loin d’être hégémoniques et capables d’en prendre le contrôle, en l’état actuel. Politiquement, mais aussi physiquement, les groupes d’extrême-droite sont mis à l’écart, comme cela a pu être constaté à Lyon, Paris, Toulouse ou encore Bordeaux. Plus le mouvement perdure, plus l’espace auquel l’extrême-droite pouvait prétendre durant les premières semaines semble se rétrécir. Parallèlement, les contacts et convergences avec des syndicats, des collectifs antiracistes, de sans-papiers, de soutien aux migrants se renforcent.

  • Opinion | My Father Faces the Death Penalty. This Is Justice in Saudi Arabia. - The New York Times

    The kingdom’s judiciary is being pushed far from any semblance of the rule of law and due process.

    By Abdullah Alaoudh

    Mr. Alaoudh is a legal scholar at Georgetown University.


    Despite the claims of Prince Mohammed bin Salman and his enablers, Saudi Arabia is not rolling back the hard-line religious establishment. Instead, the kingdom is curtailing the voices of moderation that have historically combated extremism. Numerous Saudi activists, scholars and thinkers who have sought reform and opposed the forces of extremism and patriarchy have been arrested. Many of them face the death penalty.

    Salman Alodah, my father, is a 61-year-old scholar of Islamic law in Saudi Arabia, a reformist who argued for greater respect for human rights within Shariah, the legal code of Islam based on the Quran. His voice was heard widely, partly owing to his popularity as a public figure with 14 million followers on Twitter.
    The author’s father, Salman Alodah, has been held in solitary confinement since 2017.CreditFamily photograph
    The author’s father, Salman Alodah, has been held in solitary confinement since 2017.CreditFamily photograph

    On Sept. 10, 2017, my father, who was disturbed by regional tensions after Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt imposed a blockade on Qatar, spoke obliquely about the conflict and expressed his desire for reconciliation. “May Allah mend their hearts for the best of their peoples,” he tweeted.

    A few hours after his tweet, a team from the Saudi security services came to our house in Riyadh, searched the house, confiscated some laptops and took my father away.


    The Saudi government was apparently angered and considered his tweet a criminal violation. His interrogators told my father that his assuming a neutral position on the Saudi-Qatar crisis and failing to stand with the Saudi government was a crime.

    He is being held in solitary confinement in Dhahban prison in Jidda. He was chained and handcuffed for months inside his cell, deprived of sleep and medical help and repeatedly interrogated throughout the day and night. His deteriorating health — high blood pressure and cholesterol that he developed in prison — was ignored until he had to be hospitalized. Until the trial, about a year after his arrest, he was denied access to lawyers.

    On Sept. 4, a specialized criminal court in Riyadh convened off-camera to consider the numerous charges against my father: stirring public discord and inciting people against the ruler, calling for change in government and supporting Arab revolutions by focusing on arbitrary detention and freedom of speech, possessing banned books and describing the Saudi government as a tyranny. The kingdom’s attorney general sought the death penalty for him.

    Saudi Arabia has exploited the general indifference of the West toward its internal politics and presented the crackdown against reformist figures like my father as a move against the conservative religious establishment. The reality is far from their claims.

    My father is loved by the Saudi people because his authority and legitimacy as an independent Muslim scholar set him apart from the state-appointed scholars. Using Islamic principles to support his arguments, he championed civil liberties, participatory politics, the separation of powers and judicial independence.

  • Ilhan Omar has sparked panic in AIPAC

    Rep. Ilhan Omar has apologized for her inexcusably insensitive tweet. But the core issue behind her comment - whether the U.S. should continue to reflexively embrace the views of the Israeli government - won’t go away
    David Rothkopf
    Feb 13, 2019 2:37 PM


    U.S. Representative Ilhan Omar of Minnesota has apologized for her offensive tweet that suggested Israeli influence in the U.S. Congress was “all about the Benjamins.” But that does not mean that the core issue underlying the controversy surrounding the tweet, Representative Ilhan and new voices critical of Israel in U.S. politics, is likely to fade away.

    I’m not going to defend Omar.Her own apology was unequivocal and the tweet itself was, at best, inexcusably insensitive. But it is vitally important we distinguish between criticism of Israel and anti-Semitism. And, as importantly, we also must recognize the massive response against Rep. Omar for what it is - a spasm of fear about our changing times.

    >> Aaron David Miller: No, Israel and America Aren’t Breaking Up. Don’t Believe the Hype

    The entire infrastructure that has been built over the years to advance the interests of Israel in the U.S. is quaking in its boots - not because of the badly developed arguments of a rookie Congresswoman - but because of the coming generational change in U.S. views of Israel and because support for the Israeli government has been damaged among Democrats by the choice of the Netanyahu administration to so closely tie itself to Donald Trump and the Republican right wing in America.
    Supporters of US President Donald Trump cheer during a rally in El Paso, Texas on February 11, 2019
    Supporters of US President Donald Trump cheer during a rally in El Paso, Texas on February 11, 2019.AFP

    Rep. Omar damaged her own credibility by embracing an old anti-Semitic trope. There is no place for that in American politics. But even as she should be condemned, her views of Israel need to be heard. There is no reason all American views on a foreign government should be in lockstep.

    Quite the contrary, Americans who seek to protect and advance our interests should no more reflexively embrace the views of the Israeli government than they do those of a pro-Brexit UK government or an anti-refugee Italian government.

    Israel’s defenders would like the relationship to be deemed so important that it must not be criticized. This echoes the position, say, of the Saudis in the wake of the Khashoggi murder. And it is just as indefensible.

    A growing number of Americans realize that. Further, a growing number of American Jews feel the positions of the Netanyahu government are contrary to both U.S. interests and the values of Judaism, and thus the rationale for a Jewish state. In other words, they see Netanyahu’s actions as undermining the reasons Israel might have a special claim on their support.

    Indeed, no one, in fact, has done more to damage the standing of Israel than a Netanyahu government that has actively waged war on the Palestinian people, denied them their rights, responded disproportionately to threats and refused to acknowledge its own wrong-doing.

    Anti-Semites, with their stale and discredited attacks, can never do the kind of damage to the U.S.-Israel relationship that rampant Israeli wrong-doing can (especially when the Israeli government weakens the arguments against anti-Semites by embracing them, as in the case of Victor Orban in Hungary, or hugging those like Donald Trump who promote anti-Semites and anti-Semitic ideas about “globalists” or George Soros.)
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Hungarian counterpart Viktor Orban share a light moment during the reception ceremony in front of the Parliament building in Budapest, Hungary, July 18, 2017.
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Hungarian counterpart Viktor Orban in front of the Parliament building in Budapest, Hungary, July 18, 2017Balazs Mohai/AP

    None of this is to diminish the real and ever-present threat of anti-Semitism. Which is why, of course, it is essential that we are careful to distinguish between it and legitimate criticism of the government of Israel.

    In fact, if we in the U.S. stand for what is best about America and hope for the best for Israel, then we must welcome those who would criticize Israel’s government not as our enemies but as the true defenders of the idea of Israel, and of America’s deep investment in the promise of that country.

    With that in mind, we must be careful that we do not allow the justifiable aspects of the critique against Rep. Omar to lead to a reflexive position where we silence active criticism of the Israeli government, or the worst actions of the State of Israel.

    Judging from comments in the media about her that pre-dated these statements, and comments about Rep. Rashida Tlaib, and comments about the “left” becoming anti-Israel, in my view we are in the midst of a pre-emptive push to combat the coming rethinking of the U.S.- Israel relationship.
    Feb. 5, 2019, photo, Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., left, joined at right by Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., listens to President Donald Trump’s State of the Union speech, at the Capitol in Washington
    Feb. 5, 2019, photo, Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., left, joined at right by Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., listens to President Donald Trump’s State of the Union speech, at the Capitol in Washington.J. Scott Applewhite,AP

    It will seize upon the fact that some elements who offer the critique of Israel are in fact anti-Semitic or tap into anti-Semitic rhetoric and traditions, in order to tar with the same brush those who legitimately disapprove of the behavior of the Israeli government.

    That would be a mistake. Because it would not only silence a debate we need to and deserve to have, but it would undermine the ability of the U.S. to be a force for positive change in Israeli policies - change that is necessary to the future of Israel and to U.S. interests in that region.

    We must combat anti-Semitism. But we should also combat those who have no tolerance for democratic processes, or who would seek a political purity test for politicians based on narrowly-defined, traditionalist, outdated guidelines.

    The future of the U.S.- Israel relationship - and the future of Israel, the Palestinian people and peace in the region - depends on our willingness to look past biases of all sorts to the facts on the ground, to the justice that is required and to our interests going forward.

    David Rothkopf is a foreign policy expert and author, host of the Deep State Radio podcast and CEO of The Rothkopf Group, LLC a media and advisory firm. His next book, on the national security threat posed by the Trump administration, is due out later this year. Twitter: @djrothkopf

  • Histoire. #M’hamed_Issiakhem, la #peinture comme un volcan | L’Humanité

    En décembre dernier, à Milan, une exposition de la fondation Galli, « Main coupée, imaginaire en feu », rendait hommage au peintre, l’un des pionniers de la modernité picturale algérienne.

    Il y a dans le regard au loin de ses autoportraits le reflet d’un vertige, et dans sa peinture l’écho d’une ancienne déflagration. M’hamed Issiakhem se figura trois fois, la dernière au seuil de la mort. Gravés en noir sous ses traits émaciés, sur cette ultime toile, ces mots : « D’où vous viennent / la force de survivre / et celle de ne faiblir / parmi vous Barbares ? » Énigmatique adresse aux survivants de ce peintre algérien qui brûla par les deux bouts une vie vécue en rescapé.


  • Sudan. A desperate Bashir | MadaMasr

    It has been eight weeks since anti-government protests began in Sudan, and the government is running out of money. And so Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir is not spending his time addressing rallies and strategizing with his inner circle on how to quell or placate the most serious protests in his government’s 30 year history. He is on a plane, criss-crossing the Middle East and North Africa, visiting heads of states in the hope that he can extract some support to bridge his regime for another few months, to fill petrol pumps with fuel and ATMs with cash. These financial boosts have, in the past, come in many forms, ranging from vanilla aid to development schemes, where land or strategic ports are sold off to foreign sovereign leaders and billionaires. During Osama bin Laden’s years in Sudan, it was rumored that, at one point, the government had sold him over half of the agricultural land under its control. When he was expelled from Sudan, his losses were estimated to have reached US$300 million.

  • Gaza : comment soigner les blessés des marches contre le blocus ? - moyen orient
    RFI - Publié le 07-02-2019
    Avec notre correspondant à Jérusalem, Guilhem Delteil.

    Depuis dix mois désormais, des rassemblements ont lieu au moins chaque semaine dans la bande de Gaza près de la barrière de séparation. Les protestataires réclament la levée du blocus imposée à l’enclave palestinienne depuis onze ans. Pour l’armée israélienne, il s’agit « d’émeutes ». Et, disant défendre son territoire, elle a tiré à balles réelles, faisant près de 250 morts et plus de 6 000 blessés dans les rangs des manifestants.

    Partout dans le monde, plus de 6 000 blessés par balle représenteraient un défi sanitaire. Mais à Gaza sous blocus, leur prise en charge est encore plus compliquée. Le système public est saturé. (...)


  • Un documentaire réalisé par Rachel Leah Jones et Philippe Bellaïche sur l’avocate israélienne Lea Tsemel a été présenté au festival de Sundance le mois dernier :

    Larry Gleeson, Hollywood Glee, le 1er février 2019

    #Palestine #Lea_Tsemel #Avocate #Justice #Injustice #documentaire

  • Accord Qatar-Union Européenne : ciel ouvert en perspective


    Il aura fallu huit ans pour que l’Union Européenne et l’Emirat du Qatar arrivent à conclure ce qui apparaît comme un accord historique pour le transport aérien. Historique, car qualifié de global par les négociateurs de cet accord qui permettra aux 27 membres de l’Union ainsi qu’au Qatar d’avoir un accès illimité et sans restriction à leur territoire respectif. Son entrée en vigueur est attendue d’ici la fin de l’année 2019, l’accord devant être ratifié par chaque pays membre avant de prendre effet probablement au dernier trimestre.

    Comment se traduit-il pour les voyageurs ? Probablement par plus de choix à terme. L’accord élimine de fait les barrières qui, jusqu’à présent , faussaient en partie la concurrence, par exemple la restriction de travailler pour les compagnies aériennes européennes avec un agent de vente général au Qatar. L’accord garantit une concurrence loyale, le respect de l’environnement, la protection des consommateurs. Autant d’aspects sociaux et durables qui régulent de plus en plus le transport aérien. En outre, l’accord se penche également sur les questions de sécurité et de gestion de l’espace aérien.

    Selon Akbar al-Baker, PDG de Qatar Airways, “l’accord offrira aux compagnies aériennes d’Europe et du Qatar une plate-forme commune leur permettant de mieux se comprendre et de créer de nouvelles opportunités de collaboration et de coopération. Le principe de concurrence loyale est à notre sens très simple : accès équitable aux marchés, concurrence pour des parts de marché basées sur les produits et services, sur ce que le client souhaite et est prêt à acheter.”

    Le Qatar et l’Union Européenne sont déjà intimement liés. La compagnie Qatar Airways dessert 33 aéroports de l’Union Européenne – 26 si le Royaume-Uni sortait de l’Union –, Malte devenant la prochaine destination européenne du transporteur qatari. A l’inverse, seul le transporteur British Airways dessert Doha.

  • US court throws out lawsuit against academic boycott of Israel | The Electronic Intifada


    A federal judge in Washington, DC, on Monday dismissed a lawsuit against the American Studies Association over its decision to support the boycott of Israeli academic institutions.

    The ruling is a significant blow to efforts by Israel lobby groups to use courts to harass, intimidate and silence supporters of Palestinian rights in US universities – a tactic known as lawfare.

    In April 2016, several current and former members of the ASA filed the lawsuit against the group over its 2013 resolution backing the academic boycott.

    In his 20-page ruling, US District Judge Rudolph Contreras wrote that the plaintiffs had no standing to file a lawsuit seeking damages on behalf of the ASA, and that their individual damage claims came nowhere near the $75,000 minimum required for them to seek relief in federal court.

    At most, the individual plaintiffs could seek damages of a few hundred dollars to cover membership dues they allege were misappropriated, but they would have to find some other venue to pursue their claims, the judge found.

    “The court basically said, in no uncertain words, that the plaintiffs suing ASA lied when they claimed to have ‘suffered significant economic and reputational damage.’” Radhika Sainath, senior attorney with the civil rights group Palestine Legal, told The Electronic Intifada. “But, as the court explained, ‘nowhere’ in the lawsuit could the plaintiffs explain what that damage was. It didn’t pass the smell test.”

  • ’Combating BDS Act’ passes Senate, 77-23, as Dem presidential hopefuls vote No, and Paul slams ’paranoia’ of ’the lobby’
    US Politics Philip Weiss on February 5, 2019


         

    This afternoon the Senate by a vote of 77-23 passed S.1, which contains the Combating BDS Act, encouraging states to pass laws that authorize economic punishments against those who support boycott of Israel. Faiz Shakir, national political director of the ACLU, says:

    The Senate just passed a bill that tramples on the 1st Amendment rights of Americans. The House should refuse to take it up.

    The ACLU led opposition to the bill and is already moving on to the House. It reports:

    Should the House take up similar legislation, we urge members to remove the Combating BDS Act from the package of bills due to the threat it poses to all Americans’ First Amendment right to boycott…

    Senators who voted for the bill: we encourage you to read the Constitution, which protects against the McCarthy-era tactics this bill endorses.

    I am told there is real hope that the Democratic House will reject the measure.

    The 23 Senators who voted against include all likely or announced presidential candidates with the exception of Amy Klobuchar — who reportedly said she opposed the BDS provision but approved other parts of the bill. All the Nays were Democrats except for one Republican, Rand Paul, who warned that the majority is “paranoid” about the Israel lobby. The roll of honor:

    Tammy Baldwin, Cory Booker, Sherrod Brown, Tom Carper, Dick Durbin, Dianne Feinstein, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Martin Heinrich, Mazie Hirono, Tim Kaine, Patrick Leahy, Ed Markey, Jeff Merkley, Chris Murphy, Rand Paul, Jack Reed, Bernie Sanders, Brian Schatz, Jeanne Shaheen, Tom Udall, Chris Van Hollen, Elizabeth Warren

    The bill is a landmark in anti-Palestinianism. The IMEU relates: “‘It’s disappointing that the Senate has voted to undermine the free speech rights of advocates for Palestinian freedom.’ – Rebecca Vilkomerson, Executive Director of Jewish Voice for Peace.”

    J Herbert Nelson II of the Presbyterian Church’s Israel Palestine Mission Network called the bill “unjust” for limiting what more and more people wish to do for Palestinian rights:

    A growing number of churches and other faith groups, including the Presbyterian Church (USA), have endorsed time-honored tools like boycotts to avoid profiting from Israel’s abuses of Palestinian rights. In passing the CBA, the Senate is condoning attempts by politicians at the state level to suppress our efforts to be true to our faith and avoid being complicit in the suffering of others.

    There was an upside to the vote. “Ugly day for the Senate, but something important happened here: All serious 2020 candidates (Harris, Sanders, Warren, Gillibrand and Booker) bucked AIPAC and voted against this anti-BDS bill,” Ryan Grim tweets. “That tells you a LOT about the politics of Israel in the Democratic Party.”

    The Jewish establishment was all for this bill. AIPAC urged its passage. So did Jewish Federations, the leading Jewish philanthropic organizations:

  • Gantz, son of Holocaust survivor, mentions Bergen-Belsen but ignores the camp that is Gaza
    If Benny Gantz had the courage, he’d go to The Hague himself
    Amira Hass
    Feb 03, 2019


    Benny Gantz frequently mentions his mother, a survivor of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, Anshel Pfeffer wrote in Haaretz on January 30. My mother also survived Bergen-Belsen. The former IDF chief of staff’s mother encouraged him to continue fighting in Gaza, but not to stop sending food to its inhabitants. (To make things straight: Israel did not and does not send food to the Palestinians. The food is bought at full price from Israeli merchants and producers. What Israel can do is to prevent food and other essential products from entering Gaza, as it has done more than once.) My mother was revolted by generals, their wars against the Palestinians and the trafficking in the memory of the murdered Jews.

    If Gantz had the courage, he would go to The Hague himself, to the Dutch district court there. The judge would have to decide whether the Dutch court has the authority to hear a civil suit against the former Israeli chief of staff for war crimes in Gaza in 2014 – the killing of six members of a family in one bombardment. Gantz’s lawyer would argue that the judge should reject the suit because the court has no jurisdiction, and in any case Gantz has immunity because he did what he did for the State of Israel, in the framework of his state-sanctioned role. This is also whyIsrael pays for his legal representation.

    >> Read more: Like Netanyahu, Gantz plays on the anxieties of his would-be voters ■ 180 Palestinian women wounded by live Israeli fire since start of Gaza protests

    Suing for war crimes specific people, who were serving in official capacities, is based on the concept that human beings, even soldiers and certainly their supreme commander, are creatures capable of thinking and are therefore responsible for their actions. They are not just following orders. A civil suit for a war crime committed in another country is based on the concept that universal values exist and that when international law is breached, a third state has the right to adjudicate.

    If Gantz had the courage, he would leave his new Knesset (or cabinet) seat for a day or two and stand in The Hague before the plaintiff Ismail Ziada. But even if Gantz doesn’t go, two tracks of uprootedness, injustice and trauma, will intersect there. Europe made clear to Gantz’s parents, who were born in Hungary and Romania, that they were not wanted there. In fact, that they didn’t deserve to live. They were not killed, and they arrived in this country. In Israel we became the victors, and we continue to take revenge on those who have nothing to do with the expulsion and murder of the Jews.

  • La résidence très politique d’un écrivain algérien | Omar Benderra

    Critiquer le rôle politique de Kamel Daoud, (au même titre que celui endossé par Boualem Sansal ou Yasmina Khadra) ne relève ni de près ni de loin de la critique littéraire. Il y a bien des années – depuis la mise sur orbite des « nouveaux philosophes » impulsée par l’éditrice Françoise Verny – que les observateurs constatent que les préconisations littéraires de la presse subventionnée parisienne relèvent pour beaucoup d’orientations politiques. Une presse, comme tout un chacun peut le constater aujourd’hui, dont les lignes éditoriales peuvent diverger formellement mais qui se rejoignent sur l’essentiel de l’agenda politico-idéologique des groupes d’intérêts qui dominent l’État français. Source : (...)

  • Iran 1979. Une révolution qui a ébranlé le monde | Bernard Hourcade

    La chute du régime impérial de Mohammad Reza Chah Pahlavi en février 1979 fut longtemps considérée comme un accident. Dans le contexte de la guerre froide, le nouveau « régime islamique » aurait été une « erreur », hypermédiatisée par sa dimension religieuse. Quarante ans plus tard, la République islamique d’Iran est toujours là, et il faut se rendre à l’évidence : la révolution iranienne de 1979 fut une rupture profonde dans l’histoire des Iraniens, mais aussi dans le monde islamique et dans les relations (...) Source : Orient XXI

  • Forget Tlaib and Omar, Democratic 2020 front-runners should worry Israel more

    While the new generation of pro-BDS lawmakers are making news, Democratic presidential contenders’ opposition to ’pro-Israel’ legislation signals a much deeper shift
    Amir Tibon Washington
    Feb 04, 2019

    WASHINGTON – Two newly elected congresswomen may be generating a lot of headlines, but Israeli officials are most concerned about the heated Senate debate about Israel in the past month than the pro-boycott statements of Democratic Reps. Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar.

    While Israeli officials are worried about the media attention Tlaib and Omar are receiving – which is seen as helping to advance their views and possibly creating more support for them – they are not perceived as having the potential to weaken or delay pro-Israel legislation in Congress. The representatives’ ability to pass laws that would harm or upset the Israeli government is seen as even more limited.
    Haaretz Weekly Ep. 13Haaretz

    But talking with Haaretz, Israeli officials admit greater concern that close to half of all Democratic senators voted against the anti-boycott, divestment and sanctions legislation proposed by Sen. Marco Rubio (Republican of Florida) last week.

    Almost all of the Democratic senators who are potential 2020 presidential nominees – from Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris and Bernie Sanders (an independent who caucuses with the Democrats) to Sherrod Brown, Cory Booker and Kirsten Gillibrand – opposed the legislation, citing concerns over freedom of speech. The senators said that although they oppose BDS, they also oppose legislation that would force state contractors to sign a declaration saying they don’t boycott Israel or its settlements in the occupied territories.
    Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar smiling during a news conference with Nancy Pelosi on Capitol Hill in Washington, November 30, 2018.
    Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar smiling during a news conference with Nancy Pelosi on Capitol Hill in Washington, November 30, 2018.Bloomberg

    The anti-BDS legislation being opposed by high-ranking Democratic senators and presidential hopefuls has been a flagship project of the pro-Israel lobby in the United States for the past decade. It has also received strong support and encouragement from senior officials in the Israeli government. The pushback on the Democratic side to the legislation, which is coming from the mainstream of the party, is more consequential in the long-term than the provocative statements of freshman members of the House of Representatives, according to Israeli officials.

  • Toward a democratic, not Jewish, state

    A civil alternative to the right’s doctrines – one God, one people, one land and one leader – is urgently needed, and whoever has the courage and inspiration to stand at this front will win it all
    Avraham Burg
    Jan 25, 2019 1


    The spirit in the election atmosphere is the spirit of the time, the insane Netanyahu spirit. That’s the wind blowing in the sails of his fervid supporters and defining his rivals. He is asking for the voters’ confidence to do more of the same and his opponents say “Just not Bibi.”
    Haaretz Weekly Ep. 13Haaretz

    For 35 years Israel has had no opposition. We have no experience and memories of alternative thinking anymore. There is nobody to offer a different kind of hope at the end of all the despair.

    >> Read more: Meretz leader Zandberg shines as stand-up comic in celebrity roast that showcased her party’s sad reality ■ The war that will decide Israel’s future won’t involve airstrikes, tanks or missiles

    Many years ago I contended for the leadership of the Labor Party, which at the time was stuck in the mire of the national unity government. It was characterized by no governance and little unity. That is exactly where the destruction of democracy and the nationalization of the political discourse, together with its turn to ultra-nationalism, began.

    At the time I planned to take Labor out of the government, to turn it into a civil alternative to the right’s doctrines – one God, one people, one land and one leader. I was told then: Your ideas are premature. Today I’m telling us all: In a moment it will be too late. Because this is exactly what is urgently needed, even more than before.

    In this sense Avi Gabbay is absolutely right to make the public commitment he is making – not to join Netanyahu’s next government. But this is an empty commitment. It deals with title and status, not with content. To replace Netanyahuism one must present a comprehensive, complete worldview.

    The right of recent years stands on five legs: sowing of fear, Jewish supremacy, abandonment of Western values, systematic weakening of the institutions of law and divisiveness.
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    After so many years of such thorough indoctrination it’s not enough to say “I won’t sit in the same government with him.” It must be self-evident – what’s needed is to “turn from evil.” But what does it mean to “do good,” what is the ideological content that will heal Israel from Netanyahu’s curse?

    The renewal of Israel must stand on a foundation of civil equality. There is no other supreme value capable of uniting the variety of our identities, with absolute commitment to a democratic way of life. To achieve it we must set up a coalition for civil equality including various parties, movements and interests, all of which have one ultimate goal: changing Israeli discourse from ethnic domination to equal citizenship for all. The coalition’s agenda should include:

    Redefining Israel from “a Jewish-democratic state” to “a constitutional democracy in which part of the Jewish people has established its sovereignty, and which belongs to all its citizens.”
    Proposing a civil constitution including complete civil equality, secularizing the public sphere, separating state from religion, a fair distribution of public resources and decent, fair “rules of the game.”
    Significantly minimizing the Law of Return and closing all the automatic fast tracks granted on the basis of (at times dubious) genetic connection to the Jewish collective.
    Changing the Israeli security concept, from the obsessive amassing of power to the constant striving for long-term political arrangements, including with the Palestinian people.
    Waiving the monopolies and privileges of Israel and the Jews between the Jordan River and the sea. Turning it into a shared space as much as possible, in which every person is entitled to the same rights and every nation has the right to self-determination and confederate partnership in every walk of life.
    Implementing a policy of affirmative action and justice to redress past iniquities to the excluded and discriminated-against populations in Israel, centering on the Arab population, until the goals of civil equality are met.

    Yes, all these things mean a painful parting from the Jewish comfort and supremacy zones. It’s a dramatic evolution from the ideas of 1948 and 1967 to a new model of society, in a world of populistic madness stretching from Washington to Ankara and from Moscow to Balfour Street in Jerusalem.

    Anyone who has the courage and inspiration to stand at this front, and is ready to pay the price, will win it all. And make all of us winners.

  • François Zimmeray, agent d’influence israélienne en France nommé aux Nations unies ?

    Une possible nomination française à l’ONU fait grincer des dents - P| Mediapart

    24 janvier 2019 Par Thomas Cantaloube

    L’ancien ambassadeur François Zimeray est soutenu par l’Élysée pour devenir haut-commissaire adjoint aux droits de l’homme de l’ONU. Une promotion que les ONG et certains diplomates au Quai d’Orsay souhaiteraient éviter, car le candidat est jugé trop proche du gouvernement israélien.

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    22 commentaires

    Les candidatures à des postes de l’ONU ne sont jamais acquises d’avance, faisant l’objet de tractations serrées entre pays, comme l’échec de Ségolène Royal à la direction du PNUD (programme des Nations unies pour le développement) l’a montré en 2017. Mais l’éventualité d’une nomination du Français François Zimeray au poste de haut-commissaire adjoint aux droits de l’homme de l’ONU (HCDH, Haut-Commissariat des Nations unies aux droits de l’homme) fait actuellement grincer beaucoup de dents, à la fois au Quai d’Orsay comme dans le milieu des ONG qui défendent les droits humains.

    Selon des sources concordantes, Michelle Bachelet, l’ancienne présidente du Chili et nouvelle haute-commissaire depuis septembre dernier, est actuellement en train de constituer son équipe, dans laquelle elle envisage d’intégrer François Zimeray, qui a reçu l’appui de l’Élysée, étape indispensable pour pouvoir décrocher un poste de cet acabit aux Nations unies. Sur le papier, cet avocat de 57 ans possède un profil idoine, notamment en raison de la fonction d’ambassadeur aux droits de l’homme qu’il a occupée au ministère des affaires étrangères français de 2008 à 2013. Mais en pratique, c’est un homme critiqué par la plupart de ceux qui l’ont côtoyé dans ses fonctions, à l’exception de son réseau d’amis influents.

    Aujourd’hui, ceux qui alertent sur sa possible accession au poste d’adjoint de Michelle Bachelet, qui répond directement au secrétaire général des Nations unies, le font pour deux raisons : son entrisme et son indéfectible soutien à Israël. François Zimeray a fait toute une partie de sa carrière politique dans l’ombre de Laurent Fabius, dont il est très proche : il fut son témoin de mariage et maire du Petit-Quevilly, dans l’agglomération de Rouen, fief de l’ex-premier ministre. Avocat d’affaires reconverti dans l’humanitaire, il a été très actif dans les années 2000 pour mobiliser sur la question du Darfour aux côtés de Bernard-Henri Lévy et de Bernard Kouchner. Ostensiblement socialiste, il est néanmoins nommé en 2008 (sur ordre de l’Élysée occupé par Nicolas Sarkozy et de Kouchner) ambassadeur de France pour les droits de l’homme.

    Cette « décision politique » passe assez mal au Quai d’Orsay, où certains gravissent les échelons patiemment pendant plusieurs dizaines d’années avant de pouvoir prétendre à un tel poste. La CFDT du ministère déposera d’ailleurs un recours devant le Conseil d’État, contestant la manière dont son prédécesseur a été viré du jour au lendemain, sans respecter les formes. Elle ironisera également dans sa lettre mensuelle sur « le Quai d’Orsay, terre d’asile des recalés du suffrage universel, des amis d’amis et des courtisans de tous poils », citant nommément Zimeray.

    François Zimeray (main tendue, au centre), accompagnant Emmanuel Macron lors de la visite de ce dernier au Danemark en août 2018. C’est après cette rencontre que le président aurait décidé d’appuyer la nomination de l’ambassadeur au HCDH. © Reuters François Zimeray (main tendue, au centre), accompagnant Emmanuel Macron lors de la visite de ce dernier au Danemark en août 2018. C’est après cette rencontre que le président aurait décidé d’appuyer la nomination de l’ambassadeur au HCDH. © Reuters

    Pendant les cinq années durant lesquelles il occupe cette fonction, il suscite des réactions mitigées. Certains louent le fait qu’il se rend régulièrement dans de nombreux pays pour y visiter des détenus politiques et plaider leur cause. D’autres voient en lui « une crapule comme j’en ai rarement vu », selon les mots du président d’une association de défense des droits humains, qui le juge superficiel et intéressé par sa propre promotion.

    En 2013, Laurent Fabius devient le patron de la diplomatie et Zimeray est nommé ambassadeur au Danemark. En 2015, il se trouve sur les lieux d’un attentat islamiste à Copenhague. Lors de ses premiers témoignages, il raconte ne jamais avoir été en danger puisqu’il était dans une salle fermée où le public était filtré. Par la suite, il se présentera comme une victime du terrorisme qui a failli mourir. À la fin de son mandat, il crée un « cabinet d’avocats international associant ingénierie juridique et savoir-faire diplomatique ».

    François Zimeray remplit bien les trois cases moquées par la CFDT : ami, courtisan et réfugié du suffrage universel. De 1999 à 2004, il a été député européen, placé sur la liste socialiste par Fabius. Mais à la fin de son mandat, il n’est pas reconduit par le PS, qui choisit de l’écarter. Il a fait tiquer beaucoup de socialistes par ses prises de position systématiques en faveur d’Israël et par ses dénonciations de l’Autorité palestinienne. La plupart de ses interventions au Parlement européen concernent en effet ces sujets. Il s’y illustre notamment en dénonçant les manuels scolaires palestiniens, qu’il accuse de prêcher la haine, et pousse l’Office antifraude de l’Union européenne à ouvrir une enquête sur le financement du terrorisme via un détournement des aides budgétaires de l’Europe par l’Autorité palestinienne. Une enquête qui durera une année et ne soulèvera aucun lièvre.